31 research outputs found

    Oropharyngeal airway changes after rapid maxillary expansion assisted by laser : A cephalometric study

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the changes in the oropharyngeal airway depth, the hyoid bone, the tongue position and the head posture following rapid maxillary expansion assisted by laser in adult patients without any signs or symptoms of respira- tory disturbances.Adult subjects aged 16–24 years with maxillary constrictions and bilateral buccal crossbites were included in the treatment group (

    Klinische Bedeutung der Leberverfettung bei Kühen

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    Problem: Die Leberverfettung wird als eine der wichtigsten metabolischen Störungen in der Frühlaktation bei Milchkühen und als Grund für Gesundheits- einschließlich Reproduktionsstörungen angesehen. Zielstellung: Deshalb wurden in dieser Studie folgende Fragestellungen bearbeitet: a) Bedeutung der klinischen und labordiagnostischen Befunde bei der Erstuntersuchung kranker Kühe, insbesondere des Leberfettes, b) Beziehungen zwischen dem Leberfettgehalt und verschiedenen Laborparametern, c) Beziehungen zwischen dem Leberfettgehalt, den Krankheiten und dem Behandlungserfolg, d) prognostische Bedeutung des Leberfettgehaltes sowie klinisch-chemischer und hämatologischer Blutparameter. Material und Methoden: Dazu wurden chronologisch 312 in die MTK Leipzig eingelieferte Rinderpatienten entsprechend klinisch und labordiagnostisch einschließlich Leberbiopsie untersucht und die Befunde der Erstuntersuchung ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Bei 312 Rinderpatienten wurden in 18 Krankheitsgruppen, z.T. nach Verlauf und Schweregraden untersetzt, 196 links- und 40 rechtseitige Labmagenverlagerungen (LMV), 11 Labmagen- (LM) Ulcera, 182 Ketosen, 96 Mastitiden, 178 Endometritiden, 7 Retentio. sec., 7 puerperale Septikämien und 6 Multiorganversagen, 42 Indigestion, 31 Enteritis, 46 Peritonitiden, 30 Festlieger und 18 Pneumonien diagnostiziert. Die Kühe verteilten sich auf vier Leberfettklassen wie folgt: ≤6% =14,7%; 6 bis ≤15% = 37,5%; 15 bis ≤30% = 31,1% sowie >30% = 16,7%. Die Heilungsrate betrug in den ersten drei Leberfettklassen 80,4%, 83,8% bzw. 86,6%. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Heilungsrate und dem Leberfettgehalt war bis zu ≤30% nicht erkennbar. In der Leberfettklasse >30% sank die Heilungsrate auf 61,5%; bei >40% verschlechterte sie sich unter 50%. Dem entsprach das Verhalten verschiedener Laborparameter. Erst bei einem Leberfettgehalt >30%, besonders bei >45%, wurden, z.T. unabhängig vom Krankheitsausgang, die BHB-, Bilirubin- und Glucose-Konzentrationen sowie AST-, CK-, LDH-, GGT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten signifikant höher bzw. die anorg. Phosphat- (Pi) und Cholesterol-Konzentrationen niedriger. Mit dem Leberfettgehalt korrelierten am engsten (p<0,001) die Parameter BHB (0,620) und FFS (0,615), LDH (0,579), Bilirubin (0,367), AST (0,359), Cholesterol (-0,278), Laktat (-0,253), Hämoglobin (0,214), CK (0,207), Leukozyten (-0,202) sowie innere Körpertemperatur (0,210). Die Bedeutung dieser Beziehungen ist relativ. Sowohl Sensitivität und Spezifität waren für Pi (0,7, für Cholesterol (0,6 sowie für BHB, Harnstoff und Gesamteiweiß >0,5. Eine hohe Spezifität >0,8 bei geringer Sensitivität hatten K (0,8, aber geringe Spezifität Bilirubin (>5,3 μmol/l), AST (>80 U/l) sowie CK (>200 U/l). Hinsichtlich Krankheitsausgang und damit der prognostischen Nutzbarkeit waren die Flächen (AUC) unter den ROC-Kurven nur für K (0,37), Bilirubin (0,62), AST (0,61) und für Leberfett (0,60) schwach gesichert. Die leberspezifischen Enzyme GGT und GLDH korrelierten nur schwach mit 0,126 (p<0,05) sowie 0,192 (p<0,001) mit dem Leberfett. Das stellt ihre diagnostische Bedeutung nicht in Frage, sondern verdeutlicht, dass bei den analysierten Krankheiten keine stärkeren Leberschäden auftraten. Die bei den Korrelations-, Sensitivitäts- und Spezifitätsberechnungen sowie z.T. ROC-/AUC-Analysen informativen Parameter LDH, AST, CK, K, Pi, Bilirubin (>20 μmol/l) und Leukozyten weisen auf entzündliche Prozesse hin. Die in allen Leberfettklassen erhöhten Glucose-Konzentrationen, bes. bei >30% Leberfett und Ex. letalis, ordnen sich damit zumindest teilweise als Folge einer Insulinresistenz ein. Kühe mit LMV hatten i.d.R. zusätzliche Störungen: zu 58% Ketosen, 57% Endometritiden, 6,4% Retentio sec., puerperale Septikämie und Multiorganversagen, 30,8% Mastitiden, 14,7% Peritonitiden, 9,9% Enteritiden, 9,6% Festliegen, 5,8% Pneumonien sowie 3,5% Labmagenulcera. Außerdem kamen zu 13,5% Indigestionen vor. Die Heilungsrate lag bei links- und rechtseitigen LMV, Mastitiden, Endometritiden und Enteritiden zwischen 89% bis 70% und bei Indigestionen sowie akuten Peritonitiden zwischen 70 und 60%. Bei chronischen Peritonitiden, Pneumonien, Retentio sec., puerperalen Septikämien, Festliegen, LM-Ulcera und Multiorganversagen sank sie von 50% bis auf 0%. Der Leberfettgehalt schwankte bei LMV, Mastitiden, Endometritiden, chronischen Peritonitiden und Indigestionen zwischen 6% und 19%. Er stieg mit schlechterem Therapieergebnis bei Retentio sec., Pneumonien, akuten Peritonitiden puerperalen Septikämien, LM-Ulcera und Enteritiden bis gegen 30% und betrug bei Festliegern, hochgradigen Endometritiden sowie Multiorganversagen bis gegen 40%. Schlussfolgerungen: Leberfett bis ≤30% ist klinisch unbedeutend. Der Trend zu höherem Leberfett und schlechterer Heilungsrate unterstreicht die Bedeutung stark entzündlicher Grundkrankheiten für die Krankheitsentwicklung und den Therapieerfolg. Die Leberschwimmprobe kann für die Anwendung in der Praxis empfohlen werden.Problem: The fatty liver is considered to be one of the most important metabolic disorders in early lactation in dairy cows and is a reason for poor health, including reproductive disorders. Objective: Therefore the following questions in this study were studied: a) importance of the clinical and laboratory findings at the initial examination of sick cows, especially the liver fat, b) relationships between liver fat content and various laboratory parameters, c) the relationship between the liver fat content, diseases and the treatment success, d) prognostic significance of liver fat content and clinical-chemical and hematological blood parameters. Material and Methods: For 312 bovine patients, provided chronological to the MTK Leipzig, were examined according to clinical and laboratory investigations including liver biopsy and evaluated the findings of the initial examination. Results: In 312 cattle, divided in 18 disease groups, 196 left and 40 right-sided abomasal displacements (LMV), 11 abomasal ulcers, 182 ketoses, 96 mastitis, endometritis 178, 7 Retentio sec., puerperal sepsis, 7 and 6 multi organ failure, 42 Indigestion, 31 enteritis, 46 peritonitis, 30 downer cows and 18 pneumonia diagnosed. The cows were grouped in four liver fat classes as follows: ≤6% = 14.7%; 6 to ≤15% = 37.5%; 15 to ≤30% = 31.1% and> 30% = 16.7%. The cure rate was in the first three classes of liver fat 80.4%, 83.8% and 86.6% respectively. A relationship between the cure rate and the liver fat content was not recognizable to ≤30%. In the liver fat class> 30% cure rate dropped to 61.5%; at> 40% it worsened 30%, particularly at> 45%, were partly regardless of the outcome of the disease, the BHB, bilirubin and glucose concentrations as well as AST, CK, LDH, GGT and GLDH activities were significantly higher and the inorg. Phosphate (Pi) and cholesterol concentrations low. The liver fat content correlated most closely (p 0.7, to cholesterol (<1.5 mmol / l) and albumin ( 0.6, and for BHB, urea, and total protein> 0.5. High specificity> 0.8 for low sensitivity had K ( 0.8, but low specificity bilirubin (> 5 , 3 mol / l) AST (> 80 U / l) and CK (> 200 U / l). With regard to disease outcome and thus the prognostic value of the area under the curve (AUC) for K (0.37), bilirubin (0.62), AST (0.61) and liver fat (0.60) were weakly secured. The liver-specific enzymes GGT and GLDH correlated only weakly with 0.126 (p <0.05) and 0.192 (p <0.001) with the liver fat. This do not challenges their diagnostic significance, but it makes clear that in the studied diseases no greater liver damage occurred. Whereas the correlation, sensitivity and specificity calculations as well as some ROC/AUC analysis informative parameter LDH, AST, CK, C, Pi, bilirubin (> 20 μmol/l) and leukocytes indicate inflammatory processes. The increased liver fat in every group glucose concentrations, esp. at liver fat > 30% and ex. letalis, thus organize at least partially as a result of insulin resistance. Cows with DA had usually. additional disorders: 58% ketoses, 57% endometritis, 6.4% Retention sec, puerperal septicemia and multi-organ failure, 30.8% mastitis, 14.7% of peritonitis, enteritis 9.9%, 9.6% recumbency, 5.8% pneumonia and 3.5% ulceration of the abomasum. Furthermore, came to 13.5% before indigestion. The cure rate of left and right DA, mastitis, endometritis and enteritis were between 89% to 70% and for indigestion and acute peritonitis 70-60%. In chronic peritonitis, pneumonia, Retention sec., Puerperal septicemia, recumbency, abomasum ulcers and multiple organ failure they fell from 50% to 0%. The liver fat content varied with DA, mastitis, endometritis, chronic peritonitis and indigestion between 6% and 19%. He rose with a worse clinical outcome in Retentio sec., Pneumonia, acute peritonitis puerperal septicemia, DA ulcers and enteritis up to 30% and was at Festliegern, high-grade endometritis and multiorgan failure until about 40%. Conclusions: Liver fat to ≤30% is clinically insignificant. The trend towards higher liver fat and poorer cure rate underscores the importance of strong inflammatory diseases reason for the disease development and therapeutic success. The copper sulphate test according to Herdt can be recommended for use in practice


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    Nowadays, we are witnessing a rapid development in newer technologies that might change our lives in future. Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Blockchain are part of the fourth industrial revolution. While it might be easier to imagine how AI, robotics and IoT are changing our future, blockchain is surrounded with hype and doubts. Billions of dollars flooding into blockchain projects, large cooperate are working on enterprise solutions, and countries considering blockchain digital currencies motivated by political reasons. On the other side, enthusiasts driven by the idea to change the financial system, anti-capitalist, criminals, and hackers found alternative in the blockchain. This thesis aims toward understanding blockchain technically and to highlight the main differences between the main three blockchain solutions available today. Understanding the concepts of the blockchain and trying to answer questions regarding the future of blockchain and how the technology can be utilized to solve problems other technologies have failed. This master thesis explores this exciting technology of blockchain and analysis its strengths, challenges, opportunities, and future. Starting from Bitcoin, then going through Ethereum and finally toward Hyperledger enterprise solutions. The study presents technical details, programming concepts, usages, limitations and critiques. Blockchain is a new technology and in few years, researches and experimental projects will reveal where the technology would stand. It might disturb fundamentally many Industries or just return back to where it originated from, the Bitcoin.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Amputation stump perfusion is predictive of post-operative necrotic eschar formation

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    BACKGROUND: A large proportion of patients develop poor amputation stump healing. We hypothesize that Laser-Assisted Fluorescent Angiography (LAFA) can predict inadequate tissue perfusion and healing. METHODS: Over an 8-month period we reviewed all patients who underwent lower extremity amputation and LAFA. We evaluated intra-operative LAFA global and segmental stump perfusion, and post-operative modified Bates-Jensen (mBJS) wound healing scores. RESULTS: In 15 patients, amputation stumps with lower global perfusion demonstrated higher mBJS (P = 0.01). Lower suture-line perfusion also correlated with more eschar formation (P \u3c 0.001). Diabetic patients had higher mBJS (P = 0.009), lower stump perfusion (P = 0.02), and increased eschar volume (P \u3c 0.001). CONCLUSION: LAFA is a useful adjunct for intra-operative stump perfusion assessment and can predict areas of poor stump healing and eschar formation. Diabetic patients seem to be at higher risk of stump eschar formation

    Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic Studies on Tetracycline Hydrochloride in Rabbits

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    Tetracycline is one of the most important groups of antibiotics that have harmful effects on the consumers, therefore the public health safety against its residues represents a significant issue. This study aimed to estimate the effect of tetracycline hydrochloride on some hematological parameters, kidneys function tests as well as liver and breast muscle enzymes with special reference to the supposed withdrawal time of this drug in different rabbits’ tissues (kidney, liver and muscles), following oral dose of tetracycline using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Tetracycline was administrated to eighteen rabbits directly into the stomach at a dose of 35 mg/kg BW once daily for five successive days. Samples were collected on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after the last oral dose. The results revealed that, tetracycline caused a significant increase in the uric acid, urea, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities with no significant changes in the hematological parameters when compared with the control group. The residues remained in the liver and kidney for 7 days, while in muscles for 3 days only after the last oral dose of the drug. In conclusion, the disturbances in the biological parameters occurred by tetracycline administration in rabbits was transient and returned to normal after 7 days of last treatment. The withdrawal time of tetracycline was 14 days from the rabbit's tissues

    Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Graphene over Composite Materials: A Technical Review

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    The recent years have seen numerous developments in the research and headway of graphene, the thinnest two-dimensional nuclear material. Graphene-based materials and their composites have promising applications in an extensive variety of fields; for example, gadgets, biomedical guides, films, adaptable wearable sensors, and actuators. The most recent investigations and movement in this branch of knowledge regularly deliver conflicting or uncertain outcomes. This article evaluates and outlines the distributed information in order to give a basic and complete diagram of the cutting edge. Initially, the particular basic nature of accessible graphene materials is illustrated as well as the distinctive generation methods accessible thus far. The appraisal at that point talks about the different composites that center diverse sub-practical routines; for example, mechanical and aggregate utilitarian applications (e.g., vitality, hardware biomedical, layers, and sensors). The use of graphene and its subsidiaries in the fabricate of nanocomposites with various polymer frameworks has been inspected. And finally, an ending and point of view are given to talking about the rest of the difficulties for graphene nanocomposites in useful science and building

    The effect of solution composition on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of some Texas soils

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    The effect of solution composition on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of Houston Black clay, Beaumont clay, Katy fine sandy loam, Nacogdoches fine sandy loam and Troup sand was determined. Samples representing defined horizons of these soils were equilibrated with several salt concentration levels and various SAR values. The soil-water diffusivity of the different electrolyte treated samples was measured using the pressure plate outflow apparatus. The modified one-step method was used. Calculation of the diffusivity values was based on Doering's procedure. The corresponding hydraulic conductivity data were calculated from the soil-water diffusivity by taking the slope of the soil-water characteristic curves at the water contents represented by the diffusivity values. In order to analyze the hydraulic conductivity values obtained, the various electrolyte treated soils were characterized with regard to swelling, dispersion and exchangeable sodium percentage. The concentration and chemical nature of the solution used for the hydraulic conductivity measurement are of extreme importance. The most important factor contributing to differences in behavior of soils under saline and alkaline conditions is mineralogy. The effect of solution composition is caused by ion-exchange phenomena of the colloidal fraction of the soil. The variations in swelling, flocculation or dispersion of the soil aggregates are a result of the degree to which sodium will occupy exchange positions on clay surface. At a high salt concentration, the soils exhibited a minimum swelling and dispersion because of the collapsed condition of the electrical double layer. Swelling, dispersion (the disintegration of aggregates), and flow of solid material and the weakened aggregates under local shearing stress (aggregate failure) usually occurred simultaneously. Swelling was usually accompanied by a reduction in macropore volume due to the distortion of the soil aggregates that are subjected to anisotropic confining pressure. ..

    Field determination of hydraulic conductivity of Norwood silt loam soil

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Not availabl

    Klinische Bedeutung der Leberverfettung bei Kühen

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    Problem: Die Leberverfettung wird als eine der wichtigsten metabolischen Störungen in der Frühlaktation bei Milchkühen und als Grund für Gesundheits- einschließlich Reproduktionsstörungen angesehen. Zielstellung: Deshalb wurden in dieser Studie folgende Fragestellungen bearbeitet: a) Bedeutung der klinischen und labordiagnostischen Befunde bei der Erstuntersuchung kranker Kühe, insbesondere des Leberfettes, b) Beziehungen zwischen dem Leberfettgehalt und verschiedenen Laborparametern, c) Beziehungen zwischen dem Leberfettgehalt, den Krankheiten und dem Behandlungserfolg, d) prognostische Bedeutung des Leberfettgehaltes sowie klinisch-chemischer und hämatologischer Blutparameter. Material und Methoden: Dazu wurden chronologisch 312 in die MTK Leipzig eingelieferte Rinderpatienten entsprechend klinisch und labordiagnostisch einschließlich Leberbiopsie untersucht und die Befunde der Erstuntersuchung ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Bei 312 Rinderpatienten wurden in 18 Krankheitsgruppen, z.T. nach Verlauf und Schweregraden untersetzt, 196 links- und 40 rechtseitige Labmagenverlagerungen (LMV), 11 Labmagen- (LM) Ulcera, 182 Ketosen, 96 Mastitiden, 178 Endometritiden, 7 Retentio. sec., 7 puerperale Septikämien und 6 Multiorganversagen, 42 Indigestion, 31 Enteritis, 46 Peritonitiden, 30 Festlieger und 18 Pneumonien diagnostiziert. Die Kühe verteilten sich auf vier Leberfettklassen wie folgt: ≤6% =14,7%; 6 bis ≤15% = 37,5%; 15 bis ≤30% = 31,1% sowie >30% = 16,7%. Die Heilungsrate betrug in den ersten drei Leberfettklassen 80,4%, 83,8% bzw. 86,6%. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Heilungsrate und dem Leberfettgehalt war bis zu ≤30% nicht erkennbar. In der Leberfettklasse >30% sank die Heilungsrate auf 61,5%; bei >40% verschlechterte sie sich unter 50%. Dem entsprach das Verhalten verschiedener Laborparameter. Erst bei einem Leberfettgehalt >30%, besonders bei >45%, wurden, z.T. unabhängig vom Krankheitsausgang, die BHB-, Bilirubin- und Glucose-Konzentrationen sowie AST-, CK-, LDH-, GGT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten signifikant höher bzw. die anorg. Phosphat- (Pi) und Cholesterol-Konzentrationen niedriger. Mit dem Leberfettgehalt korrelierten am engsten (p<0,001) die Parameter BHB (0,620) und FFS (0,615), LDH (0,579), Bilirubin (0,367), AST (0,359), Cholesterol (-0,278), Laktat (-0,253), Hämoglobin (0,214), CK (0,207), Leukozyten (-0,202) sowie innere Körpertemperatur (0,210). Die Bedeutung dieser Beziehungen ist relativ. Sowohl Sensitivität und Spezifität waren für Pi (0,7, für Cholesterol (0,6 sowie für BHB, Harnstoff und Gesamteiweiß >0,5. Eine hohe Spezifität >0,8 bei geringer Sensitivität hatten K (0,8, aber geringe Spezifität Bilirubin (>5,3 μmol/l), AST (>80 U/l) sowie CK (>200 U/l). Hinsichtlich Krankheitsausgang und damit der prognostischen Nutzbarkeit waren die Flächen (AUC) unter den ROC-Kurven nur für K (0,37), Bilirubin (0,62), AST (0,61) und für Leberfett (0,60) schwach gesichert. Die leberspezifischen Enzyme GGT und GLDH korrelierten nur schwach mit 0,126 (p<0,05) sowie 0,192 (p<0,001) mit dem Leberfett. Das stellt ihre diagnostische Bedeutung nicht in Frage, sondern verdeutlicht, dass bei den analysierten Krankheiten keine stärkeren Leberschäden auftraten. Die bei den Korrelations-, Sensitivitäts- und Spezifitätsberechnungen sowie z.T. ROC-/AUC-Analysen informativen Parameter LDH, AST, CK, K, Pi, Bilirubin (>20 μmol/l) und Leukozyten weisen auf entzündliche Prozesse hin. Die in allen Leberfettklassen erhöhten Glucose-Konzentrationen, bes. bei >30% Leberfett und Ex. letalis, ordnen sich damit zumindest teilweise als Folge einer Insulinresistenz ein. Kühe mit LMV hatten i.d.R. zusätzliche Störungen: zu 58% Ketosen, 57% Endometritiden, 6,4% Retentio sec., puerperale Septikämie und Multiorganversagen, 30,8% Mastitiden, 14,7% Peritonitiden, 9,9% Enteritiden, 9,6% Festliegen, 5,8% Pneumonien sowie 3,5% Labmagenulcera. Außerdem kamen zu 13,5% Indigestionen vor. Die Heilungsrate lag bei links- und rechtseitigen LMV, Mastitiden, Endometritiden und Enteritiden zwischen 89% bis 70% und bei Indigestionen sowie akuten Peritonitiden zwischen 70 und 60%. Bei chronischen Peritonitiden, Pneumonien, Retentio sec., puerperalen Septikämien, Festliegen, LM-Ulcera und Multiorganversagen sank sie von 50% bis auf 0%. Der Leberfettgehalt schwankte bei LMV, Mastitiden, Endometritiden, chronischen Peritonitiden und Indigestionen zwischen 6% und 19%. Er stieg mit schlechterem Therapieergebnis bei Retentio sec., Pneumonien, akuten Peritonitiden puerperalen Septikämien, LM-Ulcera und Enteritiden bis gegen 30% und betrug bei Festliegern, hochgradigen Endometritiden sowie Multiorganversagen bis gegen 40%. Schlussfolgerungen: Leberfett bis ≤30% ist klinisch unbedeutend. Der Trend zu höherem Leberfett und schlechterer Heilungsrate unterstreicht die Bedeutung stark entzündlicher Grundkrankheiten für die Krankheitsentwicklung und den Therapieerfolg. Die Leberschwimmprobe kann für die Anwendung in der Praxis empfohlen werden.Problem: The fatty liver is considered to be one of the most important metabolic disorders in early lactation in dairy cows and is a reason for poor health, including reproductive disorders. Objective: Therefore the following questions in this study were studied: a) importance of the clinical and laboratory findings at the initial examination of sick cows, especially the liver fat, b) relationships between liver fat content and various laboratory parameters, c) the relationship between the liver fat content, diseases and the treatment success, d) prognostic significance of liver fat content and clinical-chemical and hematological blood parameters. Material and Methods: For 312 bovine patients, provided chronological to the MTK Leipzig, were examined according to clinical and laboratory investigations including liver biopsy and evaluated the findings of the initial examination. Results: In 312 cattle, divided in 18 disease groups, 196 left and 40 right-sided abomasal displacements (LMV), 11 abomasal ulcers, 182 ketoses, 96 mastitis, endometritis 178, 7 Retentio sec., puerperal sepsis, 7 and 6 multi organ failure, 42 Indigestion, 31 enteritis, 46 peritonitis, 30 downer cows and 18 pneumonia diagnosed. The cows were grouped in four liver fat classes as follows: ≤6% = 14.7%; 6 to ≤15% = 37.5%; 15 to ≤30% = 31.1% and> 30% = 16.7%. The cure rate was in the first three classes of liver fat 80.4%, 83.8% and 86.6% respectively. A relationship between the cure rate and the liver fat content was not recognizable to ≤30%. In the liver fat class> 30% cure rate dropped to 61.5%; at> 40% it worsened 30%, particularly at> 45%, were partly regardless of the outcome of the disease, the BHB, bilirubin and glucose concentrations as well as AST, CK, LDH, GGT and GLDH activities were significantly higher and the inorg. Phosphate (Pi) and cholesterol concentrations low. The liver fat content correlated most closely (p 0.7, to cholesterol (<1.5 mmol / l) and albumin ( 0.6, and for BHB, urea, and total protein> 0.5. High specificity> 0.8 for low sensitivity had K ( 0.8, but low specificity bilirubin (> 5 , 3 mol / l) AST (> 80 U / l) and CK (> 200 U / l). With regard to disease outcome and thus the prognostic value of the area under the curve (AUC) for K (0.37), bilirubin (0.62), AST (0.61) and liver fat (0.60) were weakly secured. The liver-specific enzymes GGT and GLDH correlated only weakly with 0.126 (p <0.05) and 0.192 (p <0.001) with the liver fat. This do not challenges their diagnostic significance, but it makes clear that in the studied diseases no greater liver damage occurred. Whereas the correlation, sensitivity and specificity calculations as well as some ROC/AUC analysis informative parameter LDH, AST, CK, C, Pi, bilirubin (> 20 μmol/l) and leukocytes indicate inflammatory processes. The increased liver fat in every group glucose concentrations, esp. at liver fat > 30% and ex. letalis, thus organize at least partially as a result of insulin resistance. Cows with DA had usually. additional disorders: 58% ketoses, 57% endometritis, 6.4% Retention sec, puerperal septicemia and multi-organ failure, 30.8% mastitis, 14.7% of peritonitis, enteritis 9.9%, 9.6% recumbency, 5.8% pneumonia and 3.5% ulceration of the abomasum. Furthermore, came to 13.5% before indigestion. The cure rate of left and right DA, mastitis, endometritis and enteritis were between 89% to 70% and for indigestion and acute peritonitis 70-60%. In chronic peritonitis, pneumonia, Retention sec., Puerperal septicemia, recumbency, abomasum ulcers and multiple organ failure they fell from 50% to 0%. The liver fat content varied with DA, mastitis, endometritis, chronic peritonitis and indigestion between 6% and 19%. He rose with a worse clinical outcome in Retentio sec., Pneumonia, acute peritonitis puerperal septicemia, DA ulcers and enteritis up to 30% and was at Festliegern, high-grade endometritis and multiorgan failure until about 40%. Conclusions: Liver fat to ≤30% is clinically insignificant. The trend towards higher liver fat and poorer cure rate underscores the importance of strong inflammatory diseases reason for the disease development and therapeutic success. The copper sulphate test according to Herdt can be recommended for use in practice