8 research outputs found

    Identification of the Edwardsiella Ictaluri Genes Causing Impaired Growth in Complex Medium

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    Edwardsiella ictaluri is the causative agent of enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC). Although some virulence mechanisms in E. ictaluri have been identified, further research is needed to discover new virulence genes, which could be used to develop safe and efficacious live vaccines. Here, we report production of growth deficient E. ictaluri mutants on complex agar media and identification of genes causing this growth deficiency. The overall goal of this project is to generate growth deficient E. ictaluri mutants and identify genes causing this growth deficiency on complex media. Mutants exhibiting slow growth in complex media may be potential candidates for vaccine development. In this study, 56 unique E. ictaluri genes have been identified. 32 of them showed host protein binding properties while 30 of them were found to be involved in bacterial virulence in other pathogenic bacteria

    Universal Stress Proteins Contribute Edwardsiella ictaluri Virulence in Catfish

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    Edwardsiella ictaluri is an intracellular Gram-negative facultative pathogen causing enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC), a common disease resulting in substantial economic losses in the U.S. catfish industry. Previously, we demonstrated that several universal stress proteins (USPs) are highly expressed under in vitro and in vivo stress conditions, indicating their importance for E. ictaluri survival. However, the roles of these USPs in E. ictaluri virulence is not known yet. In this work, 10 usp genes of E. ictaluri were in-frame deleted and characterized in vitro and in vivo. Results show that all USP mutants were sensitive to acidic condition (pH 5.5), and EiΔusp05 and EiΔusp08 were very sensitive to oxidative stress (0.1% H2O2). Virulence studies indicated that EiΔusp05, EiΔusp07, EiΔusp08, EiΔusp09, EiΔusp10, and EiΔusp13 were attenuated significantly compared to E. ictaluri wild-type (EiWT; 20, 45, 20, 20, 55, and 10% vs. 74.1% mortality, respectively). Efficacy experiments showed that vaccination of catfish fingerlings with EiΔusp05, EiΔusp07, EiΔusp08, EiΔusp09, EiΔusp10, and EiΔusp13 provided complete protection against EiWT compared to sham-vaccinated fish (0% vs. 58.33% mortality). Our results support that USPs contribute E. ictaluri virulence in catfish

    Characterization of type VI secretion system in Edwardsiella ictaluri

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    Edwardsiella ictaluri causes enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC), which is one of the most important bacterial diseases causing significant economic losses in the US catfish industry. Understanding the virulence mechanisms of E. ictaluri plays a vital role to develop preventives, such as vaccines for the disease. Therefore, further research is necessary to discover the new virulence mechanisms of this pathogen. The long-term goal of our group is to determine the mechanism of E. ictaluri pathogenesis and to develop effective live attenuated vaccines against ESC. The overall goal of this project is to understand the role of Type 6 secretion system (T6SS) in E. ictaluri virulence and determine the safety and efficacy of T6SS mutants in the catfish host. The central hypothesis is that T6SS in E. ictaluri provide an ability to invade the host cells and survive inside of the channel catfish neutrophils and macrophages, and mutation of T6SS genes will cause attenuation of the bacterial virulence. The rationale for the proposed research is that characterization of the T6SS in E. ictaluri will enlighten its role in E. ictaluri virulence, and T6SS genes can be targeted to develop live attenuated vaccines. In this study, we first constructed mutants of individual T6SS genes and a double mutant. The persistence, virulence, and vaccine efficacy of T6SS mutants were determined in the catfish fingerlings and fry infection model. The T6SS mutants Ei?evpC, Ei?evpC?hcp2, Ei?evpD, Ei?evpE, Ei?evpG, Ei?evpJ, and Ei?evpK were significantly attenuated and provided better protection against E. ictaluri 93-146 in channel catfish fingerlings. The role of T6SS mutants in adhesion and invasion of in vitro catfish epithelial indicated that Ei?evpN, Ei?evpO, and Ei?evpP significantly were less adherent and invasive. The survival and replication of T6SS mutants in in vitro catfish peritoneal macrophages cell line showed that T6SS mutants could survive up to 6 hours after phagocyted by catfish macrophages. The survival and resistance of T6SS mutants to stress conditions present in macrophages phagosome showed that hydrogen peroxide could limit the growth of T6SS mutants in BHI and minimal medium. Ei?evpA, Ei?evpH, Ei?evpM, Ei?evpN, and Ei?evpO exhibited a significant growth decrease

    Transposon mutagenesis and identification of mutated genes in growth-delayed Edwardsiella ictaluri

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    Abstract Background Edwardsiella ictaluri is a Gram-negative facultative intracellular anaerobe and the etiologic agent of enteric septicemia of channel catfish (ESC). To the catfish industry, ESC is a devastating disease due to production losses and treatment costs. Identification of virulence mechanisms of E. ictaluri is critical to developing novel therapeutic approaches for the disease. Here, we report construction of a transposon insertion library and identification of mutated genes in growth-delayed E. ictaluri colonies. We also provide safety and efficacy of transposon insertion mutants in catfish. Results An E. ictaluri transposon insertion library with 45,000 transposants and saturating 30.92% of the TA locations present in the E. ictaluri genome was constructed. Transposon end mapping of 250 growth-delayed E. ictaluri colonies and bioinformatic analysis of sequences revealed 56 unique E. ictaluri genes interrupted by the MAR2xT7 transposon, which are involved in metabolic and cellular processes and mostly localized in the cytoplasm or cytoplasmic membrane. Of the 56 genes, 30 were associated with bacterial virulence. Safety and vaccine efficacy testing of 19 mutants showed that mutants containing transposon insertions in hypothetical protein (Eis::004), and Fe-S cluster assembly protein (IscX, Eis::039), sulfurtransferase (TusA, Eis::158), and universal stress protein A (UspA, Eis::194) were safe and provided significant protection (p < 0.05) against wild-type E. ictaluri. Conclusions The results indicate that random transposon mutagenesis causing growth-delayed phenotype results in identification bacterial virulence genes, and attenuated strains with transposon interrupted virulence genes could be used as vaccine to activate fish immune system