10 research outputs found

    Faunal diversity of Paederus Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Iran

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    Beetles of the genus Paederus sensu stricto Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) are often noticed because of their potency in inducing a dermal lesion, so-called linear dermatitis. This genus, which is placed in the tribe Paederini and subfamily Paederinae of Staphylinidae, currently comprises 490 species worldwide. Our study presents a short review of the former records of Paederus spp. in Iran plus some unpublished data. Field collections were done during March-October yearly (1997-2007) in northern and southern Iran and April-June from central, eastern, western and north-western Iran (2008-2009). The present study adds four species to the Iranian fauna of the genus Paederus, which are P. brevipennis Lacordaire, 1835, P. basalis Bernhauer, 1914, P. pubescens Cameron, 1914 and P. schoenherri Czwalina, 1899. Paederus brevipennis and P. schoenherri are the first members of the subgenus Harpopaederus Scheerpeltz, 1957, ever reported from Iran. Considering previous reports, museum-deposited materials and our findings, 14 species and subspecies of the genus Paederus, which are grouped in five subgenera, occur in Iran. These subgenera are Eopaederus Scheerpeltz, Harpopaederus Scheerpeltz, Heteropaederus Scheerpeltz, Paederus Fabricius and Poederomorphus des Cottes; however P. duplex spectabilis Bernhauer, 1913 is not yet attributed to any of the 13 so-far defined subgenera

    Faunal diversity of \u3ci\u3ePaederus\u3c/i\u3e Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Iran

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    Beetles of the genus Paederus sensu stricto Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) are often noticed because of their potency in inducing a dermal lesion, so-called linear dermatitis. This genus, which is placed in the tribe Paederini and subfamily Paederinae of Staphylinidae, currently comprises 490 species worldwide. Our study presents a short review of the former records of Paederus spp. in Iran plus some unpublished data. Field collections were done during March-October yearly (1997-2007) in northern and southern Iran and April-June from central, eastern, western and north-western Iran (2008-2009). The present study adds four species to the Iranian fauna of the genus Paederus, which are P. brevipennis Lacordaire, 1835, P. basalis Bernhauer, 1914, P. pubescens Cameron, 1914 and P. schoenherri Czwalina, 1899. Paederus brevipennis and P. schoenherri are the first members of the subgenus Harpopaederus Scheerpeltz, 1957, ever reported from Iran. Considering previous reports, museum-deposited materials and our findings, 14 species and subspecies of the genus Paederus, which are grouped in five subgenera, occur in Iran. These subgenera are Eopaederus Scheerpeltz, Harpopaederus Scheerpeltz, Heteropaederus Scheerpeltz, Paederus Fabricius and Poederomorphus des Cottes; however P. duplex spectabilis Bernhauer, 1913 is not yet attributed to any of the 13 so-far defined subgenera

    Étude des erreurs intralinguales chez les apprenants turcophones de français langue étrangère

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    En didactique des langues étrangères, la part des erreurs qui proviennent de la difficulté de la langue cible est considérable et cela est encore plus significatif lorsqu’il y a moins de ressemblances entre celle-ci et la langue maternelle des apprenants. Dans le cadre de cet article, nous nous sommes proposé d’étudier les erreurs intralinguales dans un corpus composé de 14 phrases françaises que 270 apprenants turcophones de français langue étrangère de l’Université de Tabriz et d’un institut de langue (aux niveaux A1-B2) ont construites. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que les turcophones ont du mal à former les phrases impératives et négatives. Ils n’arrivent pas non plus à discerner la bonne place de l’adjectif,du pronom personnel et du complément d’objet direct/indirect dans la phrase. Par ailleurs, l’article, la contraction et la préposition sont d’autres éléments linguistiques qui leur posent problème

    <b>Listening is my bugbear: Why Iranian L2 learners keep underperforming in the listening module

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    This paper shares the results of a study into the way Iranian TEF or TEFAQ candidates treat the listening comprehension as a skill as well as their awareness and exploitation of metacognitive strategies while listening to an audio document. A Persian translation of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) was used in addition to another questionnaire specifically developed for this research in order to gage how important candidates think listening in L2 is compared to the other skills, how much time they spent on practicing listening, and how often they take advantage of authentic documents to improve their listening. Not only did the results show an underestimation of the listening comprehension skill by the majority of Iranian L2 learners, but they also pointed to significant differences in the way men and women exercised their ears and treated the incoming audio stream. The paper concludes that learners’ awareness of listening strategies needs to be raised through classroom instruction and frequent exploitation of authentic documents outside the classroom setting should be encouraged.

    Interaction entre les étudiants iraniens dans un cours virtuel de français langue étrangère

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    L’objectif de cet article est de trouver les moyens les plus efficaces d’optimaliser l’interaction. La méthodologie mise en oeuvre dans cette recherche est une méthodologie quasi expérimentale prétest/posttest et le scénario proposé a été mis en pratique dans une classe du niveau master II de didactique du FLE à l’Université Tarbiat Modares à Téhéran (Iran), afin d’activer l’interaction entre les étudiants. Cette pratique nous permet, aujourd’hui, de conclure que les enseignants des classes virtuelles auront intérêt à concevoir des scénarios interactifs basés sur l’intégration des activités définies dans le cadre des apprentissages coopératif et collaboratif ainsi qu’à exploiter de façon optimale les possibilités technologiques existantes.The objective of this article is to find the most effective ways of optimizing the interaction. The methodology implemented in this research is a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test methodology and the proposed scenario was put into practice in a class at the Master II level of French Foreign Language (FFL) at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran (Iran), in order to enable interaction among students. This practice allows us, today, to conclude that virtual classroom teachers will have an interest in designing interactive scenarios based on integration of the activities defined within the framework of cooperative and collaborative learning as well as in optimally exploiting existing technological possibilities

    Adaptacja kulturowa i ocena rzetelności irańskiej wersji skali Functional Assessment Measure u chorych po urazie rdzenia kręgowego

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    Background and purpose The aim of this study was to translate and validate the Iranian version of the Functional Assessment Measure (FAM) among patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). Material and methods Two hundred patients with SCI participated in this study. A convenience sampling approach was used for selection of the patients. The FAM was translated into Persian language and then independently translated back into English. The reliability of the FAM was assessed by test-retest methods with a 14-day interval for interrater reliability. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICCs) was calculated and interrater reliability and intrarater reliability were assessed. Results The mean age of the patients was 35.7 years (SD, 7.2) and 86% of patients were male. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for both raters was above 0.70. Intrarater reliability of the Iranian version of the FAM ranged from good to excellent agreement. The highest level of intrarater reliability was observed for Community mobility (ICC = 0.93). There was good to excellent agreement for interrater reliability of the FAM. The FAM could differentiate between subgroups of patients based on the level of injury but not for the time elapsed from the injury. Conclusions Based on the results of this study, the Iranian version of the FAM (FAM-Ir) was highly valid and reliable for evaluation of functional ability in patients with SCI. Therefore, we would suggest that the FAM could also be used as an assessment tool for SCI patients.Wstęp i cel pracy Celem pracy było przetłumaczenie na język perski i walidacja irańskiej wersji skali Functional Assessment Measure (FAM) wśród pacjentów z urazowym uszkodzeniem rdzenia kręgowego. Materiał i metody W badaniu wzięło udział 200 pacjentów z urazowym uszkodzeniem rdzenia kręgowego stanowiących próbę uznaniową (convenience sampling). Skalę FAM przełożono na perski, a następnie dokonano przekładu zwrotnego na język angielski. Porównywalność wyników między badającymi oceniono za pomocą testu powtarzalności badania w odstępie 14 dni. Obliczono współczynnik korelacji wewnątrzklasowej (ICC), oceniono stopień zgodności wyników między badającymi i dla tego samego badającego. Wyniki Średnia wieku pacjentów wyniosła 35,7 roku (SD: 7,2 roku); 86% pacjentów stanowili mężczyźni. Współczynnik alfa Cronbacha dla obu badających wynosił &gt; 0,70. Zgodność oceny tego samego badającego za pomocą irańskiej wersji skali FAM wahała się od zgodności dobrej do doskonałej. Największą zgodność (ICC = 0,93) obserwowano w odniesieniu do elementu Community mobility. Zgodność między badającymi w ocenie FAM była dobra do doskonałej. Na podstawie FAM było możliwe zróżnicowanie podgrup pacjentów w zależności od poziomu uszkodzenia, ale nie w zależności od czasu, który upłynął od urazu. Wnioski Na podstawie bieżącego badania autorzy stwierdzają, że irańska wersji FAM cechuje się dużą trafnością i rzetelnością w ocenie możliwości funkcjonowania pacjentów z urazowym uszkodzeniem rdzenia kręgowego. Autorzy sugerują zatem, aby uwzględnić tę skalę jako narzędzie oceny chorych po urazowym uszkodzeniu rdzenia kręgowego