227 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pengenalan Nama Surah pada Juz ke 30 Kitab Suci Al-Qur'an Menggunakan Speech Recognition

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    Al-Qur'an is a scripture which contains the saying of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. The 30th juz is the juz that exists in the Al-Qur'an. When studying how to read Al-Qur'an well, the first thing that is learned is reading and memorizing surahs in the 30th juz. Nevertheless, there is a problem in remembering or knowing the surah name and the verse which are in the 30th juz. An android application was developed in order to recognize the surah names in the 30th juz by utilizing speech recognition technology to overcome that problem. Markov Model (Markov Chain) algorithm was implemented in this application. This algorithm will process user's speech and compute probability of the surah name that was spoken. Speech detection testing gave result that the highest accuracy of application in recognizing the speeches was in the environment without noise with the accuracy of 100% in the most ideal distance is 50 cm for male and for female user. Based on the blackbox testing result, all functionalities of the application have functionated well. Control flow testing gave result that the value is 7 which indicates that the code is simple and well written. 87,74% respondents answered, by filling up the questionnaires, that the application is useful in order to make user knows better about the surah names in the 30th juz

    Ediacaran marine animal forests and the ventilation of the oceans

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    The rise of animals across the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition marked a step-change in the history of life, from a microbially-dominated world to the complex macroscopic biosphere we see today. While the importance of bioturbation and swimming in altering the structure and function of Earth systems is well established, the influence of epifaunal animals on the hydrodynamics of marine environments is not well understood. Of particular interest are the oldest ‘marine animal forests’, which comprise a diversity of sessile soft-bodied organisms dominated by the fractally-branching rangeomorphs. Typified by fossil assemblages from the Ediacaran of Mistaken Point, Newfoundland, these ancient communities might have played a pivotal role in structuring marine environments, similar to modern ecosystems, but our understanding of how they impacted fluid flow in the water column is limited. Here, we use ecological modelling and computational flow simulations to explore how Ediacaran marine animal forests influenced their surrounding environment. Our results reveal how organism morphology and community structure and composition combined to impact vertical mixing of the surrounding water. We find that Mistaken Point communities were capable of generating high-mixing conditions, thereby likely promoting gas and nutrient transport within the ‘canopy’. This mixing could have served to enhance local-scale oxygen concentrations and redistribute resources like dissolved organic carbon. Our work suggests that Ediacaran marine animal forests may have contributed to the ventilation of the oceans over 560 million years ago, well before the Cambrian explosion of animals

    Palladium-catalysed synthesis of arylnaphthoquinones as antiprotozoal and antimycobacterial agents

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    Malaria and tuberculosis are still among the leading causes of death in low-income countries. The 1,4-naphthoquinone (NQ) scaffold can be found in a variety of anti-infective agents. Herein, we report an optimised, high yield process for the preparation of various 2-arylnaphthoquinones by a palladium-catalysed Suzuki reaction. All synthesised compounds were evaluated for their in-vitro antiprotozoal and antimycobacterial activity. Antiprotozoal activity was assessed against Plasmodium falciparum (P.f.) NF54 and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (T.b.r.) STIB900, and antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis (M.s.) mc(2) 155. Substitution with pyridine and pyrimidine rings significantly increased antiplasmodial potency of our compounds. The 2-aryl-NQs exhibited trypanocidal activity in the nM range with a very favourable selectivity profile. (Pseudo)halogenated aryl-NQs were found to have a pronounced effect indicating inhibition of mycobacterial efflux pumps. Cytotoxicity of all compounds towards L6 cells was evaluated and the respective selectivity indices (SI) were calculated. In addition, the physicochemical parameters of the synthesised compounds were discussed

    Social representations of needlestick injuries

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    OBJECTIVES: understand the Social Representations about needlestick injuries elaborated by Nursing Technicians and analyze how these representations influence their conducts. METHOD: the data, obtained by interviews, were processed using ALCESTE software and their analysis was based on Serge Moscovici's Social Representations Theory. RESULTS: it was evidenced that, after the accident, these professionals take care of the affected area. Then, they report the accident, motivated by the fear of catching HIV and hepatitis. The different feelings experienced are due to this fear and the way they were forwarded by the institution, reflecting in the cause they attribute to their accident. CONCLUSIONS: it was verified that knowledge about the accident as a whole is very incipient in this professional group, demanding continuing education and greater emphasis on this subject in professional training. It is expected that this study draws public authorities and health institutions' attention to the problem and that it modifies Nursing Technicians' Social Representations about percutaneous exposure.OBJETIVOS: Comprender las Representaciones Sociales de los accidentes con materiales corto-punzantes, elaboradas por Técnicos de Enfermería, así como analizar de que modo esas representaciones influencian las conductas de eses profesionales. MÉTODO: Los datos, logrados por medio de entrevistas, fueron procesados por el software ALCESTE y el análisis de los mismos fue basado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales de Serge Moscovici. RESULTADOS: se evidenció que, después de accidentarse, los Técnicos de Enfermería cuidan del área afectada. Enseguida, notifican el accidente, motivados por el miedo de que contraigan HIV y hepatitis. Los diversos sentimientos vividos son consecuentes de ese miedo y de la manera como fueron encaminados por la institución, reflejando en la causa que ellos atribuyen a su accidente. CONCLUSIONES: se constató que hay un conocimiento bastante incipiente por parte de esa clase profesional sobre el accidente como un todo, habiendo necesidad de una educación continuada y mayor énfasis en cuanto a ese asunto durante la formación profesional. Se espera que ese estudio llame la atención de los órganos gubernamentales e instituciones de salud sobre el problema y modifique las Representaciones Sociales de la exposición percutánea de los Técnicos de Enfermería.OBJETIVOS: compreender as representações sociais dos acidentes com materiais perfurocortantes, elaboradas por técnicos de enfermagem, bem como analisar de que modo essas representações influenciam as condutas desses profissionais. MÉTODO: os dados, obtidos por meio de entrevistas, foram processados pelo software Alceste e a análise dos mesmos foi baseada na Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici. RESULTADOS: evidenciou-se que, após se acidentarem, os técnicos de enfermagem cuidam da área afetada. Em seguida, notificam o acidente, motivados pelo medo de contraírem HIV e hepatite. Os diversos sentimentos vivenciados são decorrentes desse medo e da forma como foram encaminhados pela instituição, refletindo na causa que eles atribuem ao seu acidente. CONCLUSÕES: constatou-se que há conhecimento bastante incipiente por parte dessa classe profissional sobre o acidente, como um todo, havendo necessidade de educação continuada e maior ênfase quanto a esse assunto, durante a formação profissional. Espera-se que este estudo chame a atenção dos órgãos governamentais e instituições de saúde sobre o problema e modifique as representações sociais da exposição percutânea dos técnicos de enfermagem

    Insights into Interactions of Mycobacteria with the Host Innate Immune System from a Novel Array of Synthetic Mycobacterial Glycans.

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    An array of homogeneous glycans representing all the major carbohydrate structures present in the cell wall of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacteria has been probed with a panel of glycan-binding receptors expressed on cells of the mammalian innate immune system. The results provide an overview of interactions between mycobacterial glycans and receptors that mediate uptake and survival in macrophages, dendritic cells, and sinusoidal endothelial cells. A subset of the wide variety of glycan structures present on mycobacterial surfaces interact with cells of the innate immune system through the receptors tested. Endocytic receptors, including the mannose receptor, DC-SIGN, langerin, and DC-SIGNR (L-SIGN), interact predominantly with mannose-containing caps found on the mycobacterial polysaccharide lipoarabinomannan. Some of these receptors also interact with phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosides and mannose-containing phenolic glycolipids. Many glycans are ligands for overlapping sets of receptors, suggesting multiple, redundant routes by which mycobacteria can enter cells. Receptors with signaling capability interact with two distinct sets of mycobacterial glycans: targets for dectin-2 overlap with ligands for the mannose-binding endocytic receptors, while mincle binds exclusively to trehalose-containing structures such as trehalose dimycolate. None of the receptors surveyed bind furanose residues, which often form part of the epitopes recognized by antibodies to mycobacteria. Thus, the innate and adaptive immune systems can target different sets of mycobacterial glycans. This array, the first of its kind, represents an important new tool for probing, at a molecular level, biological roles of a broad range of mycobacterial glycans, a task that has not previously been possible

    The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 and Restrictive Measures in the World

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    Background: In a short time, the COVID-19 pandemic turned into a global emergency. The fear of becoming infected and the lockdown measures have drastically changed people's daily routine. The aim of this study is to establish the psychological impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is entailing, particularly with regards to levels of stress, anxiety and depression, and to the risks of developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Methods: The study, carried out with a sample of 1612 subjects distributed in seven countries (Australia, China, Ecuador, Iran, Italy, Norway and the United States), allowed us to collect information about the psychological impact of COVID-19. Results: The findings of this study show that the levels of stress, depression and anxiety, as well as the risks of PTSD, are higher than average in over half of the considered sample. The severity of these disorders significantly depends on gender, type of outdoor activities, characteristics of their homes, eventual presence of infected acquaintances, time dedicated to looking for related information (in the news and social networks), type of source information and, in part, to the level of education and income. Conclusions: We conclude that COVID-19 has a very strong psychological impact on the global population. This appears to be linked to the coping strategies adopted, level of mindful awareness, socio-demographic variables, people's habits and the way individuals use means of communication and information

    Mechanistic interplay between ceramide and insulin resistance

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    Recent research adds to a growing body of literature on the essential role of ceramides in glucose homeostasis and insulin signaling, while the mechanistic interplay between various components of ceramide metabolism remains to be quantified. We present an extended model of C16:0 ceramide production through both the de novo synthesis and the salvage pathways. We verify our model with a combination of published models and independent experimental data. In silico experiments of the behavior of ceramide and related bioactive lipids in accordance with the observed transcriptomic changes in obese/diabetic murine macrophages at 5 and 16 weeks support the observation of insulin resistance only at the later phase. Our analysis suggests the pivotal role of ceramide synthase, serine palmitoyltransferase and dihydroceramide desaturase involved in the de novo synthesis and the salvage pathways in influencing insulin resistance versus its regulation
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