206 research outputs found

    From genes to behavior: placing cognitive models in the context of biological pathways.

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    Connecting neural mechanisms of behavior to their underlying molecular and genetic substrates has important scientific and clinical implications. However, despite rapid growth in our knowledge of the functions and computational properties of neural circuitry underlying behavior in a number of important domains, there has been much less progress in extending this understanding to their molecular and genetic substrates, even in an age marked by exploding availability of genomic data. Here we describe recent advances in analytical strategies that aim to overcome two important challenges associated with studying the complex relationship between genes and behavior: (i) reducing distal behavioral phenotypes to a set of molecular, physiological, and neural processes that render them closer to the actions of genetic forces, and (ii) striking a balance between the competing demands of discovery and interpretability when dealing with genomic data containing up to millions of markers. Our proposed approach involves linking, on one hand, models of neural computations and circuits hypothesized to underlie behavior, and on the other hand, the set of the genes carrying out biochemical processes related to the functioning of these neural systems. In particular, we focus on the specific example of value-based decision-making, and discuss how such a combination allows researchers to leverage existing biological knowledge at both neural and genetic levels to advance our understanding of the neurogenetic mechanisms underlying behavior

    Real-Time Prediction of Gamers Behavior Using Variable Order Markov and Big Data Technology: A Case of Study

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    This paper presents the results and conclusions found when predicting the behavior of gamers in commercial videogames datasets. In particular, it uses Variable-Order Markov (VOM) to build a probabilistic model that is able to use the historic behavior of gamers and to infer what will be their next actions. Being able to predict with accuracy the next user’s actions can be of special interest to learn from the behavior of gamers, to make them more engaged and to reduce churn rate. In order to support a big volume and velocity of data, the system is built on top of the Hadoop ecosystem, using HBase for real-time processing; and the prediction tool is provided as a service (SaaS) and accessible through a RESTful API. The prediction system is evaluated using a case of study with two commercial videogames, attaining promising results with high prediction accuracies

    The influence of acoustic standards in construction: a case study of social housing in Argentina

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    [EN] Exposure to high noise levels greatly impacts human health. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account the acoustic conditioning of built interior spaces, since human beings spend a large part of their time in them. To this end, each country must regulate and promote good construction practices that guarantee the mental and physical comfort of its occupants. In the case of Argentina, there is an insufficiency in the development of laws and regulations on acoustic architecture and even more so on acoustics in homes. In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the current acoustic comfort presented by public housing in Argentina, highlighting the existing legal gaps, and enabling recommendations in this regard, taking Spain as the country of reference. This country is taken since Argentine legislation has traditionally replicated European and Spanish standards instead of American ones. To this end, a systemic review and comparison are made between the laws and architectural acoustic regulations of Argentina and Spain. The observation of the noise protection standards in closed areas of these countries will be deepened. For a better understanding of these and to meet the objective, a prototype of public housing was needed in different parts of the country through the PRO.CRE.AR plan is taken as a case study and verified according to each standard. IRAM and UNE. As a relevant result, it is shown that the houses built by the State only partially verify the admissible minimums proposed by the regulations. The lack of laws and complementary documents focused on acoustic conditioning is concluded through the case study.Saez, V.; Quintana Gallardo, A.; Garzón, B.; Guillén Guillamón, IE. (2023). The influence of acoustic standards in construction: a case study of social housing in Argentina. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 588-596. https://doi.org/10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.1520458859

    Optimization on Personal Fall Arrest Systems. Experimental Dynamic Studies on Lanyard Prototypes

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    Tens of thousands of fall-from-height accidents take place at construction sites every year. These types of accidents range from minor to fatal, causing a significant financial burden to enterprises, personal and family traumatic experiences, high medical costs, as well as hard compensation claim settlements. It makes sense then, that some sort of effective personal protective equipment (PPE) be devised to stop these types of accidents from happening. This article aims to explain how PPE can be used to minimize personal injury and the costs implied. The main contribution of this study is that the prototypes made with dynamic ropes and terminals knotted—without an energy absorber—could safely retain falls. Results show that standards EN 354 and EN 364 need to incorporate dynamic test requirements, for the reason that a high loading rate significantly reduces the resistance in static tests that manufacturing companies claim they have. Surprisingly, more than 90 percent of work at heights use PPE without any absorber. Finally, this study calls for the need to accurately determine the dynamic response of PPE in order to further advance in improvements of these fall arrest systems with no energy absorber

    Average Force of Deployment and Maximum Arrest Force of Energy Absorbers Lanyards

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    Energy-absorbing lanyards (EAL) are part of fall arrest systems (FAS), their main mission is to dissipate the energy generated during the fall, ensuring that the arresting force does not cause injury to the user. For the design of FAS as set out in the American standard Z359.6 and the Canadian Z259.16 it is essential to know the deployment force or average arrest force (Fa). Fa is necessary to estimate the elongation that the absorber will suffer during the fall and therefore essential data to calculate the clearance distance. There is a lack of useful experimental data for the design of this personal protective equipment (PPE). This work provides empirical data required for the design of FAS with EAL in accordance with EN 355. This paper covers different types of EAL that are marketed internationally; different empirical data, average and maximum forces, required for improving safety design are researched. Six manufacturers, 10 models, and 2 samples of each model were selected, with total of 20 tests being performed. Dynamic performance tests were carried out, the free fall of a person was simulated using a 100 kg steel ballast from the maximum height allowed by the equipment, obtaining the maximum arrest force (Fm), average deployment force (Fa), and, by calculating the balance of forces, the maximum and average acceleration suffered by the ballast during its arrest. In light of the results, relevant conclusions for user safety are obtained. It is feasible to raise the safety requirements established by the different standards. The Fm can be established below 6 kN in the EAL, and the Fa can be estimated at 87.5% of the Fm. The categorization of the force–time curve in fall arrest with EAL has been obtained. Two EAL purchased on the market exceed the Fm permitted, therefore it is recommended to increase the quality controls of EAL

    Vertical Archaeology: Safety in the Use of Ropes for Scientific Research of Pre-Columbian Andean Cultures

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    Scientific research is sometimes subjected to go through field study in places that are difficult to access. Where man has not managed to reach through traditional techniques, work at height systems offer new possibilities, provide safety in exploration and represent an excellent tool that allows a new insight of spaces object of scientific research. For more than 20 years, the Ukhupacha team has been studying, analyzing and selecting the teams, techniques and rope progression systems that best adapt to archaeological works in vertical environments. The projects studied are developed in Pre-Columbian cultures of the Andean mountain range, the high Amazon jungle and its surroundings. As a result, a new working methodology called Vertical Archaeology has been developed. It prioritizes user’s safety by means of ropes when accessing archaeological research areas. The recommended and safest systems, techniques and personal protective equipment (PPE) are presented for each of the phases in which it is proposed to divide archaeological investigations: exploration, training and expedition. Using rope access techniques has allowed the safe study of new artistic and heritage aspects in ancient civilizations, as well as the approach of the scientific community to places that until now had remained hidden.This research was funded by the University of Alicante and Centro de Innovación Vertical S.A.C., grant number PC20-01A

    La especialización TIC en el Grado de Turismo para la potencial empleabilidad en el sector turístico.

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    El proyecto se encaminó a la realización de una prospección sobre el estado del Grado de Turismo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en el que se van a examinar los grados de adecuación de los contenidos de la titulación, a un área, complementario en su origen, pero fundamental en la práctica una vez que, los estudiantes, ya egresados, han de integrarse en la industria turística. La utilización de TIC durante la práctica docente en el Grado en Turismo

    Automatic generation of digital twin industrial system from a high level specification

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    A framework for the generation of industrial digital twins is presented in the paper. The framework supports industry automated systems preliminary design development, but also supports the following detailed designs implementation and final systems exploitation phases. The main problem is that requirements for first development phases are much more generic than those required for the later phases. The framework faces this problem by avoiding too detailed specifications for the digital twin generated software, but, at the same time, it takes advantage of the specific applications developed for each industrial implementation where that specificities are taken into account: the final control application and the management application. By properly linking both: the more generic digital twin and specific software applications specifically generated for the industry system, the framework may be ready to be used soon at the early development stages, but also may be used for detailed analyses at late booting and maintenance industry system phases. The system has been specialized in industrial transportation and warehouse systems. The paper presents an example of application for this kind of system

    Engineering the Osmotic State of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for Efficient Cell Disruption and Downstream Processing of Poly(3-Hydroxyalkanoates)

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    In the last decade, the development of novel programmable cell lytic systems based on different inducible genetic constructs like the holin–endolysin and lysozyme appears as a promising alternative to circumvent the use of costly enzymes and mechanical disrupters for downstream processing of intracellular microbial products. Despite the advances, upon activation of these systems the cellular disruption of the biocatalyst occurs in an extended period, thus delaying the recovery of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA). Herein the osmotic state of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 was engineered by inactivating the inner-membrane residing rescue valve MscL, which is responsible mainly for circumventing low-osmolarity challenges. Then the major outer membrane porin OprF and the specific porin OprE were overproduced during PHA producing conditions on decanoate-grown cells. The engineered P. putida strains carrying each porin showed no impairment on growth rate and final biomass and PHA yield after 48 h cultivation. Expression of both porins in tandem in the mutant strain KTΔmscL-oprFE led to a slight reduction of the biomass synthesis (∼10%) but higher PHA accumulation (%wt) relative to the cell dry mass. Each strain was then challenged to an osmotic upshift for 1 h and subsequently to a rapid passage to a hypotonic condition where the membrane stability of the KTΔmscL-oprFE suffered damage, resulting in a rapid reduction of cell viability. Cell disruption accounted for >95% of the cell population within 3 h as reported by colony forming units (CFU), FACS analyses, and transmission electron microscopy. PHA recovery yielded 94.2% of the biosynthesized biopolymer displaying no significant alterations on the final monomer composition. This study can serve as an efficient genetic platform for the recovery of any microbial intracellular compound allowing less unit operation steps for cellular disruption