377 research outputs found

    Salmonella Infection Among farm Animals in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.

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    Salmonellosis is considered one of the most economically significant diseases, affecting man and different animals. The disease affects all ages of domesticated and wild living animals. Salmonellosis manifests a variety of clinical signs such as diarrhea, abortion, arthritis and respiratory problems. The natural habitat of Salmonella species is the intestinal tract of most animal species. Carrier animals represent a continuous source of shedding the bacteria in the surrounding environment. Salmonella infection among animals and then to man causing public health hazard. In this study, a total of 882 samples were collected from different animal species in Al Ain area of Abu Dhabi Emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The fecal sample were aseptically collected from apparently healthy camels (266), cows (122), sheep (255), and goats (187). On the other hand, 52 samples were obtained from scouring and pyrexic camels (7), cows (10), sheep (6), goats (5), game animals (3) and avian species (17). Also samples were submitted from aborted foetus of a goat and fecal swab were obtained from aborting cow. All samples from apparently healthy and affected animals were subjected to Salmonella isolation and identification protocol. Each sample was inoculated into selenite broth medium and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. A loopful from each broth was streaked on plates of blood agar, Salmonella Shigella agar and Hektoen enteric agar. The plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The yielded colonies were identified according to their cultural and biochemical properties. The isolated Salmonella were grouped (A-G) and partially serotyped was carried out by veterinary Laboratory Agency in Weybridge, UK. The present findings showed that, Salmonella infection is highly prevalent in cows and camels, whereas sheep and goats score the least incidence of the disease. To our best knowledge, no records are available to date of any isolation of Salmonella species in cows, sheep and goats nor serological evidence that exist in UAE. This study reports the first isolation of Salmonella serotypes in cows, sheep and goats. Also, this study acknowledges the isolation of S. Indiana, S. Stanley, S. Haardt, S. Panama, S. Panama, S. Liverpool and S. Poona for the first time in camels of the UAE

    A computer package for simulation and analysis of rotary forging

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    This thesis presents the development of a software package to simulate and graphically represent the tool/workpiece kinematics in rotary forging. A hypothetical workpiece of non-constant volume is always used. Share changes are achieved by a process of material removal, analogous to metal cutting. Using a quantitative approach, the software is shown to be capable of calculating the tool/workpiece instantaneous contact zone and the volume of material being removed. The software has been developed and used to produce an analysis of radially configurated conic tools. This is believed to be a unique approach to the simulation of the rotary forging process. Various types of rotary forging machines can be identified by the motion of the conic tool and the hypothetical workpiece. A mathematical/ geometrical model is developed which can be used to simulate all possible rotary forging die motions. The model is used to determine the position in space of any point on the die, regardless of its motion and geometry. The software development has been used to graphically simulate the loci of points on a die, during movement of the die. The mathematical model is used to simulate a non-constant volume workpiece consisting of a large number of concentric cylinders of specified height and radius, with infinitesimal thickness. The interaction between tool and workpiece is achieved by using a method of geometric comparison. This allows an assessment of changes in the shape of the workpiece. Extension of the program, using a generated mesh, results in a numerical analysis of the rotary forging process. The data generated from the simulation phase, incorporating some previously developed software, is used to calculate the instantaneous area of contact and the volume of material being removed. Radially configurated tooling is achieved by the introduction of a database, into the software package. Guidelines are established for the practical design of radially configurated tools. The ability of the program to interact radially configurated tools with non-constant volume workpieces, is graphically/numerically investigated. The developed program could offer many potential applications in areas such as: the calculation of forming loads and stresses, pressure distribution, etc. Further, the program can establish some basic boundary conditions; which are essential information for the development of any finite element package for predicting metal flow in rotary forging

    From Paris to Makkah: heat stress risks for Muslim pilgrims at 1.5 °C and 2 °C

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    The pilgrimages of Muslims to Makkah (Hajj and Umrah) is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world which draws millions of people from around 180 countries each year. Heat stress during summer has led to health impacts including morbidity and mortality in the past, which is likely to worsen due to global warming. Here we investigate the impacts of increasing heat stress during the peak summer months over Makkah at present levels of warming as well as under Paris Agreement's targets of 1.5 °C and 2 °C global mean temperature increase above pre-industrial levels. This is achieved by using multi member ensemble projections from the half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts project. We find a substantial increase in the exceedance probabilities of dangerous thresholds (wet-bulb temperature >24.6 °C) in 1.5 °C and 2 °C warmer worlds over the summer months. For the 3 hottest months, August, September and October, even thresholds of extremely dangerous (wet-bulb temperature >29.1 °C) health risks may be surpassed. An increase in exceedance probability of dangerous threshold is projected by two and three times in 1.5 °C and 2 °C warmer worlds respectively for May as compared to the reference climate. September shows the highest increase in the exceedance probability of extremely dangerous threshold which is increased to 4 and 13 times in 1.5 °C and 2 °C warmer worlds respectively. Based on the indicators of hazard, exposure and vulnerability, we carried out probabilistic risk analysis of life-threatening heat stroke over Makkah. A ten time increase in the heat stroke risk at higher wet-bulb temperatures for each month is projected in 2 °C warmer world. If warming was limited to 1.5 °C world, the risk would only increase by about five times, or half the risk of 2 °C. Our results indicate that substantial heat related risks during Hajj and Umrah happening over peak summer months, as it is the case for Hajj during this decade, will require substantial adaptation measures and would negatively affect the performance of the rite. Stringent mitigation actions to keep the global temperature to 1.5 °C can reduce the risks of heat related illnesses and thereby reduce the non-economic loss and damage related to one of the central pillars of a world religion.German Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchPeer Reviewe

    A computer package for simulation and analysis of rotary forging

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    This thesis presents the development of a software package to simulate and graphically represent the tool/workpiece kinematics in rotary forging. A hypothetical workpiece of non-constant volume is always used. Share changes are achieved by a process of material removal, analogous to metal cutting. Using a quantitative approach, the software is shown to be capable of calculating the tool/workpiece instantaneous contact zone and the volume of material being removed. The software has been developed and used to produce an analysis of radially configurated conic tools. This is believed to be a unique approach to the simulation of the rotary forging process. Various types of rotary forging machines can be identified by the motion of the conic tool and the hypothetical workpiece. A mathematical/ geometrical model is developed which can be used to simulate all possible rotary forging die motions. The model is used to determine the position in space of any point on the die, regardless of its motion and geometry. The software development has been used to graphically simulate the loci of points on a die, during movement of the die. The mathematical model is used to simulate a non-constant volume workpiece consisting of a large number of concentric cylinders of specified height and radius, with infinitesimal thickness. The interaction between tool and workpiece is achieved by using a method of geometric comparison. This allows an assessment of changes in the shape of the workpiece. Extension of the program, using a generated mesh, results in a numerical analysis of the rotary forging process. The data generated from the simulation phase, incorporating some previously developed software, is used to calculate the instantaneous area of contact and the volume of material being removed. Radially configurated tooling is achieved by the introduction of a database, into the software package. Guidelines are established for the practical design of radially configurated tools. The ability of the program to interact radially configurated tools with non-constant volume workpieces, is graphically/numerically investigated. The developed program could offer many potential applications in areas such as: the calculation of forming loads and stresses, pressure distribution, etc. Further, the program can establish some basic boundary conditions; which are essential information for the development of any finite element package for predicting metal flow in rotary forging

    Intravitreal bevacizumab for posterior capsule neovascularization

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    AbstractWe report a case of rapid regression of extensive posterior capsule neovascularization in a 67-year-old diabetic male patient, who developed posterior capsule opacity with neovascularization one year post cataract surgery, after a single injection of intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) followed by neodymium:YAG capsulotomy. Rapid regression of the posterior capsule neovascularization, and visual improvement was observed 9days after the intervention. Posterior capsulotomy was performed successfully without bleeding. Prior to posterior capsulotomy, intravitreal bevacizumab can result in rapid and dramatic regression of posterior capsule neovascularization

    Designing a Reverse Logistics Network for End-of-Life Vehicles Recovery

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    The environmental factors are receiving increasing attention in different life cycle stages of products. When a product reaches its End-Of-Life (EOL) stage, the management of its recovery process is affected by the environmental and also economical factors. Selecting efficient methods for the collection and recovery of EOL products has become an important issue. The European Union Directive 2000/53/EC extends the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturers to the postconsumer stage of the vehicle. In order to fulfill the requirements of this Directive and also efficient management of the whole recovery process, the conceptual framework of a reverse logistics network is presented. The distribution of new vehicles in an area and also collecting the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) and their recovery are considered jointly. It is assumed that the new vehicles distributors are also responsible for collecting the ELVs. Then a mathematical model is developed which minimizes the costs of setting up the network and also the relevant transportation costs. Because of the complexity of the model, a solution methodology based on the genetic algorithm is designed which enables achieving good quality solutions in a reasonable algorithm run time

    Antibacterial and anticancer activity of a bioflavonoid fractionated from Allium Ascalonicum

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    Allium ascalonicum is a part of the diet of many populations of the world due to their long-held beliefs. A. ascalonicum extracts have been reported have antibacterial properties and prevent cancer cell proliferation. This study was conducted for the purpse of evaluating the anticancer and antibacterial activity of a flavonoid fraction isolated from A. ascalonicum bulbs.  The HeLa and HUVEC cells were used as target cell line and some gram negative and positive bacteria were also targeted for antimicrobial activity. The A. ascalonicum plant was collected from the Zagros Mountains in the north of Dezful city- Iran, in September 2016 and confirmed by School of Pharmacy, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran. The water extract of bulbs of this plant was extracted and the flavonoid fraction was isolated from aquous extract by ethyl acetate. The antibacterial and anticancer effects of isolated falavonoid were determined using MIC and MTT respectively. The best antibacterial effect of falvonoid extracted from A.ascalonicum was found against C. diphtheria. Furthermore, gentamicin resistant P.aeruginosa was the most resistant pathogenic bacterium. The MTT method showed that this fraction had a concentration-dependent anti-proliferative activity on HeLa cell lines and there was no cytotoxic effect against HUVEC cells.      The inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) values of the A. ascalonicum extract for Hela cell was 3 mg/mL but the treatment of HUVECs with the A. ascalonicum showed no considerable effect. The flavonoid fraction of A.ascalonicum bulbs had remarkable antibacterial and anticancer properties. Therefore, it could be used as an antibacterial and anticancer agent for control of cancers and infectious diseases.