207 research outputs found

    Development of safety health monitoring device to prevent and control risk in confined space

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    IoT (the Internet of Things) has become an interesting topic in the field of technology research. It is basically connected to each other through the Internet from the device. We usually think of IoT in terms of independent cars and smart homes, but some of the best applications of Internet technology stuff in a very practical area. The main contribution of this thesis is to introduce an approach and provide a supporting platform for the automated synthesis of interoperability software artifacts. Such artifacts enable the interconnection between mobile Things that employ heterogeneous middleware protocols. Our platform further supports evaluating the effectiveness of the interconnection in terms of end-to-end QoS. More specifically, we derive formal conditions for successful interactions, and we enable performance modeling and analysis as well as end-to-end system tuning, while considering several system parameters related to the mobile IoT

    Classification improvement of spoken arabic language based on radial basis function

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    The important task in the computer interaction is the languages recognition and classification. In the Arab world, there is a persistent need for the Arabic spoken language recognition To help those who have lost the upper parties in doing what they want through speech computer interaction. While, the Arabic automatic speech recognition (AASR) did not receive the desired attention from the researchers. In this paper, the Radial Basis Function(RBF) is used for the improvement of the Arabic spoken language letter. The recognition and classification process are based on three steps; these are; preprocessing, feature extraction and classification (Recognition). The Arabic  Language Letters  (ALL) recognition is done by using the combination between the statistical features and the Temporal Radial Basis Function for different letter situation and noisy condition. The recognition percent are from 90% - 99.375% has been gained with independent speaker, where these results are over-perform the earlier works by nearly 2.045%. The simulati.on has been made by using Matlab 2015b

    Improved Key Frame Extraction using Discrete Wavelet Transform with Modified Threshold Factor

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    Video summarization used for a different application like video object recognition and classification. In video processing, numerous frames containing similar information, this leads to time consumption and slow processing speed and complexity. By using key frames reducing the amount of memory needed for video data processing and complexity greatly. In this paper key frame extraction of Arabic isolated word using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with modified threshold factor is proposed with different bases. The results for different wavelet basis db, sym and coif show the best result for numbers of key frames at the threshold factor value (0.75)

    Practices of faculty members regarding teaching and learning strategies in nursing education

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    Objective: To determine the different teaching learning strategies utilized, percentage of faculty members utilizing these teaching strategies and faculty perceptions regarding effectiveness of these in undergraduate nursing degree programs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.Methodology: Cross sectional descriptive design was used to conduct this study. The sample size was 42. The faculty members were recruited from different nursing institutes offering degree programs in KPK, Pakistan. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS & STAT.Results:Discussion, lecture, group discussion, and PPT were used by 78.6%, 73.8%, 73.8%, and 69% of the faculty members, respectively. However, other learning strategies like debate, PBL, case study, and role play were used by fewer members of faculty; 44.2%, 47.6%, 38.1, and 40.5%, respectively. Faculty reported discussion (88.1%), group work (81%), lecture (61.9%), and video (59.5%) as the most effective teaching strategies.Conclusion: Nursing institutes in KPK are still using passive learning strategies in nursing education. It is recommended that faculty development programs should be initiated to enhance utilization of active learning strategies

    High Transaction Rates Performance Evaluation for Secure E-government Based on Private Blockchain Scheme

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      The implementation of technology in the provision of public services and communication to citizens, which is commonly referred to as e-government, has brought multitude of benefits, including enhanced efficiency, accessibility, and transparency. Nevertheless, this approach also presents particular security concerns, such as cyber threats, data breaches, and access control. One technology that can aid in mitigating the effects of security vulnerabilities within e-government is permissioned blockchain. This work examines the performance of the hyperledger fabric private blockchain under high transaction loads by analyzing two scenarios that involve six organizations as case studies. Several parameters, such as transaction send rate, blockchain size, batch timeout, organization number, and the number of clients, were modified in the two scenarios. The gradual addition of organizations was also observed to determine the impact of multi-organization on the throughput, latency, and scalability of the system. By increasing the block size to approximately 100 transactions per block, acceptable performance and latency results are attained. The throughput and latency findings are accepted for three or four organizations, but when many organizations are added, throughput and latency begin to suffer from poor performance. Also, many tests show that increased block timeout for high sending rates positively affects the throughput and latency

    Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnant Women

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    الغرض من البحث: الغرض من هذا البحث هو دراسة حالات التهاب المجاري البولية نتيجة استعمال صوندة الادرار اثناء اجراء  العمليات القيصرية وكذلك تشخيص مختلف انواع الجراثيم التي تسبب هذا الالتهاب ووضع توصيات حول نوع العلاج والطريقة الصحيحة لوضع صوندة الادرار لغرض  تقليل حالات الالتهابات ومضاعفاتها . العينة وطريقة البحث: دراسة مقطعية أجريت لمرضى تم اختيارهن عشوائيا واللواتي  يرتادون مستشفى النسائية والاطفال  في مدينة الحلة . 2015 البيانات تم الحصول عليها عن طريق الاستبيانات البسيطة وهي تحليل الادرار العام مع فحص الزرع والتحسس لا يجاد المضاد الحيوي الملائم . النتائج: ان نتائج البحث كشفت الانواع التالية من البكتريا المسببة للالتهابات وهي اشريشيا كولاي حوالي  9 مريضة أي بنسبة ((13.84%)..والكليبسيللا حوالي 32 مريضة بنسبة (49.23%) ونوع البروتيوس عدد المصابات بها هو3مريضات وبنسبة (4.61%).  وكذلك نوع السيودوموناص حوالي 2 مريضات ونسبتهن حوالي(3.07%). ونوع ستافيللوكوكس اوريوس عدد المصابات 3 مريضات وبنسبة (4.61%).   ونوع البيتاهيموليتك بكتريا مريضة واحدة وبنسبة (1.53%) ومثلها بكتريا الستاف البس. كذلك ووجدنا ان8 مريضات  استعملن المضاد الحيوي من مجموع النساء ووضعت لهن صوندة الادرار لم يصبن باي التهابات بينما 9 مريضات مع صوندة الادرار بدون مضاد حيوي لم يصبن باي التهابات في المجاري البولية اما بالنسبة للعمر فمن العمر 20-30 سنة بلغ عددهن 42 مريضة (64.62%) والبقية من عمر 31-40 سنة كان عددهن 23 مريضة ((35. 38% الاستنتاجات : لقد وجدنا ان هناك تأثير كبير لصوندة الادرار في أحداث ألتهاب ألمجاري البولية لدى النساء وهذا يستدعي اتباع طرق علمية ومعقمة في أدخال صوندة الادرار ويجب ان يقوم بالعملية كادر متدرب وذو خبرة في هذا المجال. The  urinary tract infection attributed to the use of an indwelling urinary catheter is one of the most common infections acquired by patients in health care facilities. Catheter-acquired urinary infection is the source for about 20% of episodes of health-care acquired bacteremia in acute care facilities, and over 50% in long term care facilities. The most important interventions to prevent bacteriuria and infection are to limit indwelling catheter use and, when catheter use is necessary, to discontinue the catheter as soon as clinically feasible.  Aim of Study: The aim of this research is to study the urinary tract infection after catheterization and to characterize the various types of microorganisms that are associated with this process. Recommendations concerning the type of treatment and the  appropriate ways of catheterization, that help in minimizing urinary tract infection and its complications. Conclusions : about 74% of these 65 patients for whom the urinary catheterization is used  developed urinary tract infections from different kinds of bacteria ,the most common types are Klebsiella pneumoniae (49.23%), also Escherichia coli (13.84%) , Proteus spp. (4.61%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3..07%), staphylococcus aureus (4.61%), β- hemolytic streptococci (1.53%) and Staphylococcus albus (1.53%)

    Faculty perception about active learning strategies: A cross sectional survey

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    Background: Nursing education in Pakistan has evolved over the last two decades, and it has shifted from the traditional three-year diploma program to the baccalaureate degree program. However, still traditional learning strategies are used in teachings ineffective in producing quality graduates; hence these graduates lack the necessary skills to face the challenges, diversity, and the dynamics of complex nursing care in Pakistan.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of faculty members and barriers in the utilization of Active Learning (AL) strategies at undergraduate nursing degree programs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province Pakistan.Methods: Cross Sectional design was used to conduct the research study. Consecutive sampling techniques were used to recruit participants in the study. Faculty Perceptions were measured on likert scale. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for continues data, frequency and percentages were calculated for categorical and nominal data. Logistic regression was for possible relationship between utilization of AL, and different barriers.Results: Fifty two percent of the faculty members stated that AL strategies help in development of students’ concepts and increase students’ engagement in classes. Moreover, 67.6% faculty members have positive perception for utilization of AL strategies in classes. Interestingly 52.4% of faculty members have negative perceptions for traditional learning strategies. Faculty members perceived different barriers in utilization of AL: insufficient time (60%), difficulty to perform in large class room (38.1%), Lack of support (35.7%) and habitual to didactic learning (28.6%).Conclusion: In conclusion, faculty members have positive perception for AL strategies, and prefer it on didactic learning: However, different barriers were identified by faculty members in utilization of AL strategies. Further, researches are needed to conduct, to design strategies to overcome these barriers

    Virtual data integration for a clinical decision support systems

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    Clinical decision support (CDS) supplies clinicians and their patients, and relevant staff with meaningful and timely information intelligently integrated or visualized to enhance health and the health sector. Data is the backbone of decision support systems, especially (clinical) ones. Data integration (either virtual or physical manner) is a powerful technique to manipulate a vast amount of heterogeneous data and prepare it as input for the decision-making process. The difficulties in manipulating data that have a physical data integration technique motivated the decision support developers to tend to data virtualization as a data integration technique. In this paper, a clinical decision support system was developed using the virtual data integration technique. The developed system was evaluated in terms of usability and its capability of providing clinical decision support. The evaluation findings indicate that the proposed system is highly usable and has a positive impact on supporting the clinical decision-making process

    Antecedents And Outcomes Of Social Networking Sites Usage Among Students Within Higher Education In UAE. Opportunities Vs Challenges And Future Research

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    Socialnetworking became a buzzlword in both economic and social life. It speeds up the growth of economy through providing a flexible and effective communication tool. The leading platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatApp, and LinkedIn play an effective role in the development of education system. Yet, few studies have investigated how social networking influence studies education and how to maximize their advantages, especially in the Middle Eastern countries. This leaves gap that needs to be bridged and studies are needed to understand this issue and how the students in higher education institutions benefit from them. Therefore, this study aims to identify the key drivers of socialneworing in the Middle eastern countries in general and from UAE particularly. This study also intends to highlight on the opportunities of socialnetworking as well as the challenges that face the effectiveness utilization socialnetworing in education system. Finally this study conclude with the future research trend