28 research outputs found

    Economic Security of Elderly Adults in The City of San John the Baptist-Missions

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la seguridad económica de los adultos mayores de la Ciudad de San Juan Bautista –Misiones. Y los objetivos específicos: Identificar el perfil individual y del hogar de la Población de Adultos Mayores y detallar el tipo de ingreso y bienes que posee la población adulta que le asegure su bienestar económico. Se utiliza el método cualitativo y cuantitativo, Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el cuestionario abierto, lo que permitió trabajar con una población de adultos mayores de 60 años de edad en adelante de la Ciudad de San Juan Bautista–Misiones. Lo que permitió llegar a la conclusión que existe un porcentaje elevado de adultos mayores quienes no trabajan y reciben pensión alimenticia, ajustan a la Ley N° 6381/2020, siendo un importante impacto en la situación de la económica de las familias.  Otros tienen alguna jubilación y el monto se encuentra ente los 637.577 a 1.100.000 Gs. mensual; si también muchos de los adultos mayores siguen activos en el mercado laboral informal como también existen quienes no cuentan con ningún ingreso y escasa cobertura médica y la escolaridad de los mismos es muy bajo. Sin embargo, los ingresos económicos de los adultos mayores esta ciudad tiene que ver gran parte con las redes de apoyo que se generan alrededor de la población adulta, así como a los generados por la permanencia en el mercado laboral o de otros mecanismos de ayuda. Las desigualdades socioeconómicas de muchos adultos mayores de la Ciudad de San Juan Bautista –Misiones y otras ciudades y localidades del país, ameritan seguir desarrollando investigaciones y propuestas validas a subastar este gran problema social.The general objective of the research is to determine the economic security of older adults in the City of San Juan – Misiones. And the specific objectives: Identify the individual and household profile of the Elderly Population and detail the type of income and assets that the adult population has that ensures its economic well-being. The qualitative and quantitative method is used. The open questionnaire was used to collect data, which allowed us to work with a population of older adults aged 60 years and older from the City of San Juan – Misiones. Which allowed us to reach the conclusion that there is a high percentage of older adults who do not work and receive alimony, comply with Law No. 6381/2020, having a significant impact on the economic situation of families. Others have some retirement and the amount is between 637,577 and 1,100,000 Gs. monthly; Yes, many of the older adults are still active in the informal labor market, as there are also those who have no income and little medical coverage, and their education is very low. However, the economic income of older adults in the city of San Juan -Misiones has largely to do with the support networks that are generated around the adult population, as well as those generated by remaining in the labor market or of other aid mechanisms. The socioeconomic inequalities of many older adults in the City of San Juan - Misiones and other cities and towns in the country, merit continuing to develop research and valid proposals to auction this great social problem

    Diseño de una metodología etnoeducativa para fortalecer la enseñanza de las costumbres ancestrales en los estudiantes del grado 5 de la Institución Educativa Catalino Gulfo del municipio de Valencia Córdoba.

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    La presente Monografía se desarrolla a través de la línea de investigación la Etnoeducación, Cultura y Comunicación, se busca generar conciencia sobre la importancia de como se ha venido aplicando la metodología etnoeducativa en la I.E Catalino Gulfo para fortalecer la enseñanza y el rescate de la costumbres ancestral de los Estudiantes de Quinto Grado.This Monograph is developed through the line of research Ethnoeducation, Culture and Communication, seeks to raise awareness about the importance of how the ethnoeducational methodology has been applied in EI Catalino Gulfo to strengthen the teaching and rescue of customs ancestral of Fifth Grade Students

    The origin of pine pollen grains captured from air at Calypsobyen, Svalbard

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    Spitsbergen is the largest island in the Svalbard Archipelago (Norway) that has been permanently populated. The harsh Arctic climate prevents development of large vascular plants such as trees. A two-year aerobiological survey was conducted within the framework of two consecutive polar expeditions (2014 and 2015) in Spitsbergen (Calypsobyen, Bellsund). The air quality was measured continuously from June/July to August using a 7-day volumetric air sampler, Tauber trap and moss specimens. Collected air samples and gravimetric pollen deposits were processed following transfer to sterile laboratory conditions and analyzed with the aid of light microscopy. Days when pine pollen grains were detected in the air were selected for further analysis. Clusters of back-trajectories, computed using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model in combination with ArcGIS software as well as the Flextra trajectory model, showed the movement of air masses to the sampling location at Hornsund, and thus indicated the likely origin of pollen grains. The GlobCover 2009 and CORINE Land Cover 2012 datasets were employed to establish the distribution of coniferous forests in the areas of interest. Conclusions were drawn based on the analyses of the circulation of air masses, using visualization of global weather conditions forecast to supercomputers. For the first time, we have demonstrated that pine pollen grains occurring in pine-free Spitsbergen, could originate from numerous locations, including Scandinavia, Iceland, Siberia and northern Canada. Pollen grains were transported via air masses for distances exceeding ~2000 km. Both air samples and gravimetric pollen deposits revealed the same pattern of Pinus pollen distributio

    Minimizar mortalidad en Neonatos y gestantes del Resguardo Macedonia Amazonas

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    Los altos índices de mortalidad infantil en adolescentes del resguardo Macedonia en Leticia amazonas es una problemática que aqueja al sector de la salud, aunque se han diseñado mecanismos para que los indígenas puedan acceder a la salud publica en Colombia, no se ha logrado llegar a todos los sitios donde se requieren los servicios, esto por la complejidad geográfica y falta de vías de acceso para poder llegar con el equipo necesario y el capital humano especializado para prestar servicios de salud con calidad, ni han desarrollado campañas de sensibilización a cerca de la importancia de prevenir los embarazos en adolescentes indígenas y de asistir a los controles mensuales que debe tener una mujer embarazada si es menor de edad. El obstáculo más grande es que los indígenas tienen su propia jurisdicción y se rigen de acuerdo a sus costumbres por lo que hay muchas de estas adolescentes que tienen bajos niveles de escolaridad y pobreza identificando estos como los mayores factores de embarazo en las adolescentes. En cuanto a la mortalidad de infantes se identificó que el mayor causante es la falta de acceso a la salud y a los servicios básicos. Por lo que se espera poder llegar hasta la población con el apoyo de algunas entidades estatales para realizar un diagnóstico y prestar un servicio de salud adecuado, que permita minimizar el Índice de mortalidad neonatos y gestantes en el resguardo macedonia del Departamento de las amazonas.The high rates of infant mortality in adolescents in the Macedonia reserve in Leticia Amazon is a problem that afflicts the health sector, although mechanisms have been designed so that indigenous people can access public health in Colombia, it has not been possible to reach everyone the places where the services are required, due to the geographical complexity and lack of access routes to be able to arrive with the necessary equipment and specialized human capital to provide quality health services, nor have they developed awareness campaigns about the importance to prevent pregnancies in indigenous adolescents and to attend the monthly controls that a pregnant woman must have if she is a minor. The biggest obstacle is that the indigenous have their own jurisdiction and are governed according to their customs, so there are many of these adolescents who have low levels of schooling and poverty, identifying these as the main factors of pregnancy in adolescents. Regarding infant mortality, it was identified that the main cause is the lack of access to health and basic services. Therefore, it is expected to be able to reach the population with the support of some state entities to make a diagnosis and provide an adequate health service, which allows minimizing the neonatal and pregnant mortality rate in the Macedonian reservation of the Amazon Department

    Tree Cover Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Images Demonstrate High Thematic Accuracy in Europe

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    The spatial and temporal distribution of trees has a large impact on human health and the environment through contributions to important climate mechanisms as well as commercial, recreational and social activities in society. A range of tree mapping methodologies has been presented in the literature, but tree cover estimates still differ widely between the individual datasets, and comparisons of the thematic accuracy of the resulting tree maps are rather scarce. The Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellites, which were launched in 2015 and 2017, have a combination of high spatial and temporal resolution. Given that this is a new satellite, a substantial amount of research on development of tree mapping algorithms as well as accuracy assessment of said algorithms have to be done in the years to come. To contribute to this process, a tree map produced through unsupervised classification was created for six Sentinel-2 tiles. The agreement between the tree map and the corresponding national forest inventory, as a function of the band combination chosen, was analysed and the thematic accuracy was assessed for two out of the six tiles. The results show that the highest agreement between the present tree map and the national forest inventory was found for bands 2, 3, 6 and 12. The present tree map has a relative difference in tree cover between 8% and 79% compared to previous estimates, but results are characterised by large scatter. Lastly, it is shown that the overall thematic accuracy of the present map is up to 90%, with the user’s accuracy ranging from 34.85 % to 92.10 %, and the producer’s accuracy ranging from 23.80 % to 97.60 % for the various thematic classes. This demonstrates that tree maps with high thematic accuracy can be produced from Sentinel-2. In the future the thematic accuracy can be increased even more through the use of temporal averaging in the mapping procedure, which will enable an accurate estimate of the European tree cover

    An analysis of the exposure time to very high concentrations of Cladosporium conidia in the air of an urban site

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    Special Issue: The Impact of Climate Change on Fungal Aerosols

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    Back-trajectory modelling and DNA-based species-specific detection methods allow tracking of fungal spore transport in air masses

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    Recent advances in molecular detection of living organisms facilitate the introduction of novel methods to studies of the transport of fungal spores over large distances. Monitoring the migration of airborne fungi using microscope based spore identification is limited when different species produce very similar spores. In our study, DNA-based monitoring with the use of species-specific probes allowed us to track the aerial movements of two important fungal pathogens of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), i.e., Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa, which have identical spore shape and size. The fungi were identified using dual-labelled fluorescent probes that were targeted to a β-tubulin gene fragment of either Leptosphaeria species. Spore identification by Real-Time PCR techniques capable of detecting minute amounts of DNA of selected fungal species was combined with back-trajectory analysis, allowing the tracking of past movements of air masses using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model. Over a study period spanning the previous decade (2006–2015) we investigated two specific events relating to the long distance transport of Leptosphaeria spp. spores to Szczecin in North-West Poland. Based on the above mentioned methods and the results obtained with the additional spore sampler located in nearby Szczecin, and operating at the ground level in an oilseed rape field, we have demonstrated that on both occasions the L. biglobosa spores originated from the Jutland Peninsula. This is the first successful attempt to combine analysis of back-trajectories of air masses with DNA-based identification of economically important pathogens of oilseed rape in Europe. In our studies, the timing of L. biglobosa ascospore dispersal in the air was unlikely to result in the infection of winter oilseed rape grown as a crop plant. However, the fungus could infect other host plants, such as vegetable brassicas, cruciferous weeds, spring rapeseed and winter rapeseed growing as a volunteer plant