26 research outputs found
Pengembangan Instrumen Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrumen kinerja guru sekolah dasar, dengan maksud mengetahui indikator serta faktor yang dapat digunakan dalam menyusun instrumen kinerja guru sekolah dasar, sehingga dapat memberikan masukan dalam menyusun intrumen penilaian kinerja guru yang sesuai. Pengembangan instrumen kinerja guru sekolah dasar, dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan dengan metode research and development, berdasarkan model pengembangan pembelajaran Borg and Gall, yang disesuaikan. Prosedur pengembangan dibagi menjadi: tahap pendahuluan, tahap perencanaan, tahap uji coba, evaluasi dan revisi, dan tahap implementasi. Subjek coba adalah guru sekolah dasar di wilayah Surakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan intrumen penilaian diri, penilaian sejawat dan penilaian atasan, atau kepala sekolah. Teknik analisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang didukung dengan kualitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif untuk menganalisis masukan-masukan dari pakar dan guru, serta validitas Aikends sebagai validitas isi. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan dalam analisis validitas konstruk, reliabilitas intrumen, serta hasil. Berdasarkan uji validitas dan reliabilitas, intrumen tersebut valid dan reliabel. Hasil analisis faktor menunjukkan fit model yang cukup baik, berarti hasil penelitian dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut. 1) Instrumen kinerja guru sekolah dasar dapat disusun oleh komponen tugas guru dalam mengajar, mendidik, melatih dan mengarahkan, membimbing, serta menilai dan mengevaluasi. 2) Indikator tugas guru sekolah dasar dalam mengajar terdiri dari (a) membuat rencana program mengajar, (b) melaksanakan program pembelajaran, dan (c) melaksanakan tindak lanjut program pembelajaran. 3).Indikator tugas guru sekolah dasar dalam mendidik meliputi. a) mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, b) mengembangkan kepribadian peserta didik, dan c) melaksanakan penyesuaian penyelengaraan mendidik. 4).Indikator tugas guru sekolah dasar dalam melatih dan megarahkan yaitu. (a) memberikan motivasi belajar, (b) memberikan panduan dalam belajar, dan (c) membiasakan berperilaku positip. 5).Indikator tugas guru sekolah dasar dalam membimbing meliputi. (a) membuat rencana program bimbingan, (b). melaksanakan program bimbingan, dan (c) melaksanakan tindak lanjut program bimbingan. 6). Indikator tugas guru sekolah dasar dalam menilai dan mengevaluasi meliputi : (a) menyusun rencana evaluasi, (b) melaksanakan dan memanfaatakan hasil evaluasi. Berdasarkan fit model terbaik, maka penilaian tugas guru dalam mengajar dan melatih lebih tepat meggunakan instrument penilaian atasan. Tugas guru dalam mendidik dan membimbing lebih tepat menggunakan instrumen penilaian diri, serta tugas guru dalam menilai dan mengevaluasi lebih tepat menggunakan instrumen penilaian teman sejawat
This study aims to (1) know the mastery of the Buddhist education teacher on teachingmaterials, and the development of teaching materials. In addition in this study also aims (2) toknow the teacher's understanding in terms of the assessment used. This research is an evaluationresearch. That is an evaluation of the learning program of the Buddhist education teacher, interms of carrying out his duties, in the field of mastery and development of teaching materials,as well as his assessment model. Discrepency model is used to determine the level of conformitybetween the standards that have been determined in the program and the actual performance ofthe program. The results show that the mastery of the Buddhist education teacher on the teachingmaterial to be delivered is still imperfect and incomplete. The understanding of the teacher indeveloping teaching materials is still too far from the competencies that should be. The teacher'sunderstanding in terms of assessment is still imperfect, and the teacher's understanding of thedevelopment of assessment models that are in accordance with Buddhist education material, isstill in sufficient category, teachers are still limited in the use of older models, with standardmodels such as multiple choice instrument-based assessment models
Evaluasi Reflektif Pengembangan Karakter Bangsa (Nasionalisme) Dalam Pendidikan Agama Buddha Tingkat Sekolah Dasar
The Objective of this Study is to a reflective evaluation of Indonesian national character in the education of Buddhism in elementary schools, which can produce a picture that poures national values character (nationalism) in the context of learning that is administered. The reflective evaluation is carried out with the CIPP evaluation model, which includes five constructs and five reflective Buddhism educational instruments wich consits of context dimensions, the teacher’s interest, the teaching materials, the learning process and the product. All instruments are valid and reliable. The result of the development of the reflective evaluation instrument of Buddhist education that has been built consists of five aspects / dimensions of evaluation with the name Context, Teachers’ Knowledge / Interest (Input), Materials (Input), Process and Product (Product). The content of the nation’s character in Buddhism is explicit in the components of History, Faith (Saddha), Behavior or Morality (Sila), Buddhist holly Books (Tipitaka), Meditation (Samadhi), and Wisdom (Panna), accumulated in context, input, process, and output, through the evaluation of the Buddha’s education refelective in the development of the nation’s character
Performance assessment and the factors inhibiting the performance of Buddhist education teachers in the teaching duties
This research aims to examine the components and inhibiting factors of the teacher’s work performance in the teaching assignments of Buddhist education teachers. The authors believe that the theoretical as well as the practical problems of Buddhist education teachers can be solved by examining its components and the inhibiting factors. This research was developmental research that begins by compiling the component of performance instrument and the inhibiting factors instrument through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The data were then analyzed through regression analysis. The subjects of research were Buddhist education teachers in Central Java, Indonesia. The results of the research show the values of Anti-image > 0.5 for 7 indicators. Meanwhile, the loading factor was bigger than 0.5 for each component. The model had RMSEA ≤ 0.05, Chi-Square (X²) > 0.05, P = 0.55, the GFI was 0.97, which means the model was fit. The teaching performance components of Buddhist education teacher include planning the learning program, implementing the learning program, and evaluating the learning program. The inhibiting factors of the teacher’s performance are the additional tasks, the classroom atmosphere, conflict, and work pressure. This research has proved that the inhibiting factors have a negative impact on the teaching performance of Buddhist education teachers
Keterlaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Buddha Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013
This study aims to determine how the process of applying the curriculum 2013 of Buddhist education in primary and secondary education, and how the output of Buddhist education, at primary and secondary levels. This research is an evaluation research. In this study the methodology tends to use a qualitative evaluation. The results of this study indicate that the process of Buddhist education in primary and secondary education, in the application of the curriculum 2013, has gone quite well. That the school has aligned needs for the learning process. The material and teaching material have been integrated with the objective component, which is explicitly written, and students have an interest, positive attitude in learning Buddhist subjects. The output of Buddhist education at the elementary and secondary levels, in the application of the curriculum 2013, has had a quantity of achievements according to the objectives (output) of learning, with the achievement of good grades. All students in learning succeed well. Keywords: Evaluation, Curriculum, Buddhist Educatio
The influence of parents' roles and motivation on student achievement in buddhist education subjects at Bodhisattva elementary school Bandar Lampung
This study aims to determine the effect of the role of parents on student achievement in the subject of Buddhist Education, to determine the effect of learning motivation on student achievement, to determine the effect of the role of parents and motivation on student achievement at SDS Bodhisattva in Buddhist Education Subjects. The results of the study 1) the results of the significance of 0.038 > 0.05 and t count 1.815 > t table 2.03011 so that Ho2 is accepted and Ha2 is rejected, that is, there is an influence of 41.8% on the role of parents on learning achievement. 2) of 0.033 > 0.05 and t count 1.978 > t table 2.03011 so that Ho2 is accepted and Ha2 is rejected, that is, there is an influence of 41.8% motivation on student achievement. 3) the significance value is 0.616 < 0.05 and learning achievement is 0.616 < 0.05 and the calculated F value is 3.078 < F table 2.465809. It can be concluded that Ha3 is accepted as having an effect so that 19.9% the role of parents and motivation on student achievement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the role of parents, motivation and learning achievement in grades IV, V and VI in Buddhist education subjects at SDS Bodhisattva Bandar Lampun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of the learning is done by people who become temporary teachers Buddhist education in an effort to meet the needs of the number of teachers who have not been fulfilled, the task execution, knowing temporary teachers in carrying out his duties as a teacher of Buddhist education. This research is a mix research. The result of research, indicate that the implementation of the learning undertaken by temporary teachers of Buddhist education in an effort to meet the needs of the teacher is the optimal number, and All teachers have done their job well, with components that should receive special attention is in the use of media and or learning strategies. If the evaluation is done thoroughly in the process of learning plans then seen the incomplete learning plan performed as in the case of making worksheets, clarity sources, lack of subject content validity, and if it is seen only in the process of learning plans in particular RPP (Learning Implementation Plan), specifically on learning plan in the classroom, regardless of other aspects) resulting deficiencies in the methods and learning strategies are used
The Metaphor of Craving in the Tanha Vagga of the Dhammapada Scripture (Semantic Study of Buddhist Texts)
The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) Haley’s model of human perceptual space category used to create the metaphorical expression of craving in the Tanha Vagga verse of the Dhammapada scripture, (2) the distribution of Haley's category of human perceptual space that is most prominently used to create the metaphorical expression of craving in the Tanha Vagga verse of the Dhammapada scripture, (3) the state of the ecological system as seen in the metaphor of craving in the Tanha Vagga verse of the Dhammapada scripture based on the distribution of the use of the Haley’s category of the human perceptual space. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research, with Content Analysis technique. The data source is the Tanha Vagga Dhammapada Scripture. The results showed: (1) in the Tanha Vagga scripture Dhammapada there are 31 metaphors of craving that can be categorized into the five spaces of human perception according to Haley's model, including the categories of being, energy, terrestrial, object and living. (2) Based on the results of the distribution of the use of the Haley’s model of human perceptual space, it was found that the living category was the most prominent type of craving metaphor category with a percentage of 35.4%, (3) the percentage distribution results reflected the unbalanced state of the ecological system in the Tanha Vagga verses of Dhammapada. The metaphorical expression of craving in the Tanha Vagga of the Dhamapada scriptures is packaged in a metaphorical form which means controlling lust (taṇhā = Pali) which causes dukkha (suffering) and the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra). Buddhism seeks to eliminate taṇhā to eliminate dukkha
This study aims to determine the advantages of using two types of scale models by comparing Likert scale and semantics differential scale, in addition to knowing the silla construct and knowing the indicators. This study uses a development model, using the Borg and Gall model, which is adjusted. The sample used was the Buddhist community in the Central Java region, which consisted of Wonogiri, Semarang and Temanggung Regencies. Analysis by using factor analysis with exploratory factor analysis, in addition to descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the components that can be used to compile the Silla instruments in Buddhism, according to the two instruments, consist of five dimensions of the Buddhist Pancasila. The indicators in each component of the Silla include four indicators of silla, namely thoughts, speech, physical body actions, and self-control. The advantages and disadvantages of the two forms of attitude rating scale, are differential semantic scales, have more advantages in terms of relatively higher validity and reliability
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses, dan output dalam penerapan kurikulum 2013 pendidikan agama Buddha pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi, dengan model evaluasi program CIPP. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pendidikan agama Buddha pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah, dalam penerapan kurikulum 2013, telah berjalan cukup baik. Output pendidikan agama Buddha dan Budi pekerti, pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, dalam penerapan kurikulum 2013, telah memiliki kuantitas capaian tujuan (output) pembelajaran ketercapaian nilai yang baik. Semua siswa dalam belajar berhasil dengan baik. Kualitas capaian tujuan (product), dilihat tentang perkembangan kondisi sikap dan minat siswa terhadap mata pelajaran, juga kemampuan siswa dalam menerapkan dan praktik beragama dalam kesehariannya. Siswa telah bersikap positif