52 research outputs found

    Orzeczenie sądu opiekuńczego w przedmiocie wyrażenia zgody na pobranie od małoletniego szpiku lub komórek krwiotwórczych krwi obwodowej

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    This article concerns the ruling rendered in one of the civil proceedings which are regulated in Act of 1 July 2005 on the cell, tissue and organ recovery, storage and transplantation, i.e. in the proceeding on the subject of giving consent of the guardianship court to collect bone marrow or peripheral blood haematopoietic cells from the juvenile. First of all, the author describes the issues pertaining to the content of the ruling, its time and place, as well as its form and legal nature. Next, the author presents the characteristics and results of the ruling, including: legitimacy, inalterability, res iudicata, effectiveness and enforceability. Moreover, the author touches upon a very important issue of justification of ruling.Artykuł dotyczy problematyki orzeczenia wydanego w jednym z postępowań cywilnych uregulowanych w ustawie z dnia 1 lipca 2005 r. o pobieraniu, przechowywaniu i przeszczepianiu komórek, tkanek i narządów, a mianowicie w postępowaniu w przedmiocie wyrażenia zgody przez sąd opiekuńczy na pobranie szpiku lub komórek krwiotwórczych krwi obwodowej od małoletniego. W pierwszej kolejności zostały omówione zagadnienia dotyczące treści orzeczenia, czasu i miejsca orzekania, postaci orzeczenia oraz jego charakteru prawnego. Dalsze rozważania dotyczą cech i skutków orzeczenia, w tym: prawomocności, niezmienności, powagi rzeczy osądzonej, skuteczności i wykonalności. Autorka porusza ponadto istotną problematykę uzasadnienia postanowienia i doręczenia tego uzasadnienia

    Wniosek wszczynający postępowanie w przedmiocie wyrażenia zgody przez sąd opiekuńczy na pobranie szpiku lub komórek krwiotwórczych krwi obwodowej od małoletniego

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    This article is about issues of application which initiate proceedings on the subject of consent of the guardianship court of draw marrow or haematopoietic cells peripheral blood from juvenile. First of all the author described general remarks about proceedings on the subject of draw marrow or haematopoietic cells peripheral blood from juvenile. Afterwards the author described formal requirements of application with reference to formal requirements of procedural document in general and formal requirements of summons. Further considerations affect return and withdraw of application.W artykule została omówiona problematyka wniosku wszczynającego postępowanie w przedmiocie wyrażenia zgody przez sąd opiekuńczy na pobranie szpiku lub komórek krwiotwórczych krwi obwodowej od małoletniego. W pierwszej kolejności zostały przedstawione uwagi ogólne dotyczące postępowania w przedmiocie pobrania od małoletniego szpiku lub komórek krwi. Następnie przybliżono zagadnienia dotyczące warunków formalnych tego wniosku w odniesieniu do warunków formalnych pism procesowych w ogólności oraz warunków formalnych pozwu. Dalsze rozważania dotyczą zwrotu wniosku oraz jego cofnięcia

    Wniosek o ustalenie zdarzenia medycznego

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    Artykuł omawia problematykę wniosku o ustalenie zdarzenia medycznego, a zatem wniosku wszczynającego postępowanie przed wojewódzką komisją do spraw orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych. W pierwszej kolejności zostały omówione zagadnienia dotyczące sposobu złożenia i formy analizowanego wniosku, a także jego elementów oraz niezbędnych załączników. Dalsze rozważania dotyczą określenia charakteru prawnego terminu do złożenia wniosku, sytuacji w których wniosek podlega zwrotowi oraz odrzuceniu, a także skutków procesowych i materialnoprawnych złożenia wniosku.This article is about proposal of ascertainment of medical event, ergo proposal which started proceedings before the Committee for Adjudication of Medical Events. First of all author elaborate issues which are connected with the way to apply and form of this proposal and also components and needful attachments of this proposal. Secondly meaningful are also legal nature of deadline to apply, the situation when proposal should be returned or refuse and also results of apply

    Associations Between Health Behavior Habits and Quality of Life Outcomes in Pregnant Women: A Preliminary Investigation in Polish Sample

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    The aim of our study was to analyze the relationships between health behaviours and quality of life. Research was conducted on a sample of 144 women in the third trimester of pregnancy, participating in antenatal classes. The tools used for investigation of health behaviour was Health Behaviour Inventory and for the quality of life was Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQoL-Bref). The analysis of results between women with high, average and low General Index of Intensity of Health Behaviours (GIIHB) showed statistically relevant difference in quality of life only in the Environment domain ( p ≤ 0.05). Depending on GIIHB, there are different correlations between categories of health behaviours and quality of life. The present research confirmed the existence of correlations between health behaviours and perceived quality of life among pregnant women participating in antenatal classes. The observed correlations show a need for further investigation and taking into account also other individual and socio-economic factors

    Comparison of nutrition manner of pregnant women healthy and with gestational diabetes mellitus type G1

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy było porównanie sposobu żywienia i stylu życia zdrowych kobiet w ciąży i obciążonych cukrzycą ciążową typu G1. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 130 ciężar nych (80 kobiet zdrowych i 50 kobiet z roz - poznaną cukrzycą ciążową typu G1), w II trymestrze ciąży, w wieku 19−40 lat. Od badanych zebrano dane antropometr yczne, określono częstość spożycia wybranych produktów oraz trzykrotnie przeprowadzono wywiad indywidualnego spożycia z ostatnich 24 godzin. Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że większość badanych kobiet charakteryzowała się nadmiernym przyrostem masy ciała w czasie ciąży, co mogło wpływać na wzrost ryzyka wystąpienia cukrzycy ciążowej. Żywienie badanych kobiet ciężarnych zarówno zdrowych, jak chorych na cukrzycę, było nieprawidłowe: w diecie obydwu grup stwierdzono nieprawidłowy rodzaj węglowodanów (o czym świadczy duży ładunek glikemiczny całodziennej racji pokarmowej) i tłuszczów (o czym świadczą wysokie wartości wskaźnika Keysa). Badane chore na cukrzycę zwracały uwagę na wybór konkretnych „modnych” produktów będących źródłem błonnika pokarmowego, równie często jednak jak kobiety zdrowe spożywały słodycze, słodkie napoje czy słodzony nabiał oraz produkty będące źródłem nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych. Wnioski. Styl życia badanych, charakter yzujący się małą aktywnością fizyczną oraz niepra - widłowym żywieniem, nie spr zyjał utrzymaniu normoglikemii. Nieprawidłowości w żywieniu badanych mogły wynikać z braku zmian zwyczajów żywieniowych w c zasie ciąży, co było związane z brakiem edukacji żywieniowej, ponieważ badanym nie z aproponowano żadnych spotkań edukacyjnych z zakresu żywienia, a od lekarzy prowadzących otrzymały jedynie ogólne wytyczne dotyczące zaleceń żywieniowych w cukrzycy ciążowej. Wskazane jest wprowadzenie systematycznej, opartej na kontakcie ze specjalistą z zakresu żywienia, edukacji kobiet w ciąży, zarówno zdrowych, jak i z rozpoznaną cukrzycą ciążową.Introduction. Comparison the diet and lifestyle of pregnant women healthy and with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus type G1. Material and methods. The study was conducted among 130 pregnant women (80 healthy and 50 with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus type G1), in the second trimester of pregnancy, 19−40 years old. Anthropometric data were collected, prevalence of consumption of selected products and three times repeated personal 24-hour dietary recall interview was determined. Results. Most of the examined women were characterized with excessed body mass gain during pregnancy. Nutrition of both groups of women, healthy and with diabetes, was improper. In the diet of both groups inappropriate types of carbohydrates were found (manifested by high glycemic load of the food ration) and fats (reflected by high values of Keys index). The women with diabetes paid attention to choosing “fashionable” products being the source of dietary fiber, however they consumed sweets, sweet beverages or sweetened da iry and products, which are the source of saturated fatty acids, as often as healthy women. Conclusions. Lifestyle of the examined woman, characterized by low physical activity and improper nutrition was not in favor of maintaining the normoglycemia. Irregularities in nutrition could emerge from the lack of change of nutritional habits during pregnancy, which is connected with the lack of nutritional education, the women did not receive any proposals of educational meetings about nutrition, they received only general recommendation guidelines about nutrition in gestational diabetes. Introduction of systematic, based on contact with nutrition specialist, education of pregnant women is recommended

    Effect of supplementation with chokeberry juice on the inflammatory status and markers of iron metabolism in rowers

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of supplementation with chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice on the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, hepcidin, and selected markers of iron metabolism in rowers subjected to exhaustive exercise. METHODS: This double-blind study included 19 members of the Polish Rowing Team. The subjects were randomly assigned to the supplemented group (n = 10), receiving 150 mL of chokeberry juice for 8 weeks, or to the placebo group (n = 9). The participants performed a 2000-m test on a rowing ergometer at the beginning and at the end of the preparatory camp. Blood samples were obtained from the antecubital vein prior to each exercise test, one minute after completing the test, and after a 24-hour recovery period. The levels of hepcidin, interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), ferritin, iron, uric acid, and myoglobin were determined, as well as the total iron-binding capacity, unbound iron-binding capacity, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). RESULTS: Post-exercise, there was a significant increase in IL-6 and a significant decrease in the TAC in both groups, prior to and after supplementation with chokeberry juice. At the end of the experiment, the supplemented athletes showed significantly lower post-exercise levels of TNF-alpha and significantly higher TACs and iron levels than the controls. CONCLUSION: Supplementation with chokeberry juice results in an increase in the antioxidant activity of plasma and contributes significantly to reducing the TNF-alpha level

    Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej

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    Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej Katarzyna Baczyńska-Koc, Magdalena Borys, Andrzej Klimczuk, Iwona Pietrzak, Bogusław Plawgo, Katarzyna Radziewicz, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska & Justyna Żynel-Ete

    Therapeutic treatment according to the Bobath concept based on the International Classification ICF in a patient after a stroke - case report

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    Neurological therapy of the patients after stroke is mainly aimed at the greatest possible growth of the function. During the treatment there are various techniques according to Bobath concept designed to inhibit pathological movement patterns, as well as the stimulation of a physiological response. The aim of this paper is to discuss, on the basis of the presented case, rehabilitation methods of patient after ischemic stroke of the right hemisphere. The physiotherapy examination, based on the International Classification of ICF, assessing problems in the body structures, functions and activities and participation, showed a weakness of the lower trunk muscles, pelvic floor and left hip, muscles hypotonia of directly occupied side, as well as increased muscle tension in left upper limb. Problems of patient activity levels were independent standing up and able to stand without help and lack of left upper limb function activity. Neurological therapy included the muscle tone normalization, work on strengthen core, left hip and pelvis muscles, priming the correct loading of the directly occupied side during the position changes from sitting position to standing and walking, as well as learning of daily living activities

    Staying warm or moist? Operative temperature and thermal preferences of common frogs (Rana temporaria), and effects on locomotion

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    Ambient temperature largely determines the body temperature of amphibians, and thus their hydration state and physiological performance. Microhabitat conditions chosen by terrestrial amphibians may represent a trade-off between high ambient temperatures, which maximize performance but cause high rates of water loss, and low temperatures, which, in turn, slow desiccation, but potentially hinder performance. We determined the operative temperature of common frogs (Rana temporaria) by placing 3% agar models in different microhabitats and measuring their temperature and water loss. Temperature measurements derived from the models accurately matched the body temperature of live frogs placed in the same microhabitat. Operative temperatures were lower than ambient temperatures on a warm day, probably because of evaporative water loss, but they were similar to or even slightly higher than ambient temperatures on a cool day, possibly because of warmth from the substrate. Frogs in the field selected moist and cool habitats, and their body temperatures ranged from 15 to 21 °C. In a temperature gradient in the laboratory, captive frogs chose significantly higher temperatures (19.4±1.7 °C) when the gradient floor was covered entirely with wet sand than when sand was wet in the cool end, but dry in the warm end (17.6±2.5 °C). The relevance of the preferred temperature was assessed through jumping performance experiments, using frogs with different body temperatures. Jump length was lower at low body temperature (6 °C) than at higher body temperatures, and peaked at 15 °C. Our results suggest that the frogs select favourable microhabitats of intermediate temperature, which could result in reduced water loss and peak physiological and behavioural performance.Prof. Sue W. Nicolson and the National Research Foundation, South Africa, are thanked for funding A.K.’s journey to Poland. C.R.T. was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council (DP0879851).http://www.thebhs.org/pubs_journal.htmlab201

    Long-term allogeneic hematopoietic cells transplantation survivors proinflammatory cytokine profile compared to their respective donors and immunophenotype differences depending on GvHD history and infection status

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    Background In the course of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) the donor’s hematopoietic progenitor cells are exposed to immense proliferative stress to reconstitute in the recipient the functional hematopoiesis. Moreover, recipients who develop infections or chronic GvHD are subjected to further proliferative stress, especially in the lymphocyte subset. We hypothesized that allo-HCT may induce changes in proinflammatory cytokines profile and immunophenotype in the allo-HCT recipients, especially in patients with cGVHD history. We compared the cytokine profile (Il-6, Il-10, and TNF-) between long-term allo-HCT recipients and their respective donors and we analyzed cytokines profile and the immunophenotype of lymphocytes in long-term recipients grouped according to the infection and GvHD history. Results We have found no differences in the proinflammatory cytokines between allo-HCT recipients and their respective donors, as well as between recipients grouped according to infectious risk status. Immunophenotyping of recipients grouped according to GvHD status revealed an increased percentage of B-cell presenting PD-1 in recipients without a history of GvHD. Conclusions Lack of differences in proinflammatory cytokines concentrations between recipients and donors of allo-HCT would suggest that allo-HCT does not induce acceleration of the inflammageing-resembling phenomenon. No differences in the cytokine profile and immunophenotype between recipients grouped according to infectious risk status suggest that infectious risk is not reflected by the immunophenotype and cytokine profile. Furthermore, the lack of significant differences in immunophenotype of the recipients grouped according to the history of GvHD may suggest that in long-term survivors the immune system tends to stabilize with time