119 research outputs found

    Free Space Optical Communications: An Overview

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    Bridging the so-called “last mile” in communication networks has revived keen interest in free-Space Optics (FSO), also known as fiber-free or fiberless optics, which is a technology that transports data via laser technology. It is a line-of-sight technology that currently enables optical transmission up to 2.5 Gbps of data, voice and video through the air at long distances (4km), allowing optical connectivity without deploying fiber-optic cable or securing spectrum licenses. It is moving closer to being a realistic alternative to laying fiber in access networks. This paper presents an introduction to FSO and the current state of its technology

    Computational Intelligence

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    Computational intelligence (CI) refers to recreating human-like intelligence in a computing machine. It consists of a set of computing systems with the ability to learn and deal with new situations such that the systems are perceived to have some attributes of intelligence. It is efficient in solving realworld problems which require reasoning and decision-making. It produces more robust, simpler, and tractable solutions than the traditional techniques. This paper provides a brief introduction to computational intelligence

    Mobile Edge Computing

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    Mobile applications are becoming increasingly computational-intensive while many mobile devices still have limited battery power and cannot support computational intensive tasks Mobile edge computing MEC computing is an extension of edge computing and it refers to computing at the edge of a network In mobile edge computing computing and storage nodes are placed at the Internet s edge near mobile devices It places the edge clouds at the candidate locations This paper presents a brief introduction to ME

    Finite Element Analysis of Unshielded Four Conductors with Three Levels Systems for Integrated-circuit Interconnects

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    In this paper an attempt has been made to design and analyze integrated circuit interconnects for unshielded four conductors with three levels systems using Finite Element Method (FEM). We illustrate that FEM is as accurate and effective for modeling multilayered multiconductor transmission lines in strongly inhomogeneous media. We mainly focus on designing of two electrostatic models of unshielded four interconnected lines with three levels system. We computed the capacitance and inductance matrices for these configurations. Also, we determine the quasi-static spectral for the potential distribution of the integrated circuits. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150712


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    Data mining may be regarded as the process of discovering insightful and predictive models from massive data. It is the art of extracting useful information from large amounts of data. It combines traditional data analysis with sophisticated algorithms for processing large amount of data. It is an interdisciplinary field merging concepts from database systems, statistics, machine learning, computing, information theory, and pattern recognition. It has the real potential of becoming part of electrical engineering education. The main objective of this paper is to provide a brief introduction to data mining

    Internet Privacy

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    The benefits of the Internet have come at some cost, one of which is a loss of privacy, which is often regarded as a moral right or a legal right. Internet privacy is primarily concerned with protecting user information. It is widely acknowledged as the top consideration in any online interaction. New threats to privacy and civil liberties are emerging daily and privacy practices are not one size fits all. This paper provides a brief introduction to online privacy


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    Data mining may be regarded as the process of discovering insightful and predictive models from massive data. It is the art of extracting useful information from large amounts of data. It combines traditional data analysis with sophisticated algorithms for processing large amount of data. It is an interdisciplinary field merging concepts from database systems, statistics, machine learning, computing, information theory, and pattern recognition. It has the real potential of becoming part of electrical engineering education. The main objective of this paper is to provide a brief introduction to data mining

    Examining Big Data in Medicine: Applications, Challenges and Benefits

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    Advances in technology have created and will continue to create changes in medical science and practice. In recent years, the medical community has seen massive amount of information, which is collectively known as “big data.” Literatures from various sources were reviewed to explore the application of data analytics in medicine, the benefits and challenges associated with its use.With recent advances in digital technology, the ability to gather and examine big data has become far cheaper and faster. With the promise of data-driven knowledge and intelligent decision-making, big-data projects are going on in every branch of medicine. However, the process of engaging stakeholders to benefits fromthe information provided by big data remain a major issue. This paper presents how big data and big data analytics are used in medicine