593 research outputs found

    Comparative morphometric study of shank bone in the tom (Meleagris gallopavo) and local cock (Gallus banikaval)

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    The study was carried out on 20 legs of ten adult clinically and healthy local and Tom were obtained from Mosul local market, were divided into three groups; the first and second groups were subjected to gross feature regarding to shape, position, relationship of tibiotarsal and fibula in both birds also the length and diameters of shank bone while third group study morphological of muscles, blood and nerve supply of leg. The purpose of this study, this part of the limb is popularly known as the (drum stick), the bird in lowering its body flexes knee and hock joints and this passively tenses these tendons of leg which clamp the digits about the perch, and that is the much longer than the femur and, in spite of importance study to parameters of leg are more economic to choose breed of fertilization depend on the measurement, the outcome of this investigation may served as a guide for successful study of domestic birds in Iraq. The results include in both birds, the leg is consist of tibia fuses with tarsal element, forming tibiotarsus and fiblula articulates with the femur that in contrast to mammals. In Tom the tibia has two cnemial crest in proximal extremity and the distal extremity has tendinal groove, but in local cock it has one cnemial crest of proximal extremity, and it has two tendinal groove in the distal extremity, while hock joint in the Tom and local cock is an intertarsal joint that unites the tibiotarsus with the tarsometatarsus but the stiff joint is similar to that seen in mammals. The mean length of tibiotarsal in Tom 17.99±0.44 cm and the mean length of tibiotarsal in local coke 11.74±0.31 cm, the mean diameter of tibiotarsal in Tom 3.02±0.0021 cm proximal part, 2.21±0.005 cm middle part, 1.94±0.0021 cm distal part, but the mean diameter of tibiotarsal in local coke 2.86±0.048 cm proximal part, 2.02±0.067 cm middle part, 1.51±0.0022 cm distal part. While the mean length of fibula in Tom 11.62±0.21 cm and the mean length of fibula in local coke 7.27±0.32 cm, the mean diameter of fibula in Tom 1.51±0.0021 cm proximal part, 0.81±0.0033 cm middle part, and 0.33±0.0043 cm the distal part,also the mean diameter of fibula in local coke 1.12±0.0025 cm proximal part, 0.51±0.007 cm middle part, and 0.23±0.0054 cm distal part. Tendon of muscles of shank bone in Tom generally ossification but remain that tendon in local cock. Also cranialis tibialis muscle has two head, femoral head is usually smaller than the tibial head and gastrocnimeus muscles is composed of three part into two birds which passes through the planter aspect of the tarsometatarsal joint, as soon as flexor digitorium muscle of both species can be grouped into three morphological level (superficial intermediate and deep), the muscles in turkey are very clearly distinguished are read deep color than it is rose color in local cock, blood, nerve supply and venous drainages of the shank bone in both birds by cranial tibial artery is passage with cranial tibial vein and common fibular nerve


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    The century-old “law of the minimum” proposed by von Liebig was tested using five independent sets of crop response data on wheat, corn, cotton, silage, and sugar beets. The rival models were polynomial functions reported in the literature as the most suitable models for interpreting those data. Overall, the von Liebig model performed very well. While the nonnested hypothesis test was inconclusive with regard to silage and sugar beets, the von Liebig model rejected the polynomial specifications for wheat, corn and cotton.Crop Production/Industries,

    Inverse System in The Category of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Modules

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    This paper begins with the basic concepts of soft module. Later, we introduce inverse system in the category of intutionistic fuzzy soft modules and prove that its limit exists in this category. Generally, limit of inverse system of exact sequences of intutionistic fuzzy soft modules is not exact. Then we define the notion  which is first derived functor of the inverse limit functor. Finally, using methods of homology algebra, we prove that the inverse system limit of exact sequence of intutionistic fuzzy soft modules is exact

    Ballistic Impact Behaviour of a Tempered Bainitic Steel Against 7.62 mm Armour Piercing Projectile

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    In this study, occurence of failure after the interaction between an armour piercing 7.62 mm caliber projectile and a tempered bainitic steel has been investigated. The shot was performed at zero degree with a projectile velocity of 840 m/s. After the shot, microstructural and fractographical examinations were carried out on the sample taken from the perforated region. In the etched sample, it was observed that the morphology of the original microstructure had changed and adiabatic shear bands (ASBs) were formed in regions close to the direction of penetration. Main failure is ductile (plastic) deformation was followed by cleavage after shot. Cracks due to adiabatic shear band and formation of abrasive wear were seen. The perforation mode of the steel was a typical petalling.Defence Science Journal, 2011, 61(1), pp.81-87, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.61.41

    A High Reliability Asymptotic Approach for Packet Inter-Delivery Time Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    In cyber-physical systems such as automobiles, measurement data from sensor nodes should be delivered to other consumer nodes such as actuators in a regular fashion. But, in practical systems over unreliable media such as wireless, it is a significant challenge to guarantee small enough inter-delivery times for different clients with heterogeneous channel conditions and inter-delivery requirements. In this paper, we design scheduling policies aiming at satisfying the inter-delivery requirements of such clients. We formulate the problem as a risk-sensitive Markov Decision Process (MDP). Although the resulting problem involves an infinite state space, we first prove that there is an equivalent MDP involving only a finite number of states. Then we prove the existence of a stationary optimal policy and establish an algorithm to compute it in a finite number of steps. However, the bane of this and many similar problems is the resulting complexity, and, in an attempt to make fundamental progress, we further propose a new high reliability asymptotic approach. In essence, this approach considers the scenario when the channel failure probabilities for different clients are of the same order, and asymptotically approach zero. We thus proceed to determine the asymptotically optimal policy: in a two-client scenario, we show that the asymptotically optimal policy is a "modified least time-to-go" policy, which is intuitively appealing and easily implementable; in the general multi-client scenario, we are led to an SN policy, and we develop an algorithm of low computational complexity to obtain it. Simulation results show that the resulting policies perform well even in the pre-asymptotic regime with moderate failure probabilities

    On non-minimal N=4 supermultiplets in 1D and their associated sigma-models

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    We construct the non-minimal linear representations of the N=4 Extended Supersymmetry in one-dimension. They act on 8 bosonic and 8 fermionic fields. Inequivalent representations are specified by the mass-dimension of the fields and the connectivity of the associated graphs. The oxidation to minimal N=5 linear representations is given. Two types of N=4 sigma-models based on non-minimal representations are obtained: the resulting off-shell actions are either manifestly invariant or depend on a constrained prepotential. The connectivity properties of the graphs play a decisive role in discriminating inequivalent actions. These results find application in partial breaking of supersymmetric theories.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Gauge covariance and spin-current conservation in the gauge-field formulation of systems with spin–orbit coupling

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    The question of gauge covariance in the non-Abelian gauge-field formulation of two space-dimensional systems with spin-orbit coupling relevant to spintronics is investigated. Although these are generally gauge-fixed models, it is found that for the class of gauge fields that are spacetime independent and satisfy a U(1) algebra, thus having a vanishing field strength, there is a residual gauge freedom in the Hamiltonian. The gauge transformations assume the form of a space-dependent rotation of the transformed wavefunctions with rotation angles and axes determined by the specific form of the gauge field, i.e. the spin-orbit coupling. The fields can be gauged away, reducing the Hamiltonian to one which is isospectral to the free-particle Hamiltonian, and giving rise to the phenomenon of persistent spin helix reported first by Bernevig et al (2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 236601). The investigation of the global gauge transformations leads to the derivation of a continuity equation where the component of the spin density along given directions, again fixed by the specific form of the gauge field, is conserved

    Prevalence of hypertension among reproductive age group tribal women in Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: Globalization brought the lifestyle & behavioural modifications and in turn increased the prevalence of life style disorders such as hypertension. According to ICMR report 2007-08, the prevalence of hypertension was varying from 17-21 % in all states with marginal rural-urban differences. At the same time, tribal communities were little affected with globalization & had low socio economic development when compared to other areas. Based on this back ground the present study was conducted with an aim to estimate the prevalence of hypertension in reproductive age group tribal women. The current study was conducted in ITDA Paderu division of Visakhapatnam district, India.Methods: It was a cross sectional observational study conducted among 214 randomly selected consented tribal women. A structured questionnaire was applied and blood pressures were measured with standardized electronic blood pressure apparatus. Joint national committee-7 classification was used to estimate the prevalence of hypertension. Data was analyzed with SPSS-21 trial version and Chi-square & correlation tests were used to test significance of results.Results: Among the study women, 40.6% belonged to prime tribe groups (PTG) & 36% of women had debts. Two fifths (40.7%) of tribal women were normotensive & another two fifths (42.1%) were in pre-hypertensive stage. Stage-1 hypertension was observed in 16.3% of study women. Non- PTGs & women with debts had significantly high prevalence of hypertension when compared to other groups.Conclusions: Prevalence of HTN was more in tribal women when compared to national prevalence indicating the need of screening of blood pressures in tribal communities.

    Isolation and Characterization of Pb Resistant Bacteria From Cilalay Lake, Indonesia

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    Pollution of water environment with heavy metals is becoming one of the most severe environmental and human health hazards. Lead (Pb) is a major pollutant and highly toxic to human, animals, plants, and microbes. Toxic metals are difficult to remove from the environment, since they cannot be chemically or biologically degraded and are ultimately indestructible. Biological approaches based on metal-resistant microorganisms have received a great deal of attention as alternative remediation processes. This study aim to isolate and characterize Pb resistant of heterotrophic bacteria in Cilalay Lake, West Java, Indonesia. The water samples were collected along three points around Cilalay Lake. Water physical and chemical determination was performed using the Water Quality Checker. The bacterial isolates were screened on Triptone Glucose Yeast (TGY) agar plates. Afterwards selected isolates were grown on Nutrient Agar media 50% with supplemented Pb 100 ppm by the standard disk. Population of resistant bacteria was counted. The result from metal resistant bacteria indicated that all isolates were resistant. The most abundant type of resistant bacteria to lead was Gram negative more than Gram positive. Identified have metal resistant bacteria could be useful for the bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated sewage and waste wate