305 research outputs found

    Wild Arachis Genetic Resources at ICRISAT

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    The conservatron olArachls germplasm IS an urgent need ICRlSA T hes bean desrgnatd.s a mwot reposrtofy'ol Arrchls germplem. wrth the obwrrves 01 coll~tronm, arnfenance and evaluatron 01 the genetrc resources. end the documentatron and dtstrrbutron 01 mahrral end tnlormatton Wrld specres 01 Arachls are acqurred through transler from known genelrc resocrrce crnlsrs rn Indra end abroad, and elso by collectmg expedrrrons The accessrons whrch reproduce by seed are multrplred by growrng rn Ihe lreld Currently the pods arestored a1 d°C wrlh 35% relrttve hunitdtry Long-term storage lacrlrtres are berng burlt The rhrzometous accessrons ere merntarrved by growing rooted cuftrngs rn concrete conterners A serres oldescrrpfors surfable lor Iheevalualron 01 wtld specres 01 Arachls rs berng developed, meenwhrle the groundnur descrrptors developed by l8PGR end ICRlSA T are berng used At ICRISA T, wrld specres are screened agarnst drseases andpesfs Those specres wtth resrstancr are berng urrlrzed in the Groundnuf lmprovemenl Program Arach~sg ermplasm 1s avatlabte lrbe 01 charge lo all sctentrsts who wrsh to use rt The current status of wrld Arach~s germplasm and the lufure program are presente

    Photon beam asymmetry Sigma for eta and eta \u27 photoproduction from the proton

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    Measurements of the linearly-polarized photon beam asymmetry Sigma for photoproduction from the proton of eta and eta \u27 mesons are reported. A linearly-polarized tagged photon beam produced by coherent bremsstrahlung was incident on a cryogenic hydrogen target within the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer. Results are presented for the gamma p -\u3e eta p reaction for incident photon energies from 1.070 to 1.876 GeV, and from 1.516 to 1.836 GeV for the gamma p -\u3e eta \u27 p reaction. For gamma p -\u3e eta p, the data reported here considerably extend the range of measurements to higher energies, and are consistent with the few previously published measurements for this observable near threshold. For gamma p -\u3e eta \u27 p, the results obtained are consistent with the few previously published measurements for this observable near threshold, but also greatly expand the incident photon energy coverage for that reaction. Initial analysis of the data reported here with the Bonn-Gatchina model strengthens the evidence for four nucleon resonances - the N(1895)1/2(-), N(1900)3/2(+), N(2100)1/2(+) and N(2120)3/2(-) resonances which presently lack the four-star status in the current Particle Data Group compilation, providing examples of how these new measurements help refine models of the photoproduction process. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the early stages of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica

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    We present results of detailed atomistic modeling of the early stages of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica using molecular dynamics. Our simulations lead to the proposal of a mechanism that validates several previous experimental and modeling studies and answers many controversial issues regarding the synthesis of mesoporous silicas. In particular, we show that anionic silicates interact very strongly with cationic surfactants and, significantly adsorb on the surface of micelles, displacing a fraction of previously bound bromide counterions. This induces an increase in micelle size and also enhances silica condensation at the micelle surface. The presence of larger silica aggregates in solution further promotes the growth of micelles and, by binding to surfactant molecules in different micelles, their aggregation. This work demonstrates the crucial role played by silica in influencing, by way of a cooperative templating mechanism, the structure of the eventual liquid-crystal phase, which in turn determines the structure of the porous material

    Nonlinear analysis of EEG signals at different mental states

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    BACKGROUND: The EEG (Electroencephalogram) is a representative signal containing information about the condition of the brain. The shape of the wave may contain useful information about the state of the brain. However, the human observer can not directly monitor these subtle details. Besides, since bio-signals are highly subjective, the symptoms may appear at random in the time scale. Therefore, the EEG signal parameters, extracted and analyzed using computers, are highly useful in diagnostics. This work discusses the effect on the EEG signal due to music and reflexological stimulation. METHODS: In this work, nonlinear parameters like Correlation Dimension (CD), Largest Lyapunov Exponent (LLE), Hurst Exponent (H) and Approximate Entropy (ApEn) are evaluated from the EEG signals under different mental states. RESULTS: The results obtained show that EEG to become less complex relative to the normal state with a confidence level of more than 85% due to stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: It is found that the measures are significantly lower when the subjects are under sound or reflexologic stimulation as compared to the normal state. The dimension increases with the degree of the cognitive activity. This suggests that when the subjects are under sound or reflexologic stimuli, the number of parallel functional processes active in the brain is less and the brain goes to a more relaxed stat

    Сетевая система контроля технологического процесса выращивания полупроводниковых кристаллов и тонких пленок

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    Экспериментальное моделирование аппаратно-программного обеспечения показало достаточную надежность работы системы и значительное уменьшение трудоемкости контроля и управления параметрами технологического процесса

    Synthesis of Well-Defined, Surfactant-Free Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Nanoparticles:The Impact of Size and Manganese Promotion on Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Reduction and Water Oxidation Activity

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    Abstract: A surfactant-free synthetic route has been developed to produce size-controlled, cube-like cobalt oxide nanoparticles of three different sizes in high yields. It was found that by using sodium nitrite as salt-mediating agent, near-quantitative yields could be obtained. The size of the nanoparticles could be altered from 11 to 22 nm by changing the cobalt concentration and reaction time. These surfactant-free nanoparticles form ideal substrates for facile deposition of further elements such as manganese. The effect of size of the cobalt oxide nanoparticles and the presence of manganese on the reducibility of cobalt oxide to metallic cobalt was investigated. Similarly, the effect of these parameters was investigated with a visible light promoted water oxidation system with cobalt oxide as catalyst, together with [Ru(bpy) 3] 2+ light harvester dye and an electron acceptor. Graphical Abstract: A novel surfactant-free synthetic route has been developed to produce size-controlled, cube shaped cobalt oxide nanoparticles in high yields. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. </p