11 research outputs found
Utilization of Health Care Facilites at Malino Highland
Health is a fundamental right that every citizen in Indonesia has and every level of society has the same right to the health services. This study aims to determine the relationship between geographical factors (distance, travel time and type of transportation) and economic factors, namely the economic ability to reach health services on the utilization of health service facilities in the Malino Highland. This research uses quantitative methods with a cross sectional approach which was carried out in July-August 2023 with a total of 114 heads of household in Dusun Balanglohe, Desa Kanreapia Village, Kecamatan Tombolo Pao, Kabupaten Gowa called Malino Highland. Data collection was carried out through surveys and analyzed bivariately. The research results show that the majority of households have not utilized health services in the last one year. Travel time and type of transportation are related to health service utilization. Meanwhile, distance, income and type of insurance have no relationship with health service utilization. The government and related stakeholders need to develop strategies to increase the accessibility of health services in the Malino highlands area. As a next step, further research can be conducted to explore other factors that may influence health service utilization, such as cultural factors, education, and community perceptions of health services.
Background: Early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) is pivotal to the success of exclusive breastfeeding and plays an important role not only in reducing infection-related neonatal mortality but also in providing protection in the next period of life. Purpose: This study aims to identify predictive factors of early breastfeeding practices on Sulawesi Island. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on population by using data from the Indonesia Demographic and Health Surveys (IDHS) in 2017 was conducted on 1,040 women who had given live birth in 6 provinces on Sulawesi Island. The analysis used bivariate and multivariate logistic regression with predictive models for complex sample design, adjusted for confounders to examine the relationship of EIBF with independent variables. Results: The study showed that 50.58% of women practiced EIBF on Sulawesi Island. Significantly, and adjusted for confounder, it found the predictive factors of EIBF practice consecutively, singleton birth being the factor with the highest association value (aOR:11.35, 95%CI (0.00-0.07)), skin-to-skin contact (aOR:3.05,95%CI (2.22–4.21)), normal delivery (aOR:2.94, 95%CI (1.94–4.45)) and delivery accompanied by family (aOR: 1.68,95% CI (1.06–2.67)) and parity factor >1 (aOR: 1.52,95% CI (1.10–2.10)). Conclusion: The fulfillment of education related to the urgency of implementing EIBF to pregnant women and their families as a support system as well as the application of standard operating procedure for EIBF for all types of deliveries in health facilities is vital to support the successful implementation of EIBF
The Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine: The Projection from the First Year of COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
The Pandemic of COVID-19 affected not only the health sector but also other sectors. Herd immunity through vaccination was recommended by experts. This study purposed to describe the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine and to discover predictive factors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Indonesia. This is a cross-sectional study. Data collection used an online platform conducted in August 2020. The questionnaire based on Survey Tool and Guidance by WHO Regional Office for Europe. Logistic regression was run to identify associated factors and to build a predictive model of vaccine acceptance. There were 164 respondents aged 19 – 56 years. About 70.1 percent of respondents showed a willingness to accept the vaccine for COVID-19. The predictive model consisted of age, perceived probability that has been infected and trust in government press releases with performance reaching 73 percent. The trust of people in the government was the most important key to engaging people in vaccination. Evidence-based messaging delivered regularly by the government and consistent action between the government and health officers would educate and lead people's risk perceived and the decision to be vaccinated
Gerakan edukasi cegah stunting dari rumah pada masyarakat Kabupaten Maros
Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak yang memberikan banyak implikasi negatif jika tidak dicegah lebih dini. Salah satu faktor penghambat upaya penanganan stunting di masyarakat adalah rendahnya rendahnya pengetahuan mayarakat terkait gizi. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalan untuk memberikan edukasi bahwa stunting itu dapat dicegah dari rumah. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode CBR (Community-Based Research) dimana komunitas target berperan aktif dalam proses kegiatan, dalam rangka meningkatkan efektifitas proses kerja dan menghasilkan sebuah rekomendasi yang benar-benar bermanfaat bagi perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas kehidupan sosial mereka. Hasilnya metode edukasi yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini (penyuluhan dan pembagian poster) efektif memperbaiki literasi komunitas target terkait informasi stunting. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan agar kegiatan serupa dapat terus dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan setempat termasuk untuk masalah kesehatan selain stunting
Hubungan Self Efficacy dengan Manajemen Diri Penderita Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Kassi-Kassi Kota Makassar Tahun 2022
Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang cukup berbahaya di seluruh dunia. Prevalensi hipertensi secara global tahun 2019 sebesar 22% dari total penduduk dunia. Di Indonesia, prevalensi hipertensi sebesar 34,11%. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Makassar prevalensi hipertensi tertinggi adalah Puskesmas Kassi-Kassi. Hipertensi membutuhkan manajemen penyakit jangka panjang oleh penderitanya. Manajemen diri berhubungan dengan perilaku penderita, salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi manajemen diri adalah self efficacy. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan self efficacy dengan manajemen diri penderita hipertensi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 303 responden yang didapatkan dari hasil pengukuran tekanan darah, pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan nilai signifikan (0.05). Berdasarkan karakteristik responden penderita hipertensi di Puskesmas Kassi-Kassi didominasi oleh perempuan 174 (57,4%), usia 45-49 tahun 70 (23,1%) dengan pekerjaan terbanyak adalah ibu rumah tangga 117 (38,6%), status pernikahan sudah menikah 251 (82,2%), memiliki riwayat keluarga hipertensi 215 (71,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara self efficacy dengan manajemen diri penderita hipertensi. Diharapkan penderita hipertensi dapat melakukan manajemen diri dengan baik dengan melakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan konsumsi obat hipertensi secara rutin serta menerapkan pola hidup yang seha
Faktor prediktor gangguan penglihatan berat dan kebutaan pada penderita diabetes di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Pendahuluan: Peningkatan prevalensi diabetes berimplikasi pada potensi peningkatan beban penyakit akibat diabetes, seperti gangguan penglihatan dan kebutaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor prediktor terjadinya gangguan penglihatan berat dan kebutaan pada penderita diabetes di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional study dan memanfaatkan data register Jogjakarta Eye Diabetic Study in the Community (JOGED.COM). Data yang dianalisis meliputi karakteristik sosial demografi, status diabetes, riwayat kesehatan dan penyakit mata. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan simple logistic regression dengan analisa tambahan estimasi korelasi semi parsial, stratifikasi dan multilevel menggunakan Generelized Estimation Equation (GEE).  Hasil : Terdapat 1093 data register penderita diabetes dalam penelitian ini. Teridentifikasi prevalensi gangguan penglihatan berat dan kebutaan adalah 12% dan 6,5%. Pada analisis, katarak, retinopati diabetik dan durasi diabetes >10 tahun signifikan berhubungan baik terhadap gangguan penglihatan berat maupun kebutaan, sementara glaukoma (OR=3,42;95%CI=0,61-12,86) dan hipertensi (OR=1,36;95%CI=1,04-1,77) hanya berhubungan dengan gangguan penglihatan berat. Katarak adalah penyakit mata dengan kontribusi terbesar baik terhadap gangguan penglihatan berat (4,73%) maupun kebutaan (3,11%). Terdapat modifikasi efek katarak terhadap gangguan penglihatan berat (M-HOR=3,64; 95%CI=2,75-4,81) dan kebutaan (M-HOR=3,69; 95%CI=2,59-5,25) berdasarkan durasi diabetes yang signifikan secara statistik. Hasil analisis GEE menunjukkan katarak, retinopati diabetik dan durasi diabetes > 10 tahun adalah model prediktor terbaik terhadap gangguan penglihatan berat dan kebutaan. Kesimpulan :  Faktor prediktor gangguan penglihatan berat dan kebutaan pada penderita diabetes di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta adalah katarak, retinopati diabetik dan durasi diabetes >10 tahun. Modifikasi efek durasi diabetes > 10 tahun terhadap kontribusi katarak hanya signifikan pada outcome kebutaan.  Predictors of severe visual impairment and blindness among diabetic patients in Special Territory of YogyakartaPurposeThe purpose of this study was to identify any predictors of severe visual impairment and blindness among diabetic patients in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.MethodsThis research was a cross-sectional study by analyzing registry data from (JOGED.COM). Data included sociodemographic characteristics, diabetic status, health record, and eye diseases. The analysis was done using chi-square and simple logistic regression tests follow with semi-partial correlation, stratification tests and multilevel analysis with Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE).ResultsAs much as 1093 data were included in this study. The prevalence of severe visual impairment was 12% and blindness was 6.5%. Cataract, diabetic retinopathy and diabetes duration >10 years were statistically significant with severe visual impairment and blindness while glaucoma and hypertension only significant with severe visual impairment. The contribution of cataract in severe visual impairment (4.73%) and blindness (3.11%) was highest among eye diseases. There was modification effect of cataract to severe visual impairment and blindness by diabetes duration. Based on GEE, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and diabetes duration > 10 years was the best model to predict the occurrence of severe visual impairment and blindness.ConclusionsPredictors of severe visual impairment and blindness among diabetic patients in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta were the cataract, diabetic retinopathy and diabetes duration >10 years. Modification effect of cataract by diabetes duration only was significant in a model to predict blindness
Increasing Community Knowledge Regarding Hypertension in Kanreapia Village, Gowa Regency
Hypertension is a major health problem that can affect people in developing countries, especially rural communities. This disease can result in health problems in the body's internal organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys. This activity aims to increase public knowledge regarding hypertension and implement preventive methods to prevent hypertension. Counseling regarding hypertension was carried out using the lecture method in Balanlohe Hamlet, Kanreapia Village, Kuncio Pao District, Gowa Regency. By displaying a PPT (Power Point) which contains material about hypertension. Pre and post tests were given to determine changes in knowledge before and after the counseling was given. Shows that based on the difference in pre-test and post-test results, there was an increase in knowledge from 6.7% who had good knowledge before counseling to 80% after being given counseling. Based on the results of the Paired Samples T Test, it shows that there is a significant difference in knowledge both before and after hypertension education. The results of this activity recommend that people adopt a healthy lifestyle, use iodized salt, exercise regularly, and have regular health checks at the nearest health facility
Pengelolaan sampah dengan pendekatan Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) di wilayah pesisir Bulukumba Sulawesi Selatan
Waste becomes a crucial problem in coastal areas because of the habit of people who throw garbage directly into the sea. This community service aims to manage waste by empowering assets owned by the community. This activity is carried out in 2 stages, namely the preparation and implementation stages. The preparation phase is carried out by inventorying assets owned by the community, conducting socialization, preparing materials and materials needed for waste management training. The identified assets owned by the community consist of physical assets, human assets, social assets, financial assets, and natural assets. The results of the activity showed that the participants who were present did not reach the target due to the sea fishing activities carried out by residents. Participants who took part in the waste management activities were quite enthusiastic in participating in the material and simulation. It is expected that participants who follow the training can process their garbage and motivate other residents to handle their waste.Sampah menjadi masalah yang krusial di daerah pesisir karena kebiasaan masyarakat yang membuang sampah langsung ke laut. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengelola sampah dengan memberdayakan aset yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam 2 tahap, yaitu tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Tahap persiapan dilakukan dengan menginventarisi aset yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat, melakukan sosialisasi, mempersiapkan materi dan bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pelatihan pengolahan sampah. Aset yang teridentifikasi dimiliki oleh masyarakat terdiri dari aset fisik, aset manusia, aset sosial, aset finansial, dan aset alam, berupa lahan perkebunan dan pertanian yang menjadi sumber sampah organik sekaligus sebagai tempat mengaplikasikan pupuk kompos hasil pengolahan sampah organik tersebut. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa peserta yang hadir tidak mencapai target karena kegiatan melaut yang dilakukan warga. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan pengolahan sampah cukup antusias mengikuti materi dan simulasi. Diharapkan peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan dapat mengolah sampahnya sendiri dan memotivasi warga lain untuk mengolah sampahnya masing-masing
Portrait of Metabolic Syndrome by Gender in A Rural Area of Gowa Regency
Metabolic syndrome is an important indicator in efforts to control non-communicable diseases. The incidence of metabolic syndrome is directly proportional to the incidence of obesity while the prevalence of metabolic syndrome varies based on sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle. Efforts to identify metabolic syndrome in the community are a crucial step to identify early the potential for hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus. This study aims to identify components of metabolic syndrome based on gender. Cross sectional study is the research design that underlies data collection on risk factors for metabolic syndrome which is carried out through interviews and measurements of height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure and cholesterol levels using NCEP-III criteria as the basis for identifying metabolic syndrome. Data analysis used the Chi-Square test. The metabolic syndrome component in the form of obesity is identified in men and women using different indicators. Both men and women have experienced increases in systolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A history of smoking was the only risk factor for metabolic syndrome with a statistically significant difference in proportion between men and women. Behavioral modifications such as eating patterns, rest, and others according to the guidance of the Koran and hadith are needed to minimize the incidence of metabolic syndrome