48 research outputs found

    Improved models in fuzzy time series for forecasting

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    The focus of this research is in the area of fuzzy time series. Such a study is important in order to improve the forecasting performance. The research approach adopted in this thesis includes introducing polynomial fuzzy time series, differential fuzzy logic relationships model, multi-layer stock forecasting model, data pre-processing approach, and k-step-ahead forecasting. The findings from this research provide evidence that integration of the polynomial concept and non- linear optimization transfer the fuzzy time series to a parametric model. By using polynomial fuzzy time series, 83% of experiments were improved significantly. Differential fuzzy logical relationships were defined to be used for establishing differential fuzzy logical relationship groups. By utilizing differential fuzzy time series in Taiwan Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) datasets, 90% of the results were improved and as for enrollment datasets this statistic was 100%. Data pre-processing approach managed to reduce the negative effects of noisy data by transforming the data into a new domain. By applying integrated data pre-processing fuzzy time series algorithm to short term load data and TAIEX, the average of Mean Absolute Percentage Errors (MAPEs) and Root Mean Square Errors (RMSEs) were reduced by 12.05 and 1.98, respectively. The multi-layer forecasting model enhances the performance of stock forecast values. Many experiments that were carried out on the forty years' stock data indicated that multi-layer fuzzy time series model could be considered as an advanced model for stock market forecasting. The one-day ahead forecasting was successfully employed to England and France 2006 half-hourly load data. The main conclusion drawn from this study suggests that the proposed methods were accurate compared to their counterparts. In addition, the functionality of the proposed methods was enhanced through the proposed algorithms which were tested to be robust and reliable. All of these findings were confirmed through various tests of the proposed methods on numerous case studies. The thesis also recommends that the fuzzy time series model should be considered in forecasting alongside with classical approaches

    Short-term load forecasting method based on fuzzy time series, seasonality and long memory process

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    Seasonal Auto Regressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average (SARFIMA) is a well-known model for forecasting of seasonal time series that follow a long memory process. However, to better boost the accuracy of forecasts inside such data for nonlinear problem, in this study, a combination of Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) with SARFIMA is proposed. To build the proposed model, certain parameters requires to be estimated. Therefore, a reliable Evolutionary Algorithm namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is employed. As a case study, a seasonal long memory time series, i.e., short term load consumption historical data, is selected. In fact, Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) plays a key role in energy management systems (EMS) and in the decision making process of every power supply organization. In order to evaluate the proposed method, some experiments, using eight datasets of half-hourly load data from England and France for the year 2005 and four data sets of hourly load data from Malaysia for the year 2007, are designed. Although the focus of this research is STLF, six other seasonal long memory time series from several interesting case studies are employed to better evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results are compared with some novel FTS methods and new state-of-the-art forecasting methods. The analysis of the results indicates that the proposed method presents higher accuracy than its counterparts, representing an efficient hybrid method for load forecasting problems

    Multilayer Stock Forecasting Model Using Fuzzy Time Series

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    After reviewing the vast body of literature on using FTS in stock market forecasting, certain deficiencies are distinguished in the hybridization of findings. In addition, the lack of constructive systematic framework, which can be helpful to indicate direction of growth in entire FTS forecasting systems, is outstanding. In this study, we propose a multilayer model for stock market forecasting including five logical significant layers. Every single layer has its detailed concern to assist forecast development by reconciling certain problems exclusively. To verify the model, a set of huge data containing Taiwan Stock Index (TAIEX), National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI), and S&P 500 have been chosen as experimental datasets. The results indicate that the proposed methodology has the potential to be accepted as a framework for model development in stock market forecasts using FTS

    A hybrid model based on differential fuzzy logic relationships and imperialist competitive algorithm for stock market forecasting

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    In this study, a new kind of fuzzy set in fuzzy time series' field is introduced. It works as a trend estimator to be appropriate for fuzzy time series forecasting by reconnoitering trend of data appropriately. First, the historical data are fuzzified into differential fuzzy sets, and then differential fuzzy relationships are calculated. Second, differential fuzzy logic groups are established by grouping differential fuzzy relationships. Finally, in the defuzzification step, the forecasts are calculated. However, for increasing the accuracy of the models, an evolutionary algorithm, namely imperialist competitive algorithm is injected, to train the model. A massive stock data from four main stock databases have been selected for model validation. The final project, has shown that outperformed its counterparts in term of accuracy

    Short-term load forecasting using a hybrid model with a refined exponentially weighted fuzzy time series and an improved harmony search

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    This article discusses the proposal of an enhanced hybrid algorithm. The algorithm focuses on a sophisticated exponentially weighted fuzzy algorithm that is aligned with an enhanced harmony search. Short-term load forecasting can be performed appropriately with this specific method. The initial phase of this research discusses the recognition of the fuzzy logical relationship order with the aim of autocorrelation analysis. The second phase aims at obtaining the optimal intervals and coefficients for adoption using training data set. The last phase seeks to apply the obtained information and attempts to predict a 48-step-ahead on Short term load forecasting (STLF) problems. It is essential to validate this process. To achieve this goal, eight case studies of actual load data from France and Britain (from 2005) were employed. These data were applied to both the developed algorithm and certain improved STLF predicting models. The subsequent errors from these models were compared. The results of the error analysis exhibit the advantages of the developed algorithm with respect to its prediction preciseness

    A refined multi-seasonality weighted fuzzy time series model for short term load forecasting

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    Seasonal Auto Regressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average (SARFIMA) is a well-known model for forecasting of seasonal time series that follow a long memory process. However, to better boost the accuracy of forecasts inside such data for nonlinear problem, in this study, a combination of Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) with SARFIMA is proposed. To build the proposed model, certain parameters requires to be estimated. Therefore, a reliable Evolutionary Algorithm namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is employed. As a case study, a seasonal long memory time series, i.e., short term load consumption historical data, is selected. In fact, Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) plays a key role in energy management systems (EMS) and in the decision making process of every power supply organization. In order to evaluate the proposed method, some experiments, using eight datasets of half-hourly load data from England and France for the year 2005 and four data sets of hourly load data from Malaysia for the year 2007, are designed. Although the focus of this research is STLF, six other seasonal long memory time series from several interesting case studies are employed to better evaluate the performance of the proposed method.The results are compared with some novel FTS methods and new state-of-the-art forecasting methods. The analysis of the results indicates that the proposed method presents higher accuracy than its counterparts, representing an efficient hybrid method for load forecasting problems

    Probabilistic Forecasting With Fuzzy Time Series

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    A novel chaotic based image encryption using a hybrid model of deoxyribonucleic acid and cellular automata

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    Currently, there are many studies have conducted on developing security of the digital image in order to protect such data while they are sending on the internet. This work aims to propose a new approach based on a hybrid model of the Tinkerbell chaotic map, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and cellular automata (CA). DNA rules, DNA sequence XOR operator and CA rules are used simultaneously to encrypt the plain-image pixels. To determine rule number in DNA sequence and also CA, a 2-dimension Tinkerbell chaotic map is employed. Experimental results and computer simulations, both confirm that the proposed scheme not only demonstrates outstanding encryption, but also resists various typical attacks