90 research outputs found

    La lezione mancata: Diverse concezioni dell'entropia

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    Funzioni di distribuzione estese per galassie early-type: decomposizione strutturale della componente stellare

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    I modelli comunemente adottati per la descrizione delle proprietà dinamiche delle galassie early-type si basano sull'assunzione di sistemi costituiti da stelle aventi tutte la stessa massa M, rappresentate dunque dalla stessa funzione di distribuzione f. Ci sono tuttavia evidenze empiriche della coesistenza di componenti stellari con proprietà differenti all'interno dello stesso sistema, quali ad esempio i gradienti di metallicità osservati nelle galassie early-type. In questo lavoro poniamo le basi per la costruzione di modelli più complessi, partendo dalla definizione di funzione di distribuzione estesa, ovvero dipendente dalla massa stellare M. Dopo un'introduzione sul formalismo generale (calcolo dei momenti della f estesa e rispettive relazioni fra di essi), mostriamo come costruire alcuni semplici modelli dinamici estesi, adottando anche procedure fra loro diverse. Infine ne discutiamo i risultati e le future applicazioni

    Pattern-Sensitive Epilepsy. I: A Demonstration of a Spatial Frequency Selective Epileptic Response to Gratings

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    Rare individuals suffer epileptic seizures when they view certain images, particularly stripes. Contrast-threshold functions (the ability to see faint stripes of various widths) were determined for two pattern-sensitive brothers, and the epileptogenicity of various patterns was assessed for one of them. Sine wave grating contrast-detection thresholds for the two subjects were essentially normal, with lowest thresholds at approximately 2 cycles/ degree (c/deg). Epileptiform discharges occurred maximally at 5 c/deg with a 1-octave 50% bandwidth. Pattern epileptogenicity was increased by the addition of a third harmonic sine wave grating to its fundamental, but was unaffected by the phase relation of the two gratings. The frequency selectivity of epileptic responsiveness was quantitatively similar to a “spatial frequency channel.” Inhibitory interactions were not present. The findings suggest relations between the phenomena of pattern-sensitive epilepsy and hypothesized spatial frequency channels which merit further exploration. RESUMEN De manera excepcional, hay personas que pueden tener ataques epilÉpticos cuando ven ciertas imÁgenes, particularmente rayas. Se determinaron los umbrales para contrastes (la capacidad de ver rayas de diversas anchuras y muy tenues) en dos hermanos sensibles a patrones y se estableciÓ la epileptogeneidad de di versos patrones en uno de ellos. Los umbrales para contrastes fueron esencialmente normales en los dos sujetos cuando se utilizeÓ una rejilla hecha con ondas sinusoidales, siendo el umbral inferior unos 2 ciclos/ grado (c/deg). Descargas epileptiformes tuvieron lugar de modo mÁximo a 5 c/deg con una amplitud de banda del 50% de una octava. la capacidad epileptogÉnica del partÓn aumentÓ cuando se aÑadiÓ una tercera sinusoide armÓnica a la rejilla base pero esa capacidad no se viÓ alterada por la relaciÓn de fase entre las dos rejillas. La selectividad de la frecuencia de la respuesta epileptogÉnica fue cuantitativamente similar al “canal de frecuencia espacial”. No se observaron interacciones inhibitorias. Los hallazgos sugieren que hay relaciones entre la epilepsyÍa secundaria a patrones visuales y los hipotÉticos canales de frecuencia espacial, lo cual merece mÁs investigaciÓn.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65270/1/j.1528-1157.1980.tb04075.x.pd

    Enucleation and development of cluster headache: a retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Cluster headache (CH) is a neurovascular, primary headache disorder. There are, however, several case reports about patients whose CH started shortly after a structural brain disease or trauma. Motivated by a patient who developed CH 3 weeks after the removal of an eye and by similar case reports, we tested the hypothesis that the removal of an eye is a risk factor for CH. METHODS: A detailed headache questionnaire was filled out by 112 patients on average 8 years after enucleation or evisceration of an eye. RESULTS: While 21 % of these patients experienced previously unknown headaches after the removal of an eye, no patient fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for CH. CONCLUSION: Our data does not suggest that the removal of an eye is a major risk factor for the development of CH

    Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalization, and death for COVID-19 in people with Parkinson disease or parkinsonism over a 15-month period: A cohort study

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    Background and purpose: The patterns of long-term risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalization for COVID-19, and related death are uncertain in people with Parkinson disease (PD) or parkinsonism (PS). The aim of the study was to quantify these risks compared to a control population cohort, during the period March 2020–May 2021, in Bologna, Northern Italy. Methods: ParkLink Bologna cohort (759 PD, 192 PS) and controls (9226) anonymously matched (ratio = 1:10) for sex, age, district, and comorbidity were included. Data were analysed in the whole period and in the two different pandemic waves (March–May 2020 and October 2020–May 2021). Results: Adjusted hazard ratio of SARS-CoV-2 infection was 1.3 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.04–1.7) in PD and 1.9 (95% CI = 1.3–2.8) in PS compared to the controls. The trend was detected in both the pandemic waves. Adjusted hazard ratio of hospitalization for COVID-19 was 1.1 (95% CI = 0.8–1.7) in PD and 1.8 (95% CI = 0.97–3.1) in PS. A higher risk of hospital admission was detected in PS only in the first wave. The 30-day mortality risk after hospitalization was higher (p = 0.048) in PS (58%) than in PD (19%) and controls (26%). Conclusions: Compared with controls, after adjustment for key covariates, people with PD and PS showed a higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection throughout the first 15 months of the pandemic. COVID-19 hospitalization risk was increased only in people with PS and only during the first wave. This group of patients was burdened by a very high risk of death after infection and hospitalization