268 research outputs found

    Geodynamic Implications of Jurassic Ophiolites Associated with Island-Arc Volcanics, South Apuseni Mountains, Western Romania.

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    An update of Jurassic ophiolites and associated calc-alkaline rocks in the South Apuseni Mountains (Western Romania).

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    An in-and-out-the-lab Raman spectroscopy study on street art murals from Reggio Emilia in Italy

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    The street art murals ‘The Big Mother’ by Gola Hundun, the ‘Big Sacral Bird’ by Kenor, the ‘Oriental Carpet” by H101 and “The Economy Subdues You” by Zosen, belonging to the Cooperative Popular Houses of Mancasale and Coviolo in Reggio Emilia (Italy), were investigated by the use of various mobile Raman spectrometers coupled to different lasers and by micro-Raman spectroscopy on selected samples. The study was made necessary by the evident fading of many colours, despite the young age of the paintings, realized in 2010. The first step of the investigation, realized by the on-site campaign, was the identification of the materials, and in particular of the dyes. The main chromophores were identified as polycyclic, monoazo- and disazo- organic pigments, with inorganic compounds as bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) together with the extensive presence of rutile (TiO2). The second step was devoted to the study of the degradation mechanism affecting the colourful layers of the murals. It required the use of laboratory micro-spectrometers and was carried out on a reduced set of samples, selected during the in-situ campaign. This combination of on-site and laboratory Raman spectroscopy allowed the obtaining of the complete identification of the palette used by the different artists in a single day of measurements, in a complete non-destructive day. In addition, it was possible to minimize the number of samples required for the study of the degradation process. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Midwives autonomy in discharge women after physiological childbirth

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    BACKGROUND: International literature identifies the midwife as the professional figure deals with women and newborns in the context of childbirth; it is however found to be still difficult to ensure this continuity of care. In Italy both the national laws and the indications of Emilia Romagna region promote this practice, ensuring the midwives management of the low risk women immediately after childbirth. The aim of the study is to investigate and describe the midwives autonomy as regards the post-partum discharge. METHODS: The computerised medical records were consulted to identify the mothers after childbirth who can be discharged independently by the obstetrician following the guidelines of the Emilia-Romagna region. RESULT S: A retrospective analysis of 1371 medical records related to the period January-June 2017 showed that 41% of discharges were managed handled by the midwives, while the remaining 59% by obstetricians. Fifty-seven percent of the women followed by the family counselling service were discharged by the obstetricians and 43% independently by the midwives. Considering the women followed by a private physician 62% were discharged by the obstetricians and 38% by the midwives. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that, in a short time from the beginning of the project, the results as regards midwives autonomy were excellent. Indeed the midwives discharges does not differed significantly from the medical ones, and care continuity between the hospital and territory is strengthened. Further studies must include questionnaires concerning satisfaction of the mother not administered in this sample of women

    Changes in total plasma and serum N-glycome composition and patient-controlled analgesia after major abdominal surgery

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    Systemic inflammation participates to the complex healing process occurring after major surgery, thus directly affecting the surgical outcome and patient recovery. Total plasma N-glycome might be an indicator of inflammation after major surgery, as well as an anti-inflammatory therapy response marker, since protein glycosylation plays an essential role in the inflammatory cascade. Therefore, we assessed the effects of surgery on the total plasma N-glycome and the association with self-administration of postoperative morphine in two cohorts of patients that underwent major abdominal surgery. We found that plasma N-glycome undergoes significant changes one day after surgery and intensifies one day later, thus indicating a systemic physiological response. In particular, we observed the increase of bisialylated biantennary glycan, A2G2S[3,6]2, 12 hours after surgery, which progressively increased until 48 postoperative hours. Most changes occurred 24 hours after surgery with the decrease of most core-fucosylated biantennary structures, as well as the increase in sialylated tetraantennary and FA3G3S[3,3,3]3 structures. Moreover, we observed a progressive increase of sialylated triantennary and tetraantennary structures two days after surgery, with a concomitant decrease of the structures containing bisecting N-acetylglucosamine along with bi- and trisialylated triantennary glycans. We did not find any statistically significant association between morphine consumption and plasma N-glycome

    Nusinersen safety and effects on motor function in adult spinal muscular atrophy type 2 and 3.

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    ABSTRACT Objective To retrospectively investigate safety and efficacy of nusinersen in a large cohort of adult Italian patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Methods Inclusion criteria were: (1) clinical and molecular diagnosis of SMA2 or SMA3; (2) nusinersen treatment started in adult age (>18 years); (3) clinical data available at least at baseline (T0-beginning of treatment) and 6 months (T6). Results We included 116 patients (13 SMA2 and 103 SMA3) with median age at first administration of 34 years (range 18–72). The Hammersmith Functional Rating Scale Expanded (HFMSE) in patients with SMA3 increased significantly from baseline to T6 (median change +1 point, p<0.0001), T10 (+2, p<0.0001) and T14 (+3, p<0.0001). HFMSE changes were independently significant in SMA3 sitter and walker subgroups. The Revised Upper Limb Module (RULM) in SMA3 significantly improved between T0 and T14 (median +0.5, p=0.012), with most of the benefit observed in sitters (+2, p=0.018). Conversely, patients with SMA2 had no significant changes of median HFMSE and RULM between T0 and the following time points, although a trend for improvement of RULM was observed in those with some residual baseline function. The rate of patients showing clinically meaningful improvements (as defined during clinical trials) increased from 53% to 69% from T6 to T14. Conclusions Our data provide further evidence of nusinersen safety and efficacy in adult SMA2 and SMA3, with the latter appearing to be cumulative over time. In patients with extremely advanced disease, effects on residual motor function are less clear

    The age, origin and emplacement of the Tsiknias Ophiolite, Tinos, Greece

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    The Tsiknias Ophiolite, exposed at the highest structural levels of Tinos, Greece, represents a thrust sheet of Tethyan oceanic crust and upper mantle emplaced onto the Attic‐Cycladic Massif. We present new field observations and a new geological map of Tinos, integrated with petrology, THERMOCALC phase diagram modelling, U–Pb geochronology and whole rock geochemistry, resulting in a tectono‐thermal model that describes the formation and emplacement of the Tsiknias Ophiolite and newly identified underlying metamorphic sole. The ophiolite comprises a succession of partially dismembered and structurally repeated ultramafic and gabbroic rocks that represent the Moho Transition Zone. A plagiogranite dated by U‐Pb zircon at 161.9 ± 2.8 Ma, reveals that the Tsiknias Ophiolite formed in a supra‐subduction zone setting, comparable to the “East‐Vardar Ophiolites”, and was intruded by gabbros at 144.4 ± 5.6 Ma. Strongly sheared metamorphic sole rocks show a condensed and inverted metamorphic gradient, from partially anatectic amphibolites at P–T conditions of ca. 8.5 kbar 850‐600 °C, down‐structural section to greenschist‐facies oceanic metasediments over ~250 m. Leucosomes generated by partial melting of the uppermost sole amphibolite, yielded a U–Pb zircon protolith age of ca. 190 Ma and a high‐grade metamorphic‐anatectic age of 74.0 ± 3.5 Ma associated with ophiolite emplacement. The Tsiknias Ophiolite was therefore obducted ~90 Myrs after it formed during initiation of a NE‐dipping intra‐oceanic subduction zone to the northeast of the Cyclades that coincides with Africa's plate motion changing from transcurrent to convergent. Continued subduction resulted in high‐pressure metamorphism of the Cycladic continental margin ~25 Myrs later

    Waiting times for diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents referred to Italian ADHD centers must be reduced

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate timely access to and the time needed to complete the diagnostic path of children and adolescents with suspected attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the 18 Italian Lombardy Region ADHD reference centers. METHODS: Data of children and adolescents enrolled in the Regional ADHD disease-oriented Registry for suspected ADHD who requested their first visit in 2013-2017 were analyzed. RESULTS: The sample comprised 2262 children and adolescents aged 5-17\u2009years who accessed the ADHD centers for diagnostic classification and management. The median waiting time was of 177\u2009days (range 66-375) from the request for the initial appointment to the completion of the diagnostic path, with a three - fold difference between centers. In addition to the center, the strongest significant predictors of long waiting times were age comorbidities, the severity of the disorder, and having already completed some diagnostic procedures provided by the common standard path. CONCLUSIONS: To guarantee an equal standard of care in ADHD centers for all children and adolescents there is a pressing need to reduce the times to complete the diagnostic path. It is the task of both policymakers and each center to optimize the quality of the service and of the care delivered
