29 research outputs found


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    Knowledge sharing is recognized as being important activities in many organizations, including in universities. One main reason why knowledge sharing is important is the ability of knowledge sharing to enhance not only knowledge of the person who owns but also others that are given or transformed the knowledge by that person. There are many studies about knowledge sharing. Those studies are concerning the different factors influencing sharing knowledge such as job satisfaction, reward, motivation, reward, and organizational knowledge capabilities. However, little is known about empirical studies regarding faculty perceptions of knowledge sharing behavior. Therefore, this research applied the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to examine knowledge sharing behavior among faculty. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data for this study. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents by the drop-off/pick-up method and a total of 127 completed questionnaires were used in the analysis. The data was then analyzed using structural equation modeling. Two out of five hypotheses were supported. Those hypotheses are the relationship between attitudes toward knowledge sharing and intention to share knowledge, and the relationship between intention and knowledge sharing behavior

    The Indonesian Values Scale: an Empirical Assessment of the Short-Form Scale

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    Culture is an important variable that influences people's behavior. Culture involves several elements, such as language, myth, ritual, custom, artifact, law, and values. However, values are known as the most important elements in describing culture. In 2011, a survey was conducted in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya with 2,000 respondents to identify current Indonesian values. The results showed that Indonesian values could be operationalized with 35 items and seven dimensions of mutual assistance: democracy, religion, harmony, hospitality, religious fanaticism, and individualism. On the other hand, the extensive number of Indonesian values items (i.e., 35 items) may have several practical problems, such as longer questionnaires and sample requirements. Therefore, a short-form scale of Indonesian values is needed to enhance the understanding of Indonesian culture through its values. This research aimed to provide a short-form instrument for understanding Indonesian values. Specifically, this research explores psychometric assessments, including the dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the original and short-form scales of Indonesian values. In 2013, a survey with more than 1,000 questionnaires was distributed in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya. This research produced a short-form scale of Indonesian values that involves 13 items and the three dimensions of religion, democracy, and harmony. This paper provides an analysis of the data, a discussion of the findings, research limitations, and directions for future research


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    Environmental awareness is growing up as the environmental issues nowadays are significant to human lives. Some manufacturers started to entering green product market and targeting green consumers. Many studies have been conducted to examine the influence of several factors such as environmental knowledge, environmental concern, attitudes, and price on green purchase intention. However, just few studies stated that price also influenced the decision-making on buying green products specifically in the context of Indonesian. Whereas price become one of the most important factors considered by consumers.  This study investigated the relationship of environmental knowledge, environmental concern, subjective norms, price fairness, attitudes, and green purchase intention. The research model was tested by using self-administrated questionnaires of 200 students in private university. Before the questionnaires were distributed, the pilot study was conducted to assess the reliability and validity of the instruments. The hypotheses were measured by Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result showed that there were three hypotheses which were supported and two unsupported hypotheses. This research gives recommendations for future research. Keywords: environmental knowledge, green products, environmental concern, subjective norms, price fairness, attitudes, green purchase intention

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Image, Social Media, and Attitude to Predict Intention to Choose: An Empirical Investigation of Presidential Election in Indonesia

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    Research focusing on presidential, regional, and legislative elections has been conducted by previous researchers. However, there is little research comparing business and non-business respondents in predicting presidential intentions. Therefore, this study aims to compare student respondents from business schools and non-business students in predicting the intention of choosing a president. Moreover, Indonesia will undergo presidential election in 2019 where young voters such as college students are voters in significant amounts. Young voters are often identified as swing voters which their attitudes toward the candidates they choose are influenced by information from social media and the image of the presidential candidate. This study involved 214 respondents from both science and non-science education background. The data was analyzed by applying the structural equation modeling. The results of the study showed that there was no difference in study results for respondents with scientific backgrounds and respondents with non-scientific backgrounds. Both types of respondents show the same results that only 1 dimension of the variable of image that has a positive relationship with the attitude towards the candidate candidates. This dimension is charm. The result also shows that there is significant relationship between attitudes toward choosing the candidate with intention to choose the candidate. This study provides results discussion, managerial implications, and recommendation for future research. Keywords: intention, attitude, image, social media JEL Classifications: M30, M31, L82 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.838


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    Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to predict the effect of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) tools (advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and personal selling) on consumers’ intention to purchase organic products in the specific supermarket in Indonesia. Methodology: The primary data was collected by using questionnaires that were given to consumers in a supermarket. Sample size involved 128 consumers. The data was assessed through reliability and validity analysis before hypothesis testing analysis. Result: The results showed only direct marketing have positive significant on intention to buy the organic product. Implications/Applications: Integrated Marketing Communication provides an information to the purchasing policy of organic produc

    Prediksi Penggunaan Aktual E-Toll Card Dengan Pendekatan Persamaan Model Struktural

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    . The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between variables in predicting the actual use of innovation services. The variables in this study include resistance to change, perceived value, attitude towards innovation services, the intention to use the innovation services, and innovative personality. Data collection techniques in this study conducted by questionnaire with non-probability sampling method. The number of respondents was 212 respondents. Data was then analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed that three out of five hypotheses are supported. Those hypotheses include the intention of a significant predictor of the use of innovation services. Intention itself is also influenced by the attitude towards innovation services. The perceived value is a significant predictor of the attitude towards innovation services. However, the results showed that the resistance to change and innovative personality is not a significant predictor of the intention to use the innovation services. This study also provides research limitations and suggestions for further research


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    Modern lifesytle affects the increasing food and beverage industry. People spend their time at cafe, restaurant, or coffee shop to interact with other people. Consumers are faced with many choices of cafe, restaurant, and coffee shop nowadays. However, people may choose one specific cafe, restaurant, or coffee shop based on perception toward well-being. In otherwords, consumer well-being (CWB) refers to the extent to which a particular consumer good or service creates an overall perception of the quality-of-life impact of that product. This research applied a model which was developed by Sirgy and Grzeskowiak (2007) to predict consumer well- being. The model was tested among 265 respondents. Structural equation modeling was applied to analyze the data. The results indicated that CWB was significantly predicted brandcommunity belongingness, and the effect of brand loyalty on CWB was moderated by selfimage congruence.Keywords: consumer well-being, consumer satisfaction, self-image, brand-community belongingnes


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    The purpose of this study is to predict the relationship between  perceived influence, brand engagement, brand expected value, and intention to purchase. The data were gathered from online respondents. The research questionnaire was built from previous research and  the research variables were measured by 5-point Likert scales. Before analyzing data for testing hypotheses, reliability and validity tests are performed first. Hypothesis testing is conducted by using structural equation modeling.The results show that there are four out of six hypotheses that are supported. This paper provides research discussion, limitation, and recommendation for future researc

    The RelationshipBetween Entrepreneurship Education And Mentoring Toward Entrepreneurship Intention

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions which consist of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial attitudes, subjective norms, self efficacy, and mentoring. Research on factors that influence entrepreneurship has been carried out by many previous researchers. However, mentoring is a variable that is rarely studied in previous studies. This study will discuss more about the variable mentoring. In this study, the quantitative paradigm was used as the basis of this study, with the type of descriptive research. The object of research used is the entrepreneurship study program. While the analysis unit used is an individual. Data collection methods in the form of questionnaires with 24 indicators with an interval measurement scale that is a 5-point Likert scale. The sampling design used is non-probability sampling, namely judgment sampling with students and students majoring in entrepreneurship as active as a sample. The number of samples used in this study is 85 for preliminary studies, and 157 for actual research studies. After the data is collected, the data is then tested for reliability and validity using Cronbach's Alpha and construct validity using Pearson Correlation and also Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). After passing the reliability and validity tests, of the 24 indicators used previously, only 15 indicators met the requirements for reliability testing and validity testing. Then the data was then analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results of this study are from eight pre-determined hypotheses, there are two hypotheses that are not supported by several reasons. From this study, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between entrepreneurial education and student self-efficacy, and the absence of a relationship between mentoring and student self-efficacy