8 research outputs found


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    Motivation ist he power, need, enthusiasm, pressure, or psychological mechanism that drives a person or group of people. Encourages a person or group of people to achieve certain achievements according to their own desires. Concentration is the concentration of mind and focus on something. Wordwall learning media is a technology-based digital application to support learning. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the level of motivation and concentration of students in the use of wordwall as an Indonesian language learning media. The results of this study were obtained with 55% of students very good level of concentration and motivation in the use of wordwall application. This is in line with the purpose of this study which is to increase students’ motivation and concentration in learning


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    Motivation ist he power, need, enthusiasm, pressure, or psychological mechanism that drives a person or group of people. Encourages a person or group of people to achieve certain achievements according to their own desires. Concentration is the concentration of mind and focus on something. Wordwall learning media is a technology-based digital application to support learning. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the level of motivation and concentration of students in the use of wordwall as an Indonesian language learning media. The results of this study were obtained with 55% of students very good level of concentration and motivation in the use of wordwall application. This is in line with the purpose of this study which is to increase students’ motivation and concentration in learning


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    The research problem is how the teaching media is utilized in the learning of composing the expository text at the VII grade SMP Negeri 3 Pringsewu. The aim of this research is to describe the teaching media utilized in the learning of composing the expository text at the VII grade of SMP Negeri 3 Pringsewu. This research uses qualitative descriptive as the methodology of the research, in collecting the data is using of reduction data, showing data, and verification. The result of this research shows that in the teaching composing the exposition text, teacher utilizes audio visual media and media from book by applying scientific approach through monitoring, asking, understanding, trying and communicating.Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah pemanfaatan media dalam pembelajaran menyusun teks eskposisi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Pringsewu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan media dalam menyusun teks eksposisi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Pringsewu.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, pengambilan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan perekaman.Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam membelajarkan menyusun teks eksposisi, guru memanfaatkan media audio visual dan media cetak dengan menerapkan pendekatan saintifik melalui kegiatan mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, dan mengomunikasikan.Kata kunci: media, pendekatan, teks eksposisi

    Hubungan Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-Crm) Terhadap Loyalitas Pasien Di Rumah Sakit: Tinjauan Pustaka

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    Era digital 5.0 membawa dampak besar bagi sektor layanan kesehatan. Meningkatnya kompetisi antar rumah sakit menjadi salah satu alasan perlunya inovasi strategi pemasaran untuk menjaga loyalitas pasien rumah sakit sebagai konsumen. Salah satu strategi yang dapat mempengaruhi loyalitas pasien rumah sakit adalah penggunaan Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM). E-CRM adalah Customer Relationship Management (CRM) yang dibuat secara elektronik menggunakan web browser, internet dan media elektronik lain seperti call center, email, dan personalisasi yang menjadi salah satu cara untuk melakukan pendekatan dengan pasien dengan salah satu tujuannya yaitu meningkatnya loyalitas pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan e-CRM terhadap loyalitas pasien di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yaitu berupa studi literatur menggunakan sumber data artikel penelitian, prosiding, systematic review yang terbit tahun 2017-2022 dari mesin pencari Google Scholar dan Pubmed. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini diadaptasi dari kerangka tinjauan pustaka oleh vom Brocke yang diawali  dengan mendefinisikan ruang lingkup tinjauan dan diikuti dengan konseptualisasi topik kemudian diikuti dengan pencarian literatur, analisis literatur, dan agenda penelitian yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang lebih mendalam untuk penelitian masa depan. Dari 1.691 jurnal nasional dan jurnal internasional yang diidentifikasi, terdapat 53 jurnal yang relevan dengan aplikasi e-CRM, kemudian didapatkan delapan jurnal yang masuk dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan studi literatur yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa E-CRM sebagai strategi untuk menjaga hubungan rumah sakit dan pasien dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti faktor organisasi, sarana, serta lingkungan. Aplikasi strategi e-CRM juga mempengaruhi kelangsungan aktivitas rumah sakit melalui peningkatan loyalitas dan retensi pasien. Selain itu faktor keberhasilan penerapan E-CRM sebagai alat untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan loyalitas pasien adalah faktor manusia, diharapkan petugas medis memiliki sikap melayani yang baik, sopan, adil dan humanis. AbstractThe digital era 5.0 has had a major impact on the healthcare sector. Increased competition between hospitals is one of the reasons for the need for marketing strategy innovation to maintain the loyalty of hospital patients as consumers. One strategy that can affect the loyalty of hospital patients is the use of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM). E-CRM is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that is made electronically using a web browser, internet and other electronic media such as call centers, email, and personalization which is one way to approach patients with one of the goals, namely increasing patient loyalty. This study aims to examine the relationship of e-CRM to patient loyalty in hospitals. This research is a qualitative research in the form of a literature study using data sources of research articles, proceedings, systematic reviews published in 2017-2022 from search engines Google Scholar and Pubmed. The methodology in this study was adapted from the framework of the literature review by vom Brocke which begins with defining the scope of the review and is followed by topic conceptualization then followed by a literature search, literature analysis, and a research agenda containing more in-depth questions for future research. Of the 1,691 national and international journals identified, there were 53 journals that were relevant to e-CRM applications, and eight journals were included in this study. Based on the literature study conducted, it was found that E-CRM as a strategy to maintain hospital-patient relationships was influenced by several factors such as organizational factors, facilities, and the environment. The application of e-CRM strategy also affects the continuity of hospital activities by increasing patient loyalty and retention. In addition, the success factor in implementing E-CRM as a tool to maintain and improve patients is the human factor, it is expected that medical officers have a good, polite, fair and humanistic service attitude


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    Halitosis adalah bau napas yang tidak sedap. Halitosis timbul karena adanya aktifitas metabolik microbial yang ada di dalamrongga mulut. Aktifitas pembusukan ini akan menghasilkan Volatile Sulfur Compound (VSCs) yang berupa H 2S dan CH3 SH. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan bau tak sedap pada mulut adalah mengatur jumlah VSCs dengan membatasi jumlah pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab bau mulut. Salah satu bakteri yang banyak menghasilkan VSCs adalah Porphyromonas gingivalis. Pertumbuhan bakteri dapat dibatasi dengan menggunakan senyawa-senyawa antibakterial seperti senyawa terpen, fenol, flavon, isoflavon, tannin, lignin yang terkandung pada tanaman herbal. Salah satu ekstrak tanaman yang sudah terbukti secara ilmiah memiliki efek antibakterial adalah ekstrak daun angsana. Pada penelitian ini kami akan melakukan uji efektifitas efek antibakterial daun angsana terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis. Metodeyang kami gunakan adalah Uji sensitifitas ekstrak etanol dengan konsentrasi 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% dengan media Muller Hinton yang sudah ditumbuhi koloniPorphyromonas gingivalis.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas efek antibakterial daun angsana dengan konsentrasi 25%,50%,75%, dan 100% terhadap perkembangan bakteriPorphyromonas gingivalis bila dibandingkan dengan obat kumur dan Doxycycline. Kata Kunci: Halitosis, Volatile Sulfur Compound, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Pterocarpus indicus, Mouthwas


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    Abstrak: Isu Lingkungan hidup saat ini menjadi persoalan yang kompleks di Indonesia, dilihat dari kerusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan yang semakin meningkat disebabkan oleh sampah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan analisis permasalahan yang ada di Kecamatan Tosari, Kab. Pasuruan yang tidak memiliki TPA dan sebagai wilayah dengan penghasil sampah organik. Tujuan pendampingan pengelolaan limbah pertanian ini agar masyarakat dapat memilah sampah organik dan non organik serta dapat menciptakan produk ramah lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan limbah organik menjadi eco enyzme, biowash, dan kompos. Pengabdian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosialisasi, penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan pengabdian melibatkan mitra Gapoktan Bala Daun dan Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan tepatnya di Desa Tosari, Baledono, Mororejo, dan Wonokitri. Terdapat tiga tahap kegiatan yakni pra-kegiatan, inti kegiatan, dan pasca kegiatan. Evaluasi kegiatan mencakup evaluasi pemahaman materi pelatihan dan pendampingan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan hasil rata-rata peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat pada seluruh materi sebesar 64,74% ini menunjukkan bahwa pendampingan yang dilakukan mampu memberikan dampak baik kepada mitra masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah.Abstract: Environmental issues are currently a complex problem in Indonesia, seen from the increasing environmental damage and pollution caused by waste. This community service activity was carried out based on an analysis of the problems that exist in Tosari District, Pasuruan Regency which does not have a landfill and as an area with organic waste producers. The purpose of this agricultural waste management assistance is so that the community can sort organic and non-organic waste and can create environmentally friendly products by utilizing organic waste into eco enyzme, biowash, and compost. This service uses a socialization, counseling and mentoring approach. The service activities involved partners of Gapoktan Bala Daun and Yudharta University Pasuruan. This activity was carried out precisely in the villages of Tosari, Baledono, Mororejo, and Wonokitri. There are three stages of activity, namely pre-activity, core activities, and post-activity. Evaluation of activities includes evaluation of understanding of training and mentoring materials using descriptive statistics with the results of an average increase in community understanding of all materials of 64.74%, indicating that the assistance provided is able to have a good impact on community partners in waste management

    Malaria in Indonesia: current treatment approaches, future strategies, and potential herbal interventions

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    Malaria remains a significant public health challenge in Indonesia, with varying prevalence across regions, particularly in eastern provinces like Papua and West Papua. This parasitic disease, transmitted by Plasmodium-infected Anopheles mosquitoes, continues to burden affected populations. Contemporary treatment approaches predominantly rely on Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT). However, the emergence of drug resistance, coupled with environmental and demographic factors, presents ongoing challenges. This paper explores current malaria treatment strategies in Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of vigilance in the face of drug resistance and the need for innovative approaches. Additionally, it discusses the potential of herbal interventions, drawing from the rich traditional knowledge of medicinal plants in Indonesia. Secondary metabolites found in herbs, including flavonoids, terpenoids, and alkaloids, show promise as antimalarial agents. As Indonesia and the global community strive to combat malaria, research, surveillance, and healthcare infrastructure development must remain at the forefront of strategies. Despite the complex nature of malaria control, continued dedication and collaboration offer hope for reducing the disease’s impact and progressing towards its eventual elimination. Graphical abstract

    Play Therapy as a Mediation in Hospitalized Children

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    Hospitalization disturbs kids' lives and may create feelings such as pressure, stress, or torment. Betting is a fundamental portion of children's lives. Subsequently, it's distant basic to guarantee all-encompassing care amid the framework, which incorporates play cure. to analyze the effect of recuperating play in hospitalized children. a logical appraisal was done. The journey was conducted in Google Researcher and PubMed (Medline). The chase condition was pediatric nurture and played treatment. The journey got to be completed in December 2022. n = 14 considers been covered interior the assessment. The inquiry uncovers that the utility of mending play in hospitalized kids diminishes post-operative hurts, makes strides in conduct and state of mind, and diminishes pressure during clinic life. Play remedy has a beneficial impact on the care of hospitalized youngsters. It ought to be carried out in pediatric gadgets after assessing the assets and education wanted for pediatric nurses