28 research outputs found

    A Therapeutic Maneuver for Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigates resources to provide better conditions for oropharyngeal swallowing for improvement in the quality of life of Parkinson's disease patients. METHOD: Three men and one woman with an average age of 70.25 years had been afflicted with Parkinson's disease for an average of 9.25 years. The patients were submitted to a rehabilitation program for oropharyngeal dysphagia after a clinical evaluation of swallowing. The rehabilitation program consisted of daily sessions for two consecutive weeks during which a biofeedback resource adapted especially for this study was used. The patients were then reevaluated for swallowing ability at follow-up. RESULTS: The patients presenting difficulties with swallowing water displayed no such problems after rehabilitation. Only one patient exhibited slow oral transit of food and other discrete oropharyngeal food remnants when swallowing a biscuit. The sample variance was used to analyze the pressure measurements, demonstrating a numerical similarity of the results obtained with the swallowing of saliva or of biscuits (VAR = 4.41). A statistical difference was observed between the swallowing of saliva and biscuits, showing a significant pressure increase at the end of the rehabilitation program (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The effortful swallow maneuver reinforced by using biofeedback appears to be a therapeutic resource in the rehabilitation of oropharyngeal dysphagia in Parkinson's disease patients

    A proposal with low cost for cathode ray experiments

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    This paper presents a proposal for the adaptation of one of the experiments on the nature of the cathod rays performed at the end of the 19th century, specifically the one presented in textbooks and scientific dissemination as "the Thomson experiment" for the calculation of charge /mass ratio of the electron. Our proposal uses materials at a lower cost than experiment kits available on the market and presents a detailed description of its construction and operation, and contributes in several respects as a solution to some of the reasons related to the low utilization of experiments in science classes: the high cost materials and equipment, the lack of laboratories and the lack of ability of teachers. The elaboration of the experimental apparatus is also accompanied by the mathematical development necessary for its use and the indication of the various physical phenomena that can be treated in parallel with its implementation. With the experimental adaptation, we were able to measure and calculate the magnetic field to which the electrons are subjected inside a cathode ray tube, the potential difference between cathode and anode in the tube (electron acceleration voltage), the magnetic deflection that the electrons undergo, and to a good approximation the speed of translation of the electrons and the charge/ mass ratio of these particles

    Sonodynamic and Photodynamics Used as a Combined Therapy in the Treatment of Malignant Neoplasms: Facts and Open Questions

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) used in combination with sonodynamic therapy (SDT) is a new approach that aims to increase the effectiveness of tumor treatment when compared to the effect of each independent therapy. PDT is based on stimulating sensitizers with photons, while the most accepted theory for SDT is that sensitizers are stimulated by the sonoluminescence phenomenon. However, after the excitation of the sensitizer, both therapies follow a common path, leading to the generation of free radicals and inducing cell death. One of the positive aspects of this combination is the augmentation of anti-tumor activity with fewer side effects, since cell death may be induced using lower sensitizer concentrations or less exposure to ultrasound or light. Another benefit of combining PDT and SDT, especially with the use of low-frequency ultrasound is the induction of sonophoresis. For instance, on the skin, it may facilitate the absorption of the sensitizer. However, research involving both PDT and SDT exhibit many variants, including differences in irradiation sources and their intensities, among others. These aspects contribute to a lack of standardization, leading to result variations, hindering assessment on the real contribution that these combined therapies can offer in tumor treatment. Thus, further research in the pre-clinical and clinical areas are crucial


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    Colostomy, is a surgical procedure, which may become necessary, because of some factors, such as colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases and trauma.&nbsp; Requires special care, regarding the nutritional status, bowel habit, stool consistency, orifice monitoring and hygiene, in order to prevent complications. The aim of study, was evaluate the nutritional profile of individuals using the colostomy bag. Were interviewed twenty individuals from a stomatherapy ambulatory, in a public hospital in the interior of São Paulo. This study has a descriptive and exploratory charater, with a quantitative approach, through the application of a questionnaire and the accomplishment of the nutritional evaluation. The largest part of the population, presented eutrophy due to BMI classification, and depletion through the results of the adequacy of arm circumference and arm muscle area. The main cause for the use of the colostomy bag, was colorrectal cancer.A colostomia é um procedimento cirúrgico, que pode tornar-se necessário devido a alguns fatores, como câncer colorretal, doenças inflamatórias intestinais e traumas. Exige cuidados especiais, com relação ao estado nutricional, hábito intestinal, consistência das fezes, monitoramento do orifício e sua higienização, a fim de evitar possíveis complicações.&nbsp; O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o perfil nutricional de indivíduos em uso da bolsa de colostomia. Foram entrevistados 20 indivíduos de um ambulatório de estomaterapia em um hospital público do interior paulista. O estudo foi realizado em caráter exploratório descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de questionário e realização da avaliação nutricional. A maior parcela da população apresentou eutrofia pela classificação do IMC, e depleção por meio dos resultados da adequação de circunferência muscular do braço e área muscular do braço. A principal causa para o uso da bolsa de colostomia foi o câncer colorretal


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    The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is an appropriate therapeutic environment for the treatment of newborns in serious condition, which has the latest technology and diversified equipment, in addition to highly trained and specific professionals for the care of newborns. The objective is to analyze and describe the scientific evidence on the risk factors for the development of cutaneous and care to maintain the integrity of the newborn's skin in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). An integrative literature review was carried out, with a descriptive nature and a qualitative approach. The data search was performed through the Virtual Health Library (VHL), and its databases: BDENF, MEDLINE, LILACS and IBECS. Complete works were included, available in full, that addressed the theme: skin integrity, with an emphasis on care and practices adopted in the NICU, including risk factors and incidence of injuries, in addition to studies that were sampled by preterm NB and the term, published from 2016 to 2021, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Works that did not present relevant theoretical foundations on the subject were excluded, as well as publications with duplicity. Through the studies, it can be concluded that several factors are associated with the appearance of skin lesions, and prematurity should be highlighted as one of the main points, considering that premature NBs have more sensitive skin, making them more susceptible to the onset of most.La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN) es un entorno terapéutico adecuado para el tratamiento de recién nacidos en estado grave, que cuenta con tecnología de punta y equipamiento diversificado, además de profesionales altamente capacitados y protocolos específicos para la atención del recién nacido. El objetivo es analizar y describir la evidencia científica sobre los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de lesiones cutáneas y cuidados para mantener la integridad de la piel del recién nacido en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN). Se realizó una revisión integradora de la literatura, con carácter descriptivo y enfoque cualitativo. La búsqueda de datos se realizó a través de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) y sus respectivas bases de datos: BDENF, MEDLINE, LILACS e IBECS. Se incluyeron trabajos completos, disponibles en su totalidad, que abordaron el tema: integridad de la piel, con énfasis en los cuidados y prácticas adoptadas en la UCIN, incluyendo factores de riesgo e incidencia de lesiones, así como estudios cuya muestra estuvo constituida por RN prematuros y posteriores, publicado de 2016 a 2021, en portugués, inglés y español. Se excluyeron trabajos que no presentaran fundamentos teóricos relevantes sobre el tema, así como publicaciones con duplicidad. A través de los estudios se puede concluir que varios factores se asocian con la aparición de lesiones cutáneas, destacándose la prematuridad como uno de los principales, considerando que los RN prematuros tienen piel más sensible, siendo más susceptibles a la aparición de lesiones.A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) é um ambiente terapêutico apropriado para o tratamento do RN em estado grave, que conta com tecnologia de ponta e equipamentos diversificados, além de profissionais altamente capacitados e protocolos específicos para a assistência ao RN. Objetiva-se analisar e descrever as evidências científicas sobre os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesões cutâneas e os cuidados para manutenção da integridade da pele do recém-nascido em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN). Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura, de natureza descritiva e abordagem qualitativa. A busca de dados foi realizada por meio da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), e suas respectivas bases de dados: BDENF, MEDLINE, LILACS e IBECS. Foram incluídos trabalhos completos, disponíveis na íntegra, que abordassem o tema: integridade da pele, com ênfase em cuidados e práticas adotadas na UTI neonatal, incluindo fatores de risco e incidência de lesões, além de estudos cuja amostra foi composta por RN pré-termo e a termo, publicados no período de 2016 a 2021, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Excluiu-se trabalhos que não apresentavam fundamentação teórica relevante sobre a temática, além de publicações com duplicidade. Por meio dos estudos, pode-se concluir que diversos fatores estão associados ao aparecimento das lesões cutâneas, devendo-se destacar a prematuridade como um dos principais pontos, tendo em vista que RN prematuro possui uma pele mais sensível, estando mais suscetível ao aparecimento de lesões

    The use of electromyographic biofeedback for training of the Mendelsohn maneuver in carriers of Machado-Joseph disease: a random prospective study

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    INTRODUÇÃO: na reabilitação da disfagia faríngea, a manobra de Mendelsohn (MM) é a única descrita como efetiva para o trabalho de elevação da laringe e seqüente abertura do segmento faringo-esofágico, desde que executada corretamente. OBJETIVO: avaliar a eficácia do uso do biofeedback eletromiográfico no processo de treinamento para correta execução da manobra de Mendelsohn em portadores de Doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ), com disfagia alta. CASUÍSTICA: participaram deste estudo 20 indivíduos sem queixas quanto à deglutição e 20 disfágicos, portadores de DMJ, que se equiparavam em termos de distribuição de sexos e média de idade, tinham cognitivo preservado, e foram separados em grupos: A e C, de disfágicos, e B e D, de controles. MÉTODOS: todos foram submetidos a anamnese dirigida, avaliação clínica da deglutição e a eletromiografia para verificação do tempo de sustentação da elevação da laringe, repetida depois de treinamento para correta execução da manobra de Mendelsohn, feito com (grupos A e B) ou sem (grupos C e D) a utilização do biofeedback eletromiográfico.Dificuldades relacionadas à realização da MM foram observadas diretamente e relatadas em resposta a questionário. RESULTADOS: a comparação dos disfágicos com os controles não evidenciou diferenças marcantes quanto à avaliação clínica da fase oral da deglutição, pois os doentes demonstravam apenas déficits quanto a protrusão, retração e tônus da língua. Entretanto, quanto à fase faríngea, mostraramse diferenças mais significativas, com os disfágicos apresentando, à deglutição de líquidos e sólidos, estase faríngea, acompanhada de tosse e/ou engasgo e penetração e/ou aspiração, alterações ausentes nos controles. Houve significante aumento do tempo de sustentação da elevação da laringe, de controles e pacientes, à deglutição de saliva, durante a realização da manobra de Mendelsohn, após o treinamento, principalmente se conduzido com suporte de biofeedback eletromiográfico. O mesmo ocorreu com a deglutição de iogurte, pastoso, consistência preferida pelos pacientes. Os pacientes do grupo A chegaram a atingir o mesmo desempenho que seus controles (grupo B), à realização da MM. À observação direta de dificuldades encontradas durante a realização da manobra, notou-se dificuldade para sustentar a elevação da laringe. Quando os indivíduos foram inquiridos a respeito, destacou-se dificuldade de entendimento da MM. De significante, extraiu-se, à observação direta e ao inquérito, que os pacientes têm mais expressivas dificuldades de controle respiratório durante a realização da MM do que os controles. CONCLUSÕES: 1. o treinamento orientado, verbal e gestual, para a correta execução da MM, é capaz, por si só, de aumentar o tempo de sustentação da elevação da laringe em portadores de DMJ e controles; 2. o biofeedback eletromiográfico agrega valor ao treinamento, promovendo ainda maior tempo de sustentação da elevação da laringe, à execução da MM, em portadores de DMJ, que atingem índices semelhantes aos dos controles, na deglutição de saliva e de pastoso; 3. os portadores de DMJ apresentam freqüentemente dificuldade de controle respiratório, sem repercussão clínica, durante a aplicação da MM.Introduction: In the rehabilitation of pharyngeal dysphagia, the Mendelsohn maneuver (MM) is the only technique described as effective for elevating the larynx with subsequent opening of the esophageal-pharyngeal segment, provided it is correctly performed. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of electromyographic biofeedback for training of the Mendelsohn maneuver in Machado-Joseph patients (MJD) with high dysphagia. Case Studies: Forty individuals participated in this study, including twenty with no complaints of deglutition and twenty MJD dysphagic patients , who were all similar in terms of gender distribution, average age, and cognitive function. Method: The medical history of each patient was reviewed. Each subject underwent a clinical evaluation of deglutition, as well as electromyography to determine the amount of time for which larynx elevation was sustained. Electromyography was repeated following achievement of the correct performance of MM. Training for MM was completed with (groups A and B) or without (groups C and D) electromyographic biofeedback. Difficulties related to performance of MM were observed directly and reported through the completion of a questionnaire. Results: Comparison between dysphagic patients and controls did not reveal significant differences with respect to the clinical evaluation of the oral phase of deglutition, since afflicted patients only demonstrated deficits related to the protrusion, retraction and tonus of the tongue. However, significant differences were observed with respect to the pharyngeal phase. Dysphagic patients presented with pharyngeal stasis during deglutition of liquids and solids, accompanied by coughing and/or choking as well as penetration and/or aspiration; these symptoms were absent in the controls. After training, there was a significant increase during MM in the time of larynx elevation as well as in the deglutition of saliva in both controls and patients. The time of larynx elevation was further increased when training was conducted with electromyographic biofeedback support. Similar results were found for the deglutition of yogurt, which has a pasty consistency preferred by the patients. Group A patients performed MM at the same level of competency as controls (group B). During direct observation, difficulties in sustaining the elevation of the larynx were noted. Questioning of the individuals experiencing difficulty revealed a lack of understanding with respect to MM. Specifically, it was determined that patients had more pronounced difficulty in respiratory control during MM as compared to normal controls. Conclusions: 1. Guided training, both verbal and gestural, for correct performance of the MM can increase the time of sustained larynx elevation in MJD patients and controls; 2. The use of electromyographic biofeedback during training further increases the time of sustained larynx elevation in MJD patients, allowing them to reach indexes similar to those of controls with respect to deglutition of saliva and semi-fluids; 3. Carriers of MJD frequently have difficulty in respiratory control, but without clinical repercussions, during the application of MM

    Memória, identidade e patrimônio arqueológico: um estudo sobre as lembranças dos velhos da Vila do Catimbau, Buíque-PE

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    A vila do Catimbau está localizada no município de Buíque, microrregião do Vale do Ipanema, Pernambuco, Brasil. Parte do território deste município integra o Parque Nacional do Catimbau (PNC), criado em 2002, por abrigar características biológicas, geológicas e, principalmente, arqueológicas singulares. Este artigo apresenta o estudo realizado com os moradores mais velhos da vila do Catimbau e sua relação com o patrimônio arqueológico do PNC. Por meio da história oral pretendeu-se compreender como os idosos se relacionam com os sítios arqueológicos. Os resultados indicam que não existe uma relação identitária com o patrimônio arqueológico, mas com eventos cotidianos e relacionados com as atividades de trabalho que conduziam esses moradores aos espaços dos sítios arqueológicos

    Uma proposta de baixo custo para experimentos com raios catódicos

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    This paper presents a proposal for the adaptation of one of the experiments on the nature of the cathod rays performed at the end of the 19th century, specifically the one presented in textbooks and scientific dissemination as "the Thomson experiment" for the calculation of charge /mass ratio of the electron. Our proposal uses materials at a lower cost than experiment kits available on the market and presents a detailed description of its construction and operation, and contributes in several respects as a solution to some of the reasons related to the low utilization of experiments in science classes: the high cost materials and equipment, the lack of laboratories and the lack of ability of teachers. The elaboration of the experimental apparatus is also accompanied by the mathematical development necessary for its use and the indication of the various physical phenomena that can be treated in parallel with its implementation. With the experimental adaptation, we were able to measure and calculate the magnetic field to which the electrons are subjected inside a cathode ray tube, the potential difference between cathode and anode in the tube (electron acceleration voltage), the magnetic deflection that the electrons undergo, and to a good approximation the speed of translation of the electrons and the charge/ mass ratio of these particles.Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de adaptação de um dos experimentos sobre a natureza dos raios catódicos realizado ao final do século XIX, especificamente, aquele apresentado em livros didáticos e de divulgação científica como “o experimento de Thomson” para o cálculo da relação carga/massa do elétron. Nossa proposta utiliza materiais com custos inferiores aos de kits de experimentos disponíveis no mercado internacional e apresenta uma descrição pormenorizada da sua construção e operação, concorrendo, em vários aspectos, como solução para alguns dos motivos relacionados à pouca utilização dos experimentos nas aulas de ciências: o custo elevado dos materiais e dos equipamentos, a falta de laboratórios e a falta de habilidade dos professores. A elaboração do aparato experimental é ainda acompanhada do desenvolvimento matemático necessário à sua utilização e da indicação dos vários fenômenos físicos que podem ser tratados paralelamente à sua implementação. Com a adaptação experimental, fomos capazes de medir e calcular o campo magnético a que os elétrons são submetidos no interior de um tubo de raios catódicos, a diferença de potencial entre catodo e anodo no tubo (tensão de aceleração dos elétrons), a deflexão magnética que os elétrons sofrem, e, com uma boa aproximação, a velocidade de translação dos elétrons e a relação carga/massa dessas partículas

    Evaluation of a Propolis Water Extract Using a Reliable RP-HPLC Methodology and In Vitro and In Vivo Efficacy and Safety Characterisation

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    Since the beginning of propolis research, several groups have studied its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. However, most of these studies have only employed propolis ethanolic extract (PEE) leading to little knowledge about the biological activities of propolis water extract (PWE). Based on this, in a previous study, we demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of PWE. In order to better understand the equilibrium between effectiveness and toxicity, which is essential for a new medicine, the characteristics of PWE were analyzed. We developed and validated an RP-HPLC method to chemically characterize PWE and PEE and evaluated the in vitro antioxidant/antimicrobial activity for both extracts and the safety of PWE via determining genotoxic potential using in vitro and in vivo mammalian micronucleus assays. We have concluded that the proposed analytical methodology was reliable, and both extracts showed similar chemical composition. The extracts presented antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, while PWE demonstrated higher antioxidant activity and more efficacious for the most of the microorganisms tested than PEE. Finally, PWE was shown to be safe using micronucleus assays