635 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Lilin Aromaterapi Berbahan Baku Kopi Pada Ibu PKK di Dusun Krajan, Patrang

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    In addition, the culture of using coffee as a drink has existed since ancient times and is carried out both at the household and community level. The benefits of coffee are increasingly being noticed during this pandemic, along with the many diversification of coffee products, this service is carried out by making aromatherapy candles with waste coffee raw materials in the form of ground coffee as the main ingredient. Imperfectly broken coffee which does not pass the market is generally marketed at a low selling price at the household level. Therefore this service is carried out for PKK women as an effort to improve coffee processing skills into other products. The service will be held in August 2021 using direct practice methods and offline presentation of material with representatives from PKK Dusun Krajan, Patrang District. Based on the results obtained that there is a change in both the knowledge and skills of the participants. Prior to participating in the training, the participants did not know the benefits of coffee and other preparations besides coffee drinks, but after participating in the training, the participants became more aware of the benefits and variety of preparations made from coffee, especially aromatherapy candles made from coffee. In addition, on the skill side, it also increased, where before the training the participants did not have the skills to process aromatherapy candles, after the training the participants became confident to make aromatherapy candles independently

    Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Unemployment in Indonesia

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy. As a result, many companies were forced to close, and employees lost their jobs. Several economic variables suspected of mediating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on unemployment include investment, economic growth, and inflation. This study aims to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on unemployment in Indonesia either directly or through the mediation of investment, economic growth, and inflation. This research was conducted using panel data regression in 34 provinces in Indonesia in the 2018Q1 – 2021Q4 period. Through path analysis, the results showed that the Covid-19 pandemic has a direct positive impact on unemployment. The economic growth variable significantly mediates the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on unemployment. Meanwhile, investment and inflation variables do not have a significant effect. This research is expected to provide an objective picture of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on unemployment in Indonesia and become a benchmark for policy formulation in dealing with the impact of this pandemic

    Analisis Kebutuhan Tempat Tidur Di Bangsal Merak RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang Tahun 2022-2024

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    The hospital as a complete health service unit is currently undergoing development where various standards are used to see the effectiveness and efficiency of health services, some of which are. are BOR and LOS. This research was conducted at RSUSP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, namely in three wards; Basic Peacock, Peacock 1, and Peacock 2. The data used in this study are data from 2017 to 2019. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive research method. It is known that the number of bed capacities in Dr. Kariadi did not experience an increase in the study year. In addition, the number of effective days in the three wards varied with the condition that the number of treatment days was predicted to decrease. On the other hand, the BOR is too high so it is necessary to add more beds


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    RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang adalah rumah sakit pusat rujukan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Nasional serta merupakan Rumah Sakit Tipe A pendidikan serta telah terakreditasi internasioanal JCI (Join Commition International) dan KARS (Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit).  Diketahui dari data pelaporan tahunan jumlah pengunjung pasien rawat jalan Instalasi Merpati sejumlah 380.428 pasien, mengalami kenaikan pada tahun 2018 menjadi 405.288 pasien. Pada tahun 2019 mengalami kenaikan yang cukup tinggi yaitu sebanyak 484.050 pasien, dan mengalami penurunan yang cukup drastis pada tahun 2020 menjadi 337.951 pasien. Sedangkan pada tahun 2021 mengalami kenaikan lagi menjadi 408.162 pasien. Penurunan pasien yang cukup drastis tersebut diakibatkan adanya pandemi Covid-19 dan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menerapkan social distancing. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui trend jumlah pengunjung pasien rawat jalan Instalasi Merpati untuk lima tahun kedepan apakah akan mengalami penurunan atau semakin bertambah dengan menggunakan metode peramalan trend analysis. Hasil peramalan jumlah pengunjung pasien rawat jalan Instalasi Merpati tahun 2022-2024 mengalami kenaikan selama 3 tahun kedepan. Pada tahun 2022 terjadi kenaikan menjadi 528.211 pasien, tahun 2023 menjadi 580,522 pasien dan pada tahun 2024 menjadi 632.833. Sebaiknya pihak rumah sakit melakukan analisis beban kerja setiap tahunnya untuk mengetahui apakah beban kerja setiap pegawai sudah sesuai atau belum.  Pihak rumah sakit juga disarankan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan secara efektif, efisien, dan menambah kapasitas ruang tunggu agar pasien merasa nyaman saat menunggu giliran berobat dan tidak berdesak-desakan

    The implications of MPB structural transformation on TV programming

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    This paper focuses on the transformation of media organisations in Malaysia and the implications on media content through the debate of the political economy of media and globalisation of media content. The objectives of this study are to look at the aftermath of Media Prima Berhad’s structural changes since the 1998 economic crisis and the transformations that occurred in the local broadcasting and content industries. Additionally, the identification of the implications of MPB transformation on its content, particularly the television programming of its four television stations will be discussed. Semi-structured interview and content analysis of TV programming approach were used to gather data. Two main findings were identified. MPB’s corporate expansion had concentrated the local television market. The adoption of a cost-saving strategy and sharing of resources have been the keys to success. MPB is an integrated media organisation that has performed horizontal and vertical integration to strengthen its performance within the local broadcasting industry. Repositioning of 8TV and TV9 has transformed the stations’ programming since conglomeration, whilst Chinese and religious programming emerged from the corporate expansion strategy

    Dewan Masjid Indonesia (DMI) sebagai organisasi dakwah: studi tentang aktifitas DMI Jawa Timur Periode 1991 - 1996 dalam proses dakwah

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    Dari judul diatas dapat diambil masalah : Bagaimana kiprah dan perkembangan Dewan Masjid Indonesia Jawa Timur selama Periode 1991-1996. Apasajakah kegiatan atau program kerja yang telah terwuudkan) oleh Dewan Masjid Indonesia (DMI) di Jawa Timur Periode 1991-1996 dalam proses dakwah. Apasajakah faktor-faktor penghambat yang ditemui dan faktor-faktor pendukung yang diterima (dinamika kehidupan berorganisasi) olch pengurus dewan Masjid Indonesia (IIMI) Jawa timur Periode 1991-1996 dalam mewujudkan kegiatan atau program kerja di atas. Sebagai tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kiprah dan perkembangan dewan masjid Indonesia (DMI) jawa timur selama periode 1991-1996. Untuk mengetahui kegiatan dan program kerja yang telah diwujudkan oleh dewan masjid Indonesia (DMI) jawa timur selama periode 1991-1996 dalam mewujudkan kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut. Dalam penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan diantaranya bahwa dewan masjid Indonesia (DMI) jawa timur dalam meningkatkan peran masjid ditengah kehidupan umat cukup baik. Hal ini akibat dari program-programnya yang telah berhasil direalisasikannya. Perkembangan yang cukup menarik adalah terbentuk DMI di setiap kabupaten/kota madya. Pada tahun 1982-1987 mampu membentuk 33 DMI tingkat kabupaten/kotamadya

    Model pembangunan komuniti

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    Since independence in 1957, the government of Malaysia has implemented several projects and programs to help reduce the problem of poverty among the poor in the country. Billions of ringgit have been invested for that purpose. Though the problem of poverty has been reduced, the number of people who are poor remains high especially in the rural areas. One of the reasons for persistent poverty problems is the failure of rural development strategies and programs to alleviate poverty-related problem effectively. The Community Development Model proposed in this article focuses on five major elements believed to be effective in helping to alleviate the problems of poverty among the poor in rural areas. The five elements of the Community Development Model are local leaders, local residents, the core of community development, community development process and the results of community development. This model explains in detail the process that needs to be implemented by communities or agencies which are interested in helping the rural poor resolve the problems of poverty through the implementation of projects or programs. By following the processes suggested in the model, it will not only help resolve the poverty problems but also assist the country to invest in development projects that achieve the intended goals

    Health Service Innovation Strategy of TEFA House of Health Promotion with SWOT Analysis

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    Teaching Factory (TEFA) House of Health Promotion establishment is to enhance healthcare services and public welfare quality. An in-depth analysis is needed to determine the internal and external factors that could influence the creation of TEFA. This research aimed to analyze the Health Service Innovation Strategy of TEFA House of Health Promotion using SWOT analysis. This research method was qualitative, instrument using questionnaires given to TEFA staff and data analysis conducted using SWOT analysis. The research results were based on the SWOT analysis diagram, indicating that TEFA House of Health Promotion was in quadrant I (aggressive quadrant). The recommended strategy is to develop TEFA as a service provider in the health promotion sector. The management of TEFA must create an effective management organizational structure, design a comprehensive TEFA business plan and strategy, and construct a clear workflow and performance Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). It also required a well-defined management and service governance SOP and a well-structured work program. Extend promotions locally and reach a broader audience by utilizing promotional media. Overall, the proposed service innovation strategies are expected to assist TEFA House of Health Promotion in achieving its goal of enhancing the quality of health services and overall public health

    Uji Multi Lokasi Galur Harapan dan Varietas Padi Terpilih di Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Multi location test of seven inbreds and variety have been conducted at tidal swampland area in Kapuasregency during wet season 1998 and 1999, such as in sulfit acid (unit Tatas and Basarang) and potential area (HandilGabin and Lamunti A-2). The purpose of this research are (1) to provide adaptive rice varieties, specifically at tidalswamp land and likely for farmers, (2) to provide seed rice that high quality and specific of location. Using RCBDwith seven treatment that are varieties and inbred, with three replication. The result of multilocation test that showntwo inbreds expectancies i.e KAL-9420 d-Bj-276-3 and KAL-9414 d-Bj-63-1 as adaptive in tidal swampland, withmean productivity 3,8 and 3,6 t/ha yield. Farmers very like this with this varieties because have characteristic whichare small shape of yield and clean of yield.Key words: pure lines, wetland, Oryza sativa, Central KalimantanUji multi lokasi tujuh galur harapan dan varietas padi telah dilaksanakan di lahan pasang surut KabupatenKapuas pada musim hujan 1998 dan musim hujan 1999. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di dua tipologi lahan yaitu lahan sulfatmasam (di unit Tatas dan Basarang), dan lahan potensial (di Handil Gabin dan Lamunti A-2). Tujuan dari kegiatan iniadalah: (1) mendapatkan galur dan varietas padi yang adaptif, spesifik lahan pasang surut dan disukai petani; (2)menyediakan benih padi yang bermutu dan spesifik lokasi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalahrancangan petak terbagi dengan 7 (tujuh) perlakuan yaitu varietas dan galur padi dan tiga ulangan. Hasil pengujianmenunjukkan terdapat dua galur harapan yaitu KAL-9420 d-Bj-276-3 dan KAL-9414 d-Bj-63-1 yang diminati petanikarena sangat sesuai dengan selera petani yang umumnya Masyarakat Banjar dan Dayak, yaitu bentuk gabah ramping,rasa nasi pera, dan warnanya bersih serta adaptif di lahan pasang surut Kabupaten Kapuas, dengan rata-rata produksi3,8 t/ha dan 3,6 t/ha gabah kering giling


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    This study aims to analyze the application of religious culture in building children's character resilience at school through the perspective of social reconstruction theory. This research was conducted at SMAN I Kraksaan Probolinggo, East Java. A descriptive qualitative approach was used in this research in order to obtain accurate and accountable data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis was carried out in stages, starting with presenting the data, reducing the data, and concluding. The study results show that the application of religious culture in building children's character resilience in schools through the perspective of social reconstruction theory is carried out through externalization, objectivation, and internalization in a planned, systematic and sustainable manner. This research has implications for the importance of strengthening children's character resilience so that they are not easily swayed by the dynamics of the times