56 research outputs found

    Edema de ubre en ganado bovino. II entrega

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    La inflamación excesiva de la glándula mamaria asociada al parto es un padecimiento frecuente en ganado bovino, éste desbalance se conoce con el nombre de “edema mamario” o “edema de ubre”. Particularmente las hembras primíparas experimentan este fenómeno de manera más severa. La inflamación de la ubre puede generar una serie de efectos detrimentales sobre el animal. El incremento en la propensión a mastitis, pezones dañados, ubres heridas y/o pendulosas han sido características asociadas al edema de ubre. Además el dolor y estrés que experimentan los animales que sufren este mal, generalmente detectados mediante inconvenientes durante el ordeño, puede afectar el desempeño productivo de los mismos. La exclusión de ingredientes de la ración que causan inflamación de la ubre, así como  inclusión de componentes en la dieta que inhiben la acumulación de líquido en el periodo preparto, son prácticas de alimentación con las cuales se puede disminuir la incidencia y grado de afección en los hatos. De igual manera es posible disminuir la inflamación mediante tratamiento diurético, con uso de sustancias desinflamatorias o una combinación de ambos. Este documento pretende brindar información relevante relacionada a las implicaciones, prevención y tratamiento del edema de ubre en ganado bovino extraída de información selecta que permita a los productores, técnicos y profesionales un abordaje oportuno para disminuir la incidencia y el grado de edema mamario en ganado bovin

    Prevalencia y factores de riesgo relacionados con la cetosis clínica y subclínica tipo I y II en un hato de vacas Jersey en Costa Rica

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence and grade of ketosis type I and II, and to examine risk factors related with this metabolic disease, in a 203 cows Jersey herd in Oreamuno, Cartago, Costa Rica (9° 55' North Latitude, 83° 51' West Longitude, 2350 m of altitude), to propose management and feeding practices that contribute to reduce de incidence of this metabolic imbalance. Prevalence of type II and type I ketosis was determined by measuring blood concentration of β-hydroxybutyric acid (βHBA) at 8±3 and 30±3 days in milk in 117 and in 114 animals, respectively. No clinical type II ketosis was detected, and 4.27% of the cows had subclinical (1.4 to 2.9 mmol.l-1) ketosis of this type. Percentages of cows with clinical (>2.9 mmol.l-1) and subclinical type I ketosis were 3.51 and 9.65, respectively. During the last week of gestation, body condition loss differed (p2,9 mmol.l-1) y subclínica tipo I fueron 3,51 y 9,65 respectivamente. Durante la última semana de gestación, la pérdida de condición corporal difirió (p<0,05) para vacas sanas y cetóticas tipo I y fue de 0,09 y 0,31 puntos, respectivamente. Las vacas con cetosis tipo I fueron de mayor (p<0,01) número de partos, duración del período seco más extensa (p<0,05) y mayor pico de lactancia (p<0,01),que las vacas sanas. Los resultados sugieren que calificar la condición corporal durante la última semana de gestación podría ser útil para predecir el riesgo de los animales a desarrollar cetosis tipo I. Basados en estos resultados, el manejo para evitar periodos secos mayores de 60 días ayudaría a reducir la incidencia de cetosis. Además, la alimentación y manejo de las vacas multíparas y vacas de mayor producción, conducente a reducir la pérdida de condición corporal post parto, también podrían reducir la incidencia de los diferentes tipos de cetosis

    Prevalencia de hipocalcemia en cuatro hatos Jersey en pastoreo en Costa Rica

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    Clinical hypo-calcemia (CH) is a common metabolic disease in cows grazing lush pastures high in potassium. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of CH and subclinical hypocalcemia (SH) in 4 grazing Jersey herds in Costa Rica. Subclinical hypocalcemia has been studied to a limited extent in tropical dairy systems. Two hundred and seven Jersey cows from 4 herds located in the highlands of Cartago, Costa Rica, were used to analyze serum calcium (Ca) contents. Feeding practices during the close up period were based on intensive grazing of kikuyu grass (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) and the supplementation of 3 to 4 kilograms of a grain mixture low in Ca (0.2% of dry matter). Blood samples were arranged by lactation number: 1st (n=36), 2nd (n=48), 3rd (n=49), 4th (n=41), 5th (n=17) and 6th (n=16). Average serum Ca concentration within the criti- cal period for hypocalcemia incidence (24 h befo- re or after parturition) decreased with lactation number. Incidence of CH was 6, 13, 2, 29, 29 and 25% of cows from 1st to 6th parity, respectively. Likewise, average prevalence of SH was 53, 42, 78, 44, 47 and 63%, in the same order. Cows with a body condition score (BCS) of 3.75 or higher at parturition ± 1 week had lower (p<0.05) serum Ca concentration than those with lower BCS. Serum magnesium contents were normal. These results show that prevalence of SH is greater than 40% in Jersey herds grazing lush tropical pastures; also, data suggest that BCS during the transition period could influence serum Ca contents. However, more research should be done to support these findings. La hipocalcemia clínica (HC) es una enfermedad metabólica común en vacas que pastorean forrajes suculentos altos en potasio. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de HC e hipocalcemia subclínica (HS) en 4 hatos Jersey en pastoreo en Costa Rica. Este último tipo de hipocalcemia ha sido poco estudiado en los sistemas de producción tropicales. Doscientos siete vacas Jersey de 4 hatos ubicados en las tierras altas de Cartago, Costa Rica, fueron utilizadas para analizar el contenido de calcio sérico (Ca). La alimentación de los animales durante las 3 semanas previas al parto consistió en el pastoreo intensivo de pasto kikuyo (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) y la suplementación con 3 a 4 kilogramos de un alimento balanceado bajo en calcio y con 0,2% de la materia seca. Las muestras fueron ordenadas por número de lactancia: 1° (n=36), 2° (n=48), 3° (n=49), 4° (n=41), 5° (n=17) y 6° (n=16). La concentración media de Ca sérico dentro del periodo crítico de incidencia de hipocalcemia (24 h previas o posteriores al parto) disminuyó con el número de lactancia. La incidencia de HC fue de 6, 13, 2, 29, 29 y 25% de las vacas de primera a sexta lactancia, respectivamente. Del mismo modo, la prevalencia de HS fue de 53, 42, 78, 44, 47 y 63%, respectivamente, en el mismo orden. Las vacas con condición corporal (CC) de 3,75 o más en el parto±1 semana tuvieron menor (p<0,05) concentración de calcio sérico que aquellas con CC inferiores; los contenidos de magnesio sérico fueron normales. Los resultados muestran que la prevalencia de HS es mayor a 40% en hatos Jersey que consumen pastos tropicales; así mismo, sugieren que la CC durante el período de transición podría influir el contenido Ca sérico, sin embargo, debe hacerse más investigación para sustentar estos resultados

    Evaluación de la condición corporal en un hato de vacas Jersey en pastoreo en la zona alta de Cartago. Variaciones durante el ciclo productivo

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    The aim of this research was to carry out a body condition score (BCS) observational study in a commercial grazing Jersey herd in Cartago, Costa Rica (9°55` N, 83°51` W, 2350 m of altitude). The study comprised 5864 BCS records from 122 cows (29 primiparous and 93 multiparous) over an 18 months period. Cows were scored weekly by the same person, from 9 th week prepartum to 43 th week postpartum. The 1 to 5 points scale was used (1=emaciated, 5=obese). Animal feeding practices were based on intensive grazing of 30 d regrowth kikuyu (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) and supplementation of a balanced concentrate according to physiological stage. Primiparous and multiparous cows BCS at calving was 4.01 points (95% CI: 3.80-4.22 points) and 3.83 points (95% CI: 3.71-3.94 points) respectively, BCS nadir after calving differed (p<0.05) between primiparous (3.10 points; 95% CI: 2.97-3.23 points) and multiparous cows (2.86 points; 95% CI: 2.76-2.96 points). When stratifying BCS at calving into values ≤3.25, 3.50 to 4.00 and ≥4.25 points, differences (p<0.01) were found in nadir and BCS change extreme values within primiparous or multiparous groups of cows. Animals that calved with higher BCS lost more BCS post calving, but remained at a greater BCS at nadir and the whole lactation. Results suggest that BCS at calving could be used as a partial indicator of BCS nadir and BCS change from calving to nadir, which has important implications on production and fertility of cows.El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un estudio observacional de la condición corporal (CCC) en un hato comercial Jersey en pastoreo en Cartago, Costa Rica (9°55` N, 83°51` W, 2350 msnm). El estudio comprendió 5864 registros de CCC de 122 vacas (29 primíparas y 93 multíparas) durante un período de 18 meses. Las vacas fueron calificadas semanalmente por la misma persona, desde la semana 9 preparto hasta la semana 43 después del parto. Se utilizó la escala de 1 a 5 puntos (1=demacrada, 5=obesa). Las prácticas de alimentación de los animales se basaron en el pastoreo intensivo de kikuyo (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) de 30 d de rebrote y la suplementación con concentrado balanceado de acuerdo con la etapa fisiológica. La CCC de vacas primíparas y multíparas al parto fue 4,01 puntos (IC al 95%: 3,80 a 4,22 puntos) y 3,83 puntos (IC al 95%: 3,71 a 3,94 puntos) respectivamente, el nadir de CCC después del parto difirió (p<0,05) entre vacas primíparas (3,10 puntos; IC al 95%: 2,97 a 3,23 puntos) y multíparas (2,86 puntos; IC al 95%: 2,76 a 2,96 puntos). Al estratificar CCC al parto en valores ≤ 3,25, 3,50 a 4,00 y ≥ 4,25 puntos, se encontraron diferencias (p<0,01) entre valores extremos de nadir y cambio de CCC dentro de los grupos de vacas primíparas o multíparas. Los animales que parieron con mayor CCC perdieron más CCC posparto, pero se mantuvieron en una mayor CCC en el nadir y toda la lactancia. Los resultados sugieren que la CCC al parto podría ser utilizada como un indicador parcial del nadir de CCC y el cambio en CCC entre el parto y el nadir, lo cual tiene importantes implicaciones sobre la producción y la fertilidad de las vacas

    Hipocalcemia e hipomagnesemia en un hato de vacas Holstein, Jersey y Guernsey en pastoreo

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in a Holstein, Jersey and Guernsey cow herd at parturition, under the same feeding, management and environmental conditions. It was conducted in a farm located in Cartago, Costa Rica, and comprised 152 cows (62 Jersey, 41 Guernsey and 49 Holstein). During the close up period the cows grazed kikuyu grass (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) (0.35 Ca, 0.31 Mg and 3.50% K, DM) and were supplemented with 4 kg.animal -1 .d -1 of a concentrate feed low in Ca (0.22 Ca; 0.42 Mg and 1.38% K, DM) plus 1 kg of hay (0.4 Ca; 0.35 Mg and 1.85% K, DM).d -1 . Cows were fed 1 kg of concentrate (0.9 Ca; 0.42 Mg and 1.38% K, DM)/ 2.5 to 3.0 kg of milk during lactation. Blood samples were taken from the coccygeal vessels at peripartum (calving±1d) and analyzed for Ca and Mg. The blood thresholds to classify cows as clinically or sub clinically hypocalcemic were: less than 5.5 and 5.5 to 8.0 mg.dl -1 of Ca, respectively. A value of 1.8 mg.dl -1 of Mg, or lower, was set to classify cows as hypomag- nesemic. Although no significant differences (p≥0.05) were found among breeds for plasma Ca content at parturition, Jersey cows tend to have a lower content of this mineral, specially as parity number increases. Hipomagnesemia prevalence differed (p<0.05) between Jersey and Guernsey breeds. The low prevalence of this metabolic imbalance suggest that the clinical and subclinical hipocalcemia cases observed in this study due to biological aspects proper to Ca homeostasis and are not linked to Ca homeostatic mechanisms in which Mg participates.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de hipocalcemia e hipomagnesemia al parto en un hato constituido por vacas de las razas Holstein, Jersey y Guernsey, bajo las mismas condiciones de alimentación, ambiente y manejo. Se realizó en una finca localizada en Cartago, Costa Rica, y comprendió 152 vacas (62 Jersey, 41 Guernsey y 49 Holstein). Durante el período preparto las vacas pastorearon kikuyo (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) (0,35 Ca; 0,31 Mg y 3,50% K de la MS) y fueron suplementadas con 4 kg.animal -1 .d -1 de alimento concentrado bajo en Ca (0,22 Ca; 0,42 Mg y 1,38% K de la MS) y 1 kg de heno (0,4 Ca; 0,35 Mg y 1,85% K de la MS).d -1 . Después del parto, las vacas fueron suplementadas con 1 kg de alimento concentrado (0,9 Ca; 0,42 Mg y 1,38% K de la MS)/2,5 a 3,0 kg de leche. Muestras de sangre fueron tomadas de los vasos coccígeos durante el periparto (parto±1d) y analizadas para Ca y Mg. Los umbrales sanguíneos para definir la hipocalcemia como clínica o subclínica fueron: menos de 5,5 y 5,5 a 8,0 mg.dl -1 de Ca, respectivamente. Un valor de 1,8 mg.dl -1 de Mg, o menor, se estableció para clasificar a las vacas como hipomagnesémicas. Aunque el contenido de Ca sanguíneo durante el periparto no difirió entre razas (p≤0,05), las vacas Jersey tienden a tener valores menores de este mineral, especialmente al aumentar el número de partos. La prevalencia de hipomagnesemia difirió (p<0,05) entre las razas Jersey y Guernsey. La baja prevalencia de este desbalance sugiere que los casos de hipocalcemia clínica y subclínica observados se deben a aspectos biológicos propios de la homeostasis del Ca y no a mecanismos en la fisiología de este elemento en que interviene el Mg

    Selenium Concentrations in Serum and its Outputs in Milk and Urine from Grazing Jersey Cow Herds Found in Two Dairy Production Regions from Costa Rica

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    Objective: The study aimed to determine the concentration of selenium (Se) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in serum and the Se concentration in milk and urine in grazing Jersey cows in two dairy producing areas of Costa Rica. Methodology: The study was conducted on commercial dairy herds in the highlands of Cartago (≈2250 m of altitude) and Zarcero (≈1750 m of altitude). Cartago cow herds were intensively grazing kikuyu grass (Kikuyuocloa clandestina) and Zarcero cow herds were grazing star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis). Daily supplementation in both areas consisted of concentrate (16% CP, 1.81 Mcal NEL) according to milk yield (1 kg concentrate: 3 kg of milk). Blood samples were taken from the coccygeal vessels, milk samples were collected individually during milking from the milk yield meter container and urine was obtained using rubbing stimulation technique. From Cartago area, a total of 102, 139 and 87 samples of blood, milk and urine respectively were collected and analyzed. From Zarcero region 66, 84 and 43 samples in the same order were collected and analyzed. Results: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine Se concentration. A total of 85 samples from two farms in each region were tested to determine GSH-Px using a glutathione peroxidase activity colorimetric assay kit. The soil was tested in each farm using a soil auger to obtain 20 subsamples per sample, those subsamples were collected drilling the ground surface to a depth of 10 cm and then mixed to generate a composited sample which was analyzed for Se using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Average serum, milk and urine Se concentration for cows from Cartago and Zarcero were 44.13 (SD = 27.68), 30.94 (SD = 20.13), 78.37 (SD = 60.14) μg Se L–1 and 19.19 (SD = 10.59), 21.82 (SD = 19.07), 14.72 (SD = 6.50) μg Se L–1, respectively. The average GSH-Px concentration in serum was 73.74 and 33.82 for Cartago and Zarcero cows, respectively. Conclusion: High concentrations of selenium in urine in some of the farms and low concentrations of GSH-Px in serum in most of the cows could imply a poor utilization of this mineral, leading to deficiencies to meet metabolic requirements and therefore to associated economic losses.Universidad de Costa Rica/[739-B3-120]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de ZootecniaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro de Investigación en Nutrición Animal (CINA

    Including microbiome information in a multi-trait genomic evaluation: a case study on longitudinal growth performance in beef cattle

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    Background: Growth rate is an important component of feed conversion efficiency in cattle and varies across the different stages of the finishing period. The metabolic effect of the rumen microbiome is essential for cattle growth, and investigating the genomic and microbial factors that underlie this temporal variation can help maximize feed conversion efficiency at each growth stage. Results: By analysing longitudinal body weights during the finishing period and genomic and metagenomic data from 359 beef cattle, our study demonstrates that the influence of the host genome on the functional rumen microbiome contributes to the temporal variation in average daily gain (ADG) in different months (ADG1, ADG2, ADG3, ADG4). Five hundred and thirty-three additive log-ratio transformed microbial genes (alr-MG) had non-zero genomic correlations (rg) with at least one ADG-trait (ranging from |0.21| to |0.42|). Only a few alr-MG correlated with more than one ADG-trait, which suggests that a differential host-microbiome determinism underlies ADG at different stages. These alr-MG were involved in ribosomal biosynthesis, energy processes, sulphur and aminoacid metabolism and transport, or lipopolysaccharide signalling, among others. We selected two alternative subsets of 32 alr-MG that had a non-uniform or a uniform rg sign with all the ADG-traits, regardless of the rg magnitude, and used them to develop a microbiome-driven breeding strategy based on alr-MG only, or combined with ADG-traits, which was aimed at shaping the rumen microbiome towards increased ADG at all finishing stages. Combining alr-MG information with ADG records increased prediction accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) by 11 to 22% relative to the direct breeding strategy (using ADG-traits only), whereas using microbiome information, only, achieved lower accuracies (from 7 to 41%). Predicted selection responses varied consistently with accuracies. Restricting alr-MG based on their rg sign (uniform subset) did not yield a gain in the predicted response compared to the non-uniform subset, which is explained by the absence of alr-MG showing non-zero rg at least with more than one of the ADG-traits. Conclusions: Our work sheds light on the role of the microbial metabolism in the growth trajectory of beef cattle at the genomic level and provides insights into the potential benefits of using microbiome information in future genomic breeding programs to accurately estimate GEBV and increase ADG at each finishing stage in beef cattle

    Fungal and ciliate protozoa are the main rumen microbes associated with methane emissions in dairy cattle

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    14 Pág. Departamento de Mejora Genetica AnimalMitigating the effects of global warming has become the main challenge for humanity in recent decades. Livestock farming contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, with an important output of methane from enteric fermentation processes, mostly in ruminants. Because ruminal microbiota is directly involved in digestive fermentation processes and methane biosynthesis, understanding the ecological relationships between rumen microorganisms and their active metabolic pathways is essential for reducing emissions. This study analysed whole rumen metagenome using long reads and considering its compositional nature in order to disentangle the role of rumen microbes in methane emissions.This research was financed by RTA2015-00022-C03-02 (METALGEN) project from the National Plan of Research, Development and Innovation 2013–2020 and the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness (Madrid, Spain). A.L.G. was funded by FPI-INIA grant with reference FPI-SGIT2016-06.Peer reviewe

    A dimensional reduction approach to modulate the core ruminal microbiome associated with methane emissions via selective breeding

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    17 Pág.  Departamento de ​Mejora Genética Animal (INIA)The rumen is a complex microbial system of substantial importance in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and feed efficiency. This study proposes combining metagenomic and host genomic data for selective breeding of the cow hologenome toward reduced methane emissions. We analyzed nanopore long reads from the rumen metagenome of 437 Holstein cows from 14 commercial herds in 4 northern regions in Spain. After filtering, data were treated as compositional. The large complexity of the rumen microbiota was aggregated, through principal component analysis (PCA), into few principal components (PC) that were used as proxies of the core metagenome. The PCA allowed us to condense the huge and fuzzy taxonomical and functional information from the metagenome into a few PC. Bivariate animal models were applied using these PC and methane production as phenotypes. The variability condensed in these PC is controlled by the cow genome, with heritability estimates for the first PC of ~0.30 at all taxonomic levels, with a large probability (>83%) of the posterior distribution being >0.20 and with the 95% highest posterior density interval (95%HPD) not containing zero. Most genetic correlation estimates between PC1 and methane were large (≥0.70), with most of the posterior distribution (>82%) being >0.50 and with its 95%HPD not containing zero. Enteric methane production was positively associated with relative abundance of eukaryotes (protozoa and fungi) through the first component of the PCA at phylum, class, order, family, and genus. Nanopore long reads allowed the characterization of the core rumen metagenome using whole-metagenome sequencing, and the purposed aggregated variables could be used in animal breeding programs to reduce methane emissions in future generations.This research was financed by the METALGEN project (RTA2015-00022-C03) from the national plan for research, development, and innovation 2013–2020 and the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness (Madrid, Spain).Peer reviewe

    Impact of oestrus synchronization devices on ewes vaginal microbiota and artificial insemination outcome

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    Introduction: The low pregnancy rate by artificial insemination in sheep represents a fundamental challenge for breeding programs. In this species, oestrus synchronization is carried out by manipulating hormonal regimens through the insertion of progestogen intravaginal devices. This reproductive strategy may alter the vaginal microbiota affecting the artificial insemination outcome. Methods: In this study, we analyzed the vaginal microbiome of 94 vaginal swabs collected from 47 ewes with alternative treatments applied to the progesterone-releasing intravaginal devices (probiotic, maltodextrin, antibiotic and control), in two sample periods (before placing and after removing the devices). To our knowledge, this is the first study using nanopore-based metagenome sequencing for vaginal microbiome characterization in livestock. Results: Our results revealed a significant lower abundance of the genera Oenococcus (Firmicutes) and Neisseria (Proteobacteria) in pregnant compared to non-pregnant ewes. We also detected a significant lower abundance of Campylobacter in the group of samples treated with the probiotic. Discussion: Although the use of probiotics represents a promising practice to improve insemination results, the election of the suitable species and concentration requires further investigation. In addition, the use of progestogen in the synchronization devices seemed to increase the alpha-diversity and decrease the abundance of harmful microorganisms belonging to Gammaproteobacteria and Fusobacteriia classes, suggesting a beneficial effect of their use.This work was funded by INIA-GENOVIS (grant CON19-043-MGA), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (grant RTI-2018-096487-R-C33), and also has received financial support from Fondos FEDER.artificial inseminationfertilitynanoporeovinereproductionvaginal microbiotametagenomemicrobiomePublishe