954 research outputs found

    Complete Sequences of Organelle Genomes from the Medicinal Plant Rhazya Stricta (Apocynaceae) and Contrasting Patterns of Mitochondrial Genome Evolution Across Asterids

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    Rhazya stricta is native to arid regions in South Asia and the Middle East and is used extensively in folk medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. In addition to generating genomic resources for this medicinally important plant, analyses of the complete plastid and mitochondrial genomes and a nuclear transcriptome from Rhazya provide insights into inter-compartmental transfers between genomes and the patterns of evolution among eight asterid mitochondrial genomes. Results: The 154,841 bp plastid genome is highly conserved with gene content and order identical to the ancestral organization of angiosperms. The 548,608 bp mitochondrial genome exhibits a number of phenomena including the presence of recombinogenic repeats that generate a multipartite organization, transferred DNA from the plastid and nuclear genomes, and bidirectional DNA transfers between the mitochondrion and the nucleus. The mitochondrial genes sdh3 and rps14 have been transferred to the nucleus and have acquired targeting presequences. In the case of rps14, two copies are present in the nucleus; only one has a mitochondrial targeting presequence and may be functional. Phylogenetic analyses of both nuclear and mitochondrial copies of rps14 across angiosperms suggests Rhazya has experienced a single transfer of this gene to the nucleus, followed by a duplication event. Furthermore, the phylogenetic distribution of gene losses and the high level of sequence divergence in targeting presequences suggest multiple, independent transfers of both sdh3 and rps14 across asterids. Comparative analyses of mitochondrial genomes of eight sequenced asterids indicates a complicated evolutionary history in this large angiosperm clade with considerable diversity in genome organization and size, repeat, gene and intron content, and amount of foreign DNA from the plastid and nuclear genomes. Conclusions: Organelle genomes of Rhazya stricta provide valuable information for improving the understanding of mitochondrial genome evolution among angiosperms. The genomic data have enabled a rigorous examination of the gene transfer events. Rhazya is unique among the eight sequenced asterids in the types of events that have shaped the evolution of its mitochondrial genome. Furthermore, the organelle genomes of R. stricta provide valuable genomic resources for utilizing this important medicinal plant in biotechnology applications.King Abdulaziz UniversityIntegrative Biolog

    Gower sign positive muscle weakness in a patient with short stature and hypophosphatemia

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    A 17-year-old Sudanese patient presented with short stature, generalized body aches, and proximal muscle weakness. He was seen by two orthopedic surgeons and an adult neurologist and misdiagnosed as having benign bone cysts, osteomalacia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Infact, he was suffering from severe hypophosphatemia, which manifest by unusual presentation. The diagnostic pitfalls are explained and the importance of urinalysis and measurement of bone minerals are emphasized.Keywords: Renal tubular acidosis, Fanconi syndrome, Rickets

    Ультразвуковой контроль качества заготовок в условиях металлургического предприятия

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    Целью работы является изучение возможности использования неразрушающего контроля качества металлопродукции с помощью ультразвуковой установки в условиях современного металлургического предприятия. Использование эхо–импульсного метода для испытания заготовок сечением 150х150 мм позволяет достаточно хорошо выявлять дефекты типа шлаковых включений, усадочной раковины, внутренних трещин и разрывов, расслоений. Анализ результатов ультразвукового контроля позволяет оценить уровень технологии производства и качества проката, определить ряд технических и организационных мер, обеспечивающих конкурентоспособность продукции.Метою роботи є вивчення можливості використання неруйнівного контролю якості металопродукції за допомогою ультразвукової установки в умовах сучасного металургійного підприємства. Використано ехо–імпульсний метод для контролю якості заготовок перетином 150х150 мм, що дозволяє достатньо надійно виявляти дефекти типу шлакових включень, усадкової раковини, внутрішніх тріщин і розривів, розшарувань. Аналіз результатів ультразвукового контролю дозволяє оцінити рівень технології виробництва і якості прокату, визначити ряд технічних і організаційних заходів, що забезпечують конкурентоспроможність продукції.The work purpose of not destroying quality assurance application possibility studying of metal products by means of ultrasonic apparatus in the conditions of the modern metallurgical enterprise. Application of an echo-impulse method for test of billet with the section 150х150 mm allows to reveal well enough defects of slag inclusions type, a pipe, internal cracks and ruptures, stratifications. The analysis of results of the ultrasonic control allows to estimate a technological level of manufacture and quality of rolled metal, to define a number of the technical and organizational measures providing competitiveness of production

    Impact of Water Injection System on Diesel Engine Brake Power and Exhaust Emissions

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    A series of experiments were carried out to study and clarify the effect of Water Injection system (WI) on diesel engine performance and exhaust gas emissions (Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide, and Carbon Monoxide). The results obtained showed that, water injection increases the power output of the engine. Adding water to the incoming air allows for greater charge density. The water absorbs a large amount of heat as it vaporizes, thus reducing peak temperature and Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) emissions. WI also decreases the emissions of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2); the presence of water converts some of SO2 gas into sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Similarly, WI system was found to decrease the emissions of Carbon Monoxide (CO)

    Legalitas Perkawinan yang Tidak Tercatat pada Masyarakat Pinrang ( Analisis Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pelayanan Terpadu Pencatatan Nikah )

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    Marriage is a unique event because marriage is a way of gluing the knot of a family. Sociologically, the Bugis Pinrang community is obedient and obedient to the law. However, the application of marriage records has not been carried out optimally. Because there are still some couples who have not registered their marriages. This habit is proof that the legal culture has not been built to its full potential. Non-recorded marriages will have a legal impact on the child and wife. Unregistered marriages should need legal protection, not to be left without providing a solution. The form of protection was outlined in technical form by providing an opportunity to carry out the marriage certificate on the marriage which had been carried out according to the Islamic Shari'a, but was not recorded by authorized employees. Marriage rules are intended for certain things as contained in article 7 paragraph (3) KHI. The existence of this Article provides legal protection by giving the opportunity to submit a marriage certificate application. So that marriages that have not been recorded, can be recorded and recognized administratively, so that they become marriages that are formal or legal juridically

    Equivariant Poincar\'e series of filtrations and topology

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    Earlier, for an action of a finite group GG on a germ of an analytic variety, an equivariant GG-Poincar\'e series of a multi-index filtration in the ring of germs of functions on the variety was defined as an element of the Grothendieck ring of GG-sets with an additional structure. We discuss to which extend the GG-Poincar\'e series of a filtration defined by a set of curve or divisorial valuations on the ring of germs of analytic functions in two variables determines the (equivariant) topology of the curve or of the set of divisors

    Kepatuhan Diet Pasien DM Berdasarkan Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Dukungan Keluarga di Wilayah Puskesmas Sudiang Raya

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    Pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan diet bagi penderita diabetes mellitus. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk meningkatkan Kepatuhan dalam menaati diet DM untuk menstabilkan kadar glukosa darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus, adanya kepatuhan dapat mengembangkan rutinitas (kebiasaan) yang dapat membantu penderita dalam menjalani diet.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan diet pada pasien Diabetes Mellitus di. wilayah Puskesmas Sudiang Raya Kecamatan Biringkanaya Kota MakassarPenelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel adalah pasien DM rawat jalan di wilayah Puskesmas Sudiang Raya yang berjumlah 48 0rang yang dipilih secara accidental sampling. Pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga diperoleh dari kuesioner. Kepatuhan diet pasien diperoleh melalui recall 24 jam selama 2 hari tidak berurut. Analisis hubungan antara variabel dilakukan uji chi square. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi dan narasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan gizi pasien DM di wilayah Puskesmas Sudiang Raya baik (79.2%), umumnya keluarga mendukung (87.5%), pasien DM tergolong tidak patuh (91.7%). Hasil uji statistik antara variabel menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan gizi dengan kepatuhan diet (p=0.621), dan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan diet pasien DM di wilayah Puskesmas Sudiang Raya (p=0.71).Disarankan agar dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan mempertimbangkan pasien DM yang meminum obat, pasien DM yang suntik insulin, kadar gula darah pasien, riwayat penyakit lain yang didiagnosa langsung oleh dokter serta mengoptimalkan instrument penelitian untuk menghindari data yang bias

    Residents’ perception of solid waste disposal practices in Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria

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    Proper waste disposal is a key to protecting public health. Thus poorly managed and disposed waste encourages breeding of insect vectors and exposed public to increase risk of infection. This study aimed at determining the residents’ perception about waste disposal in Sokoto metropolis. This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey conducted in Sokoto metropolis. A two stage sampling technique was used to select the survey participants. A set of interviewer-administered questionnaires were used to collect field data. Ethical clearance was obtained from state research ethics committee and in addition, individual informed consent was obtained before questionnaires were administered. Average age of the respondents was 30 years with 50% aged between 25 and 44 years. Large proportion (47.4%) of the respondents had only Quranic education. Majority (94.1%) of the respondents expressed worries about the indiscriminate littering of the metropolis with waste and more than half (55%) reported that residents were responsible for the state of poor sanitation while 38% felt it was fault of government. Although, 91% of respondents said it is appropriate for residents to clean own surroundings, 41% felt residents alone should take sole responsibility for the cleaning; while 40% felt government and residents should take joint responsibility. Less than half (46%) of respondents reported that improper waste disposal have health related problems. Although, majority respondents were disturbed with the way refuse litters the state metropolis, many are unaware of its health related problems. There is need to create awareness among general public of consequences of poor refuse disposal.Key words: Perception, solid waste, disposal, Sokoto