12 research outputs found

    In vitro Cortical Network Firing is Homeostatically Regulated: A Model for Sleep Regulation.

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    Prolonged wakefulness leads to a homeostatic response manifested in increased amplitude and number of electroencephalogram (EEG) slow waves during recovery sleep. Cortical networks show a slow oscillation when the excitatory inputs are reduced (during slow wave sleep, anesthesia), or absent (in vitro preparations). It was recently shown that a homeostatic response to electrical stimulation can be induced in cortical cultures. Here we used cortical cultures grown on microelectrode arrays and stimulated them with a cocktail of waking neuromodulators. We found that recovery from stimulation resulted in a dose-dependent homeostatic response. Specifically, the inter-burst intervals decreased, the burst duration increased, the network showed higher cross-correlation and strong phasic synchronized burst activity. Spectral power below <1.75 Hz significantly increased and the increase was related to steeper slopes of bursts. Computer simulation suggested that a small number of clustered neurons could potently drive the behavior of the network both at baseline and during recovery. Thus, this in vitro model appears valuable for dissecting network mechanisms of sleep homeostasis

    Cerebral mGluR5 availability contributes to elevated sleep need and behavioral adjustment after sleep deprivation.

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    Increased sleep time and intensity quantified as low-frequency brain electrical activity after sleep loss demonstrate that sleep need is homeostatically regulated, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. We here demonstrate that metabotropic glutamate receptors of subtype 5 (mGluR5) contribute to the molecular machinery governing sleep-wake homeostasis. Using positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and electroencephalography in humans, we find that increased mGluR5 availability after sleep loss tightly correlates with behavioral and electroencephalographic biomarkers of elevated sleep need. These changes are associated with altered cortical myo-inositol and glycine levels, suggesting sleep loss-induced modifications downstream of mGluR5 signaling. Knock-out mice without functional mGluR5 exhibit severe dysregulation of sleep-wake homeostasis, including lack of recovery sleep and impaired behavioral adjustment to a novel task after sleep deprivation. The data suggest that mGluR5 contribute to the brain's coping mechanisms with sleep deprivation and point to a novel target to improve disturbed wakefulness and sleep

    Determination of suitable size of Rutilus frisii kutum for releasing by evaluation of osmotic regulation ability

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    The study was done in Nutrition and Live Food Station was located in Bandar Anzali Ghaziyan. Juveniles weighted average 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g were randomly selected in three water conditions with a salinity of 11 ppt (Caspian sea water), water 7 ppt and freshwater (with three replicates per group) were included. At intervals of 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 72, 168, 240 hours, blood samples were heparinized capillary tubes by caudal juveniles and ion concentrations Mg, Ca,Cl using the spectrophotometer and sodium and potassium ions with Flaym photometry (flame photometric), the osmotic pressure of blood plasma by osmometer and cortisol levels were measured by RIA method. To study the microstructure of gill and kidney tissue for each treatment , tissue samples by classical histological methods and stained with hematoxylin - eosin slides were prepared. The frequency and location of the enzyme Na^+, K^+ - ATPase and chloride cells with immunohistochemical localization was performed. Studies micrometric gill chloride cells and renal glomerular networks by software Image tool (version 2.0) was performed. Measurement of enzyme Na^+, K^+-ATPase, by Zaugg (1982) method was conducted. Data analyzed by one-way ANOVA (Oneway ANOVA) with Tukey's test was performed. Overall, the results of measuring ions and osmotic pressure on the tenth day of treatment, the osmotic potential juveniles 2.5, 5, 10, 20 gr in Caspian sea water and all groups except the 0.5 in water of 7 ppt confirmed. But in case of unfavorable conditions for the release in estuaries river and river, fish with weight 1 to 3 release directly to beach (where the salinity is 7 grams per liter) and fishes with weight from 10 to 20 gr to sea. Although suitable river conditions necessary condition for release of juveniles in riverine areas to adaptation juveniles occur gradually

    Modulation of neural variability in premotor, motor, and posterior parietal cortex during change of motor intention.

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    he time course of neural variability was studied in three nodes of the parieto-frontal system: the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd, area 6), primary motor cortex (MI, area 4), and posterior parietal cortex (PPC, area 5) while monkeys made either direct reaches to visual targets or changed reach direction in response to an unexpected change of target location. These areas are crucial nodes in the distributed control of reaching and their lesion impairs trajectory formation and correction under different circumstances. During unperturbed reaches, neural variability declined before the onset of hand movement in both frontal and parietal cortex. When the original motor intention suddenly changed, neural variability displayed a complex and area-specific modulation because the perturbation of the motor state was signaled earlier in PMd than in MI and PPC. The comparison of perturbed versus unperturbed reaches revealed that, in the time between the onset of correction signal and trajectory change, identical hand movements were associated with different, therefore context-dependent, patterns of neural variability induced by the instruction to change hand movement direction. In PMd, neural variability was higher before the initiation of hand reach than before its correction, thus providing a neural underpinning to the phenomenon that it takes less time to correct than to initiate hand movement. Furthermore, neural variability was an excellent predictor of slow and fast reach corrections because it was lower during the latter than the former. We conclude that the analysis of neural variability can be an important tool for the study of complex forms of motor cognition. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: No single study has been performed on neural variability during update of motor intention across monkey premotor, motor, and posterior parietal cortex. In perturbed reaches, target location changed unexpectedly during reaction time and the correction of hand trajectory required updating the original motor plan. Comparing unperturbed versus perturbed reaches revealed that neural variability displayed a complex context- and area-dependent pattern of modulation because, before trajectory correction, similar initial hand movements were associated with different patterns of variability depending on the instruction signal, and therefore on the future hand path and final destination. Furthermore, neural variability predicted both slow and fast hand movement corrections, also offering a neural underpinning to the phenomenon that it takes less time to correct than to initiate hand movement

    Sleep- and wake-like states in small networks in vivo and in vitro

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    Wakefulness and sleep are highly complex and heterogeneous processes, involving multiple neurotransmitter systems and a sophisticated interplay between global and local networks of neurons and non-neuronal cells. Macroscopic approaches applied at the level of the whole organism, view sleep as a global behaviour and allow for investigation into aspects such as the effects of insufficient or disrupted sleep on cognitive function, metabolism, thermoregulation and sensory processing. While significant progress has been achieved using such large-scale approaches, the inherent complexity of sleep-wake regulation has necessitated the development of methods which tackle specific aspects of sleep in isolation. One way this may be achieved is by investigating specific cellular or molecular phenomena in the whole organism in situ, either during spontaneous or induced sleep-wake states. This approach has greatly advanced our knowledge about the electrophysiology and pharmacology of ion channels, specific receptors, intracellular pathways and the small networks implicated in the control and regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Importantly though, there are a variety of external and internal factors that influence global behavioural states which are difficult to control for using these approaches. For this reason, over the last few decades, ex vivo experimental models have become increasingly popular and have greatly advanced our understanding of many fundamental aspects of sleep, including the neuroanatomy and neurochemistry of sleep states, sleep regulation, the origin and dynamics of specific sleep oscillations, network homeostasis as well as the functional roles of sleep. This chapter will focus on the use of small neuronal networks as experimental models and will highlight the most significant and novel insights these approaches have provided