63 research outputs found

    Desain dan Analisis Mesin Press Komposit Kapasitas 20 Ton

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    Composite is a combination of several or more different materials, which produce better properties than their composition properties. The process of making composites can be done with a pressing method which can reduce voids. This pressing method can use a hydraulic press machine. This study aims to design and analyze a hydraulic press machine with a capacity of 20 tons. The design process begins with designing a 3D model using Solidwork Software. Numerical simulation using the finite element method by providing several variations in pressure loads ranging from 5-20 MPa. The results of the analysis show that the maximum von Mises stress is 79.70 MPa with a maximum deformation of 0.0176 mm and the smallest value of safety factor is 2.595. Based on these results, the press machine design is claimed to be safe to operate


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    The process of electricity distribution often have been affected , including disruption to the ground. This study aims to analyse the impact of the current Ground  system disorder to land at kV 20 distribution systems. Ground system that is solid analysis system , resistor , reactor. In a comparison with looked at and charts using etap 12.6. With the Ground solid System on a bus 2 with distance 300 m of the disorder of plants having 30.066. kA. For the current disorder 2 the phase to the ground having the disruption of 30.903 kA by the distance where closer the disorder bigger the disorder land so does the contrar


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sarana Dan prasarana olahraga dan efektifitas pembelajaran penjas di SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sarana dan prasarana pendidikan olahraga dan 30 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi sarana dan prasarana tiap cabang olahraga tidak sama, baik untuk cabang senam, atletik maupun cabang permainan. Data hasil analisis sarana memiliki presentase 70,2% atau berada dalam kategori ideal sedangkan data hasil analisis prasarana memiliki presentase keseluruhan 71,4% atau berada dalam ideal. Maka peneliti memyimpulkan bahwa presentase sarana dan prasarana olahraga 70,8% atau berada dalam kategori ideal. Proses pembelajaran penjas berjalan dengan efektif dibuktikan dengan hasil angket yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa sangat setuju proses pembelajaran penjas di SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep berjalan dengan efektif dengan index angket 97%. dalam hal ini peneliti menyimpulkam bahwa sarana dan prasarana penjas di SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep tidak mempengaruhi sepenuhnya proses pembelajaran siswa. Melihat hasil penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti yang menyatakan nilai korelasi sarana dan prasarana penjas dengan efektifitas pembelajaran penjas menggunakan SPSS menyatakan bahwa ada korelasi antara sarana dan prasarana dengan efektifitas pembelajaran penjas dengan tingkat keeratan 0,30 atau korelasi rendah. Kata Kunci = Sarana, Prasarana, efektifitas pembelajara


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    The increasing of energy demand and environment awareness along with the depletion of fossil fuel imply that the future energy supply must be from the renewable energy source. One of the major renewable energy sources is biomass. Pyrolysis is a rapid decomposition of organic materials in the absence of oxygen resulting in pyrolysis oil, gas, and charcoal products. High water contents and instabilities such as viscosity increase and phase separation are the main problems of pyrolysis oil as a source of useful chemicals. The pyrolysis oil is separated into the oil phase and the pyroligneous acid. The pyroligneous acid contains a lot of chemical substances, that prohibit removal to the environment as a waste due to environmental pollution. Furthermore, pyroligneous acid needs to be treated to obtain the useful chemical. In this study, catalytic reaction of the pyroligneous acid, derived from pyrolysis process of palm kernel shells, was carried out over natural iron ores catalyst at 350 °C with W/F [W: the amount of catalyst bed (g) and F: the flow rate of feed (g h-1)] of 0.5 h. The analysis result showed that iron ores that treated by calcination at 285 °C had a higher ability for ketonization reaction of carboxylic acid compared to other catalysts. Even so, neither calcination up to 500 °C nor steam treatment of natural iron ores can significantly increase the activity of the catalyst for the ketonization reaction even though the BET surface area of the catalyst increased


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sintasan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan rasio konversi pakan serta leukosit dan indeks phagositas pada benih ikan kakap putih. Panjang total ikan uji 5,5±0.05 cm dan berat rerata 2,25±0,05 g dipelihara didalam kantong waring (80 cm x 80cm x 60 cm) yang ditempatkan pada bak terkendali. Selama pemeliharaan (30 hari) didalam bak dengan sistem air mengalir. Rancangan penelitian adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Padat tebar setiap ulangan adalah 150 ekor. imunostimulan yang digunakan merupakan produk komersial Nutricell. Kandungan protein pada pakan yang digunakan 46% terdiri atas 4 macam pakan yaitu: P) Pakan komersil, K) Pakan kontrol tanpa penambahan imunostimulan (0%), A). Penambahan imunostimulan 0,3% dan B). penambahan imunostimulan 0,5%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada nilai yang signifikan dalam hal laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan rasio konversi pakan. Sementara sintasan masing-masing perlakuan adalah P (94.89±1.39%) K (84.89±1.54%, A (90.33±0.47%) dan B (82.67±0.94%). Berdasarkan hasil test ANOVA baik laju pagositas dan maupun indeks pagositas tidak signifikan (P>0,05), total leukosit pada perlakuan penambahan imunostimulan dan pakan komersil lebih tinggi dari pada pakan kontrol. Laju pagositas untuk semua perlakuan tidak signifikan. Indeks pagositas semua perlakuan cendrung menurun, kecuali pada perlakuan penambahan imunostimulan 0.5% (B)

    Pengaruh Suhu Pada Pengukuran Jarak Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik SR04/05 Berbasis Instrumentasi Maya

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana pengaruh suhu pada perambatan gelombang ultrasonik di udara. Hal ini berkaitan dengan verifikasi keakuratan jarak pengukuran sensor ultrasonic sebagai alat ukur. Sensor yang digunakan dalam instrumentasi maya berupa sensor ultrasonik SR 05/04 sebagai sensor pengukur jarak dan sensor suhu LM35 digunakan sebagai acuan untuk mengukur suhu lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memverifikasi apakah kecepatan gelombang utrasonik di udara berpengaruh terhadap perubahan suhu serta mempengaruhi pengukuran jarak. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil rata-rata nilai simpangan standar deviasi pengukuran jarak terkoreksi suhu adalah 0,114 sedangkan pengukuran jarak tanpa terkoreksi suhu adalah 0,1075. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kenaikan perubahan suhu walaupun 1°C dapat mempengaruhi sensor ultrasonik dalam mengukur jarak. Secara umum instrumentasi maya mampu bekerja dan membaca besaran sensor-sensor serta melakukan perhitungan dan menampilkan data dengan sangat baik

    Awareness of Asthma Genetics in Pakistan: A Review with Some Recommendations

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    About 334 million people worldwide have been affected by asthma and additionally 100 million expected to have asthma by the year 2025. Being the sixth most populous and economically developing country and with the increasing trend of urbanization and due to poor health facilities, lacking the knowledge of the causes of the disease, increased pollutant exposures and consanguineous marriages, Pakistani population has greater chances of asthma and allergic diseases. Almost 20% of overall pediatric population of Pakistan is affected by this disease. In the past, only environmental factors were considered responsible for asthma but now it is a well-known fact that genetic factors have major contribution in the development of the disease. Poor knowledge of the possibility of genetics involved in this disease has been very common in both uneducated as well as educated population of this region. There is no doubt today that genetics have a major role in the exhibition of asthma but unlike other Mendelian disorders it cannot easily be identified by a single or a simple set of associated genes, rather small contributions of multiple genes and environmental exposure to asthmatic patients may be found. Our focus in this article is genetic factors of asthma in Pakistan. More than 100 genes associated with asthma have already been reported in different populations worldwide but generally, due to an ignored disease in this region, possible genetic causes, impacts, management and treatment of the disease has rarely been studied in Pakistan. This article was intended to explore some latest developments in asthma genetics, diagnosis, prognosis and management and suggest some recommendations to control this deadly disease