161 research outputs found

    Transferor-Transferee Relationship And Technology Transfer

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    Keperluan pembangunan ekonomi moden adalah penambahan dalam kegunaan stok teknologi dan penambahan kepada penggunaannya. Kajian ini cuba mengkaji perhubungan antara kualiti perhubungan kelakuan manusia antara pemindah dan penerima teknologi dan kejayaan permindahan teknologi. Tiga pembuleh ubah, kepercayaan, kerjasama dan komunikasi sebagai elemen perhubungan pemindahpenerima dimodelkan dengan logik sebagai prediktor kepada kejayaan pemindahan teknologi. The essence of modem economic growth is the increase in the stock of useful technology and the extension of its application. This paper seeks to examine the relationship between the quality of human behavioral relationship between transferor and transferee of technology and the success of technology transfer. Three variables, trust, cooperation and communication as elements of transferor-transferee relationship are logically modeled as predictors of success of technology transfer

    The movement of things: tracing eighteenth-century Polynesian artefacts from HMS Pandora

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    Based on fieldwork in Tahiti, Jasmin Günther (Guenther) traced the Polynesian artefacts recovered from the wreck of HMS Pandora through time, space and cultural context. She provided the first in-depth anthropological study of these artefacts and highlighted the significance of museum objects for making relations through creative practice and new stories. [Full abstracts within the thesis are in English, Danish and French.

    Mobile Location Indexing Based On Synthetic Moving Objects

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    Today, the number of researches based on the data they move known as mobile objects indexing came out from the traditional static one. There are some indexing approaches to handle the complicated moving positions. One of the suitable ideas is pre-ordering these objects before building index structure. In this paper, a structure, a presorted-nearest index tree algorithm is proposed that allowed maintaining, updating, and range querying mobile objects within the desired period. Besides, it gives the advantage of an index structure to easy data access and fast query along with the retrieving nearest locations from a location point in the index structure. A synthetic mobile position dataset is also proposed for performance evaluation so that it is free from location privacy and confidentiality. The detail experimental results are discussed together with the performance evaluation of KDtree-based index structure. Both approaches are similarly efficient in range searching. However, the proposed approach is especially much more save time for the nearest neighbor search within a range than KD tree-based calculation

    Range Tree Based Indexing of Mobile Tracking System

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    With advances in location-based services, indexing the need for storing and processing continuously moving data arises in a wide variety of applications. Some traditional spatial index structures are not suitable for storing these moving positions because of their unbalance structure. Searching an unbalanced tree may require traversing an arbitrary and unpredictable number of nodes and pointers. Presorting before tree structure is one of the ways of building a balanced two dimensional tree. In this paper, we proposed Presort Range tree that is suitable for moving objects with the dynamic range query. Moreover, with extending mobile technology, tracking the changing position of devices becomes a new challenge. The current location of each user would always be known at the server side whereas it would create a problem. If the mobile movements are small and frequent, at that time unnecessary updates would be performed at the server. In this paper, we also proposed Hybrid Update Algorithm to reduce the server update cost greatly

    Mathematical modeling of dissolved oxygen in fish ponds

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    A mathematical model was developed to predict the effects of wind speed, light, pH, Temperature, dissolved carbon dioxide and chemical oxygen demand (COD) on Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in fish ponds. The effects of organic feeds, aeration and fish activity were added to the model developed by Kayombo et al. for Waste Stabilization Ponds (Ecological Modelling 127(2000): 21 - 31) to reflect the situation in fish ponds. Model calibration and validation was done by use of average DO, pH, temperature, COD, CO2 and algae biomass data measured from RETCO fish ponds in Dar es Salaam; and light intensity data were adopted from Kayombo et al. (2000). Model results showed a linear relationship between simulated DO and measured DO in fish pond (r2 = 0. 87) for model calibration and (r2 = 0.88) for model validation. Simulation results also showed a general decrease of DO with time in 13 days by 28 and 38% for first and second batch, respectively. Thus, the model developed in this study could be used to predict the DO dynamics in fish ponds. Based on the model results, successful cultivation of healthy fish may require that retention time for water in the fish pond be 10 days.Key words: Calibration, light, pH, substrate, temperature, validation

    Mobilising processes of abstraction, experiential learning and representation of traditional ecological knowledge in participatory monitoring of mangroves and fisheries : an approach towards enhancing social learning processes on the eastern coast of Tanzania

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    This study addresses a core problem that was uncovered in records from coastal management monitoring initiatives on the eastern coast of Tanzania associated with the application and use of coastal monitoring indicators developed by external development partners for the coastal zone. These records suggest that local communities, who are key actors in participatory monitoring of coastal and marine resources, face many challenges associated with adapting and applying the said frameworks of indicators and monitoring plans. These indicators tend to be scientifically abstracted and methodologically reified; given prevailing contextual and socio‐cultural realities amongst them. The research project addresses the following key research question: How can processes of abstraction, conceptualisation, and representation of TEK contribute to the development of coastal management indicators that are less reified, more contextually and culturally congruent, and which may potentially be used by resource users in the wider social learning process of detecting trends, threats, changes and conditions of mangrove and fisheries resources? In response to the contextual problem and the research question, the study employs processes of abstraction and experiential learning techniques to unlock knowledge that local communities have, as an input for underlabouring existing scientific indicators on the Eastern coast of Tanzania. The research is constituted as critical realist case study research, involving two communities on the eastern coast of Tanzania, namely the Moa and the Boma communities (in Mkinga coastal district). Overall, the study involved 37 participants in a series of interviews, focus group discussions, and experiential learning processes using visualised data, and an experiential learning intervention workshop, and follow‐ups over a period of 3 years. The study worked with mangroves and fisheries to provide focus to the case study research and to allow for in‐depth engagement with the assumptions and processes associated with indicators development and use. Through the above mentioned data generation processes, critical realist analysis, and experiential learning processes involving abstraction and representation of traditional ecological knowledge held by mangrove restorers and fishers in the study areas, the study uncovers possible challenges of adapting and applying scientific indicators in participatory monitoring of a mangrove ecosystem. Using ampliative modes of inference for data analysis (induction, abduction and retroduction) and a critical realist scientific explanatory framework known as DRRREI(C) (Resolution, Re‐description, Retrodiction, Elimination, Identification, & Correction) the study suggests a new approach that may lead to the development of a framework of indicators that are less reified, more congruent to users (coastal communities), and likely to attract a wider context‐based social learning which favours epistemological access between scientific institutions (universities inclusive), and local communities. It attempts to establish an interface between knowledge that scientific institutions produce and the potential knowledge that exists in local contexts (traditional ecological knowledge), and seeks to widen and improve knowledge sharing and experiential learning practices that may potentially benefit coastal and marine resources in the study area. As mentioned above, the knowledge and abstraction processes related to the indicators development focussed on the mangrove ecosystem and associated fisheries, as engaged in the two participating communities in the eastern coast of Tanzania. The specific findings are therefore limited by the case boundaries, but the methodological process could be replicated and used elsewhere. The study’s contributions are theoretical and methodological, but also social and practice‐centred. The study brings into view the need to consider the contextual relevance of adapted knowledge, the capacity or ability of beneficiaries to adapt and apply scientific models, frameworks or tools, and the potential of local knowledge as an input for enhancing or improving monitoring of mangroves and mangrove‐based fisheries. Finally, the study comes up with a framework of indicators which is regarded by the coastal communities involved in the study as being less reified, more contextually and culturally congruent, and which may potentially be used in detecting environmental trends, threats, changes and conditions of mangrove and fisheries resources, and attract wider social learning processes

    Mobilising processes of abstraction, experiential learning and representation of traditional ecological knowledge in participatory monitoring of mangroves and fisheries : an approach towards enhancing social learning processes on the eastern coast of Tanzania

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    This study addresses a core problem that was uncovered in records from coastal management monitoring initiatives on the eastern coast of Tanzania associated with the application and use of coastal monitoring indicators developed by external development partners for the coastal zone. These records suggest that local communities, who are key actors in participatory monitoring of coastal and marine resources, face many challenges associated with adapting and applying the said frameworks of indicators and monitoring plans. These indicators tend to be scientifically abstracted and methodologically reified; given prevailing contextual and socio‐cultural realities amongst them. The research project addresses the following key research question: How can processes of abstraction, conceptualisation, and representation of TEK contribute to the development of coastal management indicators that are less reified, more contextually and culturally congruent, and which may potentially be used by resource users in the wider social learning process of detecting trends, threats, changes and conditions of mangrove and fisheries resources? In response to the contextual problem and the research question, the study employs processes of abstraction and experiential learning techniques to unlock knowledge that local communities have, as an input for underlabouring existing scientific indicators on the Eastern coast of Tanzania. The research is constituted as critical realist case study research, involving two communities on the eastern coast of Tanzania, namely the Moa and the Boma communities (in Mkinga coastal district). Overall, the study involved 37 participants in a series of interviews, focus group discussions, and experiential learning processes using visualised data, and an experiential learning intervention workshop, and follow‐ups over a period of 3 years. The study worked with mangroves and fisheries to provide focus to the case study research and to allow for in‐depth engagement with the assumptions and processes associated with indicators development and use. Through the above mentioned data generation processes, critical realist analysis, and experiential learning processes involving abstraction and representation of traditional ecological knowledge held by mangrove restorers and fishers in the study areas, the study uncovers possible challenges of adapting and applying scientific indicators in participatory monitoring of a mangrove ecosystem. Using ampliative modes of inference for data analysis (induction, abduction and retroduction) and a critical realist scientific explanatory framework known as DRRREI(C) (Resolution, Re‐description, Retrodiction, Elimination, Identification, & Correction) the study suggests a new approach that may lead to the development of a framework of indicators that are less reified, more congruent to users (coastal communities), and likely to attract a wider context‐based social learning which favours epistemological access between scientific institutions (universities inclusive), and local communities. It attempts to establish an interface between knowledge that scientific institutions produce and the potential knowledge that exists in local contexts (traditional ecological knowledge), and seeks to widen and improve knowledge sharing and experiential learning practices that may potentially benefit coastal and marine resources in the study area. As mentioned above, the knowledge and abstraction processes related to the indicators development focussed on the mangrove ecosystem and associated fisheries, as engaged in the two participating communities in the eastern coast of Tanzania. The specific findings are therefore limited by the case boundaries, but the methodological process could be replicated and used elsewhere. The study’s contributions are theoretical and methodological, but also social and practice‐centred. The study brings into view the need to consider the contextual relevance of adapted knowledge, the capacity or ability of beneficiaries to adapt and apply scientific models, frameworks or tools, and the potential of local knowledge as an input for enhancing or improving monitoring of mangroves and mangrove‐based fisheries. Finally, the study comes up with a framework of indicators which is regarded by the coastal communities involved in the study as being less reified, more contextually and culturally congruent, and which may potentially be used in detecting environmental trends, threats, changes and conditions of mangrove and fisheries resources, and attract wider social learning processes

    Tahap amalan kepimpinan transformasional dalam kalangan pengetua sekolah menengah daerah Saratok, Sarawak

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the level of transformational leadership as practiced by school principals in Saratok district secondary school on the idealized influence, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation aspects. The respondents consisted of 155 teachers from three school involved in the study. The instrument used to measure principal's transformational leadership practiced was "Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire" (MLQ). Alpha Cronbach reliability test value was .851. The data was analyzed with descriptive of percentage, mean, frequency, t-test and one way ANOVA analyses, through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15.0. The result showed that the principals of Saratok district secondary school practiced a medium level of transformational leadership in every dimension studied. The study also showed that teachers' perceptions by sex, age, teaching experience and race are not significantly related to principals's transformational leadership practiced

    O Fundo Monetário Internacional e o Brasil: uma abordagem das várias fases de seu relacionamento (entre 1945 e 2002)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia.O presente estudo analisa as diversas fases de relacionamento entre o Brasil e o FMI. Para compreender os motivos que levaram diversos governos brasileiros a recorrer aos recursos da Instituição, e a conseqüência das condicionalidades vinculadas a liberação dos créditos nas contas públicas nacionais, identificou-se as principais características organizacionais e políticas do FMI, criadas a partir da Conferência de Bretton Woods, em 1944. Consideram-se três fases marcantes na história do FMI e sua relação com o Brasil. Na primeira fase (1944 a 1982), o FMI defendia a utilização de políticas ortodoxas e recessivas para o equilíbrio do Balanço de Pagamentos. Nesse período o papel do FMI na economia brasileira foi limitado, devido principalmente ao grande fluxo de capitais internacionais disponíveis a taxas de juros relativamente baixas, embora tenha servido, principalmente, como avalista na obtenção de créditos dos bancos comerciais e governos. Na segunda fase (1983 a 1989), o Fundo passa a exigir condicionalidades ampliadas. Os principais instrumentos utilizados foram no sentido do equilíbrio fiscal e monetário aparecendo também exigências de privatizações. Nesse período, as relações com o Brasil alternaram-se entre períodos de conciliação e conflito, embora tenha prevalecido a metodologia de ajustes da instituição, que passa a congelar os créditos para o país. Por fim, na terceira fase (anos 90), o FMI passa a ser o agente da estabilização econômica e da reforma estrutural. Nesse período, em razão dos ajustes estruturais implementados, o Brasil conquista o apoio dos grandes emprestadores internacionais, especialmente do FMI. Assim, no momento das crises sistêmicas verificadas nessa década (México, em 1994/1995; Ásia, em 1997/1998; Rússia, em 1998; Brasil, em 1999 e Argentina, em 2002), o Fundo disponibilizou grande volume de recursos ao Brasil, embora vinculados à duras condicionalidades e sob constante supervisão desse organismo. Pôde-se observar, portanto, que diferentes governos brasileiros recorreram aos recursos do Fundo, entretanto, sempre que as metas acertadas não foram cumpridas na íntegra, os acordos foram congelados

    The continuous rise – during economic growth, the COVD-19 pandemic and conflict – in the adoption of labor-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar

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    The presentation was help virtually on November 7, 2023 at 9:30 AM Myanmar Standard Time. This is an output of the Myanmar Strategy Support Program, funded through the Feed the Future Initiative conducted jointly with US Agency for International Development, International Food Policy Research Institute, and Michigan State University