55 research outputs found

    Composição química da casca de ovo de galinha em pó

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    A casca de ovo de galinha constitui subproduto utilizado no preparo de multimisturas alimentares distribuídas no Brasil. A carência de informações químicas sobre a casca de ovo motivou a realização deste trabalho que visou desenvolver tecnologia para obtenção desse produto na forma de pó e determinar o seu conteúdo de nutrientes com vistas a sua utilização como fonte de cálcio. Depois de higienizadas e desidratadas, as cascas foram transformadas em pó com auxílio de moinho,tendo sido obtido rendimento de 98,45 ± 0,70%. Determinações analíticas revelaram que 100 g desse produto continha baixo teor de umidade (1,3490 ± 0,0274 g), resíduo mineral fixo equivalente a 91,9600 ± 0,2218 g e baixo teor calórico (30,6823 ± 4,9069 Kcal), provenientes de 4,3693 ± 0,3977 g de proteínas, 0,7837 ± 0,0560 g de lipídios e 1,5379 ± 0,7029 g de carboidratos totais, além de 30.263,72 mg de cálcio. Considerando que a ingestão diária de cálcio recomendada para adultos saudáveis é de 1000 mg, apenas 3,30 g de casca de ovo em pó supririam essa necessidade. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que esse subproduto constitui potencial fonte de cálcio para a alimentação, sendo necessários maiores estudos sobre a sua biodisponibilidade em humanos

    Evaluation of the effects of passion fruit peel flour (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa) on metabolic changes in HIV patients with lipodystrophy syndrome secondary to antiretroviral therapy

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    AbstractThis study evaluated the effects of using passion fruit peel flour together with diet therapy and counseling in 36 patients with HIV lipodystrophy who were in an ambulatory clinic in a university hospital. The patients were divided into two groups. One received 30g of passion fruit peel flour daily for 90 days and diet therapy counseling. The other group received only diet therapy counseling. The metabolic changes were analyzed before and after the intervention, with a significance level predetermined at p≤0.05. The use of passion fruit peel flour was effective in reducing total cholesterol and triacylglycerides after 30 days. The concentrations of LDL-C decreased, while HDL-C increased in the blood of lipodystrophy patients after 90 days passion fruit peel flour treatment. No significant differences in food consumption were seen between groups. The use of 30g of passion fruit peel flour for 90 days together with diet therapy counseling was effective in improving plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C and triacylglycerides

    Processamento de castanha-do-Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.)

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    Orientador: Ottilio GuernelliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos e AgricolaResumo: Dado o interesse da castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) para a região amazônica, procurou-se neste trabalho, racionalizar a comercialização desse produto em bases comparáveis com outras amêndoas (caju, amêndoas,etc) de uso tradicional. Estuda-se o atual sistema de comercialização e propõe-se métodos tecnológicos modernos de: (a) armazenagem em condições controladas de temperatura, atmosferas inertes, presença de antioxidantes, pressões reduzidas, controlando-se quimicamente as alterações organoléticas das amêndoas; (b) despeliculagem de amêndoas, através de processos físico-químicos; (c) tostagem em diversos graus, e.m condições de transmissão de calor variáveis, tais como contato direto (óleo + gordura), infra-vermelho, ar e/ou gases inertes aquecidos; (d) avaliação das características organoléticas dos produtos processados resultantes, através de equipe treinada em análise sensorialAbstract: In view of the economic importance of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) for the Amazonic Region, a study was carried out with the purpose of rationalizing the commercialization of this product on lines similar to those applied to other nuts (cashew nuts, almonds and others). The object of .the study was the present system of commercialization of Brazil nuts and the following modern technological methods for their treatment are suggested: (a) storage under cotrolled temperature conditions, inert atmosphere, and addition of antioxidants, followed by chemical analysis of the organoleptic changes; (b) peeling of the nuts by physico-chemical processes; (c) toasting at various conditions and with various applications of heat such as frying with fats, infra-red radiation and heating by air and/or inert gases, A sensory evaluation of characteristics of the products resulting from the above treatments was carried out during the present workMestradoMestre em Ciências e Tecnologia de Alimento

    Microbiological and sensory evaluation of Jambu (Acmella oleracea L.) dried by cold air circulation

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological and sensory quality of the Jambu (Acmella oleracea L.) in natura and dried by cold air, and the determination of its drying curve. The microbiological analysis were performed to Salmonella spp, the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, and coliforms in the both Jambu samples, at 45 °C. Tacacá, the typical food dish of Pará state, Brazil, has showed good consumer global acceptance in the sensory evaluation of Jambu in natura (score of 8.00 ± 1.46) and dried (score of 8.67 ± 0.66). Both samples, Jambu in natura and dried by cold air, were by the current legislation regarding the microbiological aspects, this is the absence of Salmonella spp, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus <1×101 CFU/g, and coliforms <3 MPN/g, at 45 °C. Thus, considering sensory and health aspects, the commercialization of dried Jambu becomes viable, facilitating its transportation and handling, as well as for reducing its vegetable mass