38 research outputs found

    Incidencias de los principios de inmediación y razonabilidad en el otorgamiento de medidas cautelares en los procesos de violencia familiar, en el distrito judicial de Arequipa, periodo: Enero 2019 – enero 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por título “Incidencias de los principios de inmediación y razonabilidad en el otorgamiento de medidas cautelares en los procesos de violencia familiar, en el distrito judicial de Arequipa, periodo: enero 2019 - enero 2020, en la cual abordamos la situación problemática por la cual atraviesan los procesos de violencia familiar, donde no se estaría aplicando de manera óptima la normativa establecida, guiada fundamentalmente por los principios de inmediación y razonabilidad al momento de dictarse las medidas cautelares correspondientes, donde prima la omisión de dichos principios. Los mencionados principios tienen una función importante en la aplicación óptima de las garantías procesales tanto como el debido proceso, derecho de defensa, debida motivación, entre otros, lo cual resultaría en su conjunto, en una vulneración en la tutela judicial efectiva. Es importante resaltar para el presente trabajo de investigación que, para el otorgamiento de las medidas cautelares en los procesos de violencia familiar debemos tener en consideración como estos principios juegan un papel muy importante, ya que el proceso de violencia de familiar al ser un proceso especial tiene características sui generis distintas a los demás procesos judiciales, además del riesgo que existen en estos casos; por lo cual debemos fijarnos en la etapa preventiva, donde el juez, - en el de la audiencia única - debe dictar una resolución que por un lado debe dar la protección debida para la parte agraviada vulnerables y por otra una pronta solución para detener estas acciones, ello sin considerar que los únicos medios probatorios existentes son la mera acusación de la parte denunciante y en casos excepcionales informes médicos y psicológicos. La investigación resulta de relevancia actual, pues revelaría puntos deficientes en el proceso de otorgamiento de medidas cautelares en los procesos de violencia familiar. Lo cual, a su vez, demostraría que no se estaría atendiendo de manera eficaz la problemática de violencia familiar en muchos de los casos y en consecuencia el objetivo de esta ley. Respecto al desarrollo, en el primer capítulo hemos desarrollado puntos importantes de la Ley 30364: “Ley para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la Violencia contra las mujeres y los integrantes del grupo familiar “en relación con el otorgamiento de las medidas cautelares; en el segundo capítulo se abordó las medidas cautelares en el derecho de Civil y cómo es su aplicación en los procesos de violencia familiar; en el tercer capítulo realizamos una breve reseña del principio de inmediación en los procesos de Violencia Familiar, en el cuarto capítulo al igual que el anterior capitulo el principio de razonabilidad en los procesos de Violencia Familiar y en el último capítulo un análisis de la problemática Así entonces, con la presente investigación pretendemos dar algunos alcances para la mejor aplicación de la normativa ya mencionada y consecuente eficacia, para que no se vulnere la integridad de los grupos vulnerables, como son las mujeres e integrantes del grupo familiar, que actualmente a pesar de las constantes campañas de erradicación de la violencia, siguen sufriendo de las deficiencias de nuestro sistema judicial, máxime con la actual situación que la pandemia ha generado. Dado ello, esperamos contribuir con este análisis a las resoluciones judiciales de la materia que más adelante se detallarán, observando sus yerros a la luz de la normatividad interna y los convenios internacionales pertinentes

    Estrategias de marketing para promover el posicionamiento de marca de la empresa de confección de ropa para mujeres Jeazbe Collection en la ciudad de Sullana - 2018

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer las estrategias de marketing que se requieren para promover el posicionamiento de marca de la empresa de confección de ropa para mujeres Jeazbe Collection en la ciudad de Sullana 2018. El tipo de investigación según el fin que se persigue es aplicada, según la técnica de contrastación es una investigación descriptiva, con un corte transversal y un diseño no experimental. La técnica de recolección de datos cuantitativa, fue la encuesta dirigida a las mujeres que residen en la Ciudad de Sullana, y cualitativas fueron focus group dirigida a las clientas de la tienda, entrevista realizada a la gerente de la empresa Jeazbe Collection, observación dirigida a la competencia de la empresa. La población de estudio se califica como finita la cual estuvo conformada por los habitantes del sexo femenino de 18 años a más de la Ciudad Sullana, que pertenecen al sector A, B, C. Con una muestra de 378 mujeres. Se concluye que la empresa Jeazbe Collection no ha logrado desarrollar ningún tipo de estrategias de marketing planificada que le permita posicionarse en el mercado de Sullana. Se aplicará estrategias de marketing mix, segmentación Psicográfica y conductual, además se implementará la estrategia de posicionamiento de marca, que se basa en los atributos del producto marcando la diferencia de los competidores de la ciudad de Sullana. Se espera que estás estrategias mejoren las ventas en la empresa

    Exchange Markets and Stock Markets Integration in Latin-America

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    We analyze the relationship between the exchange markets and the integration process of the Latin American stock markets (MILA), focusing the analysis on two points. First, we evaluate the existence and nature of exchange risk premium and its relationship with the uncovered interest parity (UIP) bias. Second, we analyze the effect of MILA on Latin American foreign exchange markets. We use monthly time series between January 1997 and December 2021 for the exchange markets of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The econometric analysis was based on OLS, GARCH-in-Mean and DCC-MGARCH regressions. Our results indicate that UIP is does not meet. Even the GARCH-in-Mean models results indicates that there is no individual risk premium that corrects UIP bias. However, the results of the DCC-MGARCH model show that there is a risk premium generated simultaneously by the correlation between markets. Finally, MILA increased the dynamic correlations of exchange returns and risk premiums, mainly among the MILA markets. These results have relevant implications for policymakers and investors due to the impacts on exchange markets dependence and international investment decision-making.Sobre la prelación de las restricciones al crecimiento económico: abogando por la perspectiva basada en la huella ecológicaAnalizamos la relación entre los mercados cambiarios y el proceso de integración de los mercados bursátiles de América Latina (MILA), centrando el análisis en dos puntos. Primero, evaluamos la existencia y la naturaleza de un premio por riesgo cambiario y su relación con el sesgo de la paridad descubierta de interés (UIP). Segundo, analizamos el efecto de MILA en los mercados cambiarios latinoamericanos. Utilizamos series de tiempo mensuales entre enero de 1997 y diciembre de 2021 para los mercados cambiarios de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. El análisis econométrico se basa en regresiones OLS, GARCH-in-mean y DCC-MGARCH. Nuestros resultados indican que la UIP no se cumple. Incluso los resultados de los modelos GARCH-in-mean indican que no hay un premio por riesgo individual que corrija el sesgo de la UIP. Sin embargo, los resultados del modelo DCC-MGARCH muestran que existe una prima por riesgo generada simultáneamente por la correlación entre mercados. MILA incrementó las correlaciones dinámicas de los retornos cambiarios y de los premios por riesgo, principalmente entre los mercados MILA. Estos resultados tienen implicancias para inversores y policymakers

    Estimating statistical power for open-enrollment group treatment trials

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    Modeling turnover in group membership has been identified as a key barrier contributing to a disconnect between the manner in which behavioral treatment is conducted (open enrollment groups) and the designs of substance abuse treatment trials (closed enrollment groups, individual therapy). Latent class pattern mixture models (LCPMM) are an emerging tool for modeling data from open enrollment groups with membership turnover in recently proposed treatment trials. The current article illustrates an approach to conducting power analyses for open enrollment designs based on Monte Carlo simulation of LCPMM models using parameters derived from published data from an RCT comparing Seeking Safety to a Community Care condition for women presenting with comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders. The example addresses discrepancies between the analysis framework assumed in power analyses of many recently-proposed open enrollment trials and the proposed use of LCPMM for data analysis

    Synergy between Seeking Safety and Twelve-Step Affiliation on substance use outcomes for women

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    The Recovery Management paradigm provides a conceptual framework for the examination of joint impact of a focal treatment and post-treatment service utilization on substance abuse treatment outcomes. We test this framework by examining the interactive effects of a treatment for comorbid PTSD and substance use, Seeking Safety, and post-treatment Twelve-Step Affiliation (TSA) on alcohol and cocaine use

    Differential symptom weighting in estimating empirical thresholds for underlying PTSD severity: Toward a “platinum” standard for diagnosis?

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    Objective: Symptom counts as the basis for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) diagnoses in the DSM presume each symptom is equally reflective of underlying disorder severity. However, the “equal weight” assumption fails to fit PTSD symptom data when tested. The present study developed an enhanced PTSD diagnosis based on (a) a conventional PTSD diagnosis from a clinical interview and (b) an empirical classification of full PTSD that reflected the relative clinical weights of each symptom. Method: Baseline structured interview data from Project Harmony (N = 2658) was used. An enhanced diagnosis for full PTSD was estimated using an empirical threshold from moderated nonlinear factor analysis (MNLFA) latent PTSD scale scores, in combination with a full conventional PTSD diagnosis based on interview data. Results: One in 4 patients in the sample had a PTSD diagnosis that was inconsistent with their empirical PTSD grouping, such that the enhanced diagnostic standard reduced the diagnostic discrepancy rate by 20%. Veterans, and in particular female Veterans, were at greatest odds for discrepancy between their underlying PTSD severity and DSM diagnosis. Conclusion: Psychometric methodologies that differentially weight symptoms can complement DSM criteria and may serve as a platform for symptom prioritization for diagnoses in future editions of DSM

    Insulin Induces Relaxation and Decreases Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Vasoconstriction in Human Placental Vascular Bed in a Mechanism Mediated by Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels and L-Arginine/Nitric Oxide Pathways

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    Insulin induces relaxation in umbilical veins, increasing the expression of human amino acid transporter 1 (hCAT-1) and nitric oxide synthesis (NO) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Short-term effects of insulin on vasculature have been reported in healthy subjects and cell cultures; however, its mechanisms remain unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the effect of acute incubation with insulin on the regulation of vascular tone of placental vasculature. HUVECs and chorionic vein rings were isolated from normal pregnancies. The effect of insulin on NO synthesis, L-arginine transport, and hCAT-1 abundance was measured in HUVECs. Isometric tension induced by U46619 (thromboxane A analog) or hydrogen peroxide (HO) were measured in vessels previously incubated 30 min with insulin and/or the following pharmacological inhibitors: tetraethylammonium (KCa channels), iberiotoxin (BKCa channels), genistein (tyrosine kinases), and wortmannin (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase). Insulin increases L-arginine transport and NO synthesis in HUVECs. In the placenta, this hormone caused relaxation of the chorionic vein, and reduced perfusion pressure in placental cotyledons. In vessels pre-incubated with insulin, the constriction evoked by HO and U46619 was attenuated and the effect on HO-induced constriction was blocked with tetraethylammonium and iberiotoxin, but not with genistein, or wortmannin. Insulin rapidly dilates the placental vasculature through a mechanism involving activity of BKCa channels and L-arginine/NO pathway in endothelial cells. This phenomenon is related to quick increases of hCAT-1 abundance and higher capacity of endothelial cells to take up L-arginine and generate NO

    Trajectories and predictors of response in youth anxiety CBT:Integrative data analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: Integrative data analysis was used to combine existing data from nine trials of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxious youth (N = 832) and identify trajectories of symptom change and predictors of trajectories.METHOD: Youth- and parent-reported anxiety symptoms were combined using item-response theory models. Growth mixture modeling assessed for trajectories of treatment response across pre-, mid-, and posttreatment and 1-year follow-up. Pretreatment client demographic and clinical traits and treatment modality (individual- and family-based CBT) were examined as predictors of trajectory classes.RESULTS: Growth mixture modeling supported three trajectory classes based on parent-reported symptoms: steady responders, rapid responders, and delayed improvement. A 4-class model was supported for youth-reported symptoms: steady responders, rapid responders, delayed improvement, and low-symptom responders. Delayed improvement classes were predicted by higher number of diagnoses (parent and youth report). Receiving family CBT predicted membership in the delayed improvement class compared to all other classes and membership in the steady responder class compared with rapid responders (youth report). Rapid responders were predicted by older age (parent report) and higher number of diagnoses (parent report). Low-symptom responders were more likely to be male (youth report).CONCLUSIONS: Integrative data analysis identified distinct patterns of symptom change. Diagnostic complexity, age, gender, and treatment modality differentiated response classes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).</p

    Attendance and substance use outcomes for the Seeking Safety program: Sometimes less is more.

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    This study uses data from the largest effectiveness trial to date on treatment of co-occurring posttraumatic stress and substance use disorders, using advances in statistical methodology for modeling treatment attendance and membership turnover in rolling groups

    Anxious children who received treatment grow -up: An 8-to-13 year follow-up study

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    This dissertation examined the long-term efficacy (8-to-13 years, M = 9.54, SD = 1.689) of exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for phobic and anxiety disorders in youths. Long-term efficacy was examined in terms of diagnostic recovery, symptom reductions, and clinically significant change. This dissertation also examined predictors of long-term efficacy (e.g., age, gender, and other clinical characteristics) as well as the relative long-term efficacy of CBT for Hispanic/Latino and European American youth. Participants consisted of 67 youth (age range 15–26 years; M = 19.43, SD = 3.02 years at time of follow-up assessment), (47.8% females, 37.3% Hispanic/Latino) who had participated in one of two clinical trials (Silverman et al., 1999a, b). After providing informed consent to participate in the long term follow-up, youths completed a diagnostic interview and a battery of questionnaires. Results indicated that treatment gains were maintained about 9.5 years after treatment was completed. Maintenance of treatment gains was evident in terms of diagnostic recovery, symptom reductions, and clinically significant change. Long-term treatment gains extended to both ethnic groups and the two ethnic groups were functionally equivalent along most indices examined. Analyses of predictors of long-term outcome showed that parent self-reported pre-treatment depression, youth-reported pre-treatment depression, and youths retrospective reports of negative life events were significantly associated with less favorable long-term gains in terms of total symptoms of anxiety at long-term follow-up. In terms of long-term sequelae, youths with less successful post-treatment outcomes reported seeking-out additional treatment as well as using/abused substances and substance dependence significantly more than youths with successful post-treatment outcomes. Results are discussed in terms of the contribution of the present study to knowledge base about the long-term efficacy of exposure-based CBT procedures for phobic and anxiety disorders in youth. Findings also are discussed in terms of the need to modify CBT procedures to target youths with less successful post-treatment outcomes. Limitations and future directions are presented