89 research outputs found

    Käytännönläheinen menetelmäopas lääketutkimukseen

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    Arvioitu kirja: Hämeen-Anttila K, Katajavuori N, toim. Yhteiskunnallinen lääketutkimus – ideasta näyttöön, 253 s. Palmenia 200

    Impact of the automated dose dispensing with medication review on geriatric primary care patients drug use in Finland : a nationwide cohort study with matched controls

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    Objective: In an automated dose dispensing (ADD) service, medicines are dispensed in unit-dose bags according to administration times. When the service is initiated, the patient’s medication list is reconciled and a prescription review is conducted. The service is expected to reduce drug use. The aim of this national controlled study was to investigate whether the ADD service with medication review reduces drug use among geriatric primary care patients. Design, setting and patients: This is a nationwide cohort study with matched controls. The study group consisted of all primary care patients ≥65 years enrolled in the ADD service in Finland during 2007 (n = 2073). Control patients (n = 2073) were matched by gender, age, area of patient’s residence and number of the prescription drugs reimbursed. The data on all prescription drugs reimbursed during the 1 year periods before and after the ADD service enrollment were extracted from the Finnish National Prescription Register. Drug use was calculated as defined daily doses (DDD) per day. Results: The studied 20 most used drugs covered 86% of all reimbursed drug use (in DDD) of the study group. The use of 11 out of these 20 active substances studied was reduced significantly (p < .001–.041) when the drug use was adjusted by the number of chronic diseases. Two of these drugs were hypnotics and six were cardiovascular system drugs. Conclusions: Drug use was decreased after initiation of the ADD service in primary care patients ≥65 years compared to matched controls in this 1 year cohort study. Further studies should be conducted in order to explore the causality, assess the ADD service’s impact on drug use quality and costs, as well as impact of accompanied prescription review on positive outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Pitkävaikutteisten insuliinianalogien ja gliptiinien käyttö yleistyy diabeteksen hoidossa

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    Metsäkasvillisuuden kulutuskestävyys.

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    Suomen lääketilasto 20 vuotta

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    Polypharmacy in children and adolescents initiating antipsychotic drug in 2008-2016 : a nationwide register study

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    Objective The use of antipsychotics in children and adolescents has increased rapidly. Little is known about psychotropic polypharmacy in children and adolescent initiating an antipsychotic drug. Thus, we investigated the frequency and predictors of polypharmacy during the first year of antipsychotic use in Finnish children and adolescents. Methods Between 2008 and 2016, 14 848 individuals aged 1-17 years initiating risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole, or olanzapine treatment were identified from Finnish Prescription Registry. Data on psychotropic drug prescriptions prior to and during antipsychotic treatment were collected. Associations between predictors and polypharmacy were analyzed with regression models. Results During the study period polypharmacy occurred in 44.9% of the new antipsychotic users, being more frequent in girls (55.5%) than in boys (44.5%, p < 0.001). The two most frequent concomitant psychotropic drug classes were antidepressants (66.2%) and psychostimulants/atomoxetine (30.8%). Adolescents aged 13-15 and 16-17 years, and girls showed an increased risk of polypharmacy during antipsychotic treatment (OR 2.37 [95% CI 1.91-2.92], OR 2.39 [95% CI 1.92-2.98], and OR 1.64 [95% CI 1.51-1.78], respectively). The use of psychostimulants/atomoxetine or antidepressants prior to initiation of antipsychotic treatment was strongly associated with polypharmacy during antipsychotic treatment (OR 8.39 [95% CI 7.49-9.41], OR 3.02 [95% CI 2.75-3.31]). Conclusions Polypharmacy was common in children and adolescents initiating antipsychotic treatment. Prior use of psychostimulants/atomoxetine and antidepressants increased the risk of polypharmacy. The use of antipsychotics was mainly off-label, thus, the risks of concomitant use of antipsychotics with other psychotropic drugs should be carefully weighed.Peer reviewe

    Second-generation antipsychotics and pregnancy complications

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    Purpose To study if second-generation antipsychotic (S-GA) use during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy and neonatal complications. Methods A population-based birth cohort study using national register data extracted from the "Drugs and Pregnancy" database in Finland, years 1996-2016. The sampling frame included 1,181,090 pregnant women and their singleton births. Women were categorized into three groups: exposed to S-GAs during pregnancy (n = 4225), exposed to first-generation antipsychotics (F-GAs) during pregnancy (n = 1576), and unexposed (no purchases of S-GAs or F-GAs during pregnancy, n = 21,125). Pregnancy outcomes in S-GA users were compared with those in the two comparison groups using multiple logistic regression models. Results Comparing S-GA users with unexposed ones, the risk was increased for gestational diabetes (adjusted odds ratio, OR 1.43; 95% CI 1.25-1.65), cesarean section (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.18-1.53), being born large for gestational age (LGA) (OR 1.57; 95% CI 1.14-2.16), and preterm birth (OR 1.29; 95% CI 1.03-1.62). The risk for these outcomes increased further with continuous S-GA use. Infants in the S-GA group were also more likely to suffer from neonatal complications. Comparing S-GA users with the F-GA group, the risk of cesarean section and LGA was higher (OR 1.25, 95% CI 1.03-1.51; and OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.20-2.99, respectively). Neonatal complications did not differ between the S-GA and F-GA groups. Conclusions Prenatal exposure to S-GAs is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications related to impaired glucose metabolism. Neonatal problems are common and occur similarly in S-GA and F-GA users.Peer reviewe

    New Users of Antipsychotics Among Children and Adolescents in 2008–2017: A Nationwide Register Study

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    IntroductionRecently, prescribing antipsychotics for children and adolescents has been increasing in many countries. These drugs are often prescribed off-label, although antipsychotics have been associated with adverse effects. We determined the recent incidence of antipsychotic use among children and adolescents in Finland.MethodsFinnish National Prescription Register including all Finnish inhabitants receiving reimbursement for pharmaceuticals was searched for subjects of 1 to 17 years of age who had started an antipsychotic drug between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2017 (n = 26,353). Between 2008 and 2017, the range of number of Finnish children and adolescents aged 1 to 17 years was 1.01 to 1.03 million/year. The incidence was calculated by dividing the number of new users by all age- and sex-matched Finnish inhabitants in the year.ResultsBetween 2008 and 2017, the incidence of antipsychotic use among children and adolescents increased from 2.1 to 3.8 per 1000 individuals, respectively. In children aged 7 to 12 years, the incidence of antipsychotic use 1.4-folded (from 1.9 (95% CI: 1.8–2.0) to 2.7 (95% CI: 2.5–2.9) per 1000) with a cumulative increase of 0.2% per year (χ2 = 51.0, p <0.0001). In adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, the incidence 2.2-folded (from 4.3 (95% CI: 4.1–4.5) to 9.4 (95% CI: 9.1–9.8) per 1000) with a cumulative increase of 0.6% per year (χ2 = 590.3, p <0.0001). The increase in the incidence of use was steeper in girls (2.3-fold) than in boys (1.4-fold) (χ2 = 85.6, p <0.0001), especially between 2015 and 2017 (1.6-fold and 1.2-fold, respectively) (χ2 = 151.7, p <0.0001). The year 2011 was the turning point when the incidence in girls exceeded the incidence in boys, and the incidence of quetiapine use exceeded that of risperidone use.ConclusionsThe incidence of antipsychotic use increased between 2008 and 2017, especially in adolescent girls. The use of quetiapine increased, although it has few official indications in children and adolescents. Future studies should investigate the reasons for increasing use of antipsychotics, especially quetiapine, in children and adolescents.Peer reviewe

    Tutkimustieto hyötykäyttöön: Rationaalisen lääkehoidon tutkimusstrategia 2018–2022

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    Tutkimusstrategia on laadittu osana pääministeri Juha Sipilän hallitusohjelman mukaista rationaalisen lääkehoidon toimeenpano-ohjelmaa (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2018). Tavoitteena on edistää tutkimustiedon hyötykäyttöä rationaalisen lääkehoidon toimeenpanossa. Tavoitteen mukaisesti vuoteen 2022 mennessä: • rationaalisen lääkehoidon tutkimus ja kehittäminen ovat osa sote-järjestelmää, • tutkimustietoa hyödynnetään monipuolisesti sote-järjestelmän toiminnan ohjauksessa ja lääkepoliittisessa päätöksenteossa ja • tutkimusstrategiassa esitettyjen tutkimusalueiden tutkimus ja resursointi on vahvaa. Tutkimusstrategiassa on hyödynnetty Donabedianin (1997) hoidon laatuun vaikuttavien tekijöiden määrittelyä kolmeen osa-alueeseen: rakenne, prosessi ja tulokset. Tämän mukaisesti tutkimusalueet on jaoteltu seuraavasti: • rationaalista lääkehoitoa edistävien rakenteiden ja toimintaedellytysten tutkimus, • lääkitysturvallisuutta eri toimintaympäristöissä edistävä lääkehoidon toteutusprosessien tutkimus, sekä • lääkkeiden käytön ja lääkehoidon vaikuttavuuden sekä taloudellisuuden tutkimus. Tutkimusstrategiassa kuvataan tutkimuksen nykytilaa ja esitetään useita keinoja tutkimusedellytysten parantamiseksi. Tärkeää on lisätä monitieteistä verkostoitumista ja tutkimusyhteistyötä, luoda edellytyksiä pitkäjännitteiselle tutkimukselle ja uusille tutkimusavauksille, tehostaa tutkimusresurssien käyttöä ja parantaa tutkimusinfrastruktuuria sekä suunnata tutkimusrahoitusta rationaalista lääkehoitoa edistävään tutkimuksee
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