42 research outputs found

    A relação entre stress ocupacional dos professores e a inclusĂŁo de alunos com deficiĂȘncias: um estudo de caso na educação infantil de escolas pĂșblicas e particulares no municĂ­pio de MacapĂĄ, no estado do Amapá–Brasil

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo prioritĂĄrio verificar os nĂ­veis de stress ocupacional em professores de turmas regulares de ensino do segmento da Educação Infantil frente ao processo de inclusĂŁo escolar. Trata –se de uma pesquisa de campo, exploratĂłria, com tratamento quantitativo e qualitativo. O estudo foi realizado com 27 professoras de escolas de Educação Infantil, localizadas no MunicĂ­pio de Macapá–Brasil, tendo como critĂ©rio de participação o fato de lecionarem em turmas com inclusĂŁo de alunos com deficiĂȘncias. O questionamento que norteia esta pesquisa Ă© verificar atĂ© que ponto o processo de inclusĂŁo de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais em turmas regulares de ensino tem acentuado o stress dos professores. Para a coletas de dados foram utilizados 4 instrumentos: o QuestionĂĄrio de Stress Ocupacional do Educador Infantil, que verifica o perfil e avaliação das professoras em sua atividade profissional, e as fontes de stress no trabalho; o InventĂĄrio de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos (ISSL), o qual avalia a incidĂȘncia do stress e os tipos de sintomas, a Escala de Avaliação de Reajustamento Social para verificar as fontes externas de stress dos Ășltimos doze meses e a Escala de Avaliação de Eventos da Vida que visa determinar dentro de qual medida a inclusĂŁo de alunos deficientes dentro da sala de aula, Ă© percebida como uma situação estressante pelo participante. Os resultados nĂŁo revelam incidĂȘncia de stress nos dois grupos estudados, hĂĄ prevalĂȘncia dos sintomas fĂ­sicos nos dois grupos e os resultados mostram que nĂŁo hĂĄ diferença significativa entre ambas as escolas. Constata –se que as professoras da escola particular, Ă© o grupo com maior nĂșmero de participantes na fase de resistĂȘncia do stress. As participantes nĂŁo apresentam predisposição para adoecerem e verifica –se ainda, que as percepçÔes de stress das professoras das escolas pĂșblicas e da particular sĂŁo iguais, sejam elas de natureza positiva ou negativa. O grupo pesquisado nĂŁo avalia seu trabalho como estressante, considera –o satisfatĂłrio, mesmo apontando os baixos salĂĄrios e instabilidade no emprego como fonte de stress. Os resultados permitem concluir que a falta de recursos e a necessidade de formação especĂ­fica sĂŁo fatores que dificultam o processo de inclusĂŁo e que a permanĂȘncia de crianças com deficiĂȘncias em turmas regulares de ensino, nĂŁo se configura em si, como um fator determinante para o stress.This study aims to verify the levels of occupational stress in teachers of regular teaching classes, in the segment of Early Childhood Education facing school inclusion process. It is an exploratory field research, with quantitative and qualitative treatment. The study is carried out with 27 teachers from schools of Early Childhood Education, located in the city of Macapá–Brasil, having as participation criterion the fact that they teach in classes with inclusion of students with disabilities. The question that guides this research is to verify to what extent the inclusion process of students with special educational needs in regular teaching classes has accentuated the stress of teachers. For data collection, 4 instruments were used: the Child Educator Occupational Stress Questionnaire, which verifies the profile and assessment of teachers of their professional activity, and the sources of stress at work; the Stress Symptom Inventory (ISSL), which assesses the incidence of stress and the types of symptoms, the Social Readjustment Assessment Scale to check the external sources of stress in the last twelve months and the Life Events Assessment Scale, which aims to determine to what extent the inclusion of disabled students in the classroom, is perceived as a stressful situation by the participant. The results do not reveal an incidence of stress in the two groups studied, there is a prevalence of physical symptoms in both groups and the results show that there is no significant difference between both schools. It appears that the teachers of the private school, is the group with the largest number of participants in the stressresistance phase. Participants do not have a predisposition to become ill and it is verified that the perceptions of stress of public and private school teachers are the same, whether they are of a positive or negative nature. The researched group does not evaluate its work as stressful; it considers it satisfactory, even pointing out low wages and job instability as a source of stress. The results allow us to conclude that the lack of resources and the need for specific training are factors that hinder the inclusion process inclusion and that the permanence of children with disabilities in regular teaching classes is not in itself a determining factor for stress

    Thomas Schlesser, Faire rĂȘver. De l’art des LumiĂšres au cauchemar publicitaire

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    S’il existe une littĂ©rature importante consacrĂ©e au rĂȘve dans l’art occidental, Ă  la façon dont celui-ci n’a cessĂ© d’imprĂ©gner les Ɠuvres et de fasciner les artistes, c’est une tout autre approche, bien plus subtile et ambitieuse, que propose l’historien de l’art Thomas Schlesser, dans un remarquable et passionnant essai publiĂ© dans la collection « Art et artistes » chez Gallimard. Par une opĂ©rante distinction sĂ©mantique, l’auteur affirme d’emblĂ©e son propos : il s’agit d’une Ă©tude historique..

    Chemical Genetics of AGC-kinases Reveals Shared Targets of Ypk1, Protein Kinase A and Sch9.

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    Protein phosphorylation cascades play a central role in the regulation of cell growth and protein kinases PKA, Sch9 and Ypk1 take center stage in regulating this process in S. cerevisiae To understand how these kinases co-ordinately regulate cellular functions we compared the phospho-proteome of exponentially growing cells without and with acute chemical inhibition of PKA, Sch9 and Ypk1. Sites hypo-phosphorylated upon PKA and Sch9 inhibition were preferentially located in RRxS/T-motifs suggesting that many are directly phosphorylated by these enzymes. Interestingly, when inhibiting Ypk1 we not only detected several hypo-phosphorylated sites in the previously reported RxRxxS/T-, but also in an RRxS/T-motif. Validation experiments revealed that neutral trehalase Nth1, a known PKA target, is additionally phosphorylated and activated downstream of Ypk1. Signaling through Ypk1 is therefore more closely related to PKA- and Sch9-signaling than previously appreciated and may perform functions previously only attributed to the latter kinases

    Ann Hamilton : l’expĂ©rience ou le champ des possibles

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    Parce que l’installation reprĂ©sente le mode privilĂ©giĂ© de l’artiste amĂ©ricaine Ann Hamilton (Lima, Ohio, 1956), la problĂ©matique de l’expĂ©rience se trouve naturellement au cƓur de son travail. Depuis la seconde moitiĂ© du xxe siĂšcle, et plus encore Ă  partir des annĂ©es quatre-vingt-dix qui ont vu l’art de l’installation s’imposer comme l’un des standards de la crĂ©ation contemporaine, l’expĂ©rience est devenue un lieu commun dans les discours et les visĂ©es de nombreux artistes. La notion n’en reste

    Peptide nucleic acids: synthesis, cellular uptake, encoding and templated reaction

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    In this work, a PNA synthetic methodology taking advantage of the Ugi four component reaction is described. Novel strategies for improving PNA cellular uptake are explored. PNA encoded libraries were screened against p97 and Akt/mSin1. Finally protein kinases were used to template an abiotic reaction

    Ueber das MethÀmoglobin

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    Ann Hamilton : the experience or the field of possibilities

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    Parce que l’installation reprĂ©sente le mode privilĂ©giĂ© de l’art d’Ann Hamilton (nĂ©e en 1956 Ă  Lima, Ohio), la problĂ©matique de l’expĂ©rience y tient une place centrale. L’intĂ©rĂȘt que porte l’artiste amĂ©ricaine Ă  la prĂ©sence attentive du spectateur dans ses Ɠuvres rĂ©pond Ă  certains enjeux que l’expĂ©rience soulĂšve, Ă  une Ă©poque oĂč les capacitĂ©s de perception, de mĂ©moire, d’imagination et de participation ne semblent plus garants d’un avenir commun ni meilleur. InsĂ©parable d’une culture dont la pensĂ©e pragmatiste constitue la principale source, le travail d’Ann Hamilton tĂ©moigne, depuis prĂšs de quarante ans, d’une prĂ©occupation Ă©thique et philosophique soucieuse de rĂ©habiliter le savoir du corps, d’amĂ©liorer l’écoute et l’attention dans une perspective permettant Ă  chacun d’ĂȘtre conscient de son pouvoir d’agir et de contribuer – Ă  l’échelle intime du simple geste de la main ou de la voix – au changement et Ă  l’ouverture d’un champ de possibilitĂ©s.Because installation represents the favored medium of Ann Hamilton (born in 1956 in Lima, Ohio), the problematic of experience occupies a central place in her practice. The artist’s interest for the viewer’s attentive presence in the works corresponds to certain issues that the experience raises, at a time when the capacities of perception, memory, imagination and participation no longer seem to guarantee a common or better future. Inseparable from a culture whose pragmatist thinking is the main source, the work of Ann Hamilton shows, for nearly forty years, an ethical and philosophical concern to rehabilitate body knowledge, to improve listening and attention in a perspective allowing each one to be aware of his capacity to act and contribute - on the intimate scale of the simple gesture of the hand or the voice - to the change and the opening of a field of possibilities

    Einen Thermoregulator

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    Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) and its applications in chemical biology, diagnostics, and therapeutics

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    Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) stands as one of the most successful artificial oligonucleotide mimetics. Salient features include the stability of hybridization complexes (either as duplexes or triplexes), metabolic stability, and ease of chemical modifications. These features have enabled important applications such as antisense agents, gene editing, nucleic acid sensing and as a platform to program the assembly of PNA-tagged molecules. Here, we review recent advances in these areas