742 research outputs found

    Transition in a numerical model of contact line dynamics and forced dewetting

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    We investigate the transition to a Landau-Levich-Derjaguin film in forced dewetting using a quadtree adaptive solution to the Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension. We use a discretization of the capillary forces near the receding contact line that yields an equilibrium for a specified contact angle θΔ\theta_\Delta called the numerical contact angle. Despite the well-known contact line singularity, dynamic simulations can proceed without any explicit additional numerical procedure. We investigate angles from 15∘15^\circ to 110∘110^\circ and capillary numbers from 0.000850.00085 to 0.20.2 where the mesh size Δ\Delta is varied in the range of 0.00350.0035 to 0.060.06 of the capillary length lcl_c. To interpret the results, we use Cox's theory which involves a microscopic distance rmr_m and a microscopic angle θe\theta_e. In the numerical case, the equivalent of θe\theta_e is the angle θΔ\theta_\Delta and we find that Cox's theory also applies. We introduce the scaling factor or gauge function ϕ\phi so that rm=Δ/ϕr_m = \Delta/\phi and estimate this gauge function by comparing our numerics to Cox's theory. The comparison provides a direct assessment of the agreement of the numerics with Cox's theory and reveals a critical feature of the numerical treatment of contact line dynamics: agreement is poor at small angles while it is better at large angles. This scaling factor is shown to depend only on θΔ\theta_\Delta and the viscosity ratio qq. In the case of small θe\theta_e, we use the prediction by Eggers [Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 93, pp 094502, 2004] of the critical capillary number for the Landau-Levich-Derjaguin forced dewetting transition. We generalize this prediction to large θe\theta_e and arbitrary qq and express the critical capillary number as a function of θe\theta_e and rmr_m. An analogy can be drawn between rmr_m and the numerical slip length.Comment: This version of the paper includes the corrections indicated in Ref. [1

    Cerebrovascular complications and infective endocarditis. impact of available evidence on clinical outcome

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) is a life-threatening disease. Its epidemiological profile has substantially changed in recent years although 1-year mortality is still high. Despite advances in medical therapy and surgical technique, there is still uncertainty on the best management and on the timing of surgical intervention. The objective of this review is to produce further insight intothe short- and long-term outcomes of patients with IE, with a focus on those presenting cerebrovascular complications

    Asemi-Empirical Study of the Adsorption of Some Organic Pollutants on Modified Iraqi Clays

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    In this work semi–empirical method (PM3) calculations are carried out by (MOPAC) computational packages have been employed to calculate the molecular orbital's energies for some organic pollutants. The long– chain quaternary ammonium cations called Iraqi Clays (Bentonite – modified) are used to remove these organic pollutants from water, by adding a small cationic surfactant so as to result in floes which are agglomerates of organobentonite to remove organic pollutants. This calculation which suggests the best surface active material, can be used to modify the adsorption efficiency of aniline , phenol, phenol deriviatives, Tri methyl glycine, ester and pecticides , on Iraqi Clay (bentonite) by comparing the theoretical results with experimental results achived in previous experimental studies between some organic pollutants and modified bentonite by (1- Hexadecyl pyridinium bromide) (HDPYBr). The theoretical calculation is made by using three surface active materials [1- (Hexadecyl pyridinium bromide) (HDPYBr), (1,12- Dipyridiniododecane dibromide) (DPYDDBr2) and Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (HDTMA)]. Using (HDTMA) leads to the best adsorption efficiency for most pollutants involved in this study. The enthalpy of formations, dipole and energy of molecular orbitale HOMO and LUMO energies levels are calculated for all pollutants and the three surface active materials

    NuSTAR Observations of AGN with Low Observed X-ray to [OIII] Luminosity Ratios: Heavily Obscured AGN or Turned-Off AGN?

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    Type 2 active galactic nuclei (AGN) show signatures of accretion onto a supermassive black hole through strong, high-ionization, narrow emission lines extended on scales of 100s to 1000s of parsecs, but they lack the broad emission lines from close in to the black hole that characterize type 1 AGN. The lack of broad emission could indicate obscuration of the innermost nuclear regions, or could indicate that the black hole is no longer strongly accreting. Since high-energy X-rays can penetrate thick obscuring columns, they have the power to distinguish these two scenarios. We present high-energy NuSTAR observations of 9 Seyfert 2 AGN from the IRAS 12 micron survey, supplemented with low-energy X-ray observations from Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Swift. The galaxies were selected to have anomalously low observed 2-10 keV luminosities compared to their [O III] optical luminosities, a traditional diagnostic of heavily obscured AGN, reaching into the Compton-thick regime for the highest hydrogen column densities (NH>1.5×1024 cm−2N_{\rm H} > 1.5 \times 10^{24}\, {\rm cm}^{-2}). Based on updated [O III] luminosities and intrinsic X-ray luminosities based on physical modeling of the hard X-ray spectra, we find that one galaxy was misclassified as type 2 (NGC 5005) and most of the remaining AGN are obscured, including three confirmed as Compton-thick (IC 3639, NGC 1386, and NGC 3982). One galaxy, NGC 3627, appears to be recently deactivated. Compared to the original sample the 9 AGN were selected from, this is a rate of approximately 1%. We also find a new X-ray changing-look AGN in NGC 6890.Comment: 42 pages, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Mechanisms Predisposing Penile Fracture And Long-term Outcomes On Erectile And Voiding Functions

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    Purpose. To determine the mechanisms predisposing penile fracture as well as the rate of long-term penile deformity and erectile and voiding functions. Methods. All fractures were repaired on an emergency basis via subcoronal incision and absorbable suture with simultaneous repair of eventual urethral lesion. Patients' status before fracture and voiding and erectile functions at long term were assessed by periodic follow-up and phone call. Detailed history included cause, symptoms, and single-question self-report of erectile and voiding functions. Results. Among the 44 suspicious cases, 42 (95.4%) were confirmed, mean age was 34.5 years (range: 18-60), mean follow-up 59.3 months (range 9-155). Half presented the classical triad of audible crack, detumescence, and pain. Heterosexual intercourse was the most common cause (28 patients, 66.7%), followed by penile manipulation (6 patients, 14.3%), and homosexual intercourse (4 patients, 9.5%). "Woman on top" was the most common heterosexual position (n = 14, 50%), followed by "doggy style" (n = 8, 28.6%). Four patients (9.5%) maintained the cause unclear. Six (14.3%) patients had urethral injury and two (4.8%) had erectile dysfunction, treated by penile prosthesis and PDE-5i. No patient showed urethral fistula, voiding deterioration, penile nodule/curve or pain. Conclusions. "Woman on top" was the potentially riskiest sexual position (50%). Immediate surgical treatment warrants long-term very low morbidity. © 2014 Leonardo O. Reis et al.Kamdar, C., Mooppan, U.M.M., Kim, H., Gulmi, F.A., Penile fracture: Preoperative evaluation and surgical technique for optimal patient outcome (2008) BJU International, 102 (11), pp. 1640-1644. , 2-s2.0-56649083856 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.07902.xKramer, A.C., Penile fracture seems more likely during sex under stressful situations (2011) Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8 (12), pp. 3414-3417. , 2-s2.0-82955237445 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02461.xSawh, S.L., O'Leary, M.P., Ferreira, M.D., Berry, A.M., Maharaj, D., Fractured penis: A review (2008) International Journal of Impotence Research, 20 (4), pp. 366-369. , 2-s2.0-48249147767 10.1038/ijir.2008.12Amit, A., Arun, K., Bharat, B., Navin, R., Sameer, T., Shankar, D.U., Penile fracture and associated urethral injury: Experience at a tertiary care hospital (2013) Canadian Urological Association Journal, 7, pp. E168-E170Moslemi, M.K., Evaluation of epidemiology, concomitant urethral disruption and seasonal variation of penile fracture: A report of 86 cases (2013) Canadian Urological Association Journal, 7, pp. E572-E575Hatzichristodoulou, G., Dorstewitz, A., Gschwend, J.E., Herkommer, K., Zantl, N., Surgical management of penile fracture and long-term outcome on erectile function and voiding (2013) The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, pp. 1424-1430Nomura, J.T., Sierzenski, P.R., Ultrasound diagnosis of penile fracture (2010) Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38 (3), pp. 362-365. , 2-s2.0-77949914168 10.1016/j.jemermed.2008.03.010Ash, A., Miller, J., Preston, D., Point-of-care ultrasound used to exclude penile fracture (2012) Critical Ultrasound Journal, 417Beysel, M., Tekin, A., Gürdal, M., Yücebaş, E., Dengör, F., Evaluation and treatment of penile fractures: Accuracy of clinical diagnosis and the value of corpus cavernosography (2002) Urology, 60 (3), pp. 492-496. , 2-s2.0-0036753673 10.1016/S0090-4295(02)01813-7Gamal, W.M., Osman, M.M., Hammady, A., Aldahshoury, M.Z., Hussein, M.M., Saleem, M., Penile fracture:;ong-term results of surgical and conservative management (2011) Journal of Trauma, 71 (2), pp. 491-493. , 2-s2.0-80051783736 10.1097/TA.0b013e318209311

    Using Phragmites australis(Iraqi plant) to remove the Lead (II) Ions form Aqueous solution.

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    Lead remediation was achieved using simple cost, effective and eco-friendly way from industrial wastewater. Phragmitesaustralis (P.a) (Iraqi plant), was used as anovel biomaterial to remove lead ions from synthesized waste water. Different parameters which affected on adsorption processes were investigated like adsorbent dose, pH, contact time, and adsorbent particle size, to reach the optimized conditions (maximum adsorption). The adsorption of Pb (?) on (P.a) involved fast and slow process as a mechanism steps according to obey two theoretical adsorption isotherms; Langmuir and Freundlich. The thermos dynamic adsorption parameters were evaluated also. The (?H) obtained positive value that meanes adsorption of lead ions was an endothermic processwhile (?G)values were negative which means that adsorption of lead ions was a spontaneous process and the decrease in (?G) with temperature increasing revealed that lead ions adsorption on (P.a) became favorable with temperature increasin

    A strategic framework for improving food security in Arab countries

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    In 2007 and the first half of 2008, a sharp rise in agricultural commodity and food prices triggered grave concerns about food security, malnutrition and increased poverty. While the threat of a prolonged food-price shock receded in the second half of 2008, many factors underlying the price volatility are likely to persist, and will require careful management if future food-price shocks are to be avoided. This paper suggests three strategies that, together, could reduce vulnerability to price shocks: (1) strengthen safety nets, improve access to family planning services, and promote education; (2) enhance domestic food production and improve rural livelihoods through increased investment in research and development to increase productivity; and (3) reduce exposure to market volatility through more efficient supply chains and better use of financial instruments to hedge risk. The challenge of food security will require a global response, involving governments, international and regional funding and lending institutions, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and the private sector

    Onset of human preterm and term birth is related to unique inflammatory transcriptome profiles at the maternal fetal interface.

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    BackgroundPreterm birth is a main determinant of neonatal mortality and morbidity and a major contributor to the overall mortality and burden of disease. However, research of the preterm birth is hindered by the imprecise definition of the clinical phenotype and complexity of the molecular phenotype due to multiple pregnancy tissue types and molecular processes that may contribute to the preterm birth. Here we comprehensively evaluate the mRNA transcriptome that characterizes preterm and term labor in tissues comprising the pregnancy using precisely phenotyped samples. The four complementary phenotypes together provide comprehensive insight into preterm and term parturition.MethodsSamples of maternal blood, chorion, amnion, placenta, decidua, fetal blood, and myometrium from the uterine fundus and lower segment (n = 183) were obtained during cesarean delivery from women with four complementary phenotypes: delivering preterm with (PL) and without labor (PNL), term with (TL) and without labor (TNL). Enrolled were 35 pregnant women with four precisely and prospectively defined phenotypes: PL (n = 8), PNL (n = 10), TL (n = 7) and TNL (n = 10). Gene expression data were analyzed using shrunken centroid analysis to identify a minimal set of genes that uniquely characterizes each of the four phenotypes. Expression profiles of 73 genes and non-coding RNA sequences uniquely identified each of the four phenotypes. The shrunken centroid analysis and 10 times 10-fold cross-validation was also used to minimize false positive finings and overfitting. Identified were the pathways and molecular processes associated with and the cis-regulatory elements in gene's 5' promoter or 3'-UTR regions of the set of genes which expression uniquely characterized the four phenotypes.ResultsThe largest differences in gene expression among the four groups occurred at maternal fetal interface in decidua, chorion and amnion. The gene expression profiles showed suppression of chemokines expression in TNL, withdrawal of this suppression in TL, activation of multiple pathways of inflammation in PL, and an immune rejection profile in PNL. The genes constituting expression signatures showed over-representation of three putative regulatory elements in their 5'and 3' UTR regions.ConclusionsThe results suggest that pregnancy is maintained by downregulation of chemokines at the maternal-fetal interface. Withdrawal of this downregulation results in the term birth and its overriding by the activation of multiple pathways of the immune system in the preterm birth. Complications of the pregnancy associated with impairment of placental function, which necessitated premature delivery of the fetus in the absence of labor, show gene expression patterns associated with immune rejection
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