501 research outputs found

    Genetics of Allergic Asthma and Current Perspectives on Therapeutic Management

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    Globally, more than 300 million people are asthmatics and this number has been estimated to become 400 million by 2025. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition, which, although has no cure, is treatable in most patients. The most common structural alterations in asthmatic airways include thickening of the epithelial and sub epithelial layers, increased airway smooth muscle mass, and angiogenesis. Several genetically controlled factors greatly influence the predisposition and severity of allergic asthma. Twin studies have attributed as much as 75% of asthma susceptibility to heredity. Particularly, genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have discovered several asthma and/or atopy susceptibility genes. Current treatment protocols for managing asthma involve the use of corticosteroids and β-agonists. Over the last 40 years, there has been a marked development-targeted therapy for asthma, such as anti-leukotrienes, anti-immunoglobulin (Ig)E, anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and anti-interleukins (ILs) (Th2 cytokines). To identify novel targets and to develop newer drug generations, better understanding of asthma molecular pathophysiology is required. Furthermore, the pharmacogenetic studies, focusing on better understanding of beneficial or/and adverse effects to anti-asthma drugs, will also facilitate the development of more effective and targeted treatments in specific subpopulations of patients suffering from asthma

    Photometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of the SX Phe Star BL Cam

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    In the present paper, we report the photometric and spectroscopic observations obtained by the 1.88 m telescope at the Kottamia astronomical observatory of the pulsating star BL Cam. Fourier analysis of the light curves reveals that the fundamental mode has two harmonics. The O-C method is used to establish the period changes. So far, the analysis has been very successful in mapping the pulsation amplitude of the star across the instability strip. By using the formalism of Eddington and Plakidis (1929), we found significant results and strong indications of the evolutionary period change. A total of 55 new maximum light timings are reported. New values of (1/P) dP/dt are estimated using the O-C diagram based on all newly obtained times of maximum light combined with those taken from the literature, assuming the periods are decreasing and changing smoothly. To compute the effective temperature and surface gravity of the star, we performed model atmosphere analysis on its spectra. The physical parameters of the star are calculated and compared with the evolutionary models


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    Aim: To figure out the association of insulin resistance, serum resistin, insulin, SHBG, and free estradiol with the etiology, diagnosis, and the prognosis of postmenopausal breast cancer. Subjects and Methods: Serum levels of resistin, insulin, SHBG, free E2, glucose, and albumin were assayed in a case-control study of 40 obese postmenopausal breast cancer females and 40 apparently healthy obese postmenopausal controls. Results: Serum levels of resistin, insulin, and free E2 were significantly elevated in breast cancer patients (9.89±0.49, 23.68±2.95 and 9.34±3.02, respectively) compared with controls (8.24±0.63, 13.55±1.31 and 1.01±0.23, respectively). Insulin resistance (IR) was significantly greater in breast cancer patients (7.33±0.95) than controls (3.46±0.37). However, serum SHBG levels were significantly declined in breast cancer patients (42.93± 2.52) compared with controls (64.2±4.89). Serum free E2 had the greatest significant area under the ROC curve, followed by insulin resistance, insulin, SHBG, and resistin. The odds ratio of serum resistin was 4.33 (95% CI=1.69 – 11.06, P=0.002), insulin was 3.66 (95% CI=1.41 – 9.46, P=0.006), insulin resistance was 3.56 (95% CI=1.39 – 9.08, P=0.007), SHBG was 0.25 (95% CI=0.092-0.67, P=0.005), and free E2 was 5.21(95% CI=1.86 –14.52, P=0.002) in breast cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS: From this study, it could be concluded that although insulin resistance, serum resistin, insulin, SHBG, and free E2 may have a role in the incidence and diagnosis of obese postmenopausal breast cancer females, these biochemical parameters cannot be used for the prognosis of these patients. Serum free E2 was the most superior diagnostic marker followed by insulin resistance, insulin, SHBG, and resistin

    Nigella sativa meal alleviates injury against benzo[a]pyrene exposures in broilers

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Nigella sativa (Ns) meal on such influences of Benzo[a] Pyrene (BaP) on the broilers performance, pulmonary index (PI), and histopathological changes. Chicks were assigned into four equal groups, namely as controls, Ns, BaP and BaP with Ns. Six birds were sacrificed at days 7, 14, 21, and 35. The results revealed that there were significant decreases (p<0.05) in the mean body weight (BW) values and body weight gain (BWG) in the BaP alone group. Pulmonary weight (PW) and index increased (p<0.05) in the same group compared to the control groups. Pulmonary morphology showed heavy infiltration and denudation of ciliated epithelium in the trachea, with infiltration by polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells in the parabronchi of the lung, in the BaP exposed chickens. Nigella sativa (Ns) supplementation significantly alleviated these alterations, and thereby showing a potent anti-inflammatory effect after 14 days in the treated group. A key finding from this study is that BaP triggers inflammatory disorders and this transient effect is believed to be fatal if an infection occurs warranting a reassessment of the health status on exposure, and Ns was found to be helpful in alleviating such effects in broiler chickens

    Similar and Additive Effects of Ovariectomy and Diabetes on Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is among the leading causes of death in postmenopausal women. The disruption of ovarian function may contribute to the incidence of T2DM. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ovariectomy and T2DM on glucose and lipid homeostasis, perilipin levels in adipose tissues, as a lipolytic regulator, and levels of certain adipokines. Ovariectomized (OVX) rats were used as a model for postmenopausal women. The study was performed on sham, OVX, sham diabetic, and OVX diabetic female rats. The results indicated that ovariectomy alters adipose tissue metabolism through reducing perilipin content in white adipose tissue (WAT); however it has no effect on perilipin level in brown adipose tissue (BAT). OVX diabetic females suffer from serious metabolic disturbances, suggested by exacerbation of insulin resistance in terms of disrupted lipid profile, higher HOMA-IR, hyperinsulinemia, higher leptin, and lower adiponectin concentrations. These metabolic derangements may underlie the predisposition for cardiovascular disease in women after menopause. Therefore, for efficient treatment, the menopausal status of diabetic female should be addressed, and the order of events is of great importance because ovariectomy following development of diabetes has more serious complications compared to development of diabetes as result of menopause

    Pulmonary modulation of benzo[a]pyrene-induced hemato- and hepatotoxicity in broilers

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    Aftermath in several air pollution episodes with high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not significantly affect health and performance of broilers despite its renowned sensitivity to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The aim of the study was to elucidate the previous lack of response in birds exposed to such severe episodes of air pollution. Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was used to simulate the influence of air pollution on hematology, selected organ function, and oxidative stress in broilers. One-day-old chicks were assigned to 5 equal groups composed of a control group, tricaprylin group, and 3 groups treated with BaP (at 1.5 micro g, 150 micro g, or 15 mg/kg of BW). The BaP was intratracheally administered to 1-d-old chicks for 5 consecutive days. The hematology, liver and kidney function, P450 activity, and malondialdehyde level especially in the group receiving 15 mg of BaP/kg of BW demonstrated evidence of hemato- and hepatoxicity via BaP-induced oxidative stress. The deleterious effect of exposure to high concentration of BaP in broiler chickens was probably due to the anatomy of this species and the half-life of BaP. Although the effect of BaP may be transient or irreversible, pathogen challenges faced during the period of suppression may prove fatal

    The impact of excision of benign nonendometriotic ovarian cysts on ovarian reserve: a systematic review

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    Background Benign nonendometriotic ovarian cysts are very common and often require surgical excision. However, there has been a growing concern over the possible damaging effect of this surgery on ovarian reserve. Objective The aim of this metaanalysis was to investigate the impact of excision of benign nonendometriotic ovarian cysts on ovarian reserve as determined by serum anti-Müllerian hormone level. Data Sources MEDLINE, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Embase were searched electronically. Study Design All prospective and retrospective cohort studies as well as randomized trials that analyzed changes of serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations after excision of benign nonendometriotic cysts were eligible. Twenty-five studies were identified, of which 10 were included in this analysis. Data Extraction Two reviewers performed the data extraction independently. Results A pooled analysis of 367 patients showed a statistically significant decline in serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentration after ovarian cystectomy (weighted mean difference, –1.14 ng/mL; 95% confidence interval, –1.36 to –0.92; I2 = 43%). Subgroup analysis including studies with a 3-month follow-up, studies using Gen II anti-Müllerian hormone assay and studies using IOT anti-Müllerian hormone assay improved heterogeneity and still showed significant postoperative decline of circulating anti-Müllerian hormone (weighted mean difference, –1.44 [95% confidence interval, –1.71 to –1.1; I2 = 0%], –0.88 [95% confidence interval, –1.71 to –0.04; I2 = 0%], and –1.56 [95% confidence interval, –2.44 to –0.69; I2 = 22%], respectively). Sensitivity analysis including studies with low risk of bias and excluding studies with possible confounding factors still showed a significant decline in circulating anti-Müllerian hormone. Conclusion Excision of benign nonendometriotic ovarian cyst(s) seems to result in a marked reduction of circulating anti-Müllerian hormone. It remains to be established whether this reflects a real compromise to ovarian reserve

    Frontal-view Face Detection in The Presence of Skin-Tone Regions Using a New Symmetry Approach

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    In this paper, an efficient algorithm for detecting frontalview faces in color images is proposed. The proposed algorithm has a special task; it detects faces in the presence of skin-tone regions such as human body, clothes, and background. Firstly, a pixel based color classifier is applied to segment the skin pixels from background. Next, a hybrid cluster algorithm is applied to partition the skin region. It is well known that the frontal face is symmetrical; therefore we introduce a new symmetry approach, which is the main distinguishing feature of the proposed algorithm. It measures a symmetrical value, searches for the real center of the region, and then removes the extra unsymmetrical skin pixels. The cost functions are adopted to locate the real two eyes of the candidate face region. Finally, a template matching process is preformed between an aligning frontal face model and the candidate face region as a verification step. We have tested our algorithm on 200 images from different sets. Experimental results reveal that our algorithm can perform the detection of faces successfully under wide variations of captured images.Facultad de Informátic

    Differential Effects of Low-Dose Erythropoietin in Rat Model of Diabetic Nephropathy: Submitted: Jan 3, 2018 Accepted: Feb 26, 2018 Published online: Mar 3, 2018

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    Background.&nbsp;Previous reports on the renoprotective effect of erythropoietin (EPO) in the setting of chronic kidney disease (CKD) have yielded conflicting results. The aim of this study is to clarify the effect of low, non-hematopoietic dose of EPO on the evolution of diabetic nephropathy (DN) in rat model.&nbsp;Methods.&nbsp;Low dose of recombinant human EPO (150 U/kg, s.c. three times/week) was given to streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats in two schedules; in the first one, EPO was given from day 2 after STZ injection till the end of the study (28 weeks) as prophylactic treatment; and in the other schedule EPO was given after development of DN (last 8 weeks) as therapeutic treatment. Albuminuria, blood pressure, creatinine clearance, renal venous oxygen tension (vPO2), plasma EPO, hematocrit and renal histopathology were assessed.&nbsp;Results.&nbsp;Unexpectedly, 28 weeks administration of EPO to diabetic rats led to aggravation of albuminuria and worsening of histopathological damage in spite of partial correction of renal hypoxia. Contrary to this, terminal 8 weeks EPO therapy of DN reduced albuminuria and demonstrated some favorable effects on biochemical changes and histologic picture.&nbsp;Conclusion.&nbsp;Low dose EPO exerted differential effects in rat model of DN according to treatment duration. In addition, findings of the present study warrants further investigations of the exact renoprotective role of EPO in diabetic patients with CKD who receive EPO therapy for long periods