23 research outputs found

    Late Antique decorative pins of the stylus type in Slovenia

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    Članek predstavlja poskus natančnejÅ”e tipoloÅ”ke razdelitve in časovne uvrstitve poznoantičnih okrasnih igel vrste stilus, najdenih v Sloveniji. Obravnavana vrsta izhaja iz rimskega toaletnega pribora. Pojavljajo se v srednji in jugovzhodni Evropi, a so zgoŔčene na prostoru jugovzhodne Madžarske, Slovenije in severne Italije. Tovrstne igle z območja Slovenije lahko razvrstimo v pet tipoloÅ”kih skupin z različicami. Najpogosteje so datirane v 6. st., v uporabi pa so bile vse od konca 4. do začetka 7. st.The article presents a detailed typology and chronology of the Late Antique decorative pins of the stylus type found in Slovenia. This pin type derives from Roman toilet implements. The pins can be divided into five types with variants and appear across central and south-eastern Europe with a concentration in south-eastern Hungary, Slovenia and northern Italy. They were broadly in use from the end of the fourth to the beginning of the seventh century, though the majority dates to the sixth centur

    Integrated Remote Sensing to Assess Disease Control: Evidence from Flat Island Quarantine Station, Mauritius

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    This article presents an integrated approach used in archaeology and heritage studies to examine health and disease management during the colonial period in the Indian Ocean. Long-distance labor migrations had dire health consequences to both immigrants and host populations. Focusing on the quarantine station on Flat Island, Mauritius, this study analyzes a historical social setting and natural environment that were radically altered due to the implementation of health management. Using aerial and satellite imagery, digital elevation models, RTK and total station raw data, 3D modeling, and GIS mapping, we reconstructed the spatial organization and the built landscape of this institution to assess the gap between the benefits claimed by European colonizers and the actual effects on immigrant health conditions through the promotion of public health practice