298 research outputs found

    La narrativa de Vicenç Riera Llorca: literatura i consciència històrica

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    L’article ofereix un primer estudi de l’obra narrativa completa de Vicenç Riera Llorca —tretze novel·les i dos aplecs de contes—, publicada entre 1946 i 1991. Aporta les motivacions històriques, sociopolítiques i literàries de l’autor i demostra les causes de la seva opció per la ficció —i no pel periodisme, que havia exercit— en plantejar-se la seva responsabilitat en la construcció de la consciència històrica de la societat catalana a partir dels esdeveniments que visqué entre 1931 i 1945, amb una sola novel·la situada el 1962. El treball parteix també de l’obra assagística —com a crític literari a Pont Blau i Xaloc— i memorialística —dos llibres, de la joventut a Catalunya i de l’exili— de Riera; del seu epistolari amb el crític Domènec Guansé, i de la crítica generada per la seva obra fins avui (Molas, Triadú, Ramió, Saladrigas [entrevista], Faulí). El treball contextualitza i valora l’obra de Riera en relació amb la novel·la catalana emergent des de 1946 i cerca les fonts literàries i els corrents de pensament europeus i nord-americans que la van condicionar. Incorpora exemples representatius a partir de citacions encapçalades per les abreviatures dels títols de les novel·les

    Un model de ciència oberta per a un món sostenible

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    Presentació de Rubén Vicente on parla sobre un model de ciència oberta sostenibleObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les DesigualtatsObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualita

    Spherical symmetric dust collapse in vector-tensor gravity

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    There is a viable vector-tensor gravity (VTG) theory, the vector field of which produces repulsive forces leading to important effects. In the background universe, the effect of these forces is an accelerated expansion identical to that produced by vacuum energy (cosmological constant). Here, we prove that another of these effects arises for great enough collapsing masses which lead to Schwarzschild black holes and singularities in general relativity. For these masses, pressure becomes negligible against gravitational attraction, and the complete collapse cannot be stopped in the context of general relativity; however, in VTG, a strong gravitational repulsion could stop the falling of the shells toward the symmetry center. A certain study of a collapsing dust cloud is then developed, and in order to undertake this task, the VTG equations in comoving coordinates are written. In this sense, as it happens in general relativity for a pressureless dust ball, three different solutions are found. These three situations are analyzed, and the problem of the shell crossings is approached. The apparent horizons and trapped surfaces, the analysis of which will lead to diverse situations, depending on a certain theory characteristic parameter value, are also examined

    Interpreting deviations between AR-VTG and GR

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    The cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies predicted by two cosmological models are compared, one of them is the standard model of general relativity with cold dark matter and cosmological constant, whereas the second model is based on a consistent vector-tensor theory of gravitation explaining solar system and cosmological observations. It is proved that the resulting differences — between the anisotropies of both models — are due to the so-called late integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect and, consequently, cross-correlations between maps of CMB temperatures and tracers of the dark matter distribution could be used in future to select one of the above models. The role of reionization is analyzed in detail

    On the viability of a certain vector-tensor theory of gravitation

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    A certain vector-tensor theory is revisited. Our at tention is focused on cosmology. Against previous sugges tions based on preliminary studies, it is shown that, if the energy density of the vector field is large enough to play the role of the dark energy and its fluctuations are negligi ble, the theory is not simultaneously compatible with current observations on: supernovae, the cosmic microwave back ground (CMB) anisotropy, and the power spectrum of the energy density fluctuations. However, for small enough en ergy densities of the vector field and no scalar fluctuations, the theory becomes compatible with all the above observa tions and, moreover, it leads to an interesting evolution of the so-called vector cosmological modes. This evolution ap pears to be different from that of general relativity, and the difference might be useful to explain the anomalies in the low order CMB multipoles

    More about a successful vector-tensor theory of gravitation

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    The vector-tensor (VT) theory of gravitation revisited in this article was studied in previous papers, where it was proved that VT works and deserves attention. New obser vational data and numerical codes have motivated further development which is presented here. New research has been planed with the essential aim of proving that current cosmo logical observations, including Planck data, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), and so on, may be explained with VT, a theory which accounts for a kind of dark energy which has the same equation of state as vacuum. New versions of the codes CAMB and COSMOMC have been designed for applications to VT, and the resulting versions have been used to get the cosmological parameters of the VT model at suitable confidence levels. The parameters to be estimated are the same as in general relativity (GR), plus a new parameter D. For D = 0, VT linear cosmological perturbations reduces to those of GR, but the VT background may explain dark energy. The fits between observations and VT predictions lead to non vanishing |D| upper limits at the 1σ confidence level. The value D = 0 is admissible at this level, but this value is not that of the best fit in any case. Results strongly suggest that VT may explain current observations, at least, as well as GR; with the advantage that, as it is proved in this paper, VT has an additional parameter which facilitates adjustments to current observational data

    Peer evaluation and co-evaluation applied to professionalizing degrees: Application in the building engineering degree

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    [Abstract] The acquisition of the competences of a subject established in the study plan encourages the search for new methods that improve the teaching-learning process, especially in the qualifications that enable the exercise of a profession with legal attributions. Through this text, the results of the application of the peer evaluation system and the co-evaluation of the subject Valuations of Real Estate and Expert reports of the Degree in Building Engineering are explained throughout 5 academic years, allowing to conclude the benefits on the acquisition of skills and improvement of success rates, as well as the implementation of professional powers.[Resumen] La adquisición de competencias de las asignaturas favorece la búsqueda de nuevos métodos que mejoren el sistema de enseñanza-aprendizaje, principalmente en las titulaciones que tienen asignadas competencias reguladas que habilitan para el desarrollo de las profesiones. A través de este texto se explican los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del sistema de evaluación denominado entre iguales y la coevaluación en la asignatura de Valoraciones, Tasaciones y Peritaciones durante 5 cursos académicos, permitiendo concluir que son destacados los beneficios obtenidos en relación con la adquisición de competencias y la mejora de las tasas de éxito, así como la implementación de las atribuciones profesionales

    Jóvenes, redes tecnológicas y tramas de sentido

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    Los jóvenes son el segmento de la población que en la actualidad más intensamente se está apropiando de las redes tecnológicas. Nuestro interés hacia los usos tecnológicos de los jóvenes radica en su dimensión cualitativa y sociocultural, en la medida en que, mediante estos procesos, los jóvenes pueden buscar construir sus identidades y encontrar sentido a sus vidas. Las comunicaciones juveniles son analizadas en el presente artículo teniendo en cuenta, principalmente, sus posibilidades para la construción de redes y para la articulación de tramas de sentido. La lógica de la red es, para autores como Manuel Castells (1997), un término que remite más allá de la dimensión tecnológica, y que apunta a las nuevas lógicas de relación y de comunicación que toman cuerpo en el nuevo entorno social, político y cultural de la globalización. Los dispositivos tecnológicos actuales crean espacios no territoriales que facilitan la interactividad, y cuyas referencias no son necesariamente geográficas, sino más bien los gustos, las motivaciones o los deseos compartidos. Sin embargo, la abundancia de canales tecnológicos y la intensidad de su uso por parte de los jóvenes convive con la corrosión del carácter (Sennet, 2000) y con la disolución de algunos vínculos sociales necesarios para el desarrollo personal y colectivo.- Os jovens são o segmento da população que está se apropriando mais intensamente das redes tecnológicas na atualidade. Nosso interesse em relação aos usos tecnológicos dos jovens radica em sua dimensão qualitativa e sociocultural, na medida em que, mediante estes processos, os jovens podem procurar construir suas identidades e encontrar sentido a suas vidas. As comunicações juvenis são analisadas neste artigo, considerando, principalmente, suas possibilidades para a construção de redes e para a articulação de tramas do sentido. A lógica da rede é, para autores como Manuel Castells (1997), um termo que vai além da dimensão tecnológica, e que aponta para as novas lógicas de relação e de comunicação que se incorporam no novo meio social, político e cultural da globalização. Os dispositivos tecnológicos atuais criam espaços não territoriais que facilitam a interatividade, e cujas referências não são necessariamente geográficas, e sim estão mais voltadas para os gostos, as motivações ou os desejos compartilhados. No entanto, a abundância de canais tecnológicos e a intensidade de seu uso por parte dos jovens convive com a corrosão do caráter (Sennet, 2000) e com a dissolução de alguns vínculos sociais necessários para o desenvolvimento pessoal e coletivo. - Youth, technological networks and interwoven meaning. Today young people comprise the segment of the population that makes the most intense use of technological networks. Our interest is centred on the socio-cultural and qualitative dimension of young people’s use of such technologies insofar as they can utilise those processes to build their identities and find a meaning for their lives. This article investigates communication among young people focusing on possibilities for the construction of networks and the articulation of interwoven meaning. To authors like Manuel Castells (1997) network logic is a term that goes far beyond the technological dimension and points to new logics of relationship and communication taking shape in the new social, political and cultural environment of globalisation. Today's technological devices create non-territorial spaces that facilitate interactivity and whose references are not necessarily geographic, but usually based on shared tastes, motivations or desires. However, the abundance of technological channels available and the intensity of their use by young people bring with them a corrosion of character (Sennet 2000) and the dissolution of some of the social ties necessary for personal and collective development
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