2,267 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Nomor:70/M-DAG/PER/12/2013, pasar tradisional adalah pasar yang dibangun dan dikelola oleh pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, swasta, badan usaha milik negara dan badan usaha milik daerah termasuk kerjasama dengan swasta dengan tempat usaha berupa toko, kios, los dan tenda yang dimiliki dan dikelola oleh pedagang kecil, menengah, swadaya masyarakat atau koperasi dengan usaha skala kecil, modal kecil dan dengan proses jual beli barang dagangan melalui tawar menawar. Salah satu pasar tradisional yang terdapat di Kota Pontianak yaitu Pasar Sore di Jalan Ampera. Pasar ini mulai beroprasional jam 12.00-18.00 WIB. Pasar Sore di jalan ampera mempunyai fungsi yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat sekitarnya, terutama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kurangnya fasilitas Pasar Sore serta kondisi fisik bangunan merupakan kendala yang perlu diatasi dengan perencanaan perancangan Pasar Sore yang baru. Konsep perancangan pasar sore dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan perilaku penghuni Pasar yang dapat melengkapi fasilitas yang memenuhi standar bagi pengguna maupun pedagang di kawasan Pasar Sore tersebut. Pasar Sore Jalan Ampera Kota Pontianak memperlihatkan bagaimana pembagian ruang, dan penentuan jumlah lantai pada pasar. Ruang-ruang di dalam pasar diletakan bedasarkan sifat kegiatan, pertimbangan terhadap perilaku pengguna pasar, dan mempertimbangan kenyamanan pengguna pasar. Kata kunci: pasar, pasar tradisional, fasilitas pasar tradisiona

    Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Polycarbonate Blends

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    Nowadays Polypropylene (PP) I Polycarbonate (PC) blends have received interest in polymer study and tests have been done to explore its properties and behavior. This project aim to further characterize PP/PC blends compatibilized with polypropylenegraft- maleic anhydride (PP-g-MA) with varying weight composition in the area of water absorption and tensile strength. In a practical field, organic polymer materials have been shown to express some advantages such as light weight, high strength, anti-rust, and easily processable. These advantages were based on the comparison with metal and inorganic materials. However, polymer materials degrade under various circumstances for example low and high temperature, exposure to rain and sunlight, and under the water or soil. Some plastics absorb very little water at room temperature but at higher temperature it tends to absorb high amount of water and will lose properties rapidly. Eight weight ratios are considered and they are 85/10/5, 75/20/5, 65/30/5, 55/40/5, 85/15/0, 75/25/0, 65/35/0, and 55/45/0 in PP/PC/PP-g-MA respectively. The glass transitional and melting temperatures of PP, PC, and PP-g-MA were obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the values were consistent with literature. Meanwhile, degradation temperatures of samples were obtained by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Then, the polymers were compounded in twin screw extruder and fabricated by compression and injection moulding. Water absorption test were follow the ASTM Standards: D 570-98 (Reapproaved 2005) Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics and Tensile Test were follow ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile properties of rigid plastic


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    Dalam Islam Perkawinan beda agama dilarang oleh kebanyakan ulama. Hal ini merujuk pada al-Qur’an surat al-Baqarah ayat 221 dan Qur’an surat al-Mumtahanah ayat 10, Namun akibat adanya pandangan yang berbeda tentang hukum perkawinan beda agama, hal ini berdasarkan Alquran surat al-Ma‟idah ayat 5. Disamping itu juga terdapat kontradiktif tentang aturan pernikahan beda agama antara Pasal 56 Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkwainan yang membuka peluang untuk dilakukannya pernikhan beda agama dengan Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 44 Kompilasi Hukum yang menutup sama sekalai pernikahan beda agama. Oleh sebab itu banyak terjadi perkawinan beda agama di kalangan umat Islam, dan menimbulkan masalah yaitu bagaimana kawin beda agama ini dipandang baik menurut hukum Islam, dan hukum positip Indonesia. Penelitian ini bersifat diskriptik analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Data yang sudah terkumpul dianalisa secara kualitatif dengan metode berfikir deduktif dan induktif. Pada akhirnya nanti dapat disimpulkan bahwa hakikat pernikahan adalah sebuah kontrak sosial, sehingga segala hal mengenai pernikahan sudah seyogyanya dikembalikan pada nilai-nilai subyektifitas yang akan melaksanakannya, sekalipun terdapat pelarangan seharusnya lebih bersifat sosiologis, bukan teologis dan realisasinyapun harus melalui fakta yang empirik bukan hanya prasangka-prasangka yang mengakibatkan sentimen kolektif terhadap komunitas lai


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi yang jelas tentang Tawabi’ Pembagiannya dan hukumnya, agar hasilnya dapat diimplikasikan dalam pembelajaran Nahwu bagi mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian studi pustaka dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis isi dalam Al-Quran Al�Karim Surat Al Baqarah. Penelitian ini terfokus pada unsur-unsur pembahasan Adat Syarat yang tidak menjazamkan 2 Fi’il yaitu: Pembagiannya, macamnya, faidahnya dan jumlahnya. Adapun untuk menjelaskan hasil penelitian dengan terperinci digunakan table. Adapun teori-teori dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa Adat Syarat yang tidak menjazamkan 2 Fi;il terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu: Adat Syarat Imtina’i dan Adat Syarat ghoiru Imtina’i. Pada bagian yang pertama yaitu Adat Syarat Imtina’i terbagi menjadi 3 Huruf.: 1. “Law” 2. “Lawlaa” 3. “Lawmaa”. Sedangkan Adat Syarat Ghoiru Imtina’i terbagi menjadi 4 huruf. : 1. “Idza” 2.“ Ammaa” 3.”Lammaa” 4. “Kullamaa” Dari penelitian ini penulis menghasilkan data-data sebagai berikut: Seperti yang telah diketahui bahwa surat Al Baqarah terdiri dari 286 ayat, dan di dalamnya terdapat 49 data tentang Adat Syarat yang tidak menjazamkan 2 Fi;i di 40 ayat. Data Adat Syarat Imtina’i terdapat sebanyak 11 kali. Dan Adat Syarat Imtina’i terbagi menjadi 3 huruf yaitu 1. “Law” 2. “Lawlaa” 3. “Lawmaa” dengan pembagian Adat Syarat Imtina’i 100% . Dan rincian dari Adat Syarat Imtina’i yaitu: 1. “Law” sebanyak 9 kali (81,8%), 2. “Lawlaa sebanyak 2 kali (12,8%), 3. “Lawlaa” Tidak ditemukan (0%). Sedangkan data tentang Adat Syarat Goiru Imtina’i terdapat sebanyak 38 kali dengan pembagian: 1.”Idza” sebanyak 24 kali (63,2%), 2. “Ammaa” sebanyak 2 kali (5,2%). 3. “Lamma” sebanyak 8 kali (21,1%) 4. “Kullamaa” sebanyak 4 kali (10,5%). Adapun implikasinya pada pembelajaran nahwu pada mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab di Universitas Negeri Jakarta adalah hendaknya ayat-ayat Al�Quran yang terdapat Adat Syarat yang tidak menjazamkan 2 Fi’il Pembagiannya, macamnya, dan faidahnya dimasukkan dalam materi pembelajaran khususnya dalam pembelajaran Nahw

    Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Polycarbonate Blends

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    Nowadays Polypropylene (PP) I Polycarbonate (PC) blends have received interest in polymer study and tests have been done to explore its properties and behavior. This project aim to further characterize PP/PC blends compatibilized with polypropylenegraft- maleic anhydride (PP-g-MA) with varying weight composition in the area of water absorption and tensile strength. In a practical field, organic polymer materials have been shown to express some advantages such as light weight, high strength, anti-rust, and easily processable. These advantages were based on the comparison with metal and inorganic materials. However, polymer materials degrade under various circumstances for example low and high temperature, exposure to rain and sunlight, and under the water or soil. Some plastics absorb very little water at room temperature but at higher temperature it tends to absorb high amount of water and will lose properties rapidly. Eight weight ratios are considered and they are 85/10/5, 75/20/5, 65/30/5, 55/40/5, 85/15/0, 75/25/0, 65/35/0, and 55/45/0 in PP/PC/PP-g-MA respectively. The glass transitional and melting temperatures of PP, PC, and PP-g-MA were obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the values were consistent with literature. Meanwhile, degradation temperatures of samples were obtained by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Then, the polymers were compounded in twin screw extruder and fabricated by compression and injection moulding. Water absorption test were follow the ASTM Standards: D 570-98 (Reapproaved 2005) Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics and Tensile Test were follow ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile properties of rigid plastic


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    ABSTRAKProduktivitas ternak ruminansia, khususnya ternak sapi yang rendah sehubungan dengan ketersediaan dan akses terhadap pakan berkualitas yang kurang, dan minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara pembudidayaan hijauan khususnya legum pohon merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh peternak di kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur, Tangkit, Jambi. Disamping beternak, para peternak juga melakukan kegiatan pertanian yang didominasi oleh tanaman sayuran. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) ini untuk mengenalkan potensi Indigofera zollingeriana sebagai hijauan pakan ternak berkualitas dan pemberian bibit / benih I. zollingeriana ke peternak di kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur, Tangkit, Jambi. Metode yang dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan adalah pendidikan masyarakat melalui penyuluhan. Solusi yang ditawarkan meliputi: 1) peningkatan pengetahuan peternak tentang pakan hijauan berkualitas dan cara budidayanya dalam lahan usaha tani sayuran melalui penyuluhan, dan 2) introduksi dan pemberian benih dan bibit. Kegiatan PPM yang meliputi penyuluhan dan penanaman bibit Indigofera berjalan lancar. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan terjadi di lapangan bersamaan dengan penanaman seluruh bibit yang diberikan. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan, peternak juga melakukan pembibitan dari benih yang diberikan. Kegiatan PPM ini diliput oleh media televisi lokal untuk disiarkan sekaligus sebagai ajang promosi bagi kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur yang menggeluti usaha penggemukan sapi. Kata kunci: Introduksi; Indigofera zollingeriana; pakan berkualitas; pendidikan masyarakat ABSTRACTThe low productivity of ruminants, especially cattle, is related to the availability and access to poor quality feed, and the lack of knowledge about how to cultivate forages, especially tree legumes, is a problem faced by farmers in the Rukun Makmur Farmer Group, Tangkit, Jambi. Besides raising livestock, the farmers also carry out agricultural activities which are dominated by vegetable crops.The purpose of this community service (PPM) activity was to introduce the potential of Indigofera zollingeriana as high-quality forage for livestock and provide I. zollingeriana seeds and seedlings to farmers in the Rukun Makmur Farmer group, Tangkit, Jambi. The method used in achieving the goals was community education through outreach activity. The solutions offered include: 1) improving farmers’ knowledge about quality forage and how to cultivate it in vegetable farming fields through outreach activity, and 2) introduction and provision of seeds and seedlings. The activities which included outreach activity and planting of Indigofera seedlings went right. The outreach activity took place in the field at the same time aplanting all the seedlingsas given. As a result of mentoring activities, farmers also carried out nurseries from the seeds provided. This outreach activity was broadcasted by local television media and a promotional event for the Rukun Makmur Farmer group, which has cattle fattening business. Keywords: high quality forage; Indigofera zollingeriana; introduction; community educatio

    Effects of acetochlor (herbicide) on the survival and avoidance behaviour of spiders

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    This study was designed to evaluate the potential effects of acetochlor (herbicide) on the survival and avoidance behaviour of lycosid spiders example Lycosa terrestris. During the topical toxicity experiment, P. birmanica was found to be more susceptible to acetochlor than L. terrestris. Although, there was 10% mortality at field rate concentration by topical exposure, we did not observe any mortality during residual toxicity experiment for both spider species even at double field rate concentration. There was no difference in the time spent by both species on the herbicide or water treated part of filter paper. It was concluded that use of acetochlor at the recommended rate in the agricultural field is safe for tested spider species, which are important biological control agents in the study area.Key words: Herbicide, residual toxicity, acetochlor

    Integrating Multimedia Techniques into CS Pedagogy

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    Through its grants, the National Science Foundation sponsors workshops that inform faculty of current topics in Computer Science. Such a workshop, entitled, Developing Multimedia-based Interactive Laboratory Modules for Computer Science , was given July 27 -August 6, 1998, at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. Each participant was expected to design and implement a small part of a laboratory module. This paper describes what some of the faculty members who participated in the workshop have done with the knowledge obtained from the workshop

    Bending mechanism for piezoelectric transducer

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    This paper tests and analyzes a piezoelectric transducer with bending mechanism based on the bending condition of piezoelectric transducer after applying a force on the bending mechanism that increase the stress on the piezoelectric surface and thus increase the electrical charges produced An impact force is being exerted onto bending mechanism to bend the piezoelectric transducer and hence generating useable electrical power. The proposed prototype bending mechanism was built by using SolidWork soft-ware and manufactured by employing 3D printer technology to conduct the evaluation. This bending mechanism is divided into two parts, presser and support housing. The presser is design with four different diameter to test the piezoelectric transducer. A round piezoelectric transducer with the size of 50 mm in diameter is used to demonstrate the experiment. This piezoelectric transducer is placed in support housing and the presser is used to give pressure to the piezoelectric transducer. A subject is assigned to hold the presser and press in on the surface of the piezoelectric transducer. It can be seen from the experiment that the last presser with diameter 22.35 mm generated the highest output voltage about 44.0 V. The reported mechanism is a promising candidate in the application of energy harvesting by using piezoelectric transducer for powering various low power output devices

    Study on footstep power generation using piezoelectric tile

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    Electrical energy is important and had been demand increasingly. A lot of energy resources have been wasted and exhausted. An alternative way to generate electricity by using a population of human had been discovered When walking, the vibration that generates between the surface and the footstep is wasted. By utilizing this wasted energy, the electrical energy can be generated and fulfill the demand. The transducer that use to detect the vibration is a piezoelectric transducer. This transducer converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy. When the pressure from the footstep is applied to the piezoelectric transducer, it will convert the pressure or the force into the electrical energy. The piezoelectric transducer is connected in series-parallel coonection. Then, it is placed on the tile that been made from wood as a model for footstep tile to give pressure to the piezoelectric transducers. This tile can be placed in the crowded area, walking pavement or exercise instruments. The electric energy that generates from this piezoelectric tile can be power up low power appliances
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