30 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Improving Glycaemic Control in Adults with Severe Mental Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    People with severe mental illness (SMI) have reduced life expectancy compared with the general population, which can be explained partly by their increased risk of diabetes. We conducted a meta-analysis to determine the clinical effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for improving glycaemic control in people with SMI (PROSPERO registration: CRD42015015558). A systematic literature search was performed on 30/10/2015 to identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in adults with SMI, with or without a diagnosis of diabetes that measured fasting blood glucose or glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c). Screening and data extraction were carried out independently by two reviewers. We used random effects meta-analysis to estimate effectiveness, and subgroup analysis and univariate meta-regression to explore heterogeneity. The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool was used to assess risk of bias. We found 54 eligible RCTs in 4,392 adults (40 pharmacological, 13 behavioural, one mixed intervention). Data for meta-analysis were available from 48 RCTs (n = 4052). Both pharmacological (mean difference (MD), -0.11mmol/L; 95% confidence interval (CI), [-0.19, -0.02], p = 0.02, n = 2536) and behavioural interventions (MD, -0.28mmol//L; 95% CI, [-0.43, -0.12], p<0.001, n = 956) were effective in lowering fasting glucose, but not HbA1c (pharmacological MD, -0.03%; 95% CI, [-0.12, 0.06], p = 0.52, n = 1515; behavioural MD, 0.18%; 95% CI, [-0.07, 0.42], p = 0.16, n = 140) compared with usual care or placebo. In subgroup analysis of pharmacological interventions, metformin and antipsychotic switching strategies improved HbA1c. Behavioural interventions of longer duration and those including repeated physical activity had greater effects on fasting glucose than those without these characteristics. Baseline levels of fasting glucose explained some of the heterogeneity in behavioural interventions but not in pharmacological interventions. Although the strength of the evidence is limited by inadequate trial design and reporting and significant heterogeneity, there is some evidence that behavioural interventions, antipsychotic switching, and metformin can lead to clinically important improvements in glycaemic measurements in adults with SMI

    Ongoing strategies to improve the management of upper respiratory tract infections and reduce inappropriate antibiotic use particularly among lower and middle-income countries: findings and implications for the future

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    Introduction: Antibiotics are indispensable to maintaining human health; however, their overuse has resulted in resistant organisms, increasing morbidity, mortality and costs. Increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major public health threat, resulting in multiple campaigns across countries to improve appropriate antimicrobial use. This includes addressing the overuse of antimicrobials for self-limiting infections, such as upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), particularly in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where there is the greatest inappropriate use and where antibiotic utilization has increased the most in recent years. Consequently, there is a need to document current practices and successful initiatives in LMICs to improve future antimicrobial use. Methodology: Documentation of current epidemiology and management of URTIs, particularly in LMICs, as well as campaigns to improve future antimicrobial use and their influence where known. Results: Much concern remains regarding the prescribing and dispensing of antibiotics for URTIs among LMICs. This includes considerable self-purchasing, up to 100% of pharmacies in some LMICs. However, multiple activities are now ongoing to improve future use. These incorporate educational initiatives among all key stakeholder groups, as well as legislation and other activities to reduce self-purchasing as part of National Action Plans (NAPs). Further activities are still needed however. These include increased physician and pharmacist education, starting in medical and pharmacy schools; greater monitoring of prescribing and dispensing practices, including the development of pertinent quality indicators; and targeted patient information and health education campaigns. It is recognized that such activities are more challenging in LMICs given more limited resources and a lack of healthcare professionals. Conclusion: Initiatives will grow across LMICs to reduce inappropriate prescribing and dispensing of antimicrobials for URTIs as part of NAPs and other activities, and these will be monitored

    The node of Ranvier in CNS pathology

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    The node of Ranvier in CNS pathology.

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    Healthy nodes of Ranvier are crucial for action potential propagation along myelinated axons, both in the central and in the peripheral nervous system. Surprisingly, the node of Ranvier has often been neglected when describing CNS disorders, with most pathologies classified simply as being due to neuronal defects in the grey matter or due to oligodendrocyte damage in the white matter. However, recent studies have highlighted changes that occur in pathological conditions at the node of Ranvier, and at the associated paranodal and juxtaparanodal regions where neurons and myelinating glial cells interact. Lengthening of the node of Ranvier, failure of the electrically resistive seal between the myelin and the axon at the paranode, and retraction of myelin to expose voltage-gated K(+) channels in the juxtaparanode, may contribute to altering the function of myelinated axons in a wide range of diseases, including stroke, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. Here, we review the principles by which the node of Ranvier operates and its molecular structure, and thus explain how defects at the node and paranode contribute to neurological disorders

    Identifiability of cure models

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    Cure models can be used for censored survival data in which a fraction of the observations do not exhibit the event of interest despite long-term follow-up. In this paper we investigate the identifiability of two forms of the cure model, a standard cure model based on a mixture distribution and a non-mixture proportional hazards (PH) model with long-term survivors. In the standard cure model, except for the case where the conditional survival function is independent of covariates and the mixture probability is an arbitrary function of a covariate we show that the parameters of the standard cure model are identified. In the non-mixture PH model, we show the model is identifiable if the distribution function is specified.Cure model Latency Long-term incidence Logistic-Kaplan-Meier model Logistic-proportional hazards model

    A two-year randomized, placebo-controlled trial of dornase alfa in young patients with cystic fibrosis with mild lung function abnormalities

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    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine whether long-term treatment of young patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) with dornase alfa maintains lung function and reduces respiratory tract exacerbations. STUDY DESIGN: This was a 96-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 49 CF centers. Inclusion criteria were age 6 to 10 years and forced vital capacity > or = 85% predicted. Patients were excluded for hospitalization for complications of CF within 2 months and use of dornase alfa within 6 months. Patients were treated with dornase alfa 2.5 mg or placebo once daily with a jet nebulizer and a compressor. RESULTS: Patients were randomized, 239 to dornase alfa and 235 to placebo. At baseline the mean age was 8.4 years, the mean forced expiratory volume in 1 second 95% predicted, the mean forced expiratory flow, midexpiratory phase 85% predicted, and the mean forced vital capacity 102% predicted. At 96 weeks the treatment benefit for dornase alfa compared with placebo in percent predicted (mean +/- SE) was 3.2 +/- 1.2 for forced expiratory volume in 1 second (P =.006), 7.9 +/- 2.3 for forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity (P =.0008), and 0.7 +/- 1.0 for forced vital capacity (P =.51). The risk of respiratory tract exacerbation was reduced by 34% in patients who received dornase alfa (relative risk 0.66, P =.048). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in changes in weight-for-age percentile. Adverse event profiles for the treatment groups were similar. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of young patients with CF with dornase alfa maintains lung function and reduces the risk of exacerbations over a 96-week period