574 research outputs found

    Large granular lymphocyte dysregulation in Malignant Catarrhal Fever

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    Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a fatal, incurable disease of large ruminants. This disease is caused by two related gammaherpesviruses, Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (A1HV-1) and Ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2). Lymphoproliferation and infiltration by large granular lymphocytes (LGL) into lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs are characteristic of MCF. LGL cell lines have been established from animals with naturally or experimentally induced MCF. Previous studies have shown these cell lines to be highly proliferative and cytotoxic with the ability to cause disease when inoculated into rabbits. Some cell lines have demonstrated the ability to grow and survive without the need for exogenous IL-2. However, IL-2 mRNA was not detected. The proliferative and cytotoxic LGL phenotype observed in the absence of exogenous IL-2 is associated with virus infection of LGL cells. The characteristics of MCF LGL cell lines are similar to other herpesvirus-infected cell lines, in particular Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS).The role of virus-infected large granular lymphocytes in pathogenesis of MCF is not clear. In the absence of defined viral antigens the main objective of this study was to investigate how MCF viruses interfere with LGL proliferation and cytotoxicity.In this study, IL-2 independence and a cell surface phenotype of T/ NK cells was demonstrated in most cell lines analysed. The period of survival and growth without exogenous IL-2 was variable but always exceeded that of uninfected control cells. The possible role of IL-15 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine with actions similar to IL-2) in LGL function was investigated. Results showed that IL-15 could generate and maintain the proliferative and cytotoxic phenotype of these cell lines and may be involved in the pathogenesis of MCF.Virus interference with signal transduction pathways has been demonstrated in other gammaherpesviruses. The hypothesis that the phenotype and function of the LGL cell lines is generated through a similar mechanism was tested. The study showed that the src kinases, Ick and Jyn, are constitutively activated in LGL cell lines.The identity of specific virus proteins involved in generating the observed phenotype of the LGL cell lines had not been determined. During the course of this x study, the complete genomic sequence of the A1HV-1 genome was published. Prior to this several open reading frames were detected in A1HV-1 that underwent genomic rearrangement on transition from virulence to attenuation in vitro. Thus, a final objective of this study was to determine whether these potential virulence genes are associated with the ability of LGL cell lines to transmit disease. The proteins encoded by these genes (ORF50, A6 and A7) were expressed in E. coli as recombinant proteins and used to immunise rabbits. Recombinant virus proteinspecific rabbit polyclonal antibodies were generated. Using these reagents, the expression of these proteins in LGL cell lines and A1HV-1-infected monolayer cultures was investigated. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used in parallel experiments to determine the presence of DNA and mRNA encoding these proteins. The results indicated that more complicated rearrangements of the A1HV-1 genome may occur on attenuation of A1HV-1 after extensive passage than has been revealed at present. However, the expression in LGL cells of mRNA encoded by ORF50 and A6, that share sequence homology with the EBV R and Z transactivators, suggests that virus replication occurs in LGL cells.These results improve the understanding of the MCF viruses and their role in generation of the LGL phenotype

    Health service

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    Article discussing the emergence of issues such as wellbeing and human centric factors in lighting practice

    ジョウホウ リテラシー キョウイク ハ レファレンス・ワーク ヲ ドノ ヨウニ ソノ イチ コウセイ ブブン ト スル カ : カンゴ ケイ インセイ・ガクセイ ナド ヲ タイショウ トシタ オオサカダイガク セイメイ カガク トショカン ノ ケイケン カラ

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    本稿では情報リテラシー教育のあり方,特に教室での一斉教育とレファレンス場面での日常的な個別対応における教育との関連および結合について考える。そのため大阪大学生命科学図書館における8年余の看護系学生・院生・教職員に対する両形態の教育活動を報告・分析し,考察する。その結果両者は補い合い,相互にその基盤を提供し,強化し合う関係にあることを確認し,さらに,教育活動が図書館の専門性に立脚した生命力あるものとなるために個別対応の充実が不可欠であることを主張する。This paper discusses the nature of information literacy education, particularly how individualized instruction on a daily basis at the reference desk relates to and is integrated with lecture in the classroom. The author has analyzed his 8 year experience in both types of educational activities for undergraduates, graduate students and nurses, as well as other clients at the Osaka University Life Sciences Library, resulting both types of activities work together to form a vital foundation of information literacy since that is what defines library expertise

    Studi Mengenai Interkoneksi Antar Sentral Telepon Di Surabaya

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    Kebutuhan akan saluran telepon semakin bertambah searah dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi. Perubahan dan perkembangan jaringan telekomunikasi pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekaligus untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan melalui efisiensi jaringan. Semua itu tak terl~pas dari penggunaan suatu jaringan trunk atau junction yang efis en dengan penggunaan pola routing yang terencana baik. Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dibahas mengenai sistem interkoneksi antar sentral telepon di Surabaya , terutama pola routing dari sistem jaringan transmisi yang diterapkan di multi-exchange Surabaya. Diharapkan dari penul isan tugas akhir ini dapat dijadikan sumbang saran untuk perluasan jaringan sentral telepon dimasa yang akan datang


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    Peribahasa Jawa merupakan bentuk ungkapan yang mendeskripsikan pesan secara singkat dan padat yang mengandung prinsip kehidupan. Melalui peribahasa Jawa dapat mengungkapkan sikap hidup dan cara pandang masyarakatnya agar menjalankan hidup yang harmonis sesuai dengan norma dan nilai masyarakatnya Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Linguistik Antropologi. Sumber data penelitian ini berasal dari bersumber dari (1) Syuropati (2015) dengan judul Peribahasa Jawa, dan 2) Nuryani (2012) dengan judul 2000 Paribasan, Bebasan, Lan Seloka, (3) Triyono (1988) dengan judul buku Peribahasa Dalam Kebudayaan Bahasa Jawa . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan simbol yang digunakan sebagai entitas pria dan wanita dalam peribahasa Jawa meliputi: 1) simbol hewan untuk pria dan wanita, 2) simbol tumbuhan untuk pria dan wanita, 3) simbol benda untuk pria dan wanita, 4) simbol keadaan untuk pria dan wanita, dan 5) simbol alam untuk pria dan wanita. Selanjutnya, relasi pria dan wanita dalam peribahasa Jawa meliputi: 1) dikotomi superior untuk anak lalaki-laki dan perempuan, suami-istri, pria dan wanita, 2) persamaan: seperti sebutan untuk pria dan wanita yang belum menikah, larangan berbuat tindakan asusila, sikap istri atau suami yang mengkhianati pasangan. 3) nasehat untuk pria dan wanita, peran wanita dan pria 4) peran suami dan istri, 5) kesetaraan pria dan wanita dalam melamar. Selanjutnya dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara bahasa dan sosial budaya masyarakat Jawa. Kata kunci : Pria, wanita, peribahasa Jaw

    Health literacy - is it useful in prevention of behavioral risk factors of NCDs?

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    Background: Health literacy means cognitive and social skills of a person that determine his or her ability to access, understand and use health information to maintain and promote health. People need to understand and use health information in order to choose a healthy lifestyle or to take advantage of preventive measures. The occurrence and consequences of NCDs are related to unhealthy life styles. Insight into the relationship between health literacy and modifiable behavioral risk factors of NCDs may support the prevention and control of these diseases.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1367 adults. Multi-stage random sampling was used. Data entry and analysis was done using Stata 11.0 statistical package. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied to assess the association between health literacy and behavioral risk factors.Results: The proportion of participants who reported ever smoking, ever alcohol drinking and not-practicing daily-exercise was 19.8%, 16.2% and 85.2%, respectively. The prevalence of satisfactory level of health literacy was 31.5%. Health literacy was significantly related to behavioral risk factors even if age, sex, education status and monthly household’s expenditure were adjusted. By improving the health literacy status of adults up to satisfactory level, the prevalence of ever smoking, ever drinking and not-practicing daily exercise among them would be reduced by 34%, 32.1% and 38.9%, respectively.Conclusions: Health literacy status of community should be assessed, monitored and improved. Health literacy may be an effective tool in prevention and control of NCDs because of its preventive effect on modifiable behavioral risk factors.


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang impian masyarakat kelas bawah di Amerika yang tergambar dalam novel Of Mice and Men and The Pearl karangan penulis ternama John Steinbeck. Dalam penelitian ini digambarkan bagaimana kondisi sosial masyarakatt Amerika pada saat itu dan usaha apa saja yang mereka lakukan untuk mencapai mimpi tersebut. Dalam skripsi ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dari Allan Swingewood dimana ia berpendapat bahwa sebuah karya sastra adalah cerminan suatu masyarakat pada zaman tertentu. Dalam pengumpulan data, digunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan, sedangkan untuk menganalisa data tersebut digunakan metode kualitatif yang dijabarkan secara deskriptif. Setelah menganalisa kedua novel Steinbeck Of Mice and Men dan The pearl, disimpulkan bahwa novel ini adalah cerminan masyarakat kelas bawah yang memiliki impian untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik di Amerika pada abad awal ke-20. Mereka memiliki impian untuk memiliki tanah, rumah, uang dan kebebasan. Mereka bekerja keras untuk mencapai impian tersebut