14 research outputs found

    O Papel e os Desafios da Escolas Privadas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio na Cidade de Vitória-ES em Relação à Sustentabilidade: uma Discussão a partir da Noção de Escolas Sustentáveis

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    Durante anos o homem se considerou no centro do universo tendo todos os recursos naturais à sua disposição e tratando tudo como se fossem infinitos, de forma que se apoderava do espaço que cabia à natureza, alterando vários ecossistemas o que acarretou em uma crise ambiental que colocava em risco todo ser vivo do planeta. Diante de uma ameaça a sua própria sobrevivência, o homem enxergou na educação um caminho fundamental para disseminar informações que viessem a diminuir os efeitos causados por suas atitudes e comportamentos insustentáveis. Mais especificamente, as chamadas escolas sustentáveis se destacaram como um espaço propício ao desenvolvimento de ações voltadas para promover junto aos alunos uma valorização contínua em busca pelo equilíbrio entre o indivíduo e o meio ambiente. No intuito de conhecer a contribuição destas escolas para a sociedade na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável, este trabalho apresenta uma visão geral desde a sua origem na década de 90 até os dias atuais, onde se destacam apoiadas sobre três eixos: gestão, currículo e espaço físico. Na sequência, evidencia-se o comportamento das escolas sustentáveis brasileiras e mundiais e como estas influenciam no comportamento das crianças e adolescentes envolvidas com vistas a um mundo melhor no presente e para as futuras gerações. A fim de conhecer o quanto as escolas privadas de ensino fundamental e médio da cidade de Vitória (ES), especialmente, contribuem para a sociedade na busca pelo alcance da sustentabilidade e quais dificuldades encontradas quando buscam se aproximar da definição de escolas sustentáveis, fez-se necessário uma pesquisa de campo junto aos gestores das escolas, através da aplicação de um questionário baseado na metodologia do Eco School Program, contendo algumas respostas na escala de Likert e sendo sua validação comprovada com a aplicação da ferramenta alfa de Cronbach. Por fim, comparando estes resultados encontrados com as escolas sustentáveis, percebe-se inúmeras semelhanças entre ambas, o que se conclui que o comportamento das escolas de Vitória tem grande contribuição para a sociedade na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável

    Perceptual analysis of heterogeneous stakeholders on the impact of the Rio 2016 games in the territory of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

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    Highlights: Development of partnership with local entities for integrated social actions; Actions and projects are developed as close as possible to the public audience; Participation in meetings and community councils; Establishment of constant dialog between social management and community leaders; Dialog with public entities; Work communication with all the impacts caused by the implementation of the megaproject, according to the affected area. Goal: Analyze, through a case study, what were the effects resulting from the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in the territory of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, and how they were perceived by the stakeholders during and after the performance. Design / Methodology / Approach: On-site open and participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and on-site questionnaires and descriptive statistics Results: A series of consequences were triggered, affecting each of the different stakeholders in different ways. Limitations of the investigation: Megaprojects promote mutually positive and negative impacts concerning the local stakeholders and their multiple and different perceptions. Thus, results cannot be generalized. Practical implications: Fragmentation of the megaproject, heterogeneity, and perceptions of different stakeholders Originality / Value: Practices that are sensitive to the stakeholders’ engagement and impacts perceived

    The effects of yellow fever immunization (17DD) inadvertently used in early pregnancy during a mass campaign in Brazil

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    Background: This Study describes the consequences of the inadvertent immunization of pregnant women during a mass vaccination campaign in the Campinas region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in February and March 2000. The study was carried Out by the Women's Comprehensive Healthcare Center (CAISM), at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). The objective of the Study was to evaluate the possible effects of the vaccine on pregnancy and conceptus, and to assess congenital infection resulting from immunization. Methods: Pregnant women who received the YF vaccine were identified at primary health clinics and referred to the study site, a public reference, high-risk clinic, serving 42 towns in a region with a population of 3,000,000. A 12-month serological follow-up for newborns (PRNT), and an examination to detect congenital abnormalities was offered to pregnant women, who signed a consent form. In a sub-sample of women who were delivered at the study site, additional exams were proposed: neonatal fontanel ultrasound, funduscopy, audiometry, neuro-pediatric follow-up until 12 months of age, and IgM detection at birth. Fifteen blood samples from placentas and umbilical cords were tested for PCR. Findings: A total of 480 pregnant, immunized women were identified, who had received the vaccine at a mean of 5.7 weeks (95% CI 5.2-6.2) of gestation. The great majority of women were unaware of their pregnancy at the time they were vaccinated, and only 46.7% were counseled to avoid immunization if pregnant. After a minimum 6-week interval, 98.2% pregnant women were IgG positive. A total of 19.6% of women reported mild adverse events (headache, fever or myalgia). No IgM antibodies were detected at birth and no placental or umbilical cord blood was positive according to PCR. The frequency of malformations (2.3% or 7/304 babies), miscarriages (2.5% or 11/441 pregnancies), stillbirths (0.7%) and premature delivery (7.8%) was similar to that found in the general population. At 12 months follow-up, 7% of samples were reactive to PRNT. However, after 12 months, only one child was seropositive. Interpretation: Contrary to a previous study, maternal seroconversion was very high when immunization was carried Out in early pregnancy. Vaccine applied during the first trimester does not appear to cause malformations, complications to the central nervous system, nor adverse perinatal results as represented by premature deliveries or perinatal deaths. The 12-month serological follow-up is inconclusive and should be extended to 24 months. Evaluation of the risk Of miscarriage was hindered by late presentation at the study clinic. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.2491421142

    GSK3 Inhibitor-Induced Dentinogenesis Using a Hydrogel

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    8 p.-4 fig.Small-molecule drugs targeting glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) as inhibitors of the protein kinase activity are able to stimulate reparative dentine formation. To develop this approach into a viable clinical treatment for exposed pulp lesions, we synthesized a novel, small-molecule noncompetitive adenosine triphosphate (ATP) drug that can be incorporated into a biodegradable hydrogel for placement by syringe into the tooth. This new drug, named NP928, belongs to the thiadiazolidinone (TDZD) family and has equivalent activity to similar drugs of this family such as tideglusib. However, NP928 is more water soluble than other TDZD drugs, making it more suitable for direct delivery into pulp lesions. We have previously reported that biodegradable marine collagen sponges can successfully deliver TDZD drugs to pulp lesions, but this involves in-theater preparation of the material, which is not ideal in a clinical context. To improve surgical handling and delivery, here we incorporated NP928 into a specifically tailored hydrogel that can be placed by syringe into a damaged tooth. This hydrogel is based on biodegradable hyaluronic acid and can be gelled in situ upon dental blue light exposure, similarly to other common dental materials. NP928 released from hyaluronic acid–based hydrogels upregulated Wnt/β-catenin activity in pulp stem cells and fostered reparative dentine formation compared to marine collagen sponges delivering equivalent concentrations of NP928. This drug-hydrogel combination has the potential to be rapidly developed into a therapeutic procedure that is amenable to general dental practice.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: A. Alaohali was funded by the Medical Services Division of the Ministry of Defense in Saudi Arabia and Saudi Cultural Bureau in London. C. Salzlechner acknowledges support from the Diana Trebble Fund. E. Gentleman and C. Salzlechner received support from the Rosetrees Trust. L.K. Zaugg was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Ref P300PB_167807). Funding from the NIHR GSTFT/KCL Biomedical Research Centre is acknowledged.Peer reviewe