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    The hybrid nature of culture that comes up as a result of postmodern world brings about considerable interaction, borrowing, and fusion between cultures and communicative genres. In such situation, there is erosion of national boundaries, greater multilingualism, and fluidity in identity; hence a" absolute construct of particular culture is getting blurred. Consequently, the term "native identity" has come to a "blurring spot" in the sense that it will be simply awkward to hold firmly one's native identity when multilingualism has become norm. This hybridand plural character of identity has gone to be considerable as the basis of contrastive texts analysis. The newest way of looking at the contrastive rhetoric is that differences in pragmatic or rhetorical expectations should not be considered as unproficiency or interference for the bi/multilingual writer, rather rhetorical choices opted by the bi/multilingual writer should be considered as critical/alternate discourse. This article is aimed to look at the pedagogy of shuttling between languages done by multilingual writers as the new orientation in the teaching and learning second language writing


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    The increase in cases of human trafficking among Indonesian citizens has encouraged cooperation between the police of ASEAN member countries, especially the Indonesian National Police in dealing with this problem. This research aims to determine the efforts of the INP and the police who are members of the ASEANAPOL (ASEAN Nations Police) organization in carrying out cooperation to reduce and minimize cases of human trafficking in Southeast Asia. The method used in this research is a descriptive method supported by various reference sources through literature studies and interviews with related parties. The results of this research indicate that coordination/communication is the main key to the cooperation carried out by the ASEAN police, whether through international meetings, deployment of INP personnel abroad, or joint training of personnel. Apart from that, this research also shows that there has been a reduction in the number of cases through the coordination system (directly and indirectly). From this coordination, a cooperation model was formed, namely the Joint Coordination System (JCS) to analyze the cooperation between the INP and the police in Southeast Asia in repatriating Indonesian citizens who were victims of human trafficking so they could return to Indonesia. Therefore, having coordination between the parties involved really helps the success and effectiveness of the collaboration carried out

    Geology Of Tanjung Medan ,Rokan IV Koto , Rokan Hulu District, Riau Province

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    The Administrative of research area has been in Tanjung Medan, Rokan IV Koto, Rokan Hulu, Riau Province and geographically located at 0 ° 37 '28.488 "- 0 ° 40' 10.3692" LU and 100 ° 24 '55.6884 "- 100 ° 27 '37.5804 "BT. Research method used approach method and laboratory analysis to get data of geology modeling and re-construction of geological history in research area. Based on surface observation, the geology of research area consists of Slate (Permian-carbon), Granite intrusion (Permian-Trias) with distribution SouthWest-SouthEast on the center of map. Arenite Sandstone unit (Easly Eocene) unconformity with slate on the bottom. Alluvial Rokan river crosses all type off rocks from north to south of map. While structure growth  in the research area have been joints structure with main stress Southwest-NorthEast, its similar with trend tectonic setting of Sumatra island, on the other hand reverse fault indicates the formation of a basin of extension stress in the early Eocene. the formation of basins in basement rocks begun at the time of the formation of the north-south trending northern form of the fault block forming horst and graben as well as accommodated the precipitation of pre-tertiary clastic materials. Whereas the Oligocene trans-tensional compression system accommodating the sedimentation system in the formed of arenite sandstone (SBPa) unconformity above the basement rocks simultaneously on the basin base decrease. The distribution of arenite sandstones based on the geological reconstruction covering all parts of the rock distribution which then undergoes the same weathering process of the formation of Bukit Barisan volcanic path that controls the development of geological structure up to the present

    “Pemanfaatan Tepung Sukun Pada Pembuatan Cake Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Citra Pangan Lokal”

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1) Menemukan resep yang tepat untuk menghasilkan white forest pie, mini chocolate cake dan roll cake motif berbahan tepung sukun sehingga menghasilkan produk yang disukai oleh masyarakat.2) Menemukan teknik pengolahan cake berbahan tepung sukun.3) Menemukan teknik penyajian white forest pie, mini chocolate cake dan roll cake motif berbahan tepung sukun yang menarik 4) Mengetahui penerimaan masyarakat akan white forest pie, mini chocolate cake dan roll cake motif berbahan tepung sukun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Juni di Laboratorium Boga, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Boga dan Busana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan produk ini adalah ADDIE melalui beberapa tahap yaitu,1) Menganalisis resep, 2) Merancang resep baru pengembangan genoise cake kombinasi pie (white forest pie), cake teknik creaming (mini chocolate cake), sponge cake (roll cake motif) subtitusi tepung sukun, 3) Melakukan pra eksperimen pembuatan produk, selanjutnya melakukan pembuatan produk untuk uji coba produk pertama (Validasi I) dan uji coba produk kedua (Validasi II), 4)Melakukan uji panelis dan pameran untuk mengetahui daya terima konsumen terhadap produk pengembangan.5) Melakukan analisis data dari penerimaan panelis semi terlatih dan masyarakat terhadap produk secara deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh : 1) Resep yang tepat white forest pie dengan substitusi tepung sukun adalah perbandingan 50:50(tepung terigu:tepung sukun), resep yang tepat roll cake motif dengan substitusi tepung sukun adalah 50:50 (tepung terigu:tepung sukun), resep yang tepat mini chocolate cake dengan substitusi tepung sukun adalah 50:50(tepung terigu:tepung sukun).2) Teknik olah pembuatan white forest pie adalah genoise method dan baking atau memanggang, teknik olah pembuatan roll cake motif adalah sponge method dan baking atau memanggang, dan teknik olah pembuatan mini chocolate cake adalah creaming method dan baking atau memanggang 3) Penyajian pada white forest pie adalah dibuat berukuran kecil, diberi topping butter cream dan white chocolate, mini chocolate cake diberi topping berupa pastry cream dan dihias dengan cokelat, penyajian roll cake motif adalah digulung, bagian tengah bermotif kotak coklat putih dan diberi topping butter cream. Berdasarkan uji penerimaan produk terhadap produk cake tepung sukun yang paling disukai oleh panelis yaitu produk roll cake motif tepung sukun dengan persentase 100% dari total panelis, untuk genoise cake yaitu 93% dan produk mini chocolate cake yaitu 93%


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    This is a report of a qualitative study on contrastive thought patterns of Indonesian bilingual writers. The data are the thought patterns reflected in the linguistic features in English and Indonesian letters. The results reveal that rhetorical organizations developed and organized in both letters are similar in three ways. The paragraphs in both letters indicate similarities in terms of coherence. Three ways of sentence construction are found; four different shifts in grammatical style are made by the writers. The diction shows that for the English letters, in addition to using the colloquial lexemes, two kinds of lexemes are found: (a) jargon, and (b) attitudinal. For the Indonesian letters, three kinds of lexemes are found: (a) jargon, (b) attitudinal, (c) for-mality. In general, the results show that a large number of Indonesian letters follow quasi-linear thought patterns (QL), while a small number still follow the non-linear thought patterns (NL). For the English letters, the results reveal that the most percentage is converged on the line of category linear (L); less percentage is on category QL

    Students' Schemata Activation in Extensive Reading at Stain Ponorogo

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    This study was aimed at investigating the extent to which the lecturer employed strategy and occupied effective classroom language to assist students' schemata activation on Extensive Reading class at English Department­STAIN Ponorogo. To meet with the objectives, qualita­tive case study formed the methodological basis of this present research involving an extensive reading lecturer as the research subject with one of her respective classes consisted of 32 students of fourth semester. The data were derived from lecturer's utterances (verbal) and body lan­guage (nonverbal). Those data were obtained from the transcripts of the recorded lecturer's utterances during two periods of meeting, and note­taking taken from observations and interviews. The results revealed that the lecturer used to employ questioning technique to activate students' schemata. Various strategies were predominantly occupied in lecturer's questioning behaviors to engage students in question­answer activities, such as probing, redirecting and reinforcement. Generally, those strate­gies were observed not only to provide motivation and focus students' at­tention towards the topic being discussed, but also to give a wide chance of opportunity for them to recall their prior knowledge and ease them to predict the content of reading texts they were going to read. Besides, the language the lecturer used under this investigation was fairly fulfilled the requirements to be communicative as some communicative features of talks were utilized properly, such as referential questions, content feed­back, and speech modification to optimize students' participation and performance in the process of reading


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    Arifin Budi Susilo. 2010. The Housekeeping Department of Bali Reef Resort at Tanjung Benoa - Bali. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This report is based on a job training evaluation which was conducted at Bali Reef Resort. It located on Jl. Pratama Tanjung Benoa, one of tourism areas in Bali. The objectives of this report are to describe how the Housekeeping Department works and to find out the problems faced. This report explains the division of labor in the Housekeeping Department. In doing its job, the Housekeeping Department is divided into six main sections, they are: Floor Section, Public Area Section, Swimming Pool Section, Gardening Section, Linen and Uniform Section, and Florist Section. Each main section has its own work area and responsibility. They also have several officers with their own job description. This report is also intended to find out the problems faced by the Housekeeping Department internal and external. Therefore, several solutions are proposed to solve the problems. Based on the discussion, the writer suggests that the hotel should improve its work quality by changing the damage equipment with the new one and pay more attention to the employees by giving extra salary if the employees have to work overtime. This way expected to make the hotel be able to compete with the other hotels

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Kerajinan dengan Bahan Dasar Tulang Daun melalui Proses Dekomposisi

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    The 2013 curriculum requires learning materials to improve the competence of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to create valuable work. This decomposed leaf bone handicraft activity is a concrete example of fulfilling 2013 curriculum achievements. Besides helping to understand biology lessons, the activity of making leaf bone crafts can foster an entrepreneurial spirit for students. Therefore, in this community service activity, training to make handicrafts from leaf bones is given to teachers and students in SMA N 1 and SMP 2 Banyuputih, Situbondo. The training was attended by 23 students and one teacher at SMA N 1 and dam 20 students and one teacher at SMP 2 Banyuputih, Situbondo. The training is carried out by the method of delivering material and direct practice. The activity was also carried out with direct discussion with participants. The results of this training activity showed that all participants gained new knowledge and skills, namely how to make crafts made from leaf bones. Craft made of leaf bone is very attractive to students because students can know the bone structure directly. This dedication activity provides insight to both students and teachers to take advantage of local wisdom around it to be more valuable
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