6 research outputs found


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    Fish is a nutrition source, mainly protein, which is easily decomposed as a result of bacterial and enzyme activity. Therefor its fish after harvest if it is not done properly will cause the fish to become damaged quickly and experience a decrease in quality because fish is a type of food that is easily subject to biological damage and is susceptible to microbial contamination (Christanti and Azhar, 2019). Incorrect handling will lead to decreased product quality. Cross contamination is one result of poor handling processes, so that the product is contaminated by pathogenic bacteria. One of the pathogenic bacteria, namely Salmonella sp. which needs to be considered for its presence in fishery products, both fresh and frozen (Ijong, Berhimpon and Sumampow, 2015). The purpose of this research is to determine the contamination of Salmonella sp. and the prevalence of contamination in Tuna, Cob and Skipjack (TTC) commodities. Final Practical Work (KPA) will be held from 14 March to 10 June 2022 at the Fish Quarantine Station, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products in Yogyakarta, located in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The samples tested were 19 fresh fish products in the Tuna, Cob and Cakalang (TTC) commodities. Microbiological quality testing of fishery products, both fresh and frozen, needs to be carried out in order to guarantee food safety for the community. Test procedure for Salmonella sp. using conventional methods in accordance with SNI 01-2332.2-2006, which includes pre-enrichment, enrichment, isolation of bacteria or selective, observation of typical Salmonella colony morphology, isolation of pure culture of Salmonella and biochemical tests. The test results showed that all fresh fish samples taken from the InPres market in the Yogyakarta area were negative for Salmonella sp. and the prevalence is 0%. The application of good sanitation and hygiene will prevent contamination of pathogenic bacteria and still maintain the cold chain to inhibit enzyme reactions found in the fish's body. Bacterial contamination Salmonella sp. usually found in fishery products, agriculture and food product

    Karakterisasi Enzim Pendegradasi AHL dari Bacillus cereus INT1c dan Bacillus sp. NTT3a

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    Some of Gram-negative bacteria perform a phenomenon called quorum sensing (QS) to activate certain phenotypes such as pathogenicity. The bacterial cells performing QS produce N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) as signal molecules to communicate within a population. These molecules can be degraded by the enzyme, i.e. AHL lactonase. This study aimed to characterize the activity of AHL lactonase from Bacillus cereus INT1c and Bacillus sp. NTT3a in different pH and temperature levels. Both strains produce AHL-lactonase that could be found in intracellular and extracellular extracts. The dialysis process of extracellular AHL-lactonase of INT1c significantly increased the specific activity from 5.91 to 29.96, different from an extracellular enzyme of NTT3a that slightly increased from 4.08 to 5.39. Generally dialyzedAHL-lactonase of both B. cereus INT1c and Bacillus sp. NTT3a had activity in wide pH range with better activity in acidic pH and were not stable in high temperature with the highest activity at 30-40 oC.

    Study of the effect of processing techniques on the quality of galantine made from milkfish (Chanos chanos)

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    Milkfish (Chanos chanos) is one of the commonly consumed fishery commodities in Indonesia. However, diversification of processed products from milkfish, such as pindang (fish brine) and soft bone milkfish, is considered too simple. Whereas, milkfish has a high nutritional content. An innovation to attract more people to consume this highly nutritious commodity is to process it into fish galantine. Milkfish galantine is processed with the basic ingredients of milkfish, bread flour, and eggs that are seasoned then molded and processed at high temperatures. The process of making milkfish galantine includes preparing milkfish as raw materials, scaling and gutting the fish, mincing the milkfish meat, mixing it with other ingredients, molding, and processing. Fish galantine is generally made through high-temperature processing, such as roasting and steaming. Different high-temperature processing techniques can affect the quality of fish galantine. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the effect of milkfish composition and different high-temperature processing techniques: roasting and steaming. The different milkfish galantine formulations in this research were made by giving different proportions of minced milkfish meat as treatments: 5%, 10%, and 15%. After that, galantines were processed by steaming. Furthermore, the formulation with the highest hedonic scale score was duplicated by processing using the roasting technique. The results of the four treatments were then tested for proximate composition, vitamins, and minerals.  The results of the hedonic evaluation of milkfish galantines processed by steaming showed that milkfish galantine with 15% fish meat proportion had the highest score. The test results showed that the addition of milkfish meat caused significant differences in water, ash, total fat, carbohydrate, protein, and potassium contents. In addition, the processing technique also caused significant differences in all parameters tested. Keywords: Milkfish Fish galantine Steaming Roastin

    Identifikasi Spesies-spesies Kapang Kontaminan dan Penentuan Spesies Kapang Dominan dalam Teh Kemasan yang Dijual di Kota Malang

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    ABSTRAK   Ratnaningtyas, Susi. 2012. Identifikasi Spesies-spesies Kapang Kontaminan dan Penentuan Spesies Kapang Dominan dalam Teh Kemasan yang Dijual di Kota Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Dra. Utami Sri Hastuti, M.Pd., (II) Agung Witjoro, S.Pd., M.Kes.   Kata Kunci: spesies kapang kontaminan, kapang dominan, teh kemasan   Teh merupakan minuman yang paling sering diminum selain air putih sehingga disebut “queen of beverages” atau “ratu minuman”. Salah satu jenis teh ialah teh kemasan yang dibungkus kertas seperti teh kemasan merk X dan Y yang dijual di Kota Malang. Teh yang dikemas dengan kertas lebih rentan ditumbuhi kapang kontaminan karena tidak kedap udara.  Kapang dapat tumbuh pada teh karena teh mengandung nutrisi yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh kapang dan ketika keadaan lingkungan mendukung. Adanya kapang kontaminan tersebut perlu diperhatikan karena dapat menurunkan kualitas teh dan beberapa spesies kapang dapat menghasilkan mikotoksin yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi  spesies kapang kontaminan dalam teh kemasan merk X dan merk Y, (2) menentukan spesies kapang kontaminan dominan, dan (3) mengkaji potensi spesies-spesies kapang yang ditemukan dalam teh kemasan yang dijual di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dengan kategori dua merk teh kemasan X dan Y dengan batas maksimal 4 bulan sebelum masa kadaluarsa yang masing-masing diperoleh dari 3 toko di Kota Malang. Penghitungan koloni dilakukan dengan metode hitungan cawan dan selanjutnya diisolasi kemudian identifikasi. Data yang diperoleh berupa deskripsi ciri-ciri morfologi dan mi-kroskopis dari setiap isolat kapang serta jumlah koloninya. Analisis dilakukan untuk menentukan nama spesies dari isolat yang diperoleh serta menentukan spesies kapang kontaminan dominan. Selanjutnya, masing-masing spesies dikaji potensinya berdasarkan studi literatur. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini ialah sebagai berikut. (1) Spesies kapang kontaminan yang ditemukan dalam teh kemasan merk X ialah Penicillium citrinum, P. fellutanum, P. corylophilum, Cladosporium macrocarpum, Mycelia sterilia, C. sphaerospermum, dan Aspergillus niger, sedangkan pada merk Y ialah P. citrinum, P. variabile, Candelabrella sp., P. janczewskii, dan A. candidus. (2) Kapang kontaminan dominan pada teh kemasan merk X ialah P. citrinum dengan jumlah 1,22 x 106 cfu/g sampel, sedangkan spesies kapang kontaminan dominan pada teh kemasan Y ialah P. janczewskii dengan jumlah  5,56 x 104 cfu/g sampel.  (3) Beberapa spesies yang ditemukan memiliki potensi negatif karena dilaporkan mampu menghasilkan mikotoksin, tetapi ada beberapa spesies yang dapat memberikan peran positif yaitu digunakan dalam pembuatan antibiotik, pada industri bahan pangan, dan pertanian.

    Sensory and chemical characteristics and shelf life prediction of soybean tempeh with the addition of catfish (Clarias sp) bone meal : Mutu sensori dan kimia, serta penentuan umur simpan tempe kedelai dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan lele (Clarias sp)

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    Catfish (Clarias sp.) is a type of freshwater fish that has been widely farmed for generations.  Usually it is consumed as a whole fish or its meat that processed as nuggets, shredded fish, or other products.  The processing of these products produces a by-product in the form of catfish bones which can be used to make fish bone meal. Fish bones have important mineral sources including sodium, phosphorus and calcium. Calcium ion (Ca2+) is important for the development of human bones and teeth, especially in infants. So as to maximize the utilization of fish resources and reduce waste from the fishing industry, the purpose of this study was to determine the sensory and chemical quality of tempeh with the addition of catfish bone meal and to predict the shelf life of tempeh.  The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. The results of the sensory test with the hedonic test showed that the most preferred tempeh by the panelists was the addition of 2% (F3) bone meal with an appearance value of 7.2, smell/aromatic 6.9, and texture 6.9. Tempe added with 2% fish bone meal had a water content and protein content that complied with the SNI requirements, namely 58.58% and 20.65%, but the water content did not meet the SNI requirements, namely 4.01% and calcium content 142,73 mg/100 gram. Based on the results of the shelf life prediction, tempeh with the addition of fish bone meal was still suitable for consumption at 2 days of incubation because after two days there was an unwanted change in appearance, smell/aroma and texture

    Karakteristik Mutu Fisik dan Hedonik Serbuk Ekstrak Ikan Gabus (Channa striata)

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    Albumin berperan penting mengatur tekanan darah dalam pembuluh darah dan menjaga cairan yang terdapat dalam pembuluh darah tidak bocor ke jaringan tubuh sekitarnya. Ikan gabus mengandung albumin lebih banyak daripada ikan jenis lain. Stabilitas sediaan dalam bentuk cair cenderung kurang baik, tidak efisien, rasa obat yang tidak menyenangkan atau tidak enak dan menyebabkan penurunan mutu yang lebih besar dikarenakan mudahnya perkembangbiakan bakteri sehingga nilai nutrisinya menurun. Perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu yaitu dengan cara menyerbukan ekstrak ikan gabus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu fisik dan hedonik pada serbuk ekstrak ikan gabus dengan bahan pengisi laktosa pada konsentrasi yang berbeda. Ekstrak ikan gabus dikeringkan menggunakan laktosa dengan 2 kelompok konsentrasi A (25%) dan B (20%). Proses pengeringan dengan cara pendinginan dilakukan pada suhu 10˚C hingga kering. Pengujian yang dilakukan antara lain kadar albumin, uji waktu alir, uji sudut diam dan uji hedonik. Kadar albumin tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok A  sebesar 0,207 mg/ml. Hasil uji waktu alir dan sudut diam menunjukan bahwa kelompok B memenuhi syarat granul dengan skor uji waktu alir sebesar 4.64 detik dan uji sudut diam sebesar 39,35˚. Uji hedonik menunjukkan kelompok A lebih disukai oleh panelis. Kelompok dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 25% memiliki karakter mutu yang lebih baik namun perlu perbaikan formulasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas mutu fisik produk