377 research outputs found

    Effect of Solid and Liquid Extracts of Lombok Sargassum cristafolium on Growth and Yield of Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L.)

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    An exessive use of inorganic fertilizers in agriculture cultivation system causes many disadventages, such as increase cost production, reduce farmerââ¬â¢s income and soil fertility, and harm our environment. Therefore, it is needed to find out raw materials for development of organic biostimulant and biofertilizer inducing essential element absorption, growth and yield of plants, which are adaptive to our environment as well. Previous researchres reported that seaweed contained plant growth hormones and essential elements in liquid and solid extracts respectively. This article reports effect of solid and liquid extracts of Sargassum cristafolium on growth and yield of rice plants. The extracts were extracted according to modified procedure.. Solid extract (350 gr) of Sargassum cristafolium was mixed with soil (6650 gr) to become 7 kg soil media. Moreover, liquid extract (10%) of Sargassum cristafolium was sprayed to rice plants once a week during vegetative growth. The results shown that addition of 350 gr of solid extract to soil media increased growth (plant high, tiller number, shoot dry weight and root dry weight) and yield (penicle number and grain weight per plants) significantly compared with those of plants which were not supplied with solid extract. However, spraying liquid extract of Sargassum cristafolium did not affet significantly growth and yield of rice plants, even small change happen in growth and yield parameters of the rice plants supplied with solid extract. This indicates that solid extract is a potential source for development of biofertilizer which is adaptive to our environment to support sustainable agriculture system

    Effect of Seaweed Extracts on Growth and Yield of Rice Plants

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    Sunarpi, Jupri A, Kurnianingsih R, Julisaniah NI, Nikmatullah A 2010. Effect of seaweed extracts on growth and yield of riceplants. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 73-77. Application of liquid seaweed fertilizers on some plant specieshas been reported to decreaseapplication doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on some crop plants, as well as stimulating growth and production of manyplants. It has been reported that there are at least 59 species of seaweeds found in coastal zone of West Nusa Tenggara Province, 15 ofthose species weres able to stimulate germination, growth and production of some horticultural and legume plants. The aim of thisresearch is to investigate the effect of seaweed extracts obtained from ten species on growth and production of rice plants. To achive thegoal, seaweed (100 g per species) wasextracted with 100 mL of water, to obtain the concentration of 100%. Seaweed extract (15%) wassprayed into the rice plants during vegetative and generative stages. Subsequently, the growth and yield parameters of rice plants weremeasured. The results shown that extracts of Sargassum sp.1, Sargassum sp.2, Sargassum polycistum, Hydroclathrus sp., Turbinariaornata, and Turbinaria murayana, were able to induce growth of rice plants. However, only the Hydroclathrus sp. extract could enhanceboth growth and production of rice plants

    Distribution and mobilization of sulfur during soybean reproduction

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seed is an important source of dietary protein for humans and livestock; however, its protein contains low concentrations of the essential amino acids methionine (met) and cysteine (cys). It is believed that the physiological restriction to more favorable concentrations of met and cys can be attributed to a limited availability of free S-amino acids within developing cotyledons. These experiments were conducted to study resistances to S-amino acid accumulation in seed protein due to restrictions on mobilization of S from vegetative to seed tissues during reproduction;By radiolabeling hydroponically grown soybean with 35S, the effects of time of S uptake and form of S stored in tissues on S mobilization to seed were explored. In addition, N and S were systematically withdrawn from 35S labeled soybean during seed-fill to examine the relative effects that these nutrient stresses may have on the mobilization of vegetative N and S to seed;Mobilization of amino-S from leaf proteins supplied the seed with ca. 20% of its total-S requirement, and up to 80% of the mobilized-S from a single pulse of 35S during reproductive development. Although leaves mobilized sulfur with the same efficiency regardless of the time of sulfur uptake, they acquired a larger portion of the total plant label before rapid seed growth began. The quantity of sulfur mobilized from leaves appears to be reliant most on the quantity stored there, emphasizing the importance of S-reservoirs within growing leaves. Seeds of plants pulsed at R2 (beginning of pod growth), and supplied with sufficient N and S retained ca. 18% of their 35S in the 35SO4-2 fraction. Both N and 35S acquired by plants at R2 were mobilized to mature seed, with the same efficiency irrespective of N, S, or combined N- and S-stresses from R5 (beginning of seed growth) through maturity. Sulfur stress did not affect N or 35S distribution, and a combined N- and S-stress was required to induce or accelerate mobilization of what appeared to be organic-N and -S to developing seed. Neither N- nor S-stress alone effected the nitrogen or sulfur harvest indices

    Antibacterial Activity of Methanol Extract of Sargassum polycystum on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus

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    Macroalgae is a commodity that is used as food, medicine, fertilizer and other materials in industries. Macroalgae in the medical world have the potential to be anticancer, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. One type of macroalgae that has the potential as an antibacterial source is Sargassum polycystum. This study aims to analyze the ability of the methanol extract of S. polycystum to inhibit the growth of bacteria (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) and analyze the potential compounds contained in the methanol extract of S. polycystum. This research is an experimental study using a completely randomized design. Extraction method by maceration. The test concentrations used were 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, positive and negative control. While the test method uses a good diffusion method. Data were analyzed using description and SPSS application. The results showed that the methanol extract of S. polycystum had better inhibition against S. aureus growth than E. coli. The methanol extract concentration of S. polycystum, which had the best inhibition against S. aureus and E. coli was 80%. Metabolites content on S. polycystum extract is Tetradecanoic Acid, Loliolide; Hexadecanoid Acid, Methyl Ester, 9-Hexadecanoid Acid, Hexadecenoic Acid, 8-Octadecanoic, Methyl Ester, 5,8,11,14-Eicosatetraenoic Acid and Ethyl Ester

    Allocation of S in Generative Growth of Soybean

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    Biostimulant Activity of Sargassum sp. Extracts on Early Growth of Zea mays L. and the Phytohormones Content Analysis

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    Seaweed has been gaining global interest in agriculture for the development of marine-based plant biostimulants. This research aimed to study the effect of three different liquid extracts of Sargassum sp., acidic, alkaline, and water extract, on the germination and early growth of maize and to evaluate the phytohormones content responsible for the growth. Phytohormones content including Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellins (GA), kinetin and zeatin were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and bioassay was performed twice on maize. Parameters observed on the bioassay were germination percentage, number of roots, shoot length, shoot weight and root weight under 4 different concentrations with 0.5; 1.5; 3.5; and 5% in the first bioassay and 3.5% concentration in the second bioassay. Both bioassays following randomized complete design and the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA using post hoc test of Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at error probability of 5% in Genestat software. Phytohormones content in the seaweed extract indicated that alkaline extract was rich in IAA, gibberellin, and zeatin content, while water extract showed the highest kinetin content. The first bioassay indicated that lower concentration of the seaweed extracts gave better growth in all extracts, therefore a 3.5% concentration was chosen for the second bioassay with higher replication for each treatment. The second bioassay confirmed alkaline extract resulted in the highest germination while the highest seedling height, number of roots, shoot and root weight were resulted from acidic extract treatment. In conclusion, Sargassum sp. extracts obtained from acidic, alkaline, and water-based extraction methods, were able to improve the shoot and root growth of maize plants. The acidic extract showed the highest growth promotion among other extracts with the lowest phytohormones content.

    Investigating organic fertilisers’ ability to mineralize during the first month of plant propagation

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    There are many forms of organc fertilizers produced and sold in the EU, and it can be difficult to assess which ones are the best in regards of nutrient content and the rate of mineraliztion. Two separate trials were conducted to assess the mineralization rates of three different organic fertilizers, available for private customers, on the Swedish market. One cow manure mix, one algae-based product and a solid fraction of biogas digestate were the tested fertilizers. The trials revealed that there were many differences in nutrient content and plant availability of said nutrients in the fertilizers. Analyses of the fertilizers’ contents showed both several high values of some elements, as well as some completely depleted valuable elements. It was concluded that the cow manure fertilizer performed best of the treatments, in respect of mass of the model plant. The Algomin fertilizer and the biogas digestate fertilizer had more substrate nutrient content than the cow manure fertilizer, but it did not reflect in the size of the tomato plants grown in those treatments

    Effect of Sulfur Nutrition on the Redistribution of Sulfur in Vegetative Soybean Plants

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    Remobilization of leaf S compounds and senescence in response to restricted sulphate supply during the vegetative stage of oilseed rape are affected by mineral N availability

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    The impact of sulphur limitation on the remobilization of endogenous S compounds during the rosette stage of oilseed rape, and the interactions with N availability on these processes, were examined using a long-term 34SO42− labelling method combined with a study of leaf senescence progression (using SAG12/Cab as a molecular indicator) and gene expression of the transporters, BnSultr4;1 and BnSultr4;2, involved in vacuolar sulphate efflux. After 51 d on hydroponic culture at 0.3 mM 34SO42− (1 atom% excess), the labelling was stopped and plants were subject for 28 d to High S-High N (HS-HN, control), Low S-High N (LS-HN) or Low S-Low N (LS-LN) conditions. Compared with the control, LS-HN plants showed delayed leaf senescence and, whilst the shoot growth and the foliar soluble protein amounts were not affected, S, 34S, and SO42− amounts in the old leaves declined rapidly and were associated with the up-regulation of BnSultr4;1. In LS-LN plants, shoot growth was reduced, leaf senescence was accelerated, and the rapid S mobilization in old leaves was accompanied by decreased 34S and SO42−, higher protein mobilization, and up-regulation of BnSultr4;2, but without any change of expression of BnSultr4;1. The data suggest that to sustain the S demand for growth under S restriction (i) vacuolar SO42− is specifically remobilized in LS-HN conditions without any acceleration of leaf senescence, (ii) SO42− mobilization is related to an up-regulation of BnSultr4;1 and/or BnSultr4;2 expression, and (iii) the relationship between sulphate mobilization and up-regulation of expression of BnSultr4 genes is specifically dependent on the N availability


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    Penelitian tentang uji perkecambahan tanaman asing invasif Bellucia pentamera Naudin. pada intensitas cahaya dan sumber tanah yang berbeda telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Agustus 2019 di Laboratorium Ekologi Tumbuhan dan rumah Kawat Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Andalas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan intensitas cahaya dan sumber tanah yang berbeda terhadap perkecambahan biji B. pentamera dan mengetahui interaksi antara intensitas cahaya dan sumber tanah yang berbeda terhadap perkecambahan B. pentamera. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang disusun secara faktorial (RAL-Faktorial) dengan 2 faktor. Faktor A yaitu sumber tanah (A1 = tanah HPPB, A2 = tanah KSI, A3 = tanah Tahura, A4 = tanah Lembah Anai, dan A5 = tanah Lembah Harau) dan faktor B yaitu intensitas cahaya (B1 = ≤25%, B2 = ±50%, dan B3 = ≥75%) dengan 3x ulangan. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa intensitas cahaya menunjukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap berat basah kecambah. Sedangkan sumber tanah memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap jumlah biji yang berkecambah, kecepatan perkecambahan, panjang kecambah, tinggi kecambah dan tidak ada interaksi antara intensitas cahaya dan sumber tanah yang berbeda terhadap perkecambahan B. pentamera. Kata Kunci: B. pentamera, IAS, Intensitas cahaya, Sumber tanah, Perkecambahan