613 research outputs found


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    The Corona Virus-19 pandemic makes the implementation of learning carried out with learning activities from home. Transition of the learning process from face-to-face to online. The results of observations of the implementation of learning from home at SDN 2 Kesambi, the teacher has not maximally used various online learning resources, which are combined with a learning model that supports learning activities from home. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the professional competence of SDN 2 Kesambi teachers in carrying out learning activities from home (BDR). The research used a whatsapp-based blended learning workshop. The results of data analysis showed an increase in teacher competence in carrying out learning, in the initial conditions 82% of teacher competence was in the sufficient category. After being given action in the form of whatsapp-based blended learning workshop activities, the competence of teachers increased in the first cycle to 55% of teachers in good categories and 45% of teachers in sufficient categories, and in cycle II to 10 teachers (91%) who attended workshops in good categories, and 1 teacher (9%) in the sufficient category

    Analisis Kualitas Jasa Layanan Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul ‘Ulum Dengan Metode Servperf Dalam Kesiapan Menghadapi Persaingan Regional

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    ABSTRAK Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Pesantren Tinggi  Darul ‘Ulum (UNIPDU) Jombang merupakanlembaga pendidikan tinggi di Jombang. Banyaknya lembaga pendidikan yang bermunculan saat ini, sebagai acuan bagi UNIPDU untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan agar sesuai dengan harapan konsumen (mahasiswa) sehingga siap dalam menghadapi persaingan regional. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penilaian terhadap kualitas jasa pelayanan padaUNIPDU. Penilaian kualitas jasa pelayanan dimaksudkan untuk menentukan atribut dan tingkat kepuasaan konsumen terhadap kualitas atribut jasa pelayanan tersebut. Metode servperf menentukan kualitas layanan dengan hanya melakukan pengukuran pada kinerja pelayanan. Teknik pengolahan data meliputi identifikasi atribut awal kemudian menentukan keunggulan dan kelemahan layanan dengan analisis kwadran. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dalam metode Servperf, atribut keinginan konsumen termasuk kedalam kuadran A (prioritas utama) yang menunjukkan bahwa daftar keinginan konsumen yang memiliki tingkat kepentingan yang tinggi, namun masih menunjukkan kinerja (kepuasan) yang kurang. Dalam menghadapi persaingan regional UNIPDU harus memperhatikan kebutuhan konsumen terutama faktor yang penting namun belum memenuhi kepuasan. Kata kunci : kualitas jasa layanan, metodeservperf, persaingan regional ABSTRACT University of Pesantren Darul ‘Ulum (UNIPDU) Jombang is an institution of higher education in Jombang. Number of educational institutions that emerged today, as a reference to UNIPDU to improve service quality to match the expectations of consumers (students) so it's ready to face regional competition. For that we need to evaluate the quality of service in UNIPDU. Assessment of quality of service is intended to determine the attributes and levels of customer satisfaction with quality of service attributes. Servperf method for determining the quality of the service by simply measuring the performance of services. Data processing techniques include early identification of attributes and then determine the strengths and weaknesses of service with the quadrant analysis. Based on calculations in Servperf method, attribute the desire of consumers who are included in quadrant A (priority) which shows that the wish list of consumers who have a high level of importance, but it still shows the performance (satisfaction) is lacking. In the face of regional competition UNIPDU should pay attention to the needs of consumers, particularly the factors that are important but not satisfaction. Keywords : quality of service, methods servperf,  regional competitio

    Analisis Kualitas Jasa Layanan Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul ‘Ulum Dengan Metode Servperf Dalam Kesiapan Menghadapi Persaingan Regional

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    ABSTRAK Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Pesantren Tinggi  Darul ‘Ulum (UNIPDU) Jombang merupakanlembaga pendidikan tinggi di Jombang. Banyaknya lembaga pendidikan yang bermunculan saat ini, sebagai acuan bagi UNIPDU untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan agar sesuai dengan harapan konsumen (mahasiswa) sehingga siap dalam menghadapi persaingan regional. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penilaian terhadap kualitas jasa pelayanan padaUNIPDU. Penilaian kualitas jasa pelayanan dimaksudkan untuk menentukan atribut dan tingkat kepuasaan konsumen terhadap kualitas atribut jasa pelayanan tersebut. Metode servperf menentukan kualitas layanan dengan hanya melakukan pengukuran pada kinerja pelayanan. Teknik pengolahan data meliputi identifikasi atribut awal kemudian menentukan keunggulan dan kelemahan layanan dengan analisis kwadran. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dalam metode Servperf, atribut keinginan konsumen termasuk kedalam kuadran A (prioritas utama) yang menunjukkan bahwa daftar keinginan konsumen yang memiliki tingkat kepentingan yang tinggi, namun masih menunjukkan kinerja (kepuasan) yang kurang. Dalam menghadapi persaingan regional UNIPDU harus memperhatikan kebutuhan konsumen terutama faktor yang penting namun belum memenuhi kepuasan. Kata kunci : kualitas jasa layanan, metodeservperf, persaingan regional ABSTRACT University of Pesantren Darul ‘Ulum (UNIPDU) Jombang is an institution of higher education in Jombang. Number of educational institutions that emerged today, as a reference to UNIPDU to improve service quality to match the expectations of consumers (students) so it's ready to face regional competition. For that we need to evaluate the quality of service in UNIPDU. Assessment of quality of service is intended to determine the attributes and levels of customer satisfaction with quality of service attributes. Servperf method for determining the quality of the service by simply measuring the performance of services. Data processing techniques include early identification of attributes and then determine the strengths and weaknesses of service with the quadrant analysis. Based on calculations in Servperf method, attribute the desire of consumers who are included in quadrant A (priority) which shows that the wish list of consumers who have a high level of importance, but it still shows the performance (satisfaction) is lacking. In the face of regional competition UNIPDU should pay attention to the needs of consumers, particularly the factors that are important but not satisfaction. Keywords : quality of service, methods servperf,  regional competitio

    Sosialisasi kesetaraan gender dalam olahraga bolavoli

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    Perjuangan persamaan gender sampai saat ini terus berlanjut, masih menjadi permasalahan yang penting untuk dikampanyekan kepada khalayak dalam hal ini pelatih olahraga bolavoli. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pelatih bolavoli di Indonesia tentang kesetaraan gender. Metode pengabdian menggunakan kegiatan webinar tentang kesetaraan gender dalam olahraga bolavoli. Subjek pengabdian adalah pelatih bolavoli di Indonesia sejumlah: 36 orang. Pengetahuan pelatih dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini diukur dengan tes. Peningkatan pengetahuan pelatih tentang kesetaraan gender dalam olahraga bolavoli diukur dengan membandingkan hasil tes sebelum pengabdian (pre test) dengan hasil tes setelah proses pengabdian (post test). Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan 36 pelatih bolavoli di Indonesia yang mengikuti sosialisasi kesetaraan gender mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan yang rerata awal pengetahuan sebesar: 78.61, menjadi 88.61 setelah dilakukan sosialisasi tentang kesetaraan gender. Pelatih harus terus mensosialisasikan atau mengkampanyekan kesetaraan gender baik kepada atletnya, orang tua atletnya, maupun kepada awak media, agar tersebar luas kesetaraan gender ini, sehingga diharapkan agar seluruh masyarakat memahaminya. Bolavoli putri di Indonesia masih perlu ditingkatkan baik dari sisi pembinaan maupun dari sisi kesetaraan gender dalam berbagai aspek. Agar olahraga bolavoli tetap eksis dan juga semakin mengedepankan kesetaraan gender

    Strategi Pembelajaran Partisipatif Bagi Belajar Orang Dewasa (Pendekatan Andragogi)

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    In educational perspective, adult's purposes for learning are to achieve goals and affirm identity. Therefore, participation in adult learning has positive effects in improving quality of life. In andragogy, learning is not merely knowledge transfer but it also should be able to improve confidence that students are capable to perform well in their life.Andragogy sees students as individuals with self-concept, which is independent. Adults have many experiences that will become rich learning resources. Adult's readiness to study is relevant to the problem that they face. Learning is oriented to meet their needs.The implications of participative learning strategy are: (1) learning atmosphere is adjusted to the characteristics and needs. Learning atmosphere encourages student to have initiatives and flexible. (2) Students are involved in determining the learning needs and outcome. (3) Learning activities involved students actively. (4) Learning evaluations use more self-evaluation


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    Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini yatiu memberikan edukasi terhadap masyarakat di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul tentang penerapan olahraga bola voli dalam masa pandemi. Metode pengabdian dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu praktek dan pendampingan. Pelaksanaan dilaksanakan di lapangan bola voli di Dusun Karang Wetan, dengan kondisi lapangan yang masih proses renovasi untuk pengembangan menjadi lapangan bola voli yang lebih standar. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian dengan judul sosialisasi penerapan olahraga bola voli di masa pandemi dihadiri 15 orang warga dengan variasi kemampuan dan juga variasi usia. Hasil pengabdian tentang pengetahuan masyarakat dalam latihan olahraga bola voli dalam masa pandemi, mengalami peningkatan berdasarkan peningkatan rerata mean pretest dengan posttest, sebesar: 13.33. Kesimpulan pengabdian bahwa olahraga bola voli dapat tetap dilaksanakan meskipun dalam kondisi masa pandemi namun prookol kesehatan tetap harus dijaga dan bagi pemain yang merasa kurang fit, tidak perlu memaksakan untuk bermain bola voli. Masyarakat sangat antusias dan berharap agar kegiatan pengabdian seperti ini terus dilaksanakan, dan kerja sama yang sudah dirintis ini ke depan akan dilanjutkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas warga masyarakat di Dusun Karang Wetan, Pedukuhan Karang Tengah, Kelurahan Giricahyo, Kecamatan Purwosari, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul


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    The Corona Virus-19 pandemic makes the implementation of learning carried out with learning activities from home. Transition of the learning process from face-to-face to online. The results of observations of the implementation of learning from home at SDN 2 Kesambi, the teacher has not maximally used various online learning resources, which are combined with a learning model that supports learning activities from home. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the professional competence of SDN 2 Kesambi teachers in carrying out learning activities from home (BDR). The research used a whatsapp-based blended learning workshop. The results of data analysis showed an increase in teacher competence in carrying out learning, in the initial conditions 82% of teacher competence was in the sufficient category. After being given action in the form of whatsapp-based blended learning workshop activities, the competence of teachers increased in the first cycle to 55% of teachers in good categories and 45% of teachers in sufficient categories, and in cycle II to 10 teachers (91%) who attended workshops in good categories, and 1 teacher (9%) in the sufficient category

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