10 research outputs found


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    Popularity ofteams is growing in 21st Century. Organizations are getting theirwork done through different types of teams. Teams have proved that thecollective performance is more than the sum of the individual performances.Thus, the teams have got different dimensions such as quantitative dimensionsand qualitative dimensions. The Quantitative dimensions of teams such as teamperformance, team productivity, team innovation, team effectiveness, teamefficiency, team decision making and team conflicts and Qualitative dimensionsof teams such as team communication, team coordination, team cooperation, teamcohesion, team climate, team creativity, team leadership and team conflictshave been discussed in this article

    The Key Functions and Best Practices of Software Product Management

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    This paper is basically an overview, practitioners approach and best practices of software product management. The basic functions of software product management, right from product concept, prototype development, requirements management, product planning, planning product lines, product development, product testing, product launch and deployment, product marketing, aligning product management with program management, the relationship of product management with individual project management and product withdrawal are discussed in this paper. This paper high lights some of the best practices of software product management and managing individual software projects. This paper gives a bird eye view of software product management with a block diagram, shows the relationship between product management and individual project management, product roadmap, different releases of software product and their relationships and flow of software product from one version to another version


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    This paper finds the mostly occurring reasons for conflicts in projects and mostly used techniques to resolve the conflicts. Proposed a model of conflict management for projects. Total 105 reasons for conflicts in projects are identified from secondary research. From that top-10 reasons for conflicts in projects are founds based on number of references in the literature. They include Shared/Common Resources, Differences in Project Goal/Objective, Cultural Differences, Values Differences, Personality Issues, Differences in Technical Opinions/Approaches, Schedules, Costs, Administrative procedures, and Different Perceptions in the order of preference. Total 40 conflict resolution techniques in projects are identified based on through literature review. The most frequently used top -5 conflict resolution techniques in projects in the order of preference are Avoiding/Withdrawal, Compromising, Confronting/Problem Solving, Accommodating and Smoothing

    Ocena kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha za “offshore” programske razvojne projekte

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    Offshore projectsuccess is very much important to both customer and the vendor. Based on veryless success rate of overall software projects globally, critical successfactors (CSFs) for offshore software projects is gaining much importance. Inthe current study based on literature review, a total of 75 success factors foroffshore software projects are identified. Further based on their appearance inliterature 20 critical success factors from 10 CSF categories are identified.Finally top six most critical success factors for offshore software projectssuch as trust, efficient communication,cultural understanding, relationshipbetween client and vendor, contract type and efficient knowledge transfer are identified. The CSFs categoriesare prioritized in the order of importance. The important CSF categories foroffshore projects identified are organizational factors (both client andvendor), project factors, cultural factors and environmental factors.Uspešnost “offshore” projektov je zelo pomembna tako za kupca kot za prodajalca. Glede na mnogo nižji delež uspešnosti “offshore” programskih projektov v primerjavi z drugimi projekti s področja razvoja programske opreme, je kritičnim dejavnikom uspeha za “offshore” programske projekte namenjeno veliko pozornosti. Naša raziskava je na podlagi pregleda literature identificirala petinsedemdeset dejavnikov uspeha  za te projekte. Nadalje je bilo glede na pogostost pojavljanja v literaturi opredeljenih dvajset kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha iz desetih kategorij dejavnikov. Raziskava je izpostavila kot šest najpomembnejših kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha zaupanje, učinkovito komunikacijo, kulturno razumevanje, odnos med kupcem in prodajalcem, tip pogodbe in učinkovit prenos znanja. Kot pomembne kategorije kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha za “offshore” projekte (KDU) je raziskava ugotovila organizacijske dejavnike (tako kupca kot prodajalca), projektne dejavnike, kulturne dejavnike in okoljske dejavnike

    Ocena kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha za “offshore” programske razvojne projekte

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    Offshore project success is very much important to both customer and the vendor. Based on very less success rate of overall software projects globally, critical success factors (CSFs) for offshore software projects is gaining much importance. In the current study based on literature review, a total of 75 success factors for offshore software projects are identified. Further based on their appearance in literature 20 critical success factors from 10 CSF categories are identified. Finally top six most critical success factors for offshore software projects such as trust, efficient communication, cultural understanding, relationship between client and vendor, contract type and efficient knowledge transfer are identified. The CSFs categories are prioritized in the order of importance. The important CSF categories for offshore projects found are organizational factors (both client and vendor), project factors, cultural factors and environmental factors.Uspešnost “offshore” projektov je zelo pomembna tako za kupca kot za prodajalca. Glede na mnogo nižji delež uspešnosti “offshore” programskih projektov v primerjavi z drugimi projekti s področja razvoja programske opreme, je kritičnim dejavnikom uspeha za “offshore” programske projekte namenjeno veliko pozornosti. Naša raziskava je na podlagi pregleda literature identificirala petinsedemdeset dejavnikov uspeha za te projekte. Nadalje je bilo glede na pogostost pojavljanja v literaturi opredeljenih dvajset kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha iz desetih kategorij dejavnikov. Raziskava je izpostavila kot šest najpomembnejših kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha zaupanje, učinkovito komunikacijo, kulturno razumevanje, odnos med kupcem in prodajalcem, tip pogodbe in učinkovit prenos znanja. Kot pomembne kategorije kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha za “offshore” projekte (KDU) je raziskava ugotovila organizacijske dejavnike (tako kupca kot prodajalca), projektne dejavnike, kulturne dejavnike in okoljske dejavnike


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    This paper gives an exhaustive literature review of the techniques and models available tomeasure the productivity of software development teams. Definition of productivity, measuringindividual programmer’s productivity, and measuring software development team productivity arediscussed. Based on the literature review it was found that software productivity measurement canbe done using SLOC (Source Lines of Code), function points, use case points, object points, andfeature points. Secondary research findings indicate that the team size, response time, taskcomplexity, team climate and team cohesion have an impact on software development teamproductivity. List of factors affecting the software development team productivity are studied andreviewed