284 research outputs found


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    Background: Treatment of breast cancer using traditional plant are still used by patients. We want to know effect of kencur extract (Kaemferia Galanga L) or etil p- metiksisinamat which has effect. as anti inflammation. Inflammation is one of the causes of cancer because it can increase the growth of abnormal cells that improve cancer cells Methods: pre and post test design on 24 C3H mices was divided into 4 groups: group 1(K, control), group 2(PI, kencur extract 100mg/kgBW/day), group 2(PII, 150mg/kgBW/day), group 3(PIII, 200mg/kgBW/day). After tumor inoculation, initial tumor diameter was measured, given treatment for 3 weeks, post treatment tumor diameter measurement, and then measuring Cox-2 expression. Anova test was conducted and then Post Hoc correlation test. Results: Found out decreased on Cox-2 expression variable between groups with overall p<0.001 (significant). Tumor diameter difference with variable difference test showed significant result for group K(p= <0,001), PI(p= <0,001), PII(p=0.021)and group, but insignificant for group PIII(p=0.021).We found mean decrease of Cox-2 expression (K=37,8;PI=30,0;PII=25,4;PIII=22,5) and mean decrease of tumor diameter difference (K=4,78;PI=3,16;PII=2,17;PIII=1,29),and with Spearman correlation test found significant possitive correlation(p= < 0,001) with correlation coefficient (r=0.436 very strong). Conclusion: Kencur extract decrease expression of Cox-2 adenocarcinoma C3H mice significantly, as well as inhibiting the growth of tumor mass is offset diameter of the tumor. Spearman correlation test showed a decrease in the expression of Cox-2 and decrease the difference in tumor diameter was significantly associated with the strength of the correlation is very strong. Keywords: Kencur (Kaemferia Galanga L), Cox 2 expression, diameter of the tumor, adenocarcinoma mamma

    Teknologi Pengendalian Hama Berbasis Ekologi dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Kapas

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    Biaya pengendalian hama pada USAha tani kapas tergolong tinggi, yaitu 41% dari biaya produksi, bahkan sebelumnyamencapai 75%. Tingginya biaya tersebut disebabkan pengendalian hama masih bertumpu pada insektisida kimia.Untuk mengurangi biaya pengendalian hama, upaya yang dapat dilakukan antara lain adalah menerapkan teknologipengendalian berbasis ekologi, yang meliputi tumpang sari kapas dengan kedelai, perlakuan terhadap benih, budidaya tanpa olah tanah, pemanfaatan jerami padi sebagai mulsa, dan penggunaan pestisida nabati. Teknologitersebut dapat mengurangi biaya pengendalian hama hingga 57%, meningkatkan hasil kapas 21% dan kedelai 31%,serta menaikkan pendapatan 57%. Pengembangan teknologi pengendalian hama berbasis ekologi untuk mendukungpengembangan kapas memerlukan arah dan strategi. Ke depan, pengembangan teknologi pengendalian hamaberbasis ekologi hendaknya tidak sepenuhnya diserahkan kepada petani dan pengelola karena mereka memilikiberbagai keterbatasan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berperan sangat penting, terutama dalam sosialisasi dan bantuanteknis. Strategi yang paling efektif untuk mengimplementasikan paradigma pengendalian hama berbasis ekologiadalah melalui sekolah lapang yang didukung oleh pembinaan dan pendampingan teknologi

    Hama Penggerek Tebu dan Perkembangan Teknik Pengendaliannya

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    Upaya peningkatan produktivitas tanaman tebu sering terkendala oleh serangan hama. Hama pada tanaman tebu menyebabkan penurunan produksi gula sekitar 10%. Hama penting pada tanaman tebu ialah penggerek pucuk dan tiga jenis penggerek batang. Perkembangan teknologi pengendalian hama penggerek pada tanaman tebu berjalan lambat. Teknologi pengendalian hama yang digunakan masih berdasar pada pengembangan tebu di lahan sawah. Bergesernya pengembangan tebu ke lahan tadah hujan seharusnya diikuti Perubahan teknologi pengendalian hama. Tulisan ini menginventarisasi komponen teknologi pengendalian hama pada tanaman tebu dan merakitnya menjadi paket teknologi pengen-dalian hama di lahan tadah hujan. Paket pengendalian hama pada tanaman tebu yang disarankan ialah 1) pengelolaan lahan, misalnya pengembalian residu tanaman ke lahan dan menanam tanaman pupuk hijau di antara barisan tanaman tebu untuk meningkatkan keragaman anthropoda terutama predator, 2) menanam benih bebas hama dan menggunakan varietas toleran untuk mencegah penyebaran hama di pertanaman, 3) memantau dinamika populasi hama di lapangan. 4) pengendalian hayati, antara lain menggunakan parasitoid telur Trichogramma chilonis, 5) pengendalian secara makanis dengan mengambil telur dan ulat dan memusnahkannya serta melakukan roges pada pucuk tanaman yang terserang hama penggerek pucuk, (6) pengendalian secara kimiawi, merupakan tindakan terakhir apabila cara pengendalian lain tidak berhasil menekan populasi hama, misalnya dengan karbofuran, dan 7) pengendalian berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah/undang-undang untuk menekan penyebaran hama dari suatu daerah ke daerah lain

    Ekstrak Biji Mimba Sebagai Pestisida Nabati: Potensi, Kendala, Dan Strategi Pengembangannya

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    Neem Seed Extract as a Botanicals Pesticide: Potency, Problem, and Strategy for Its Develop-mentA hight cost of pesticide and effect of chemical pesticide are the main problems in pest control. Alternative pesticide should be found to substitute chemical pesticide. It is should be effective, reducing polution, and economic. The use of botanicals pesticide with a extraction method for production might be an alternative method. Based on this study, Neem Seed Extract (NSE) can be used as botanicals pesticide. NSE acted as a larvicide and an ovicide. NSE acted as a larvicide that delayed larval development, shorthened adult longivity, and decreased fecundity. NSE acted as an ovicide that decreased precentage of eggs hatching. NSE caused motality for castor oil worm Achaea janata 78.9-100%. NSE can be combined with Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (HaNPV) and can reduce cost of pest control until 63.4%. NSE had been used by stakeholders and they interested to using it. The strategy of botanicals pestiscide development can be done by Farmer Field School


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    There are a great number of biographical studies that have been produced but in general these do not directly relate to the problem of education. Even the biography of Muhammad Arsyad has also been written by many parties with the purposes and the perspectives of their each writer. This research positions Muhammad Arsyad as a historic figure of the region of South Kalimantan, from whose life history he was known as a cleric who has closely related to education. This research tries to reveal to find out the useful character values for educational purposes in the social studies. In relation to the above explanation, the objective of this research is to to describe the life history of the educator and cleric, Muhammad Arsyad containing 10 character values useful for the purpose of learning and teaching in the social studies in particular or in the education of the social studies in general. At the present atmosphere in which the life as the nation in this state has made us worried due to the negative impact of globalization and the rapid advancement of technology, information and communication, drives a research that try to explore the character values of the historical life of a cleric and educator that will be useful to strengthen the nation's identity is immediately urgent to be executed. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative with the biographical approach. The way by which to get the data and facts the researcher fully relies on the documentary material studied in depth. The findings of the research: This research has revealed the 10 character values derived from the life history of Muhammad Arsyad that can be integrated and useful for the purpose of learning and teaching in the social studies or in the education of social studies in general. The ten character values are : 1) Religious; 2) Discipline; 3) Work hard; 4) Creative; 5) Curiosity; 6) Spirit of nationality; 7) Love to homeland; 8) Respect to achievement; 9) Care for the environment; and 10) Responsibility. Keywords: biography, character value, and Social Studies Tidak sedikit jumlah studi biografi yang telah dihasilkan namun pada umumnya tidak berkaitan secara langsung dengan masalah pendidikan. Bahkan biografi Muhammad Arsyad telah pula ditulis oleh banyak pihak dengan tujuan dan sudut pandangnya masing-masing. Penelitian ini memang menempatkan Muhammad Arsyad sebagai tokoh hitoris dari daerah Kalimantan Selatan yang dari sejarah hidupnya diketahui ia merupakan seorang ulama yang di dalam kiprah hidupnya melekat erat dengan dunia pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan upaya mengungkapkan sekaligus menemukan nilai-nilai karakter yang berguna bagi kepentingan pendidikan ilmu pengetahuaan sosial. Sehubungan dengan hal itu maka yang menjadi pokok permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan sejarah hidup ulama pendidik Muhammad Arsyad dengan kandungan 10 nilai karakternya yang berguna bagi tujuan pembelajaran IPS atau pendidikan IPS secara umum. Suasana kekinian dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara yang mencemaskan akibat dampak negatif globalisasi dan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi mendorong penelitian yang mencoba menggali nilai-nilai karakter dari sejarah hidup seorang ulama pendidik yang berguna untuk memperkuat jatidiri bangsa mendesak untuk segera dilaksanakan. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah metode biografis dengan pendekatan deskritif kualitatif. Cara yang ditempuh untuk mendapatkan data dan fakta sepenuhnya mengandalkan pada bahan dokumenter yang dikaji secara mendalam. Temuan penelitian: penelitian ini berhasil mengungkapkan adanya 10 nilai karakter yang besumber dari sejarah hidup Muhammad Arsyad yang dapat diintegrasikan dan berguna bagi tujuan pembelajaran IPS atau pendidikan IPS pada umumnya. Kesepuluh nilai karakter itu ialah: 1) Religius; 2) Disiplin; 3) Kerja keras; 4) Kreatif; 5) Rasa ingin tahu; 6) Semangat kebangsaan; 7) Cinta tanah air; 8) Menghargai prestasi; 9) Peduli lingkungan; dan 10) Tanggung jawab. Kata Kunci: biografi, nilai karakter, dan IPS

    Assessing Information System Integration Using Combination of the Readiness and Success Models

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    Information system integration (ISI) is one of the development concerns for organizations to enhance business competitiveness. However, the implementations still present its failures. Despite the ISI may successful technically; but it still seems to be unsuccessful because of the human and management issues. The issues may relate to the readiness constructs of ISI. This study was aimed to know the status of the readiness and success of ISI and to assess the influential factors of the integration in the sampled institution. About 160 samples were purposely involved by considering their key informant characteristics. The data were analyzed using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The findings revealed only the user satisfaction variable that mediated the positive effects of the readiness variables towards variable of the system integration success. Besides, the findings may practically helpful for stakeholders in the sampled institution, but it may also theoretically useful for researchers in regard to the readiness and success issues of ISI

    Pengaruh Penambahan Biomassa di Lahan Kering terhadap Diversitas Arthropoda Tanah dan Produktivitas Tebu

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    Program pengembangan tebu saat ini diarahkan ke lahan kering yang memiliki ketersediaan air dan kesuburan tanah terbatas. Kondisi lahan kering dapa menjadi pembatas produktvitas tebu. Penambahan biomassa ke lahan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan dan populasi arthropoda tanah/detrivora. Penelitian penambahan biomassa Crotalaria juncea pada lahan kering dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Asembagus, Situbondo mulai bulan Januari–Juli 2015. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh penambahan biomassa pada lahan kering terhadap diversitas arthropoda tanah dan pengaruhnya terhadap produksi tebu. Perlakuan terdiri atas lahan dengan penambahan biomassa (serasah tebu dan pupuk hijau C. juncea) dan lahan yang tanpa penambahan biomassa. Pengamatan kelimpahan arthropoda tanah dan tingkat diversitas dilakukan dengan pemasangan pitfall traps dan yellow pan traps. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Collembola dan Hymenoptera merupakan arthropoda tanah yang dominan. Indeks diversitas arhropoda tanah pada lahan dengan penambahan biomassa lebih tinggi (0,82–0,84) dibandingkan pada lahan tanpa penambahan biomassa (0,75–0,79). Penambahan biomassa pada tahun pertama dapat meningkatkan kandungan C Organik tanah dari 0,76 menjadi 1,06, dan meningkatkan kandungan N dari 0,03 menjadi 0,11, serta meningkatkan produksi tebu dari 70,4 ton/ha menjadi 101,4 ton/ha. Untuk memperbaiki kondisi ekosistem lahan kering diperlukan penambahan biomassa secara terus menerus.Effect of Biomass Addition in Dry Land to Diversity of Soil Arthropods and Productivity of SugarcaneThe current sugarcane development program is directed to dry lands that have limited water availability and soil fertility, thereby limiting the productivity of sugarcane. In order to restore soil fertility and reduce the evaporation of groundwater, addition of biomass in the form of trash (dried leaves) of sugarcane as well as the addition of green manure (Clotalaria juncea) is needed. Biomass addition to the land could increase soil fertility and the population of soil arthropods/detrivores. The experiment was conducted on dry land at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo from January 2015–July 2015. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of biomass addition to the diversity of soil arthropods and sugarcane productivity. Treatments consisted of land with the addition of biomass (sugarcane/sugarcane and green manure C. juncea) and control. Observation of the abundance of soil arthropods and diversity level was done by setting pitfall traps and yellow pan traps, observation was done monthly. The results showed that the order of Collembola and Hymenoptera were dominant arthropods. The diversity index of ground arhropods on the land with biomass increments was higher (0.82–0.84) than that in the land without biomass addition (0.75–0.79). The addition of biomass in the first year succeeded in increasing the organic C content of soil from 0.62 to 1.06 and increasing the production of sugar cane from 70.4 tons/ha to 101.4 tons/ha. In order to improve the ecosystems condition, it is required the addition of biomass continuously

    Pathogenicity of Entomopathogenic Nematode on Sugarcane White Grub Lepidiota Stigma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is one of high-value commodities in Indonesia for producing sugar. Sugarcane production recently reduced due to insect pests attacked, mainly white grub Lepidiota stigma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Utilization of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) is one of the alternative control methods for sugarcane white grub. The aim of the presentstudy was to select the higher pathogenicity of EPN isolates for controlling the sugarcane insect pest. The study was conducted in Insect Pathology Laboratory of Indonesia Sweeteners and Fiber Crops Research Institute. Nine isolates of EPN, e.g. DKS-1, AGH-1, DKH-1, DKH-5, NH-1, NH-2, PH-1, PH-2, and PH-4 and one untreated control were tested for their pathogenicity against sugarcane white grub, L. stigma. Each treatment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design with three replications. Every treatment consisted of 30 individuals of the third instar of white grub which treated by 2 × 104 infective juvenile or IJ of EPNisolates. Parameter observed was the mortality of sugarcane white grub, L. stigma. The result showed that all of EPN isolates tested were promising pathogenic against the white grub with about 10 to 80% of the average percentage of mortality. However, DKS-1 and PH-1 showed more pathogenic against L. stigma with about 80–90% and 70–80% of white grub mortality,respectively. The highest enhancement of white grub mortality occurred at 72 hours after treatment and it was showed by DKS-1 and PH-1 isolates which increased the percentage of white grub mortality about 57.1 and 50%, respectively. Obtaining the promising isolates of NPS with different host seeking strategies will potentially increase the effectivity of control against whitegrub with the result to increase the yield of sugarcane

    Reduction of Natural Disaster Risk Through Contingency Plan in Cilacap District

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    Cilacap Regency is one of the areas that have the highest level of natural disaster vulnerability in Central Java. Various types of disasters have the opportunity to occur and have an impact on the entire region. To anticipate the impact of these potential natural disasters, the district government has issued a contingency plan to reduce the risk of disasters. This study aims to describe how to reduce the risk of natural disasters through contingency planning. The study uses a qualitative approach with the case study method. Data and information obtained through focus group discussions (FGD), interviews, and documentation studies. The informants were determined purposively, coming from elements of the government, private sector, and a community of 25 people. The results of the study illustrate that the role of contingency planning is very important to reduce disaster risk. The contingency plan document clearly contains various guidelines and technical steps taken by stakeholders in anticipating natural disasters. The guidelines for the action plan are supported by techniques that can be easily learned so that the stages of the process of how to anticipate natural disasters can be carried out by anyone. The implementation of a natural disaster risk reduction contingency plan in the Cilacap Regency received support from the implementer, the environment, resources, and disposition. Key words: Contingency Planning, Mitigation, Polic
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