14 research outputs found

    Investigations into the nutritive value of Macrotermes falciger (Isoptera: Termitidae)

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    A study was undertaken to determine the composition of the body material of alates of Macrotermes falciger and to investigate the nutritional value of termite material when fed to white rats. Termites were found to contain 44,3 % fat and 41,8 % protein, on a dry mass basis, and to have a calorific value of 3,2 ± 0,042 Megajoules/100 g. Incorporating termite material into commercial rat pellets at various levels produced no adverse effects on the rats. A full amino-acid analysis of termite protein is given and three unidentified amino-acids were recorded. A protein efficiency ratio of 1,7± 0,1 was obtained for termite protein, and digestibility of termite material was found to be poor, compared to that of casein, when fed to white rats

    Prazosin attenuates the natriuretic response to atrial natriuretic factor in man

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    Prazosin attenuates the natriuretic response to atrial natriuretic factor in man. The effect of alpha-1-adrenoceptor blockade with 0.25mg oral prazosin on the renal response to atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) 5 pmol/kg/min was examined in eight healthy male volunteers undergoing maximal water diuresis. ANF on its own decreased mean arterial blood pressure (P < 0.05) without altering heart rate or increasing plasma norepinephrine. ANF increased urinary sodium excretion by 130% (P < 0.01) from baseline value with accompanying 18% decrease (P < 0.05) in PAH clearance (ERPF) without changing inulin clearance (GFR). When compared to placebo infusion, ANF infusion caused a significant increase in fractional excretion lithium (FELi), a marker of proximal tubular function. Fractional distal delivery of sodium, another marker of proximal tubular outflow as determined by free water clearance, was also increased during ANF infusion. As expected, ANF decreased distal nephron fractional sodium reabsorption as evaluated by both the “lithium method” and by the conventional “solute-free water method”. Prazosin on its own had no effect on blood pressure, renal function or hormonal parameters. When given in combination with ANF, prazosin blunted the natriuretic effect of ANF from 130% to 35% (P < 0.01). However, prazosin pretreatment did not influence the ANF-induced fall in blood pressure or ERPF nor the ANF-induced suppression of plasma aldosterone. We have therefore found evidence to support the hypothesis that at basal levels of sympathetic tone, the natriuretic effect of ANF in man is dependent on an intact sympathetic nervous system, since sympathetic blockade by prazosin blunts its sodium excretory effects

    Evidencias produzidas por pesquisas qualitativas sobre diabetes tipo 2: revisao da literatura

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    Type 2 diabetes has a major impact on patients lives and the healthcare network. Given the growth in qualitative information on diabetes, it becomes important to systematize this knowledge. A meta-study on diabetes was conducted through analysis on 42 articles that were made in journals at the periodicals portal of the Coordination Office for Advancement of Higher-level Personnel (Capes). We found that the studies reviewed had a good theoretical basis, which included: care management, health-disease concepts, professional-patient relationships, professional practices and treatment compliance. The articles clearly described the methodological procedures used. The use of interviews and focal groups for data gathering predominated, and it was sought to explore different views of the individuals investigated. It was reaffirmed that it was important for health professionals and managers to implement healthcare policies, programs and models that are appropriate for the specific features of chronic illness, guided by comprehensive care and co-responsibility