323 research outputs found

    Poisson Structure Induced (Topological) Field Theories

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    A class of two dimensional field theories, based on (generically degenerate) Poisson structures and generalizing gravity-Yang-Mills systems, is presented. Locally, the solutions of the classical equations of motion are given. A general scheme for the quantization of the models in a Hamiltonian formulation is found.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, TUW940

    Diffeomorphisms Versus Non Abelian Gauge Transformations: An Example of 1+1 Dimensional Gravity

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    We investigate the phase space of a typical model of 1+1 dimensional gravity (Jackiw-Teitelboim model with cylindrical topology) using its reformulation as a non abelian gauge theory based on the sl(2,R) algebra. Modifying the conventional approach we argue that one should take the universal covering of SL(2,R) rather than PSL(2,R) as the gauge group of the theory. We discuss the consequences for the quantization of the model and find that the spectrum of the Dirac observables is sensible to this modification. Our analysis further provides an example for a gravity theory where the standard Hamiltonian formulation identifies gravitationally inequivalent solutions.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, TUW-93-2

    Time Series Analysis of Noaa Avhrr Derived Vegetation Cover as a Means to Extract Proportions of Permanent and Seasonal Components at Pixel Level

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    The scope of this study was to find a simple and robust technique to analyze a 16 years time se-ries (totalling 576 decades) of NOAA-AVHRR derived Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF) for de-scribing the bio-physical properties of the observed vegetation canopy as a function of its compo-sition in terms of a seasonally changing vegetation component and a permanent vegetation com-ponent. The principal idea behind the analysis is to use a simple model of an annual vegetation growth cycle per pixel, which is fitted against the available time sequence of data, and interpret on one side the parameters of the fit and on the other side the residuals of the original versus the fitted data. For simplicity reasons this part is represented by a sinus curve with a fixed wavelength of one year. This model allows splitting of the timely resolved vegetation signal into two compo-nents in vegetation appearance. One represents a "permanent background" throughout the year, which is the off-set between the 0 level representing the absence of vegetation cover and the minimum of the modelled seasonal change. The second represents the difference between the maximum and the minimum vegetation cover modelled every year. This technique has been ap-plied to the entire Mediterranean region covered by a NOAA AVHRR time series. The derived pro-portions of permanent and seasonal vegetation components have been finally interpreted on the European CORINE land cover class ‘Olive grove’, assessing the variation of permanent and sea-sonal vegetation components as function of management intensity, leading to a distinction of dif-ferent olive grove management intensity classes within the limits of the CORINE class. The olive class has been chosen as test case because of its well known linkages between the evergreen component represented by the olive trees and the more or less pronounced presence of annual herbaceous understory.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Dirac Sigma Models

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    We introduce a new topological sigma model, whose fields are bundle maps from the tangent bundle of a 2-dimensional world-sheet to a Dirac subbundle of an exact Courant algebroid over a target manifold. It generalizes simultaneously the (twisted) Poisson sigma model as well as the G/G-WZW model. The equations of motion are satisfied, iff the corresponding classical field is a Lie algebroid morphism. The Dirac Sigma Model has an inherently topological part as well as a kinetic term which uses a metric on worldsheet and target. The latter contribution serves as a kind of regulator for the theory, while at least classically the gauge invariant content turns out to be independent of any additional structure. In the (twisted) Poisson case one may drop the kinetic term altogether, obtaining the WZ-Poisson sigma model; in general, however, it is compulsory for establishing the morphism property.Comment: 28 pages, Late

    The feasibility of detecting trees affected by the Pine Wood Nematode using remote sensing

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    On request of DG SANTE , the Joint Research Centre has conducted between November 2014 and April 2015 a pilot study to establish the feasibility of remote sensing based detection of trees affected by Pine Wood Nematode (PWN) in the 2.2 Mha buffer zone established along the Portuguese and Spanish border. JRC collected multiple types of remote sensing data, from both aircraft and satellites, and a range of sensors and resolutions over a 7000 ha study site in Spain in the winter of 2014-2015. The images were evaluated for their ability to distinguish a) between pine trees that appeared to have a healthy canopy, and those showing decline, and b) between different levels of canopy decline, in terms of defoliation, decolouration and die-off. Detailed analysis of the imagery showed that when properly processed, remote sensing observations, particularly at high spatial and spectral resolution from aircraft, do permit the identification of pine trees showing canopy decline. The ability to detect individual tree crowns, and varying levels of canopy decline, varied with the image resolution, the type of sensor used to acquire the data, and the level of processing of the data. Based on the findings of this study the report spells out a set of technical recommendations for the operational monitoring of tree canopy health over large areas in the context of tree pest oubreaks.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Data-Mining of In-Situ TEM Experiments: Towards Understanding Nanoscale Fracture

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    The lifetime and performance of any engineering component, from nanoscale sensors to macroscopic structures, are strongly influenced by fracture processes. Fracture itself is a highly localized event; originating at the atomic scale by bond breaking between individual atoms close to the crack tip. These processes, however, interact with defects such as dislocations or grain boundaries and influence phenomena on much larger length scales, ultimately giving rise to macroscopic behavior and engineering-scale fracture properties. This complex interplay is the fundamental reason why identifying the atomistic structural and energetic processes occurring at a crack tip remains a longstanding and still unsolved challenge. We develop a new analysis approach for combining quantitative in-situ observations of nanoscale deformation processes at a crack tip with three-dimensional reconstruction of the dislocation structure and advanced computational analysis to address plasticity and fracture initiation in a ductile metal. Our combinatorial approach reveals details of dislocation nucleation, their interaction process, and the local internal stress state, all of which were previously inaccessible to experiments. This enables us to describe fracture processes based on local crack driving forces on a dislocation level with a high fidelity that paves the way towards a better understanding and control of local failure processes in materials

    Monitoring of metabolic parameters of mammal cells cultures in microfluidic devices using integrated optical chemical sensors

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    Optical chemical sensors are well established in the chemical industry, life science, biotechnology and research laboratories. They are operate non-invasive, do not need any reference elements and can be read-out via contactless measurement. Moreover, it is possible to miniaturize and integrate them into microfluidic systems. Due to their simple composition, optical sensors can be produced at low price and therefore represent a good alternative compared to electrochemical sensors for their application in disposable microfluidics. The various possibilities of integrated optical oxygen sensors have already shown their potential in different microfluidic applications [1]. However, monitoring of further metabolic parameters is important for a better understanding of biological processes. Therefore, our group develops, next to oxygen sensors, also optical sensors for monitoring pH, glucose, CO2, ammonia and various ions. Still, integration in a Lab-on-a-chip format is a challenging task due to the state-of-the-art performances in terms of signal brightness, response times, optoelectronic read-out systems, fabrication and integration. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstrac
