82 research outputs found

    How Does Communicating Herd Immunity Affect Immunization Intentions?

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    While previous studies have shown that communicating herd immunity can increase immunization intentions, it is unclear how the definition of the beneficiaries influences intentions. In a vignette study, using a new hypothetical influenza virus, 4,172 participants from five European countries (Bulgaria, N=873; Denmark, N=896; England, N=873; Estonia, N=916; and Italy, N=745) were randomized to one of three experimental conditions: (1) control (no mention of herd immunity), (2) society (social benefit of immunization for overall society mentioned), and (3) friends (social benefit for friends and family members mentioned). While the study did not find that communicating herd immunity influenced overall immunization intentions across the five countries, it found substantial cross-country differences in the effect of the communication. In England, friends increased intentions, while society increased intentions in Denmark but decreased it in Italy. While communicating the social benefit of immunization can influence intentions, its contrasting effects highlight the importance of empirically testing

    Pneumococcal vaccination among adult risk patient with axial spondyloarthritis in Switzerland: Data from the survey of the ankylosing spondylitis association of Switzerland (SVMB)

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    While in Switzerland, pneumococcal vaccination is recommended for adult patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) treated with biological drugs, since 2014, little is known about the vaccination status of this specific patient population. This study assessed their vaccination status as part of a larger online survey by the ankylosing spondylitis association of Switzerland (SVMB). Out of 1560 who participated in the survey, 834 (53.5%) were eligible for the analysis. Vaccine coverage was low at 32.5% (271/834). Women and patients who got a flu shot every year were more likely to be covered. Age was negatively associated with being vaccinated. Most (54.2%; 147/271) were vaccinated by their general practitioner. Almost two-thirds of those who had not received the vaccine stated that it had not been offered to them (64.1%; 302/471). In summary, the vaccination coverage is low, but might be increased if the vaccine was offered systematically by general practitioners and specialists

    Testing temporal frames of colorectal cancer risks: evidence from randomized online experiments

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    Low perceived risk of is associated with a low probability of engaging in risk preventive behaviours. Temporal framing has been suggested to make the risk seem higher, as narrower time frames appear to increase perceived risk and intentions to engage in risk-preventive behaviours. In two online experiments, we tested how manipulating risk information about colorectal cancer (CRC) influenced risk perception and preventive behaviours. 902 men and women aged 45–54 were recruited from an English online panel. Study 1 (N = 132) investigated how communicating CRC mortality instead of incidence rates influences risk perception, using both yearly and daily frames. In study 2 (N = 770), CRC incidence was described as occurring yearly, daily or hourly. The primary outcome measures were risk perception, intention to engage in preventive behaviours and whether participants chose to read information about ways to reduce CRC risk or skip it to finish the survey. Study 1 did not find a difference in intentions based on information about the risk of developing vs the risk of dying of CRC. Study 2 found that, while communicating CRC incidence occurring as every day increased information-seeking behaviour compared to every year and every hour (57.4% vs 45.9% vs 45.6%, p = 0.012), individuals in the daily condition were less likely to get all comprehension questions right (69.9% vs 78.2% vs 85.0%, respectively, p = 0.015). Temporal framing had no impact on perceived risk or intentions to engage in risk-reducing behaviours. While manipulating risk information in terms of temporal framing did not increase perceived risk, it may influence people’s decision to engage with the information in the first place

    Effectiveness of behavioural economics-based interventions to improve colorectal cancer screening participation: A rapid systematic review of randomised controlled trials

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    • We searched PubMed, PsycInfo and EconLit for RCTs that evaluated BE interventions in CRC screening. • We identified 1027 papers for title and abstract review. 30 studies were eligible for the review. • The most frequently tested BE intervention was incentives, followed by default principle and salience. • Default-based interventions were most likely to be effective. Incentives had mixed evidence. • BE remains a promising field of interest in relation to influencing CRC screening behaviours

    Colorectal cancer surveillance by colonoscopy in a prospective, population-based long-term Swiss screening study – outcomes, adherence, and costs

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    BACKGROUND: The success of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening depends mainly on screening quality, patient adherence to surveillance, and costs. Consequently, it is essential to assess the performance over time. METHODS: In 2000, a closed cohort study on CRC screening in individuals aged 50 to 80 was initiated in Uri, Switzerland. Participants who chose to undergo colonoscopy were followed over 18 years. We investigated the adherence to recommended surveillance and collected baseline characteristics and colonoscopy data. Risk factors at screening for the development of advanced adenomas were analyzed. Costs for screening and follow-up were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS: 1278 subjects with a screening colonoscopy were included, of which 272 (21.3%; 69.5% men) had adenomas, and 83 (6.5%) had advanced adenomas. Only 59.8% participated in a follow-up colonoscopy, half of them within the recommended time interval. Individuals with advanced adenomas at screening had nearly five times the risk of developing advanced adenomas compared to individuals without adenomas (24.3% vs. 5.0%, OR 4.79 CI 2.30-9.95). Individuals without adenomas developed advanced adenomas in 4.9%, including four cases of CRC; three of them without control colonoscopy. The villous component in adenomas smaller than 10 mm was not an independent risk factor. Costs for screening and follow-up added up to CHF 1'934'521 per 1'000 persons screened, almost half of them for follow-up examinations; 60% of these costs accounted for low-risk individuals. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that follow-up of screening colonoscopy should be reconsidered in Switzerland; in particular, long-term adherence is critical. Costs for follow-up could be substantially reduced by adopting less expensive long-term screening methods for low-risk individuals

    Uptake of the English Bowel (Colorectal) Cancer Screening Programme: an update 5 years after the full roll-out

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    Background The initial roll-out of the English Bowel (Colorectal) Cancer Screening programme, during 2006 and 2009, found uptake to be low (54%) and socially graded. The current analysis used data from 2010 to 2015 to test whether uptake is increasing and becoming less socially graded over time. Methods Postcode-derived area-level uptake of 4.4 million first-time invitees, stratified by gender and the year of the first invitation (2010–2015), was generated using the National Bowel Cancer Screening System. Data were limited to people aged 60–64 years. Binomial regression tested for variations in uptake by the year of invitation, gender, region, area-based socio-economic deprivation and area-based ethnic diversity. Results Overall, the first-time colorectal cancer (CRC) screening uptake across 6 years was 52% (n = 2,285,996/4,423,734) with a decline between 2010 and 2015 (53%, 54%, 52%, 50%, 49%, 49% respectively). Uptake continued to be socially graded between the most and the least deprived area-level socio-economic deprivation quintiles (43% vs 57%), the most and the least area-based ethnic diversity quintiles (41% vs 56%) and men and women (47% vs 56%). Multivariate analysis demonstrated the effects of year, deprivation, ethnicity and gender on uptake. The effect of deprivation was more pronounced in the most deprived area quintile between men and women (40% vs 47%) than the least deprived area quintile (52% vs 62% respectively). Conclusion We did not find evidence of change in uptake patterns in CRC screening since its initial launch 10 years ago. The programme is unlikely to realise its full public health benefits and is en route to widening inequalities in CRC outcomes

    Employment Contracts and Stress : Experimental Evidence

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    Funding Information: Notes: Authors are listed in alphabetical order. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Scottish Economic Society on the pilot study and from the ESRC (Grant ES/R01163X/1). We also extend our thanks to Matthew McGinty, Christine Spencer and participants at the 2020 EALE/SOLE/AASLE World Conference, 2021 GLO Research Seminars, 2021 SES Conference, 2021 ICBM Conference, the Economics Centre at Curtin University, the Economics Department at St Lawrence University and the Applied Health Psychology Research Workshop and Business School at the University of Aberdeen who provided thoughtful comments on an early draft of the current manuscript. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained from the University of Aberdeen, College of Life Sciences & Medicine Ethics Review Board (CERB/2015/5/1198). The study was pre-registered with the Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/sxkb2 ) prior to data collection. Funding Information: ? Notes: Authors are listed in alphabetical order. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Scottish Economic Society on the pilot study and from the ESRC (Grant ES/R01163X/1). We also extend our thanks to Matthew McGinty, Christine Spencer and participants at the 2020 EALE/SOLE/AASLE World Conference, 2021 GLO Research Seminars, 2021 SES Conference, 2021 ICBM Conference, the Economics Centre at Curtin University, the Economics Department at St Lawrence University and the Applied Health Psychology Research Workshop and Business School at the University of Aberdeen who provided thoughtful comments on an early draft of the current manuscript. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained from the University of Aberdeen, College of Life Sciences & Medicine Ethics Review Board (CERB/2015/5/1198). The study was pre-registered with the Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/sxkb2) prior to data collection. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Evaluation of the Call for a Kit intervention to increase bowel cancer screening uptake in Lancashire, England

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    Objective: To evaluate the ‘Call for a Kit’ health promotion intervention that was initiated in Lancashire, England to improve bowel cancer screening uptake. Methods: Within the intervention, screening non-responders are called and invited to attend a consultation with a health promotion team member at their primary care practice. In this audit, we analysed the proportion of those contacted who attended the in-person clinic versus those who received a phone consultation, the number returning a test kit from in-person versus phone consultations, and the extent to which test kit return was moderated by sociodemographic characteristics. Results: In 2019, 68 practices participated in the intervention which led to 10,772 individuals being contacted; 2464 accepted the invitation to an in-person consultation, of whom 1943 attended. A further 1065 agreed to and attended a consultation over the phone. The 3008 consultations resulted in 2890 test kits being ordered, of which 1608 (55.6%) were returned. The intervention therefore yielded a 14.9% response rate in the total cohort; 71.5% of test kits came from individuals attending the in-person consultation. Women and those registered with a practice in socioeconomically deprived areas were less likely to return the test kit. Individuals with a black, mixed or a non-Indian/Pakistani Asian ethnic background were significantly more likely to accept the offer of an in-person consultation and return the test kit. Conclusion: Our analysis demonstrated the strong likelihood of people returning a test kit after an in-person appointment but also the usefulness of using phone consultations as a safety net for people unable or unwilling to attend in-person clinics

    Predictors of intention translation in flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer

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    Objective: This prospective study aimed to identify predictors of intention and subsequent attendance of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening using constructs derived from the Health Belief Model (HBM). Method: A total of 4,330 people aged 54 years and registered at 1 of 83 participating English general practices were sent a preinvitation questionnaire to assess sociodemographics, HBM variables including perceived benefits, barriers, seriousness, health motivation, and external cues to action as well a range of other constructs and personal characteristics known to relate to cancer screening. Results: Of the 1,578 respondents (36.4%), 1,555 (98.5%) answered the intention question: 52.9% stated definitely yes, 38.1% probably yes, 6.8% probably not, and 2.2% definitely not. Intentions were positively associated with a higher score on a scale of benefits (odds ratio [OR] = 4.62; 95% confidence intervals [CI; 3.24, 6.59]) and health motivation, that is, interest in other ways of preventing colorectal cancer (OR = 2.61; 95% CI [1.62, 4.22]), while a higher score on perceived barriers (OR = 0.19; 95% CI [0.12, 0.31]) and currently following recommended healthy lifestyle behaviors (OR = 0.31; 95% CI [0.16, 0.59]) were negatively associated. Attendance was verified for 922 intenders (65.2%) of whom 737 (79.9%) attended. Attendance was predicted by health motivation (OR = 1.75; 95% CI [1.07, 2.86]), perceived benefits (OR = 1.82; 95% CI [1.37, 2.43]), perceived barriers (OR = 0.47; 95% CI [0.32, 0.69]), individual-level deprivation (OR = 0.26; 95% CI [0.14, 0.50]), and having diabetes (OR = 0.48; 95% CI [0.25, 0.94]). Conclusion: This study supported the usefulness of the HBM in predicting cancer screening and was further enhanced by adding non-HBM variables such as individual socioeconomic deprivation and comorbidities

    Barriers to bowel scope (flexible sigmoidoscopy) screening: a comparison of non-responders, active decliners and non-attenders

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    Background Participation in bowel scope screening (BSS) is low (43%), limiting its potential to reduce colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality. This study aimed to quantify the prevalence of barriers to BSS and examine the extent to which these barriers differed according to non-participant profiles: non-responders to the BSS invitation, active decliners of the invitation, and non-attenders of confirmed appointments. Methods Individuals invited for BSS between March 2013 and December 2015, across 28 General Practices in England, were sent a questionnaire. Questions measured initial interest in BSS, engagement with the information booklet, BSS participation, and, where applicable, reasons for BSS non-attendance. Chi-square tests of independence were performed to examine the relationship between barriers, non-participant groups and socio-demographic variables. Results 1478 (45.8%) questionnaires were returned for analysis: 1230 (83.2%) attended screening, 114 (7.7%) were non-responders to the BSS invitation, 100 (6.8%) were active decliners, and 34 (2.3%) were non-attenders. Non-responders were less likely to have read the whole information booklet than active decliners (x2 (2, N = 157) = 7.00, p = 0.008) and non-attenders (x2 (2, N = 101) = 8.07, p = 0.005). Non-responders also had lower initial interest in having BSS than either active decliners (x2 (2, N = 213) = 6.07, p = 0.014) or non-attenders (x2 (2, N = 146) = 32.93, p