7,169 research outputs found

    Under-dominance constrains the evolution of negative autoregulation in diploids

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    Regulatory networks have evolved to allow gene expression to rapidly track changes in the environment as well as to buffer perturbations and maintain cellular homeostasis in the absence of change. Theoretical work and empirical investigation in Escherichia coli have shown that negative autoregulation confers both rapid response times and reduced intrinsic noise, which is reflected in the fact that almost half of Escherichia coli transcription factors are negatively autoregulated. However, negative autoregulation is rare amongst the transcription factors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This difference is surprising because E. coli and S. cerevisiae otherwise have similar profiles of network motifs. In this study we investigate regulatory interactions amongst the transcription factors of Drosophila melanogaster and humans, and show that they have a similar dearth of negative autoregulation to that seen in S. cerevisiae. We then present a model demonstrating that this stiking difference in the noise reduction strategies used amongst species can be explained by constraints on the evolution of negative autoregulation in diploids. We show that regulatory interactions between pairs of homologous genes within the same cell can lead to under-dominance - mutations which result in stronger autoregulation, and decrease noise in homozygotes, paradoxically can cause increased noise in heterozygotes. This severely limits a diploid's ability to evolve negative autoregulation as a noise reduction mechanism. Our work offers a simple and general explanation for a previously unexplained difference between the regulatory architectures of E. coli and yeast, Drosophila and humans. It also demonstrates that the effects of diploidy in gene networks can have counter-intuitive consequences that may profoundly influence the course of evolution

    Small groups and long memories promote cooperation

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    Complex social behaviors lie at the heart of many of the challenges facing evolutionary biology, sociology, economics, and beyond. For evolutionary biologists the question is often how group behaviors such as collective action, or decision making that accounts for memories of past experience, can emerge and persist in an evolving system. Evolutionary game theory provides a framework for formalizing these questions and admitting them to rigorous study. Here we develop such a framework to study the evolution of sustained collective action in multi-player public-goods games, in which players have arbitrarily long memories of prior rounds of play and can react to their experience in an arbitrary way. We construct a coordinate system for memory-m strategies in iterated n-player games that permits us to characterize all cooperative strategies that resist invasion by any mutant strategy, and stabilize cooperative behavior. We show that, especially when groups are small, longer- memory strategies make cooperation easier to evolve, by increasing the number of ways to stabilize cooperation. We also explore the co-evolution of behavior and memory. We find that even when memory has a cost, longer-memory strategies often evolve, which in turn drives the evolution of cooperation, even when the benefits for cooperation are low

    The ecological determinants of baboon troop movements at local and continental scales.

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    BACKGROUND: How an animal moves through its environment directly impacts its survival, reproduction, and thus biological fitness. A basic measure describing how an individual (or group) travels through its environment is Day Path Length (DPL), i.e., the distance travelled in a 24-hour period. Here, we investigate the ecological determinants of baboon (Papio spp.) troop DPL and movements at local and continental scales. RESULTS: At the continental scale we explore the ecological determinants of annual mean DPL for 47 baboon troops across 23 different populations, updating a classic study by Dunbar (Behav Ecol Sociobiol 31: 35-49, 1992). We find that variation in baboon DPLs is predicted by ecological dissimilarity across the genus range. Troops that experience higher average monthly rainfall and anthropogenic influences have significantly shorter DPL, whilst troops that live in areas with higher average annual temperatures have significantly longer DPL. We then explore DPLs and movement characteristics (the speed and distribution of turning angles) for yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) at a local scale, in the Issa Valley of western Tanzania. We show that our continental-scale model is a good predictor of DPL in Issa baboons, and that troops move significantly slower, and over shorter distances, on warmer days. We do not find any effect of season or the abundance of fruit resources on the movement characteristics or DPL of Issa baboons, but find that baboons moved less during periods of high fruit availability. CONCLUSION: Overall, this study emphasises the ability of baboons to adapt their ranging behaviour to a range of ecological conditions and highlights how investigations of movement patterns at different spatial scales can provide a more thorough understanding of the ecological determinants of movement

    Microclimate and resource quality determine resource use in a range-expanding herbivore

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    The consequences of climate change for biogeographic range dynamics depend on the spatial scales at which climate influences focal species directly and indirectly via biotic interactions. An overlooked question concerns the extent to which microclimates modify specialist biotic interactions, with emergent properties for communities and range dynamics. Here, we use an in-field experiment to assess egg-laying behaviour of a range-expanding herbivore across a range of natural microclimatic conditions. We show that variation in microclimate, resource condition and individual fecundity can generate differences in egg-laying rates of almost two orders of magnitude in an exemplar species, the brown argus butterfly (Aricia agestis). This within-site variation in fecundity dwarfs variation resulting from differences in average ambient temperatures among populations. Although higher temperatures did not reduce female selection for host plants in good condition, the thermal sensitivities of egg-laying behaviours have the potential to accelerate climate-driven range expansion by increasing egg-laying encounters with novel hosts in increasingly suitable microclimates. Understanding the sensitivity of specialist biotic interactions to microclimatic variation is, therefore, critical to predict the outcomes of climate change across species’ geographical ranges, and the resilience of ecological communities


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    Leaching behaviour of co-disposed steel making wastes: effects of aeration on leachate chemistry and vanadium mobilisation

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    Steelmaking wastes stored in landfill, such as slag and spent refractory liners, are often enriched in toxic trace metals (including V). These may become mobile in highly alkaline leachate generated during weathering. Fresh steelmaking waste was characterised using XRD, XRF, and SEM-EDX. Batch leaching tests were performed under aerated, air-excluded and acidified conditions to determine the impact of atmospheric CO2 and acid addition on leachate chemistry. Phases commonly associated with slag including dicalcium silicate, dicalcium aluminoferrite, a wüstite-like solid solution and free lime were identified, as well as a second group of phases including periclase, corundum and graphite which are representative of refractory liners. During air-excluded leaching, dissolution of free lime and dicalcium silicate results in a high pH, high Ca leachate in which the V concentration is low due to the constraint imposed by Ca3(VO4)2 solubility limits. Under aerated conditions, carbonation lowers the leachate pH and provides a sink for aqueous Ca, allowing higher concentrations of V to accumulate. Below pH 10, leachate is dominated by periclase dissolution and secondary phases including monohydrocalcite and dolomite are precipitated. Storage of waste under saturated conditions that exclude atmospheric CO2 would therefore provide the optimal environment to minimise V leaching during weathering

    Abnormal loading and functional deficits are present in both limbs before and after unilateral knee arthroplasty

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    Abstract Unilateral knee replacement is often followed by a contralateral replacement in time and the biomechanics of the other knee before and after knee replacement remains poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to distinguish the features of arthritic gait in the affected and unaffected legs relative to a normal population and to assess the objective recovery of gait function post-operatively, with the aim of defining patients at risk of poor post-operative function. Twenty patients with severe knee OA but no pain or deformity in any other lower limb joint were compared to twenty healthy subjects of the same age. Gait analysis was performed and quadriceps and hamstrings co-contraction was measured. Fifteen subjects returned 1 year following knee arthroplasty. Moments and impulses were calculated, principal component analysis was used to analyse the waveforms and a classification technique (the Cardiff Classifier) was used to select the most discriminant data and define functional performance. Comparing pre-operative function to healthy function, classification accuracies for the affected and unaffected knees were 95% and 92.5% respectively. Post-operatively, the affected limb returned to the normal half of the classifier in 8 patients, and 7 of those patients returned to normal function in the unaffected limb. Recovery of normal gait could be correctly predicted 13 out of 15 times at the affected knee, and 12 out of 15 times at the unaffected knee based on pre-operative gait function. Focused rehabilitation prior to surgery may be beneficial to optimise outcomes and protect the other joints following knee arthroplasty

    The formation and function of the neutrophil phagosome.

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    Neutrophils are the most abundant circulating leukocyte and are crucial to the initial innate immune response to infection. One of their key pathogen-eliminating mechanisms is phagocytosis, the process of particle engulfment into a vacuole-like structure called the phagosome. The antimicrobial activity of the phagocytic process results from a collaboration of multiple systems and mechanisms within this organelle, where a complex interplay of ion fluxes, pH, reactive oxygen species, and antimicrobial proteins creates a dynamic antimicrobial environment. This complexity, combined with the difficulties of studying neutrophils ex vivo, has led to gaps in our knowledge of how the neutrophil phagosome optimizes pathogen killing. In particular, controversy has arisen regarding the relative contribution and integration of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase-derived antimicrobial agents and granule-delivered antimicrobial proteins. Clinical syndromes arising from dysfunction in these systems in humans allow useful insight into these mechanisms, but their redundancy and synergy add to the complexity. In this article, we review the current knowledge regarding the formation and function of the neutrophil phagosome, examine new insights into the phagosomal environment that have been permitted by technological advances in recent years, and discuss aspects of the phagocytic process that are still under debate

    Listening Difficulties in Children: Behavior and Brain Activation Produced by Dichotic Listening of CV Syllables

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    Listening difficulties (LiD) are common in children with and without hearing loss. Impaired interactions between the two ears have been proposed as an important component of LiD when there is no hearing loss, also known as auditory processing disorder (APD). We examined the ability of 6–13 year old (y.o.) children with normal audiometric thresholds to identify and selectively attend to dichotically presented CV syllables using the Bergen Dichotic Listening Test (BDLT; www.dichoticlistening.com). Children were recruited as typically developing (TD; n = 39) or having LiD (n = 35) based primarily on composite score of the ECLiPS caregiver report. Different single syllables (ba, da, ga, pa, ta, ka) were presented simultaneously to each ear (6 × 36 trials). Children reported the syllable heard most clearly (non-forced, NF) or the syllable presented to the right [forced right (FR)] or left [forced left (FL)] ear. Interaural level differences (ILDs) manipulated bottom-up perceptual salience. Dichotic listening (DL) data [correct responses, laterality index (LI)] were analyzed initially by group (LiD, TD), age, report method (NF, FR, FL), and ILD (0, ± 15 dB) and compared with speech-in-noise thresholds (LiSN-S) and cognitive performance (NIH Toolbox). fMRI measured brain activation produced by a receptive speech task that segregated speech, phonetic, and intelligibility components. Some activated areas [planum temporale (PT), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)] were correlated with dichotic results in TD children only. Neither group, age, nor report method affected the LI of right/left recall. However, a significant interaction was found between ear, group, and ILD. Laterality indices were small and tended to increase with age, as previously reported. Children with LiD had significantly larger mean LIs than TD children for stimuli with ILDs, especially those favoring the left ear. Neural activity associated with Speech, Phonetic, and Intelligibility sentence cues did not differ significantly between groups. Significant correlations between brain activity level and BDLT were found in several frontal and temporal locations for the TD but not for the LiD group. Overall, the children with LiD had only subtle differences from TD children in the BDLT, and correspondingly minor changes in brain activation

    Histiocytoid cardiomyopathy and microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome: phenotypes linked by truncating variants in NDUFB11

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    Variants in NDUFB11, which encodes a structural component of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC), were recently independently reported to cause histiocytoid cardiomyopathy (histiocytoid CM) and microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome (MLS syndrome). Here we report an additional case of histiocytoid CM, which carries a de novo nonsense variant in NDUFB11 (ENST00000276062.8: c.262C > T; p.[Arg88*]) identified using whole-exome sequencing (WES) of a family trio. An identical variant has been previously reported in association with MLS syndrome. The case we describe here lacked the diagnostic features of MLS syndrome, but a detailed clinical comparison of the two cases revealed significant phenotypic overlap. Heterozygous variants in HCCS (which encodes an important mitochondrially targeted protein) and COX7B, which, like NDUFB11, encodes a protein of the MRC, have also previously been identified in MLS syndrome including a case with features of both MLS syndrome and histiocytoid CM. However, a systematic review of WES data from previously published histiocytoid CM cases, alongside four additional cases presented here for the first time, did not identify any variants in these genes. We conclude that NDUFB11 variants play a role in the pathogenesis of both histiocytoid CM and MLS and that these disorders are allelic (genetically related)
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