325 research outputs found

    Bamboo, Hope for the Wood Industry in Ghana

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    Over exploitation of some of the forest products in Ghana has led to their extermination. The current state of the Ghanaian woodland has drawn Government attention to wood sources that are renewable, environmentally supportive and fast growing. This is an attempt to check deforestation and to develop alternative resource for the fast dyeing wood industry which depends on the forest for its supply of timber? Studies made on bamboo, uncovered its capabilities and potentials as an appropriate material for adoption to replace Timber wood. Keywords: Bamboo, forest, extinction, timber wood, lamination, deforestatio

    Dirai Sulfur Fumigation Facility for Small-Scale Rattan Craftsmen in Ghana

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    For Ghana to be competitive in the global rattan handicraft industry, it is a sine qua non to ensure that the aesthetic quality, structural strength and durability of the products are in the top notch. Descriptive survey studies have, however, shown that about 85 % of small-scale manufactures in the rattan industry in Ghana do not fumigate rattan stems against biodegradation because they cannot afford standard large scale fumigation facilities. The objective of this research material is to design and construct an appropriate effective and efficient sulfur fumigation facility as a solution to the poor fumigation methods adopted by small-scale local craftsmen, and some research institutions that use rattan stems as raw material in Ghana. A high fuming preservative and sulfur treatment facility was designed and built with locally obtainable materials - mild steel plate, locally composed high density insulating bricks, metal mesh, compressed fiber gasket and locally manufactured regulated gas burners rated at 160, 000 joules. Twenty-four hour sulfur fumigation of rattan stems from the innovative facility showed remarkable vivid chromatic change and invulnerability to pests, borers or fungi. Keywords: Rattan, sulfur, fumes, preservation, biodegradation

    Fashioned for Fashion, the Dynamic Culture of Bamboo in Ghana

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    This piece of writing on fashioned for fashion, the dynamic culture of bamboo in Ghana, attempts to examine the nature of bamboo as material for fashion accessories. It also attempts to expose a comprehensive impression bamboo have created in Ghana, at the same time describing meticulously selected fashion accessories that have been made out of bamboo in Ghana. The writers explained that bamboo is a lively material which can be used as complementary material in a self-motivated and adoptable process in product development, which has a social heritage component as well as a sacred aspect. Some of the conclusions drawn are that bamboo art is a constituent of our incorporated systems and tradition, and has undergone remarkable transformation. Keywords: Bamboo, culture, fashion preservation, biodegradation, tradition

    Der Ausbau des Hochrheins zur Schifffahrtsstraße - Die Geschichte eines gescheiterten Großprojekts

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Genese, Verfall und Scheitern eines der ehrgeizigsten technischen Großprojekte des 20. Jahrhunderts im süddeutschen Raum – dem Ausbau des Rheinabschnitts zwischen Basel und dem Bodensee zu einer schiffbaren Wasserstraße. Hatte es bereits seit dem Mittelalter mehrere erfolglose Versuche gegeben, die zahlreichen natürlichen Hindernisse auf dem Hochrhein, wie die genannte Strecke bezeichnet wird, zum Zwecke einer durchgängigen Schifffahrt bis zum Bodensee zu beseitigen, war ein erstes ernstzunehmendes Ausbaukonzept erst um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert entstanden. Dieses von einem unbändigen Pioniergeist getragene, die damaligen bautechnischen Möglichkeiten nutzende Großprojekt war für alle nachfolgenden Entwürfe stets maßgebend geblieben. Trotz aller intensiven Bemühungen um eine Verwirklichung, war dieses ehrgeizige Vorhaben jedoch nie über sein Planungsstadium hinausgewachsen. Gegenwärtig besteht keinerlei Hoffnung auf eine Wiederaufnahme der offiziellen Planungsarbeiten; in der öffentlichen Meinung spielt das Hochrheinausbauprojekt – im Gegensatz zu früheren Jahrzehnten – überhaupt keine Rolle mehr. Damit wird die berechtigte Frage aufgeworfen, welche Gründe letztlich zum Scheitern geführt haben. In diesem Kontext muss generell geklärt werden, welche Hoffnungen und Wünsche mit der Wasserstraße verbunden wurden bzw. welche Bedenken dem Vorhaben entgegengebracht wurden. Weiterhin gilt zu fragen, wer die Befürworter und wer die Gegner des Projekts waren und wie die politisch Verantwortlichen sich jeweils des Projekts annahmen. Die Tatsache, dass es sich beim Hochrheinausbau um ein Projekt von internationaler Bedeutung handelte, bedingt zudem eine genaue Betrachtung der Verhältnisse dies- und jenseits des Rheins. Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand aus dem Interesse heraus, sich all diesen Fragestellungen und Problemkreisen intensiver zuzuwenden und damit eine noch bestehende Forschungslücke zu schließen. Dem chronologischen Prinzip folgend, wird der Frage nach den Gründen für das Scheitern nachgegangen. Im Ergebnis liegt nunmehr die erste historische Gesamtabhandlung über das Projekt der Schiffbarmachung des Hochrheins vor

    abgedruckt nach der Nachschrift eines Vortrages

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    Digitalisat der Auflage 6. - 9. Tausend von 1920, erschienen 202

    Beyond group-level explanations for the failure of groups to solve hidden profiles: The individual preference effect revisited

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    The individual preference effect supplements the predominant group-level explanations for the failure of groups to solve hidden profiles. Even in the absence of dysfunctional group-level processes, group members tend to stick to their suboptimal initial decision preferences due to preference-consistent evaluation of information. However, previous experiments demonstrating this effect retained two group-level processes, namely (a) social validation of information supporting the group members’ initial preferences and (b) presentation of the additional information in a discussion format. Therefore, it was unclear whether the individual preference effect depends on the co-occurrence of these group-level processes. Here, we report two experiments demonstrating that the individual preference effect is indeed an individual-level phenomenon. Moreover, by a comparison to real interacting groups, we can show that even when all relevant information is exchanged and when no coordination losses occur, almost half of all groups would fail to solve hidden profiles due to the individual preference effect

    O pensar intuitivo como fundamento de uma educação para a liberdade

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    Este artigo apresenta o conceito de pensar intuitivo de Rudolf Steiner. O pensar racional alcança apenas um nível de apreensão da realidade. Por uma observação fenomenológica do pensar, torna-se possível a qualidade intuitiva do pensar. O produto e o produtor estão em unidade nesta observação. A autoeducação do sujeito é o processo de uma educação para a liberdade. Então, a conquista de nível intuitivo exige um aperfeiçoamento cognitivo por meio de um caminho heurístico. Agir no mundo com base na consciência intuitiva é fundamento de uma ética superior. O sujeito pode estabelecer diretrizes autênticas para sua ação quando se autoeduca

    Asante Cultural Symbols, A Source for The Creation of Bamboo and Leather Souvenirs

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    This piece of presentation is on souvenirs, as the cultural belief in Ghana. In discussing this presentation, some attempts have been made to examine the nature and diversity of indigenous Asante cultural symbols as a source for the creation of Bamboo and leather souvenirs, as well as an appreciation of indigenous bamboo and leather crafts as a human achievement. There is also a general overview on Asante culture in Ghana, outlining in particular the shape of the cultural symbols, varieties that exist, and the philosophical impact it has on Asante man (the Asante community). The writer argue that the Asante cultural symbolic embellished bamboo and leather souvenirs evolved out of motivated and adoptable processes, which have social heritage components as well as devout and enlightening dimensions. These the writers concluded have experienced substantial variations over the past several periods. Keywords: Culture, Souvenir, tourist, Proverbial souvenir, Regalia souvenirs. DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/55-05 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Tissue-engineered trachea: History, problems and the future

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    This review tries to summarize the efforts over the past 20 years to construct a tissue-engineered trachea. After illustrating the main technical bottlenecks faced nowadays, we discuss what might be the solutions to these bottlenecks. You may find out why the focus in this research field shifts dramatically from the construction of a tubular cartilage tissue to reepithelialization and revascularization of the prosthesis. In the end we propose a novel concept of ‘in vivo bioreactor', defined as the design of a perfusion system inside the scaffold, and explain its potential application in the construction of a tissue-engineered trache
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