563 research outputs found

    P–042 Impact of semen parameters, sperm DNA fragmentation and sperm aneuploidy in male infertility

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    Study question. Should sperm aneuploidies and sperm DNA fragmentation (sDNAfrag) be included as valid tests in the routine investigation of male infertility? Summary answer. Sperm DNA fragmentation was associated with male age, oligozoospermia (OZ), oligoteratozoospermia (OT), astenoteratozoospermia (AT) and oligoastenoteratozoospermia (OAT). Sperm aneuploidies were associated with OT and OAT. What is known already. Semen parameters assist male infertility diagnosis and treatment, but sDNAfrag and aneuploidy analysis could add useful information, as abnormal values compromise fertility. To include these tests in the routine diagnosis it should be determined if behave as informative parameter and add information regarding the fertility status. For that, further studies comparing these tests to semen parameters are needed, since previous results are not consensual. Additionally, standardization of a sDNAfrag cut-off is needed, as different sample sizes and techniques originate distinct results. Also, until a standardization of the protocol is missing, a cut-off value should be defined for each laboratory. Study design, size, duration. A retrospective and prospective investigation was performed, within a 12 years period (April 2007-December 2019). A total of 835 infertile males with a normal karyotype (46,XY) were included. Karyotyping and evaluation of sDNAfrag and sperm aneuploidies were made at a public Genetic unit. All normozoospermic (NZ) patients with a born child and patients whose infertility treatments were done due to female factors were selected from our database and used as controls (60 individuals). Participants/materials, setting, methods. Semen analysis followed WHO–2010 guidelines. sDNAfrag was evaluated using the TUNEL assay. Sperm aneuploidies were detected using FISH (chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, Y). Several tests were applied: correlations for linear associations between numerical variables, ANOVA for comparisons between means, Dunn-test for post-hoc comparisons. To determine the sDNAfrag cut-off value, the area under the ROC curve, sensitivity and specificity, were calculated, with the Youden-Index used to find a threshold that maximizes both sensitivity and specificity. Main results and the role of chance. Regarding male age, it was observed a positive correlation with sperm concentration, a negative correlation with sperm vitality (VT) and hypoosmolality, and a positive correlation with sDNAfrag. Regarding sDNAfrag, it was observed negative correlation with sperm concentration, total progressive motility (TPM), morphology, VT and hypoosmolality. Regarding sperm aneuploidies, both total sperm aneuploidy and total sperm disomy exhibited a negative association with sperm concentration, TPM and morphology. It was also investigated whose groups of individuals could be indicated for sDNAfrag or sperm aneuploidy testing. The NZ group evidenced significant lower sDNAfrag, total sperm aneuploidy and total sperm disomy in relation to the non-NZ group. In the NZ group, sDNAfrag was significantly lower in relation to the OZ, OT, AT and OAT groups. The NZ group presented significant lower percentages of sperm aneuploidy in relation to the OT and OAT groups, and significant lower percentages of sperm disomy in relation to the OAT group. Additionally, sDNAfrag was positively correlated with total sperm aneuploidy and total sperm disomy. From the present large population, ROC curve analysis allowed estimating a cut-off value of 18.8% for the TUNEL-assay (sDNAfrag), with 0.658 of area under the curve, 53.9% sensitivity and 76.7% specificity. Limitations, reasons for caution. Although presenting a high number of cases and strict controls, the present study was unable to include as controls healthy men with proven fertility. Additionally, the present study did not take into account life-style factors and male associated pathologies besides infertility. Wider implications of the findings: Semen parameters were shown to be negatively correlated with sDNAfrag and sperm aneuploidies. As sDNAfrag testing and sperm aneuploidy testing were associated with semen abnormalities and male age, it is suggested their inclusion in the routine evaluation of infertile men, thus adding important complementary information about the fertility status

    An Online Sales System to Be Managed by People with Mental Illness

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    The percentage of the population aged 65 and over is increasing during the last decades. It is one of the problems that the European health system, and in particular the Spanish system, has to face out. This increase is linked to the rising of dependent people, whose suffer progressive deterioration of both their physical and mental capacities. In this context, technology plays a key role in improving the quality of life, not only of older people but also their caregivers. A technological ecosystem to support patients with mental illness, their caregivers, and the connection with their relatives was developed in previous works. This solution is prepared to evolve according to the users’ and organization’s needs. In this sense, the present work describes the inclusion of a new software tool, an online sales platform that promotes active ageing, seeking that it can be used and managed by older people who may have cognitive impairment problems. Although there are many e-commerce platforms on the market, they not consider users with special needs. The objective has not been to develop a software prototype from scratch, but to focus on aspects relating to accessibility and usability to improve online stores and apply these improvements to an existing solution, following the philosophy of Open Source software development. This work aims to describe the definition process itself

    Passenger transport decarbonization in emerging economies: policy lessons from modelling long-term deep decarbonization pathways

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    Reaching the goal of the Paris Agreement will not be possible without a deep decarbonization of the passenger transport sector. In emerging economies experiencing rapid economic growth and social transformations, and large-scale development of urban areas and associated infrastructure, opportunities and challenges exist when considering a broader set of mitigation options. In this paper, we apply the Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP) approach to develop and report scenarios on the passenger transport sector in Brazil, India, Indonesia, and South Africa. This approach supports an increase in the sectoral ambition of covering all drivers of change in transport mobility and facilitating collective comparison and policy discussions on the barriers and enablers of transitions. The scenario analysis illustrates that all four countries can achieve reductions in emissions per passenger kilometres of 59% and up to 92% by 2050 while meeting growing mobility needs. Lastly, the analysis identifies short-term policy needed to address barriers and promote enablers

    E-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries: evidence from Indonesia

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    This study aims to provide an overview of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries and, in particular, the extent of the adoption of e-commerce by Indonesian SMEs. It identifies the e-commerce benefits realized by these SMEs and investigates the relationship between the levels of e-commerce adoption and the benefits thus realized. The study was motivated by the limited studies related to e-commerce adoption by SMEs, especially in developing countries. In addition, it seems that most e-commerce studies are focused more on upstream issues: to see the factors that facilitate, or barriers faced regarding e-commerce adoption, rather than downstream issues: to see post-adoption benefits. This certainly limits our understanding about e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries, as well as the post-adoption benefits of e-commerce. Indonesia was chosen as the place in which to conduct the study. A survey of 292 SMEs shows that the majority of them are still at an early stage in their adoption of e-commerce. Their use of e-commerce is dominated by marketing and purchasing and procurement activities. “Extending market reach”, “increased sales”, “improved external communication”, “improved company image”, “improved speed of processing”, and “increased employee productivity” are reported as the top six e-commerce benefits perceived by these SMEs. This study also shows that SMEs at the higher level of e-commerce adoption experience greater e-commerce benefits than those at other levels of adoption

    Discrete moving frames on lattice varieties and lattice based multispace

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    In this paper, we develop the theory of the discrete moving frame in two different ways. In the first half of the paper, we consider a discrete moving frame defined on a lattice variety and the equivalence classes of global syzygies that result from the first fundamental group of the variety. In the second half, we consider the continuum limit of discrete moving frames as a local lattice coalesces to a point. To achieve a well-defined limit of discrete frames, we construct multispace, a generalization of the jet bundle that also generalizes Olver’s one dimensional construction. Using interpolation to provide coordinates, we prove that it is a manifold containing the usual jet bundle as a submanifold. We show that continuity of a multispace moving frame ensures that the discrete moving frame converges to a continuous one as lattices coalesce. The smooth frame is, at the same time, the restriction of the multispace frame to the embedded jet bundle. We prove further that the discrete invariants and syzygies approximate their smooth counterparts. In effect, a frame on multispace allows smooth frames and their discretisations to be studied simultaneously. In our last chapter we discuss two important applications, one to the discrete variational calculus, and the second to discrete integrable systems. Finally, in an appendix, we discuss a more general result concerning equicontinuous families of discretisations of moving frames, which are consistent with a smooth frame
